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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

GIỚI THIỆU CHUNG .............................................................................................................................2
A. ĐỀ THI VIẾT TASK 2 .......................................................................................................................3
1. 09/01/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
2. 16/01/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
3. 23/01/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
4. 02/02/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
5. 20/02/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
6. 27/02/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
7. 04/03/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
8. 13/03/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
9. 20/03/2021 ..................................................................................................................................4
10. 27/03/2021 ..............................................................................................................................4
11. 03/04/2021 ..............................................................................................................................5
12. 10/04/2021 ..............................................................................................................................5
13. 17/04/2021 ..............................................................................................................................5
14. 24/04/2021 ..............................................................................................................................5
B. BÀI CHỮA THAM KHẢO ................................................................................................................6
1. 09/01/2021 ..................................................................................................................................7
2. 16/01/2021 ..................................................................................................................................9
3. 23/01/2021 ................................................................................................................................11
4. 02/02/2021 ................................................................................................................................13
5. 20/02/2021 ................................................................................................................................15
6. 27/02/2021 ................................................................................................................................17
7. 04/03/2021 ................................................................................................................................19
8. 13/03/2021 ................................................................................................................................21
9. 20/03/2021 ................................................................................................................................23
10. 27/03/2021 ............................................................................................................................25
11. 03/04/2021 ............................................................................................................................27
12. 10/04/2021 ............................................................................................................................29
13. 17/04/2021 ............................................................................................................................31
14. 24/04/2021 ............................................................................................................................33

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Tâm linh không đùa được đâu! Bốn tháng đầu năm nay giời thương cho toàn đề dễ thở.
Chỉ cần ôn tập thật kỹ và thêm một chút may mắn khi đi thi thì ước mơ đạt mục tiêu là
cầm chắc trong tay.
Để các bạn có thêm nguồn bài mẫu hữu ích trong quá trình ôn thi, IELTS Xuân Phi xin
gửi tặng các bạn bộ lời giải tham khảo 1 số đề thi thực tế Writing Task 2. Sách tổng
hợp 14 bài mẫu band 8+ cho các chủ đề xuất hiện vào quý 1/2021 giúp các bạn dễ dàng
hình dung một cách tổng quát và thực tế về độ khó của bài thi viết Task 2 cũng như xu
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từ mình tâm đắc nhất rồi “tủ” cho từng chủ đề, lúc thi có gặp thì dùng luôn cho tiết
kiệm thời gian.
Writing thực sự là một kỹ năng khó khiến chúng ta thở dài ngao ngán. Vậy nên tâm lý
chung của nhiều bạn mục tiêu band thấp là bỏ qua và dồn tâm sức vào những kỹ năng
còn lại với hy vọng vớt vát được bao nhiêu tốt bấy nhiêu. Nhưng nếu bạn tham vọng
mục tiêu cao hơn, hay đơn giản chỉ muốn có cảm giác thành tựu chinh phục được cả 4
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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

1. 09/01/2021 g
Question: Some people think that hosting international sports events is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.
2. 16/01/2021
Question: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to
prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
3. 23/01/2021
Question: In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their
parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?
4. 02/02/2021
Question: Many people think there is an increase of antisocial behavior and a lack of
respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this and how to improve the
5. 20/02/2021
Question: Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by
parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free
time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
6. 27/02/2021
Question: Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society.
Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
7. 04/03/2021
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What
are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
8. 13/03/2021
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes
to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or
negative development?
9. 20/03/2021
Question: Many people are working longer and longer hours. What are the reasons and
10. 27/03/2021

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

It is important for all towns and cities to haveglarge public outdoor places like squares
and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
11. 03/04/2021
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV
programmes to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a
positive or negative development?
12. 10/04/2021
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school.
What are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?
13. 17/04/2021
Question: It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural
environments, such as the South pole. Do the advantages of this development outweigh
the disadvantages?
14. 24/04/2021
Question: Today different types of robots are developed which are good friends to us
and help us both at home and work. Is this a positive or negative development?

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

1. 09/01/2021 g
Question: Some people think that hosting international sports events is good for the
country, while some people think it is bad. Discuss both views and state your opinion.


International sporting events have become increasingly common in recent decades.

While some people reckon that host countries might have to deal with a sudden surge in
crime or involve themselves in an exhausting preparation process, more importantly I
believe they can take the opportunity to boost tourism.

To begin with, although events such as these are a great opportunity for countries to gain
global exposure, there are present significant challenges. Firstly, records have shown
that there is a twofold increase in crimes such as prostitution and petty theft when a
country organises an event such as the World Cup or the Olympics. Furthermore, the
process of preparing for these events is often demanding. For the World Cup 2014, it
took Brazil five years to revitalise its cities and construct various facilities including
stadiums and indoor athletics arenas to meet the world-class standard set by FIFA.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that international sporting games can potentially
stimulate the tourism sector. By being the host, a country is able to attract a large array
of athletes and their supporters from all around the world. This sudden increase in
visitors will likely proliferate the sales of products and services such as accommodation
and transportation within the period of the events. In the longer term, it is a great chance
for the host nations to promote their culture on a global stage. For example, since the
pictures of beautifully garnished Vietnamese dishes made headlines during the SEA
Games in 2003, Vietnam has been branded as the “Kitchen of the world” and a must
visit destination for global food lovers. This obviously does wonders for the Vietnamese

In conclusion, although sports events come at the expense of a few immediate problems,
the benefits of boosted gross sales and cultural promotion are of greater significance. In
my opinion, host nations can also consider the option of sharing an event with a
neighboring country to spread the risk and still enjoy the lucrative long term benefits.

