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A. Introduction
Welcome to the learning activity 1. English has several types of text with different functions.
In this learning activity, we are going to learn about text which use when we need to know make
something or do something. The text will give a clear information about step, material, etc.
1. Short Description
Procedure text is a text that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g. recipes, rules for
games, science experiments, road safety rules.
2. Relevance
In order to aid your comprehension on the procedure text. In this first learning activity
supplies you with social function, generic structure of text, language features, and content
comprehension of Procedure text, and that information is covered in learning materials,
links of sources, assignments, and ended with a formative test.
3. Learning guide
For helping you to build and improve your understanding in procedure text. In this first
learning activity requires you to observe and read all materials given, and do all
assignments in the context of daily basis.
B. Main Section
1. Learning Objectives
1. 1. Attitude
Student able being internalize, uphold, and put into action religious, moral, and
ethical values, integrity, accountability, independence, tolerance, care, mutual
respect, peace, collaboration, and nationalism.
1. 2. Knowledge
 Student able to analyses the contextual differences and similarities between a
number of Procedure texts in regard to the social functions, by showing the
evidence from the texts (expressions, sentences, paragraphs, etc) in fluent and
grammatically accurate spoken and written English.
 Student able to analyses the contextual differences and similarities between a
number of Procedure text in regard to the text structures, by showing the evidence
from the texts (expression, sentences, paragraphs, etc) in fluent and grammatically
accurate spoken and written English
1. 3. Skill
 Student can get detailed information of the Procedure texts with contextually
different social functions, text structures, and grammatical features
 Student able to make inferences of the Procedure texts with contextually different
social functions, text structures, and grammatical features
 Student able to evaluate the Procedure texts with contextually different social
functions, text structures, and grammatical features
 Student able to construct the Procedure texts with contextually different social
functions, text structures, and grammatical features
2. Learning Material and Learning Activities
2. 1. Definition of Procedure Text
2. 2. Example of Procedure Text
2. 3. Task
C. Closing Statement
1. Summary
2. Reflection

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