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RAILWAY DESIGN Lecturer: Tran Anh Dung

Railway Division
Faculty of Civil Engineering


Traction calculation


The forces acting on a train include tractive force, train running resistance
force, and braking force.

2.1.1 Tractive Effort

Tractive effort is an external force in the same direction as that of the train’s
movement, the value of which can be adjusted by the driver according to
different conditions.

Traction calculation

Formation of the Tractive Effort

The figure shows that the torque M2 on the shaft is the internal force for a
locomotive, and it cannot make the locomotive move forward. Substituting
couple FF1 for torque M2, we get F=F1=M2/r2, r2 is the radius of the driving
wheel. F acts on the center of the driving wheel (i.e., wheel spindle
bearings), and the force F1 acts on the rail, attempting to push rail moving.
F2 is a counteractive force, which is produced by the adhesive effect
between wheel and rail. F1 is same value with F2, and the two forces reach
a balance. F is referred to as the tractive effort

r2 r1 r2
M1 M1

F1 A F2


Traction calculation

2.1.2. Train Running Resistance Force Train Basic Resistance Force
Definition: Train Basic Resistance Force is always present during train
The unit locomotive resistance force
+ Formulas for unit basic resistance force of Diesel locomotive
Power on:

Power off:
V: velocity (km/h)

Traction calculation

The unit basic vehicle resistance

+ Formulas for unit basic resistance of freight car
Freight car of Russia:
2 axles:  0 ' '  a  (b  ).V ( N / kN )
a=1,4, b=0,02, c=0,25
 4, 6 axles: 0 ' '  a  (b  c.V  d .V 2 ) ( N / kN )
a=0,7, b=3, c=0,1, d=0,0025 (for 4 axles)
a=0,7, b=8, c=0,1, d=0,0025 (for 6 axles)
where constants a, b, c and d are determined by experiment, V is train
operating speed (km/h) and q0: wheel axle load (tons/axle).

Traction calculation

Total train basic resistance force and average unit basic resistance force of
For ordinary trains, the total train basic resistance force W 0 is equal to the sum
of basic resistance force of locomotive W 0’ and basic resistance force of car
W 0’’,
where P is the mass of locomotive in tons, and Q is hauled mass in tons.
The average unit basic resistance force of train ω0 is the ratio of train basic
resistance force W 0 and train weight (P+Q).g, namely the basic resistance
force of unit train weight, is calculated using the following formulas:
+ Power on: P.g. 0/  Q.g. 0//
0  ( N / kN )
( P  Q).g
/ //
+ Power off:  0 d  P.g . 0 d  Q.g . 0 ( N / kN )
( P  Q).g


Traction calculation

Exercise 1: When P=72 tons, Q=1000 tons, gravity acceleration g = 9,81

m/s2, train operating speed V=80(km/h), freight car of Russia (4 axles), mass
of a car q= 72 tons. Calculating average unit basic resistance force of train in
two conditions (Power on and power off)?

Traction calculation Train Additional Resistance Force

* Grade Resistance Force
We assume that M is the mass of the train in tons,
the gravity when it running on the grade is M.g (kN),
the component F2 parallel to track is the additional
gradient resistance. Therefore
F2=M.g.sinα (kN). Because angle α is generally
very small, and for small angles sinα≈tgα, and
consider units conversion of the train mass M, then
F2=1000.M.g.sinα (N)≈1000.M.g.tgα (N). grade i
is expressed in per millage, that is i=(h/l).1000,
tgα=h/l=i/1000, therefore F2=M.g.i (N). Because the
unit of resistance force is defined as newtons of
resistance per kilo newtons of weight, so the unit
grade resistance force ωi is

Traction calculation

* Curve Resistance Force

Resistance Force of trains rounding a
curve is bigger than on straight,
increased part is defined as the
additional curve resistance. Factors
which cause the curve additional
resistance are mainly that; the
longitudinal and transverse sliding
between wheel and rail when
locomotives and vehicles run on
curve, the increased friction on the
surface of the flange and rail inside,
the increased friction of center plate
and the relevant part of bearing
because of the effect of lateral forces.


