The Retraction Controversy of Rizal

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Clarisse J.

Bagulbagol Ma’am Eloisa Cortez

The Retraction Controversy of Rizal
Identify the arguments and the evidence of those who are claiming that Rizal
retracted against those who are saying otherwise.
Rizal Retracted
Claimant Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs

Nicolas Zafra He claimed that the The retraction letter is

retraction is “a plain, genuine considering the way that it
unadorned fact of has been confirmed by Teodoro
history.” Kalaw, an on works of Rizal and
“handwriting experts… known and
recognized in our courts of justice.”
Also, they mentioned the 11
eyewitnesses when Rizal is
making his retraction.

Your Observations:

The solid proof is not anything wandered from the inadvertent ones. In the
retraction letter, Rizal alluded to that he truly mad the Masonry, and the way that
Teodoro Kalaw, a 33rd degree Mason, asserts Rizal's arrangements is sufficient to
recognize that Rizal truly made the withdrawal letter. Hence, the refusal of explicit
Masons to the withdrawal is essentially credited to their vulnerability and assurance
as Guzman said. Notwithstanding the way that Rizal passed on as a Catholic or as a
Mason, his effect on the patriotism and Filipinos everything considered can't be
eradicated by the retraction letter that he framed and indicated the day going before
he passed on.

Rizal DID NOT Retracted

Claimant Argument 1 Evidence/Proofs

Ricardo Pascual In 1935, they The legitimacy of Rizal's

claimed that they found a retraction letter is dubious thinking
retraction letter but it is about falsifiers during that Spanish
not in Rizal’s handwriting. colonization. This proved by the
way that Fr. Balaguer contacted
Fr. Pio Pi in a letter that says that
“an exact copy of the retraction
was written and signed by Rizal.
The handwriting of this copy I don’t
know nor do I remember whose it
is.” Fr. Balaguer required Fr. Pi to
certify it, yet Fr. Pi was that
readied to check it in his sworn

Your Observations:

Right when Rizal is said making the retraction letter, a large portion of the
observers are Jesuits. There were different instances of distortion during that time
that incited shocking occasions, similar to the phony of the mark of Urbano Lucana
that caused to the catch of Aguinaldo. During that time, the Church would expect
individuals to recognize that Rizal has the ethical force to see his slip-ups like his
structures against the Church. Notwithstanding, the way that there are different
Jesuits the day going before Rizal was executed can be accepted that it was only a
presentation of the Church and the retraction letter was surely a fake.

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