Word count: 335

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Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS


Proliferate the sales of

Tăng sức bán các sản phẩm và dịch vụ
products and services

Indoor athletics arena Cung thi đấu thể thao trong nhà

Gain global exposure Được cả thế giới biết đến

Revitalise sth Làm hồi sinh cái gì

Take the opportunity to

Tận dụng cơ hội để thúc đẩy du lịch
boost tourism

Make headlines Được lên báo, làm xôn xao dư luận

A must visit destination Một địa điểm phải ghé thăm (du lịch)

Come at the expense of

Phải trả giá bằng các vấn đề trước mắt
immediate problems

A large array of sth Một số lượng lớn

On a global stage Trên phạm vi toàn cầu

Lucrative (adj) Sinh lời

Spread the risk Phân tán bớt rủi ro

Do wonder for sth Tạo nên điều kỳ diệu/lợi ích cho cái gì

Beautifully garnished
Các món ăn Việt Nam được trang trí đẹp mắt
Vietnamese dishes

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

2. 16/01/2021 g
Question: Some people think students should study the science of food and how to
prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects. Discuss both
views and give your opinion.


People have different views concerning the importance of studying food science and
cooking at educational institutions. While some argue that students should focus on key
subjects that can boost their career prospects, I believe culinary courses are of paramount
significance in leading a healthy and independent lifestyle.

On the one hand, the core disciplines standard at most schools are imperative for one’s
future career. Academic subjects such as math and literature can provide an individual
with the foundational knowledge to smoothly transit into a professional working
environment. For example, logical thinking acquired during math lessons and critical
thinking fostered by literature are prerequisites to nuanced problem-solving skills.
Recent research has indicated that the average income of those with the abovementioned
competencies is higher than that of unskilled laborers and the general workforce.
Therefore, a successful career is a realistic possibility when one focuses diligently on
the important subjects at school.

On the other hand, possessing a solid understanding of food and cooking can ensure not
only general well-being but also serve as a basic survival skill. First and foremost,
schoolers often fail to attend to nutrition in their daily meals, which likely leads to
unhealthy eating habits. Conditions caused by those occupations such as malnutrition
and obesity are detrimental to the healthy growth of the younger generation. Secondly,
food preparation is useful for living independently. Students who are proficient with
culinary skills will be more capable of adjusting to living on their own. Indeed, food
science and cooking could enable them to modify their dietary patterns to live healthier
without either readily available dishes at homes or processed foods at convenience

In conclusion, while some advocate prioritizing traditional school curriculums based on

academic subjects, I believe imparting a knowledge of nutrition and food preparation
generates a great sense of independence and develops healthy eating habits for
graduates. Thus, courses about food should be added to the school curriculum.

Word count: 319

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



Prioritize traditional
Ưu tiên chương trình giảng dạy truyền thống
school curriculum

Smoothly transit into a

Suôn sẻ chuyển vào môi trường làm việc
professional working
chuyên nghiệp

Boost career prospects Tăng triển vọng sự nghiệp

Culinary courses Các khóa học nấu ăn

Foundational knowledge Kiến thức nền, kiến thức căn bản

Prerequisite (n) Điều kiện tiên quyết

Focus diligently on sth Tập trung chuyên sâu vào cái gì

A solid understanding of
Một sự hiểu biết nhất định về đồ ăn và nấu ăn
food and cooking

Dietary patterns Chế độ ăn uống

Impart a knowledge of
Truyền đạt kiến thức về cái gì

Be detrimental to the
Có hại cho sự phát triển khỏe mạnh
healthy growth

Readily available dishes Các món ăn được chuẩn bị sẵn

Be proficient with
Thành thạo các kỹ năng nấu nướng
culinary skills

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

3. 23/01/2021 g
Question: In some countries, more and more adults are continuing to live with their
parents even after they have completed education and found jobs. Do the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages?
In recent years, the number of adults still living with their parents has been on the rise
due to recent economic upheaval. While some argue that this trend helps cement
relationships between members of a family, I believe it is largely disadvantageous due
to the growing dependence of children on their guardians.
On the one hand, staying under the same roof can help forge stronger bonds between
family members. One of the primary reasons for this is there are abundant opportunities
for regular face-to-face interactions and intimate conversations. For example, a newly
graduated student can get advice, discuss problems at work, and confide possible
setbacks to his parents. This kind of conversation will likely help build confidence which
is widely regarded as a key to success in an increasingly competitive business world.
This ideal scenario seems less likely if, however, the son is settling down in a new home,
with a different timetable from members of his family and only speaking with his parents
on occasion over the phone.
On the other hand, I am firmly of the opinion that those who refuse to live on their own
are more likely to experience a prolonged period of immaturity. Firstly, those who
remain at home are usually exempt from mundane tasks such as preparing meals, doing
laundry and tidying their rooms. Consequently, they are likely to be dependent on their
parents and have trouble developing the capacity for self-reliance that is essential for
personal and career success. It will be more difficult for them to make their own well-
informed, responsible decisions. Indeed, many helicopter parents, such as those in
Vietnam, closely monitor their children, failing to guide them properly in how to gather
relevant information, and evaluate possible options for a final sound decision. Both of
these failures are likely to have detrimental effects, preventing many from leading a self-
sufficient life.
In conclusion, although young adults might be better supported emotionally in staying
home, over-reliance on one’s parents is not a wise path towards becoming a
welladjusted, high-functioning member of society. In my opinion, teenagers should start
taking full responsibility for their lives at the age of 18.

