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Detailed Lesson Plan


Cognitive: Identify what is dissimilar fraction;

Psychomotor: Describe the importance of dissimilar fractions; and
Affective: Visualize dissimilar fraction


Skill: Visualizing dissimilar fraction

Reference: Teacher Manual, pp.228-233
Materials: Activity sheets, flash cards and others


Teacher Activity’s Student Activity’s

Good morning Children? Good morning ma’am

Opening Prayer

Children kindly stand up let us pray Bismillahi Rahman nirrahim…

Thank you ma’am.
Ok, children you may take your seats.
None ma’am
Ok, class who is absent today?

Very good!
1 little 2 little 3 little Indians…
So before we start, let’s sing a song the
10 little indian boys

Around of applause, thank you


And now our lesson for today is all

about “Visualizing the Dissimilar

So, did you know class what is

fraction? Yes, teacher!

Okay, here’s the thing. The addition of

dissimilar fractions (unlike fractions) is
slightly different compared to the
addition of similar fractions (like

For the addition of similar fractions,

we are dealing only with the
numerators. Meanwhile, for the
addition of dissimilar fractions, it
means that we will be dealing both with
numerators and denominators.

Anyone from this class what is (Possible answer)


Did you get it class?

And now let’s have an activity Yes Teacher!

I will divide you into 2 groups. Group 1
will be the “square group” and group 2
will be the “circle group”.

So class please go with your group.

So as you can see on the board which is

square shape that is shaded it parts

square group can 1 of you can identify

what is the fraction of each picture?

Let’ shave an assignment

Okay goodbye class! see you tomorrow

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