Traction calculation

Resistance Force ωr for ordinary speed train can be calculated by

A: Empirical coefficient
R: Curve radius

Traction calculation

1) If Lc>Lt Lt

R, ,K

The average unit curve resistance of the train is

r  ( N / kN ) (For 1000mm gauge)

r  ( N / kN ) (For 1435mm gauge)
Lc: curve length
Lt: train length

Traction calculation

2) If Lc< Lt Lt


The average unit curve resistance of the train is

7,5. (For 1000mm gauge)
r  ( N / kN )

r  ( N / kN ) (For 1435mm gauge)


Traction calculation

3) If train on many curves


1 2

The average unit curve resistance of the train is

7,5. 
r  ( N / kN ) (For 1000mm gauge)

12,2. 
r  ( N / kN ) (For 1435mm gauge)

Traction calculation

Exercise 2: When curve radius R=500m, α=300 , train length Lt=300m,

1435mm gauge. Calculating the average unit curve resistance force of the

Traction calculation

* Tunnel Resistance Force

When a train goes through a tunnel, there is directional airflow in tunnel.
Then we can deduce the average aerodynamic drag formula theoretically.
Air cannot spread around when train is running in a tunnel because it is
restrained by the tunnel. It leads to the piston phenomenon, which is the
difference between head positive pressure and tail negative pressure,
producing the resistance to the train.
Unit resistance force in tunnel can be expressed as follows
tn  0.5  1.5 ( N / kN )
When tunnel length Ltn<300m, we don’t calculate ωtn


Traction calculation

* Starting Resistance Force

The resistances force thus far considered are those of the train in motion.
Additional resistance is encountered when starting to overcome the inertia of
the train and the low temperature of journal lubricants. .
Unit starting resistance force of vehicle can be expressed as follows

A: empirical coefficient
A=28 for rolling bearing vehicle
A=142 for sliding bearing vehicle
q0: wheel axle load (tons/axle)

Traction calculation

* Other Additional Resistance Force

Except for various additional resistances described above, there are other
resistances caused by wind or cold climate conditions.

Traction calculation

2.1.3. Braking Pressure

To retard train movement artificially, including slowing down, stopping its
motion or acceleration, is called braking. The operation to remove or reduce
braking action from the train is called releasing. For braking and releasing
the train, braking equipment is required.
Fms= K 
K K K



b2 A b1


Traction calculation

Mode Braking
In the train stop process, a brake shoe bears against
the revolving wheel treads with a radial force called the K

nominal brake shoe pressure K. Friction between the

wheel and the brake shoe results in a tangential force
F, Tangential force F=K.φk, where φk is the coefficient
of friction between the wheel and the brake shoe.
Move this force to center of the driving wheel, we
get M1 and K.φk, K.φk balance with Ph (Ph: weight M1

of wheel axle), Substituting couple bb1 for torque K K

F ms= K  K

M1 , the force b1 acts on the rail, attempting to pull b

rail moving. b2 is a counteractive force, which is
produced by the adhesive effect between wheel
b2 A b1
and rail. b1 is same value with b2, and the two
forces reach a balance. b is referred to as the
braking pressure of train.

Traction calculation

Friction coefficient φk
The conversion formula for the friction coefficient is
+ Cast iron in the shoe:

+ Cast iron and Phosphorus in the shoe:

+ Metal in the shoe:

k: unit braking pressure
k=K/2: single shoe-one side braking
k=K/4: double shoes-two sides braking
V: velocity (km/h)

Traction calculation

Unit Brake Pressure of Train

Unit brake force of train b is calculated as following

P: is the mass in tons of locomotive
Q: is hauled mass in tons.
ni: number of braking car
mi: number of braking axle of car type (i)
Ki: Brake pressure of car type (i)
φki Friction coefficient of car type (i)


Traction calculation

Exercise 3: When P=80 tons, Q=1500 tons, gravity acceleration g = 9,81

m/s2, train operating speed V=70(km/h), the train includes:
 2 cars – 4 axles - single shoe-one side braking, brake shoe pressure
K1=45kN/axle, cast iron in the shoe.
 5 cars – 6 axles - double shoe-two side braking, brake shoe pressure
K2=50kN/axle, Cast iron and Phosphorus in the shoe
Calculating unit brake force of train?

Traction calculation


Section 1 has analyzed the formation of tractive effort, train running
resistance, and braking pressure. This section will discuss the mathematical
relations between acceleration (deceleration) and resultant force while three
different forces are acting on train; this is the train motion equation. We then
employ the motion equation to solve some practical operating problems,
such as traction mass, running speed, running time, braking, etc.