Word count: 357

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



Forge a strong bond

Tạo sự gắn kết giữa các thành viên trong gia đình
between family members

Intimate conversations Những cuộc trò chuyện thân mật

Be exempt from mundane

Được miễn làm các công việc nhà nhàm chán

Helicopter parents Bố mẹ bảo bọc con quá mức

Lead a self-sufficient life Sống một cuộc sống tự túc

Over-reliance Sự phụ thuộc quá mức

Take full responsibility for

Tự chịu hoàn toàn trách nhiệm về cuộc đời
one’s lives

Economic upheaval Biến động kinh tế

Confide something to Kể cho ai nghe những điều mình không muốn người
someone khác biết

Possible setbacks Những trở ngại có thể xảy ra

Speak with someone on

Thỉnh thoảng nói chuyện với ai

Experience a prolonged
Trải qua một thời gian dài thiếu trưởng thành
period of immaturity

The capacity for self-

Khả năng tự lập

A wise path towards

Một con đường khôn ngoan để trở thành cái gì
becoming sth

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

4. 02/02/2021 g
Question: Many people think there is an increase of antisocial behavior and a lack of
respect to others. What do you think are the causes of this and how to improve the


It is true that antisocial and disrespectful behavior in society has been on the rise
recently. This trend might be attributed to problems in one’s life, but a joint effort by
both governments and individuals can reverse the trend.

Personal issues and low self-esteem are some of the factors that can contribute greatly
to an inconsiderate behaviour. First, personal problems such as work disputes or
relationship conflicts could lead to prolonged stress. This potentially provokes bitterness
and frustration, which might subsequently be vented on others. In addition,
low self-esteem is another cause, which usually stems from family problems or school
bullying. Indeed, individuals with a history of being neglected by their families or
abused by their friends tend to be insecure, unconfident and have little to no self respect.
As a result, they tend to exhibit the same abusive behavior that was once bestowed upon
them toward others in order to mask their own insecurities.

In spite of the causes mentioned above, there are viable solutions and appropriate
adjustments to improve the situation. First, people could set for themselves some
conversation standards or develop a rudeness filter to avoid lashing out at others
uncontrollably. This strategy could guarantee a certain decency of behavior, as well as
making them politer and more respectful. In addition, governments could allocate more
resources into childcare programmes, thereby reducing abusive incidents. As a result,
children’s self-esteem and confidence would be increased, making them well mannered
members of society.

In conclusion, although personal issues and long-term oppression could negatively

impact daily attitudes, solutions including better long-term childcare or self-discipline
strategies would promote appropriate manners. In my opinion, the situation would be
improved greatly within the next 10 years if these ideas were implemented.

Word count: 285

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



Be vented on sb Trút giận lên ai đó

Prolonged stress Căng thẳng kéo dài

Bitterness and frustration Sự khó ở và bực bội

neglect and abuse Bỏ mặc và áp bức

Be bestowed upon sb Ban hành, hoặc áp đặt điều gì

long-term oppression Ap bức trong thời gian dài

Lash out at others Đả kích ai đó một cách bất ngờ (bằng lời nói)

Rudeness filter Bộ lọc sự thô lỗ

Viable solution Giải pháp khả thi

Abusive incident Hành vi chửi bới, áp bức

Guarantee a decency of
Đảm bảo sự đứng đắn trong hành vi

Work disputes Tranh cãi trong công việc

Relationship conflicts Xung đột trong mối quan hệ

Inconsiderate behavior Hành vi thiếu suy nghĩ

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5. 20/02/2021 g
Question: Some people say free time activities for children should be organized by
parents. Others say that children should be free to choose what they do in their free
time. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is sometimes argued that parents can effectively plan their children’s free time
activities thanks to their experience and maturity. However, I am of the opinion that
letting them be more autonomous better nurtures their inborn talents.

On the one hand, parents are well-positioned to decide on the most productive leisure
activities. This argument claims that parents are better equipped with the requisite
knowledge acquired from parenting courses and online communities. On these
platforms, they can learn about not only the educational impacts of various recreational
activities but also how to organize them properly. For example, the Facebook group
“We Trek” provides informative posts on the benefits of camping trips, a list of the
necessary equipment and instructions pertaining to campsite set-up. By following
professional instructions, parents can organize an effective camping session,
simultaneously, ensure safety and an educational experience for their children.

On the other hand, I believe that freedom of choice enables children to develop their
unique talents. The majority of young people opt for activities that fascinate them
intrinsically, thus developing an individual interest that their guardians might overlook
or disapprove of. Gaudi, the foremost proponent of the Catalan architectural school, was
allowed to follow his own interests, exploring shapes and patterns in nature during his
childhood. These observations later inspired extraordinary designs such as the Sagrada
Familia that was inspired by and embraces the shape of an ant’s nest. Such a remarkable
and precocious natural talent might have been inadvertently neglected, if his mother had
guided his activities to facilitate a presumably safer and more secure career outside the
humanities in medicine, law, or business.

