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Ans 3 1.25 600

Ans 3 1.25 600

by Marguerite

General metrics
3,637 576 43 2 min 18 sec 4 min 25 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

99 1 1
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 99%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

This text hasn’t been checked for plagiarism

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 1 of 6

Report: Ans 3 1.25 600

Writing Issues
1 Correctness
1 Closing punctuation

Unique Words 52%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 27%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.8

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 13.4

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 2 of 6

Report: Ans 3 1.25 600

Ans 3 1.25 600

Ans 3
If the phrase "NoSQL database" is used, it is usually used for – anti database
usage. Some believe that the word "NoSQL" means "not SQL," others say that
"not just SQL." However, most of us agree that NoSQL is libraries that store
data in a manner other than the primary key.
Let us say I want to create a pro le to keep track of my Video collection. I would
want to include such information:
Actors / Actresses / Actresses / Actresses
Genre \sDescription
Year \sDirector
I want to link them together to make it more ef cient, but I am not sure how to
accomplish that.
Here is how I see the system architecture:
Table of Films => lmed, title, duration, and explanation
Table of Years => yearly
Table of Contents => category
Table of Directors = manager
Table of Actors => actor name
In this query, we are specifying two tables and asking the graph to nd the
shortest chain of relationships between the two up to a maximum of 15 links.
The pictorial representation is shown below.
//Shortest DB relationship path
MATCH(startTable { name:" Kevin Bacon" }),(endTable { name:" Shia LaBeouf" }),

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 3 of 6

Report: Ans 3 1.25 600

p = shortestPath((startTable)-[*..15]-(endTable))

Work with country-by-country most prominent ACTOR groups, which are

counted(*) by nation (choose to take(*) by region

You must distinguish characteristics and units from one other. An entity is a
matter – typically a substantive. As more of a set of info, a property is. Entity =
table, attributes = camp/column in MySQL jargon.
Ans 5
The Hybrid Cloud combines computer, information, and core service consisting
of an in-house foundation, web application services, and social cloud — like
Amazon Web Services (AWS). Users have a hybrid cloud architecture using a mix
of public clouds, on-site computing, and private clouds.
While cloud services may save cost, their primary bene t is to assist a rapidly
changing digital company. The IT Strategy and the organizational change
agenda are on two levels for each Software Engineering Company. The IT
agenda was often centered on money-saving. Nevertheless, digital corporate
transformation plans concentrate on money-making assets.
Agility is the main advantage of a cloud system. A digital company's
fundamental concept is the necessity to change rapidly and alter its course.
Your business may want (or need) to mix cloud computing, data warehouse, and
on-site resources to make it more successful.
Importance of Hybrid Cloud
Not all are part of public computing. Therefore many forward-thinking
businesses choose a hybrid cloud mix. Cloud infrastructure serve general as
well as private clouds and pro t from current data center design.

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 4 of 6

Report: Ans 3 1.25 600

The hybrid method enables programs and pieces to interact across borders
(e.g., cloud vs. on-site) across public clouds and architectures. Data also need
the same degree of dissemination and access ability. In a volatile digital world,
you should prepare to shift around items in reaction to changing requirements,
whether you handle processes with statistics. Perhaps the most fabulous
location to live with time might not be apps or data today.
These are the features of hybrid network architecture:
Your on-site data center, cloud service facilities, and tasks are linked under
systems and services while maintaining their character.
You may link current systems with conventional topologies that run business-
critical products or hold sensitive information that would not suit public cloud
The Data Fabric, which utilizes a software-based method to provide a joint
series of data applications over any con guration of IT systems, enables hybrid
cloud architectures.

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 5 of 6

Report: Ans 3 1.25 600

1. region. Closing punctuation Correctness

Report was generated on Saturday, Jun 26, 2021, 01:30 AM Page 6 of 6

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