Traction calculation

2.2.1 Train Motion Status

Train movement states (acceleration, constant velocity, deceleration)
depends on the resultant force acted on the train, the magnitude of resultant
force relates to the working condition of locomotive and profile conditions of
lines. A locomotive has three working conditions:
1. Tractive operation. At this working condition, the force acted on the
train includes tractive force F and running resistance force W, the
resultant force R is R=F-W
2. Coasting operation. At this condition the force acting on the train is only
running resistance force W, so the resultant force R is R=-W
3. Braking operation. At this condition the forces acting on the train
includes running resistance force W and braking force B, so the
resultant force R is R=-(B+W)
As F, W, and B change with the speed, the resultant force R also varies with
speed. When R>0, a train runs to accelerate; when R=0, a train runs at a
constant speed or stop; and when R<0, the train runs to decelerate.


Traction calculation

2.2.2 Train Movement Equation

General Form of Train Movement Equation
The equations of train movement can be derived by using Newton’s second
law of motion.
R=m.a a=R/m=R/1000.M=R/1000(P+Q)


The equation above is the general form of the train movement equation.
Acceleration coefficient ζ depends on the value of rotary mass coefficient,
and varies with different locomotive or vehicle type. If takes γ=0.06, ζ in
round numbers, the equation becomes

This is the basic equation of train movement.

Traction calculation

Exercise 4: Calculating velocity of train after 2 minutes?, when: initial velocity

Vo=40km/h, unit tractive effort f=5N/kN, P=70 tons, Q=1500 tons, gravity
acceleration g = 9,81 m/s2, train operating speed V=80(km/h), freight car of
Russia (6 axles), mass of a car q= 60 tons. Train runs on grade i=2

Traction calculation

2.2.2 Tractive Tonnage

Tractive tonnage tell how many tons a given locomotive or locomotive
consist can haul over a particular engine district. Comparative tractive
tonnage over alternative routes can be a major factor in route location. In
building trains, yardmasters need to know how many tons can be placed
behind a given locomotive consist or power required to move a proposed
tonnage. Computation of Tractive Tonnage:
The tonnage rating of a locomotive or locomotive consist is that tonnage
which can be hauled at a specified minimum speed over a given territory.
Tractive Tonnage on the Ruling Grade
On considering the ruling condition, the tractive tonnage is generally
determined according to that the train runs ascending the ruling grade in
uniform motion at calculated speed of a given locomotive. According to the
resultant force equilibrium conditions, when the train runs at a constant
speed, the resultant force is zero, namely F-W=0 or F=W


Traction calculation

Let the computed speed of locomotive for V, and corresponding computed

tractive force for F, when a train running up the ruling grade in constant
speed, the resultant force equilibrium condition becomes

Traction calculation

Exercise 5:
Railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic, use D19E diesel
locomotive P=72 tons, tractive effort F=20000kN, gravity acceleration g = 9,81
m/s2, train operating speed V=75(km/h), freight car of Russia (4 axles), mass
of a car q= 50 tons. Compute the tractive tonnage of single locomotive traction
at ruling gradient ip=8 .

Traction calculation Starting Check :

As starting resistance is greater than train resistance in motion, it is
necessary to check whether the train with “section” tractive tonnage can
start smoothly after stopping.
The tractive tonnage Qs limited by starting condition can be computed in
terms of the resultant force equilibrium condition that the locomotive traction
Fs is equal to the total resistance when the train starts

where Fs is the calculating starting tractive force of locomotive (N), ωs is unit

starting resistance, is is grade when train is starting.
 If Qs≥Q, train can start smoothly; if Qs<Q, trains cannot start, and the
“section” tractive tonnage Q or the design grade of station should be


Traction calculation

Exercise 6:
It is known that the tractive tonnage Q= 3500 tons, if the converted gradient of
starting section is=2 , try to check whether the train with Q can start? When
tarting tractive force of locomotive Fs=475 kN, rolling bearing vehicle
with wheel axle load q0=14(tons/axle), railway line for mixed passenger
and freight traffic, use D12E diesel locomotive P=250 tons, gravity
acceleration g = 9,81 m/s2.

Traction calculation

Exercise 7:
Calculating max grade which train can start, when ruling gradient ip=8
, starting tractive force of locomotive Fs=650kN, tractive force of
locomotive on ruling gradient F=475kN, average unit basic resistance of
train ω0=1,5N/kN, sliding bearing vehicle with wheel axle load
q0=18(tons/axle), railway line for mixed passenger and freight traffic,
use D18E diesel locomotive P=75 tons, gravity acceleration g = 9,81


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