In conclusion, although parents might be capable of making more informed selections,

children should be made free to follow their own interests. In my opinion, parents ought
to allow kids to juggle multiple roles in diverse settings to organically identify potential
personal professional passions.

Word count: 313

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



Be made free to follow

Được tự do theo đuổi sở thích
their own interests

Develop unique talents Phát triển khả năng đặc biệt

Nurture one’s inborn

Nuôi dưỡng tài năng bẩm sinh của ai

Parenting courses Khóa học làm cha mẹ

Productive leisure activities Hoạt động giải trí năng suất

Pertain to something Liên quan đến cái gì

Fascinate someone
Thu hút ai đó bằng bản chất

The foremost proponent of

Người đi đầu trong lĩnh vực gì

Be inadvertently neglected Vô tình bị bỏ quên

Remarkable and precocious

Tài năng thiên bẩm đáng chú ý
natural talent

Facilitate a safer and more Tạo điều kiện cho một sự nghiệp an toàn và đảm
secure career bảo hơn

Make more informed

Lựa chọn sáng suốt

Juggle multiple roles in

Đảm nhận nhiều vai trò trong các bối cảnh đa dạng
diverse settings

Hotline: 0916300750 (Xuân Phi)
IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS

6. 27/02/2021 g
Question: Some people think young people should follow the traditions of their society.
Others think that they should be free to behave as individuals. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.


It is sometimes argued that the traditions of a society are crucial to the cultivation of
well-adjusted adults. However, I would side with those who argue that greater autonomy
better nurtures creativity.

On the one hand, social traditions educate younger people as to have appropriate
manners and morals. This case is exemplified perfectly in the case of Vietnamese
customs and habits. Traditionally minded Vietnamese parents instill in their children the
value of bowing to their seniors, displaying their deep respect and appreciation.
Similarly, teens are raised to be reliable and generous, not capitalizing on the
misfortunes of others for their own advantages. These traditional practices stimulate
young Vietnamese’s global reputation for being professional and cooperative, which
facilitates chances for both friendships and business collaborations.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that freedom of choice fosters creativity and its
concomitant results in innovation. For instance, many Japanese parents encourage their
offspring to design and wear their own outfits instead of accepting those generally worn
by older generations. This has resulted in many pushing traditional boundaries, mingling
unique costumes and aesthetics inspired by their favorite anime characters, which is
known as “costume play” in Japan. Nowadays, the hobby has evolved into a global
cultural phenomenon and inspired modern fashion designs and performances both on
and off stage. Such an innovative culture might have been inadvertently stymied, if all
Japanese youngsters rigidly followed the tradition of wearing formal Kimonos and

In conclusion, although traditional standards of behavior are of importance to some

extent, teenagers should be free to shape their own lifestyles. In my opinion,
governments and schools ought to incentivise more platforms for youngsters to present
and discuss novel ideas that can make positive contributions to society.

Word count: 289

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IELTS Writing Online
Lộ trình cá nhân hoá – Bứt phá IELTS



The cultivation of well-

Việc đào tạo ra những người biết cư xử
adjusted adults

Greater autonomy nurture

Sự tự chủ lớn nuôi dưỡng trí sáng tạo

Value of bowing to the

Ý nghĩa của việc cúi đầu trước người lớn

Capitalize on the
misfortunes of others for Trục lợi dựa trên sự bất hạnh của người khác
one’s own advantages

Facilitate the chances for

both friendship and Tạo điều kiện cho cả tình bạn và hợp tác kinh doanh
business collaboration

Push traditional boundaries Đẩy lùi ranh giới truyền thống

Mingle unique costumes Phối đồ với những trang phục độc đáo

Evolve into a global

Phát triển thành một hiện tượng văn hóa toàn cầu
cultural phenomenon

Rigidly follow the tradition Đi theo truyền thống một cách cứng nhắc

Incentivise more platforms Khuyến khích nhiều nền tảng hơn để những người
for youngsters to present trẻ tuổi trình bày và thảo luận về những ý tưởng mới
and discuss novel ideas lạ

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7. 04/03/2021 g
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What
are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?


Recently, there has been an alarming trend of students struggling to focus at school. This
can be explained by the popularity of social media applications and rigid adherence to a
traditional teaching approach, and I believe the resolute actions proposed in this essay
offer potential improvements.

To begin with, the aforementioned problem has roots in two main factors. The first one
is distractions from social networking applications. Facebook and Instagram, for
instance, purposefully strive for consistent engagement through positive reinforcement
by pushing real-time updates on friends and viral videos that young users often find
difficult to ignore during lessons. Another sound explanation is the monotony of
classrooms. Many lectures lack relevance to real life, endorsing a repetitive course of
tedious theoretical assignments and lectures while failing to motivate the students with
varied content.

To address the underlying causes, I would propose two solutions. Firstly, schools should
impose a complete ban of portable devices in classrooms. All personal handsets could
be stored in a secure room, labelled properly to be returned to their owners after class
ends. This would effectively block the stream of potential distractions from online
networking sites. Secondly, educators should redesign lecture content to be more
practical. For example, business schools could work in collaboration with enterprises to
incorporate factual case studies and engaging biographical material about entrepreneurs.
Once engaged, these students will be more likely to focus more fully on their studies,
ensuring higher chances of success after graduation.

