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Terms of Reference
The Celebration Ministries International (CMI) Information Technology Steering
Committee (ITSC) has been established by the CMI Board of Trustees to deal with matters
set out below.

The purpose of the Information Technology Steering Committee is to provide strategic
advice, guidance, and direction to the Organization on technology initiatives ensuring that
the Organization’s Information Technology (IT) capabilities are sufficiently implemented,
monitored, and governed to ensure the IT infrastructure of is capable of meeting the
Organization’s demands.

For the purposes of executing their mandate, the CMI Information Technology Steering
Committee will be provided with the resources necessary to carry out its responsibilities.


3.1 The members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees. The
committee shall be made up of at least three members and all members are non-

3.2 The Board shall appoint a chairperson from the members of the Committee and
determine the period for which he or she shall hold office.

3.3 The membership term of the committee will be three years. Members may be asked
to serve a second term; however, the practice will be to encourage renewal of its

3.4 Only members of the Committee have the right to attend Committee meetings.
However, the ICT Manager, Chief Finance Officer and Group Accountant will have a
standing invitation to attend and other representatives from the IT function may be
invited to attend all or part of any meeting as and when appropriate. Any other
member of the Board may attend all or part of the meeting with the prior approval of
the Committee Chairperson.
3.5 In accordance with good practice, the Company Secretary shall be the secretary of the
Committee where the Secretary of the Committee shall ensure that a formal record of
Committee proceedings and resolutions is maintained.

3.6The committee will arrange four meeting dates, one meeting per quarter, each year.
Other meetings may be arranged should the committee consider it necessary.

3.7 At least once quarterly, and at any other time as the Committee shall see fit, it shall
meet separately with the ICT Manager.

3.8 A quorum of the committee shall be two members.

3.9 Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time, and
date together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be forwarded to each
member of the Committee, any other person required to attend, no later than five
working days before the meeting.

3.10 Unless otherwise agreed, notice of each meeting confirming the venue, time and
date together with an agenda of items to be discussed, shall be forwarded to each
member of the Committee, any other person required to attend, no later than five
working days before the meeting. Supporting papers shall be sent to Committee
members and to other attendees as appropriate, at the same time. Key items under
Meeting are addressed in much more detail in subsequent sections to this document.

3.11It is desirable that members of the Committee shall, between them, possess the
following skills, experience, and characteristics:
1. Information Technology skills and experience;
2. Industry knowledge;
3. Adequate direct experience of church-related environments or any
corporate environment that could benefit Celebration Ministries

3.12To perform his or her role effectively, each committee member will obtain an
understanding of the detailed responsibility of committee membership as well as
Celebration Ministries International’s business, operations, and risks.


The Committee will carry out the duties below, with particular focus to provide guidance on
behalf of the Board to management on the implementation and use of the Organization’s IT
systems and infrastructure:
4.1.1 Recommend and monitor the strategic direction of IT to ensure it supports CMI’s
long-term goals within the ambit of its strategic framework;
4.1.2 recommend and/or approve medium and large projects of strategic
importance to the Organizations Strategic Plan;

4.1.3 Review and monitor the on-going appropriateness and relevance of the
Organization’s policy for the allocation of ICT resources required to deliver
both the short-term and long-term information technology strategies;

4.1.4 Monitor the implementation of the IT strategy and ensure that changing
business needs are being met in the context of the Organization’s strategic

4.1.5 Agree on all key performance indicators and operating levels for the
provision of information technology services within the Organization and
monitor their delivery;

4.1.6 To provide advice and guidance on proposed technology initiatives for the

4.1.7 To evaluate the sustainability and governance implications of the technology

initiatives the organization participates in;

4.1.8 Approve any major changes in any information technology strategies,

priorities and/or structures implemented throughout the Organization;

4.2.1 Understand the risks and controls associated with implementation and use IT
systems and infrastructure to ensure appropriate mitigation is built into the use of
IT Systems and Infrastructure;

4.2.2 Recommend policies, guidelines and standards appropriate to technology

initiatives used by the Organization;

4.2.3 Approve all information technology standards and procedures;

4.2.4 Approve any major changes in any information technology strategies,

priorities and/or structures implemented throughout the Organization;

4.2.5 Review and monitor on-going appropriateness and relevance of the

Organization’s information management and data governance framework
and systems including those relating to compliance with the General Data
Protection Regulations (and any related legislation);

4.2.6 Seek to ensure, in conjunction with the Audit Committee, that information
and technology risks are identified, assessed, and managed in line with
relevant frameworks and recommend actions.
4.3.1 Provide financial oversight over the IT function as the Committee deems
necessary, including ensuring an appropriate framework within which budgetary
decisions are made.

4.3.2 Seek to ensure value for money in the provision of information technology


5.1 The Chair of the Committee has overall responsibility to report to the Board on the
Committee’s proceedings after each meeting on all matters within its duties and

5.2 The Committee shall make whatever recommendations to the Board it deems
appropriate on any area within its remit where action or improvement is needed.

5.3 Minutes of committee meetings shall be maintained and made available to the
Board upon request.


The Committee is authorized by the Board to:

6.1 to seek any information, it requires from any employee of the organization in order
to perform its duties;

6.2 to call any employee to be questioned at a meeting of the Committee as and when

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