In conclusion, a great number of students nowadays pay little attention at school due to
the advent of social media platforms and lessons largely irrelevant to their needs.
However, if schools adopt handset-free classroom policies and modernize the
curriculum, students will become more attentive.

Word count: 286

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Endorse a repetitive course

Chứng thực một khóa học lặp đi lặp lại các bài
of tedious theoretical
giảng lý thuyết tẻ nhạt

Rigid adherence to a
Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt cách tiếp cận giảng dạy
traditional teaching
truyền thống

Adopt a handset-free Áp dụng chính sách lớp học không có thiết bị cầm
classroom policy tay

Distraction from social

Mất tập trung do các ứng dụng mạng xã hội
networking applications

Push real-time updates on Cập nhật trong thời gian thực về bạn bè và các
friends and viral videos video nổi bật

Impose a complete ban of

Áp dụng lệnh cấm hoàn toàn các thiết bị di động
portable devices in
trong lớp học

Block the stream of

Chặn luồng có khả năng gây xao nhãng từ tất cả các
potential distractions from
trang mạng trực tuyến
all online networking sites

Incorporate factual case Kết hợp các nghiên cứu điển hình thực tế vào
studies into the curriculum chương trình giảng dạy

Ensure a higher chance of

Có cơ hội thành công cao hơn sau khi tốt nghiệp
success after graduation

Purposefully strive for Cố gắng có chủ đích nhằm lôi kéo sự tham gia
consistent engagement thường xuyên

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8. 13/03/2021 g
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes
to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or
negative development?


Many readers of the news have recently switched to online channels. While digital
platforms might facilitate a smoother user experience for readers, I believe that this is a
negative change considering the risks of unreliable information.

On the one hand, the prevalence of news on the Internet can be attributed to a superior
user experience. Indeed, news presented on websites or social networking sites can come
in various forms including infographics and animated videos that enhance the clarity
and readability of the information provided. Leading news corporations such as the BBC
have also enabled visitors to customise the home page, allowing them to enjoy
personalised content or to participate in real-time debates to voice their opinions. By
contrast, all of this can hardly be accomplished in the limits prescribed by television
broadcasts or the hard copies of conventionally printed newspapers.

On the other hand, advocates of traditional news channels maintain that online platforms
should be held responsible for the widespread dissemination of misleading news.
Unauthorised websites such as and have
proactively bred baseless conspiracy theories related to the side-effects of vaccines.
Some theorists falsely claim that vaccines contain a special type of nanochip capable of
manipulating human thought for the sake of an imaginary and all-powerful ruling elite,
thus convincing many less-discerning members of their audience to join the anti-vaccine
movement. This has unfortunately resulted in thousands of children being unvaccinated,
causing a rise in deadly and preventable diseases such as measles and whooping cough
in the United States, Germany and the UK.

In conclusion, despite the legitimately improved experience provided by online news

channels, I disapprove of news on the Internet due to the increased risk of
misinformation. Governments should take resolute actions to regulate online news
sources and sharing in virtual spaces.

Words count: 297

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Switch to online channels to

Chuyển sang thu thập tin tức từ các kênh trực tuyến
acquire news

Facilitate a smoother user Tạo điều kiện cho người đọc trải nghiệm một cách
experience for readers suôn sẻ

The prevalence of news on

Sự phổ biến của tin tức trên Internet
the Internet

Enhance the clarity and

readability of the Nâng cao tính rõ ràng và dễ đọc của thông tin

Personalised news content Nội dung tin tức được cá nhân hóa

Participate in real-time
Tham gia vào các cuộc tranh luận trong thời gian
debates to voice their
thực để nói lên ý kiến của họ

Conventionally printed
Báo in thông thường

Be held responsible for the

Chịu trách nhiệm về sự lan rộng của những tin tức
widespread dissemination of
sai lệch
misleading news

A baseless conspiracy theory

Thuyết âm mưu vô căn cứ về cái gì
related to sth

An imaginary and all- Một tầng lớp thống trị toàn năng trong tưởng tượng
powerful ruling elite

A rise in deadly and Sự gia tăng của các căn bệnh chết người dù có thể
preventable diseases ngăn chặn được

Whooping cough Bệnh ho gà

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9. 20/03/2021 g
Question: Many people are working longer and longer hours. What are the reasons and


Working longer hours is a growing tendency in society nowadays. The primary cause
of this change is excessive workloads and the effects on one’s health and quality of life
are decidedly detrimental.

The need to work additional hours often stems from increasing demand in the
workplace. To keep up with competition in an increasingly globalised marketplace,
employees are expected to assume a high volume of work, often with inadequate staff
levels and support. This has resulted in employees having to work extra hours to
compensate, which is exemplified clearly in IT-related sectors. A program developer in
Vietnam generally spends an average of 10 hours at work per day integrating
complicated software systems, which would not be necessary if he was accompanied by
a colleague.

Extra office hours can adversely affect workers’ health, as well as their personal lives.
First of all, working overtime can lead to a lack of sufficient rest, decrease in energy and
eventually health conditions in extreme cases. This is illustrated in research conducted
in Japanese white-collars workers, who have to sit in their offices for up to 14 hours,
resulting in spinal injuries, arthritis and increased risk of strokes. In addition, as more
time is spent at work, workers necessarily have less time for their loved ones, which can
weaken bonds between family members and friends. As a result, this can generate a
feeling of general dissatisfaction in individuals, potentially becoming a catalyst for
stress and depression in the long run.

In conclusion, extended working hours are associated with increasing demands in the
workplace, preventing employees from leading a healthy and balanced life. Therefore,
I believe governments should enact laws that impose weekly overtime standards for

Words count: 282

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Become a catalyst for stress

Trở thành chất xúc tác cho căng thẳng và trầm cảm
and depression

Excessive workloads Khối lượng công việc quá lớn

Stem from increasing demand Xuất phát từ nhu cầu ngày càng tăng tại nơi làm
in the workplace việc

Assume a high volume of

Đảm nhận khối lượng công việc lớn

Integrate complicated Tích hợp hệ thống phần mềm phức tạp

software system

An increasingly globalised
Thị trường ngày càng toàn cầu hóa

Lack of sufficient rest Thiếu sự nghỉ ngơi đầy đủ

Spinal injuries Chấn thương cột sống

Arthritis Viêm khớp

Increased risk of strokes Tăng nguy cơ đột quỵ

Weaken bonds between Làm suy yếu mối quan hệ giữa các thành viên trong
family members gia đình

A feeling of general
Cảm giác không hài lòng chung ở các cá nhân
dissatisfaction in individuals

Lead a healthy and balanced

Sống một cuộc sống lành mạnh và cân bằng
Weekly overtime standards
Tiêu chuẩn làm thêm giờ hàng tuần cho các công ty
for corporations

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10. 27/03/2021 g
Question: It is important for all towns and cities to have large public outdoor places
like squares and parks. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


The initiative to promote outdoor spaces in metropolitan areas has gained in popularity
in recent years. Although these public places might result in a minor uptick in crimes, I
personally support such forward-looking policies considering their effect on public

On the one hand, minor infractions might be on the rise in public areas. A clear instance
of this is the case of Nguyen Hue pedestrian square in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Since its public opening in 2018, the square has attracted millions of visitors who enjoy
strolling, gathering with friends and enjoying quality time with family. As visitors are
tightly packed in the space and may be distracted by their friends and family, they have
become easy targets for criminals such as pickpockets. This is not only a loss for the
unfortunate victims but can also damage the image of a safe and hospitable Ho Chi Minh

On the other hand, it is clear to me that outdoor spaces are beneficial to physical health.
There are many parks, gardens and squares that offer an abundance of freely accessible
resources for exercises. For example, those in Hanoi typically provide residents with
exercise equipment and fitness activities which often come free of charge. In addition,
public spaces are generally filled with plants, fostering a greener atmosphere and
offering visitors a refreshing escape from the pollution that they must frequently endure
in densely populated cities. Recent policy research into this area has shown that residents
in the vicinity of public spaces tend to exercise more regularly, thus enjoying overall
better health.

In conclusion, in spite of the threat of petty crimes, I would opine that public spaces
should be encouraged in every city and town to promote healthier lifestyles. It is
therefore advisable that city planners should allocate at least 20 percent of total
development area for green spaces or public areas.
Words count: 312

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Become easy targets for

Trở thành mục tiêu tiềm năng của tội phạm

The initiative to promote

Phát kiến về việc thúc đẩy không gian ngoài trời
outdoor spaces

A minor uptick in crimes Một sự gia tăng nhẹ trong việc phạm pháp

Visitors are tightly packed in

Khách tham quan chật cứng trong không gian đó
the space

Offer an abundance of freely

Cung cấp vô số tài nguyên miễn phí cho việc tập
accessible resources for

Exercise equipment and

fitness activities which come Thiết bị tập thể dục và các hoạt động thể dục miễn
free of charge

Pickpockets Móc túi

Foster a greener atmosphere Nuôi dưỡng bầu không khí xanh hơn

A refreshing escape from the

Thoát khỏi ô nhiễm một cách khoan khoái

Densely populated cities Những thành phố đông dân cư

Residents in the vicinity of

Cư dân sống gần khu vực không gian công cộng
public spaces

Minor infraction Vi phạm nhỏ

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11. 03/04/2021 g
Question: More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programmes
to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or
negative development?

Many readers of the news have recently switched to online channels. While digital
platforms might facilitate a smoother user experience for readers, I believe that this is a
negative change considering the risks of unreliable information.

On the one hand, the prevalence of news on the Internet can be attributed to a superior
user experience. Indeed, news presented on websites or social networking sites can come
in various forms including infographics and animated videos that enhance the clarity
and readability of the information provided. Leading news corporations such as the BBC
have also enabled visitors to customise the home page, allowing them to enjoy
personalised content or to participate in real-time debates to voice their opinions. By
contrast, all of this can hardly be accomplished in the limits prescribed by television
broadcasts or the hard copies of conventionally printed newspapers.

On the other hand, advocates of traditional news channels maintain that online platforms
should be held responsible for the widespread dissemination of misleading news.
Unauthorised websites such as and have
proactively bred baseless conspiracy theories related to the side-effects of vaccines.
Some theorists falsely claim that vaccines contain a special type of nanochip capable of
manipulating human thought for the sake of an imaginary and all-powerful ruling elite,
thus convincing many less-discerning members of their audience to join the anti-vaccine
movement. This has unfortunately resulted in thousands of children being unvaccinated,
causing a rise in deadly and preventable diseases such as measles and whooping cough
in the United States, Germany and the UK.

In conclusion, despite the legitimately improved experience provided by online news

channels, I disapprove of news on the Internet due to the increased risk of
misinformation. Governments should take resolute actions to regulate online news
sources and sharing in virtual spaces.

Words count: 297

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Switch to online channels to

Chuyển sang thu thập tin tức từ các kênh trực tuyến
acquire news

Facilitate a smoother user Tạo điều kiện cho người đọc trải nghiệm một cách
experience for readers suôn sẻ

The prevalence of news on

Sự phổ biến của tin tức trên Internet
the Internet

Enhance the clarity and

Nâng cao tính rõ ràng và dễ đọc của thông tin
readability of the information

Personalised news content Nội dung tin tức được cá nhân hóa

Participate in real-time debates Tham gia vào các cuộc tranh luận trong thời gian
to voice their opinions thực để nói lên ý kiến của họ

Conventionally printed
Báo in thông thường

Be held responsible for the

Chịu trách nhiệm về sự lan rộng của những tin tức
widespread dissemination of
sai lệch
misleading news

A baseless conspiracy theory

Thuyết âm mưu vô căn cứ về cái gì
related to sth

An imaginary and all- Một tầng lớp thống trị toàn năng trong tưởng tượng
powerful ruling elite

A rise in deadly and Sự gia tăng của các căn bệnh chết người dù có thể
preventable diseases ngăn chặn được

Whooping cough Bệnh ho gà

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12. 10/04/2021 g
Question: Many students find it difficult to concentrate or pay attention at school. What
are the reasons? What could be done to solve this problem?

Recently, there has been an alarming trend of students struggling to focus at school. This
can be explained by the popularity of social media applications and rigid adherence to a
traditional teaching approach, and I believe the resolute actions proposed in this essay
offer potential improvements.
To begin with, the aforementioned problem has roots in two main factors. The first one
is distractions from social networking applications. Facebook and Instagram, for
instance, purposefully strive for consistent engagement through positive reinforcement
by pushing real-time updates on friends and viral videos that young users often find
difficult to ignore during lessons. Another sound explanation is the monotony of
classrooms. Many lectures lack relevance to real life, endorsing a repetitive course of
tedious theoretical assignments and lectures while failing to motivate the students with
varied content.
To address the underlying causes, I would propose two solutions. Firstly, schools should
impose a complete ban of portable devices in classrooms. All personal handsets could
be stored in a secure room, labelled properly to be returned to their owners after class
ends. This would effectively block the stream of potential distractions from online
networking sites. Secondly, educators should redesign lecture content to be more
practical. For example, business schools could work in collaboration with enterprises to
incorporate factual case studies and engaging biographical material about entrepreneurs.
Once engaged, these students will be more likely to focus more fully on their studies,
ensuring higher chances of success after graduation.
In conclusion, a great number of students nowadays pay little attention at school due to
the advent of social media platforms and lessons largely irrelevant to their needs.
However, if schools adopt handset-free classroom policies and modernize the
curriculum, students will become more attentive.

Word count: 286

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Endorse a repetitive course of Chứng thực một khóa học lặp đi lặp lại các bài giảng
tedious theoretical lectures lý thuyết tẻ nhạt

Rigid adherence to a Tuân thủ nghiêm ngặt cách tiếp cận giảng dạy truyền
traditional teaching approach thống

Adopt a handset-free Áp dụng chính sách lớp học không có thiết bị cầm
classroom policy tay

Distraction from social

Mất tập trung do các ứng dụng mạng xã hội
networking applications

Push real-time updates on Cập nhật trong thời gian thực về bạn bè và các video
friends and viral videos nổi bật

Impose a complete ban of Áp dụng lệnh cấm hoàn toàn các thiết bị di động
portable devices in classrooms trong lớp học

Block the stream of potential

Chặn luồng có khả năng gây xao nhãng từ tất cả các
distractions from all online
trang mạng trực tuyến
networking sites

Incorporate factual case Kết hợp các nghiên cứu điển hình thực tế vào
studies into the curriculum chương trình giảng dạy

Ensure a higher chance of

Có cơ hội thành công cao hơn sau khi tốt nghiệp
success after graduation

Purposefully strive for Cố gắng có chủ đích nhằm lôi kéo sự tham gia
consistent engagement thường xuyên

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13. 17/04/2021 g
Question: It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural
environments, such as the South pole. Do the advantages of this developmen outweigh
the disadvantages?


Expeditions to distant isolated destinations have been on the rise recently. While this
can potentially benefit wildlife conservation programmes, I firmly contend that the
development is disadvantageous overall considering the risks to the environment.

On the one hand, both scientific and touristic expeditions can help develop conservation
programmes. Indeed, on-site scientific research conducted at Antarctica has successfully
illuminated the mating habits of many nearly-extinct animal species such as the emperor
penguins thanks to close observation of these species, driving initiatives to boost their
fertility rate two fold. Meanwhile, tourists who visit remote destinations might learn
about the damages of climate change, thus becoming intrinsically motivated to protect
Earth’s fragile ecosystems from further degradation. For example, a campaign to
preserve Himalayan bald eagles was initiated by two Swedish explorers on an expedition
after they eye-witnessed eagle chicks dying of starvation on a far-flung mountain peak.

On the other hand, I believe the threat of pollution these activities pose must be
highlighted. One obvious danger is oil spills from the cruise ships and other forms of
transportation traveling to the remote observation sites. In 2007, a cruise boat heading
to the South Pole struck an iceberg and sank to the ocean floor, causing a diesel fuel
spill that covered 25 square kilometers. Despite enormous efforts from the international
community, the disaster claimed the lives of thousands of sea creatures including many
rare marine birds in less than two weeks. It also resulted in permanent damage to the
Antarctic fauna, algae and plankton, which are the foundation of the local food chain,
disturbing the ecological balance across the entire continent and nearby waters.

In summary, although scientific research and intrepid tourism in remote areas might
partly contribute to conservation breeding efforts, I am of the opinion that they pose
more pressing existential threats to the environment and natural habitats. Therefore, a
complete travel ban should be imposed by the United Nations to preserve the ecological
and biodiversity of these unique environments.
Word count: 328

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Far-flung Xa xôi hẻo lánh

Intrepid traveller Du khách gan dạ

Injurious impacts Tác động có hại

Distant isolated destinations Các vùng đất xa xôi hẻo lánh

Illuminated on the mating

Làm sáng tỏ thói quen giao phối

Boost fertility rate Tăng tỉ lệ sinh sản

Protect Earth’s fragile

Bảo vệ hệ sinh thái mong manh của Trái đất khỏi
ecosystems from further
các tác nhân suy thoái

Dying of starvation Chết đói

The disaster claimed the lives Thảm họa đã cướp đi sinh mạng của hàng ngàn
of thousands of sea creatures sinh vật biển

Damage to the Antarctic Gây thiệt hại cho hệ động vật Nam Cực, tảo và các
fauna, algae and plankton sinh vật phù du

Mitigate the inherent dangers Giảm thiểu những nguy hiểm vốn có

Disturbing the ecological

Làm xáo trộn sự cân bằng sinh thái

Pressing existential threats Những mối đe dọa hiện hữu cấp bách

Preserve the ecological and

Bảo tồn hệ sinh thái và đa dạng sinh học

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14. 24/04/2021 g
Question: Today different types of robots are developed which are good friends to us
and help us both at home and work. Is this a positive or negative development?


The prevalence of robots both at home and in the workplace has drawn much debate
recently. While some maintain that robots can serve as companions for those in need, I
believe the development is negative on the whole considering the concomitant rising
unemployment rate.

On the one hand, artificial companions can promote emotional and physical well-being
for the elderly in particular. Clear evidence of this can be seen in the example of the
Japanese caretaker robot “Hirokan”. This robot is equipped with the latest advances in
artificial intelligence and is capable of conducting a thoughtful conversation with an
elderly individual based on its in-depth analysis of his personality, interests and past
events. These heart-warming conversations have proven effective in reducing
loneliness, stress levels and the potential risk of depression among senior Japanese
citizens. In addition, the robot also functions as a caregiver that can physically assist
seniors in performing personal hygiene activities and provides additional stability for
them when walking.

On the other hand, the delegation of various mechanical tasks to robots is likely to give
rise to greater unemployment figures. Currently, large numbers of manual workers are
being replaced by cutting-edge robotics systems in numerous factories around the world.
For instance, thousands of Chinese assembly workers at FoxConn, a major manufacturer
of Apple products, have recently been made redundant after the company adopted a fully
automated process that minimizes the need for a skilled and unskilled human labor
supply. This, in turn, has resulted in a rise in reported crimes including robbery, burglary
and gambling as the jobless workers struggle to earn a living. As more companies
worldwide have adopted similar approaches, automation has become an inevitability
that has to be addressed with proactive corporate and governmental reform.

In conclusion, despite the positives of man-made companions for older segments of the
population, I am firmly of the opinion that the increasing popularity of robots poses a
serious threat to our workforce and society at large. Therefore, governments should
enact laws to curb the rate of automisation, allowing workers to prepare for increased
competition with robots.

Word count: 346

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IELTS Writing Online
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Fear of retrenchment Sự lo sợ cắt giảm lao động để tiết kiệm chi phí

Cash-strapped companies Các công ty thiếu hụt tiền mặt

Self-propelled robot Robot tự hành

Concomitant rising
Đi đôi với việc tăng tỉ lệ thất nghiệp
unemployment rate

Cutting-edge robotics systems Hệ thống robot hiện đại, tiên tiến

Promote emotional and

Tăng cường sức khỏe tinh thần lẫn thể chất
physical well-being

Latest advances in artificial

Những tiến bộ mới nhất trong trí tuệ nhân tạo

Give rise to greater

Tăng số liệu thống kê về thất nghiệp
unemployment figures

Adopted a fully automated

Áp dụng quy trình hoàn toàn tự động

Strike up conversations Bắt chuyện

Work without fatigue Làm việc không mệt mỏi

Curb the rate of automisation Hạn chế tỉ lệ tự động hóa

Proactive corporate and

Tích cực cải cách doanh nghiệp và chính phủ
governmental reform

Older segments of the

Phân khúc dân số già

Humanoid Robot hình người

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