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Manresa School aims at developing a basketball program that empowers student-athletes to excel on
the basketball court, achieves in the classroom, and positively impacts the school and the community.
This program entails responsibility and discipline that student-athletes involved in the program are


High School Basketball Varsity Team A refers to the group that participates in major varsity
tournaments between schools and other prominent and organized leagues within their age groups.

High School Basketball Varsity Team B refers to the group that are secondary to Team A. This group
undergoes similar training with emphasis in developing their skills. This group participates in other
minor varsity tournaments and other organized leagues to enhance and practice their skill growth.

Aspirants refer to the group who came from Grade School Varsity Team A. This group undergo
progressive and extensive training to develop individual basketball skills. Their training emphasizes on
their transition from Grade School to High School type of games.

Grade School Basketball Varsity refers to the group that participates in major varsity tournaments
between school and other prominent and organized leagues within their age groups.

Grade School Under-Trainees refer to the group that show potential in the sport. This group undergo
skills development in preparation for advancement to Grade School Basketball Varsity. This group does
not participate in any tournament unless otherwise the team can compete at a level where they can
compete and enhance their skillsets and team play.


1. Manresa School’s Basketball Program intends to create basketball awareness that will:

a. Form individuals holistically to be inspirational models, and act as such, of Manresa School
as a Student-Athlete.
b. Develop fundamentally-sound Student-Athletes – prepare them physically, mentally, and
emotionally – to perform to their fullest potentials and represent Manresa School in well-
known, organized basketball tournaments.

2. The program aims to develop leadership. The student-athletes will learn the value of teamwork,
responsibility, trust, integrity, respect, selflessness, honesty, and the value of hard work.

3. The student-athletes in the program will experience physical, academic, emotional, and social

4. The program aims to build continuity in the development of student-athletes in basketball

whereby the transition of a new team will be smooth and seamless. This avoids training and
developing fresh students from zero to prepare for competition.


1. Conduct tryouts in all categories:

a. High School Varsity Team A. This category of the high school division will consist of students
from Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 to form a 15-man lineup. Grade 9 students will be invited to
join this division depending on their skills and basketball intelligence. This category
participates in major varsity tournaments and other prominent, organized leagues.

b. High School Varsity Team B. This category of the high school division will consist of students
from Grades 8, 9, and 10 to form a 15- to 20-man lineup. Grade 8 students will be invited to
join this division depending on their skills and basketball intelligence. Grade 9 and 10
students who would not make it to Team A will be participating in this category. This
category participates in school-oriented, secondary tournaments within their age groups.

c. Aspirants. This category of the high school division will consist of students from Grades 7, 8,
and 9 to form a 15- to 20-man lineup. This category aims to transition outgoing Grade
School Varsity student-athletes from kids’ brand of play to teens’ brand of play. This is also
where student-athletes from Grade School are trained to develop basketball skills. This
category can participate in other school-oriented, secondary tournaments within their age

d. Grade School Varsity. This category of the grade school division will consist of students from
Grades 5 and 6 only to form a 15-man lineup. Grade 5 students can participate in this
category depending on their skill level. This category participates in major grade school
tournaments and other prominent, organized leagues.

e. Under-Trainees. This category of the grade school division will consist of students from
Grades 4 and 5 only to form a 15- to 20-man lineup. Grade 5 students who can’t make Grade
School Varsity are encouraged to stay to develop their basketball skills for future

2. Scout for possible players in Manresa School’s Basketball Clubs in High School and Grade School.
Basketball Club members that show potential but still possess limited basketball skills in any
category mentioned may be invited to join and participate in the program.

3. To be eligible for the program, the student-athlete:

a. Must show interest in the sport and possess decent skillsets needed to perform and
compete at peak level at all times.
b. Must have an average grade of not less than 80% from the previous year.
c. Must not have a grade lower than 75% in any subject during the course of the school year.
d. Must not have any disciplinary records or suspensions.
e. Must have the heart and moral obligation to perform his duties on the basketball court
during developments, trainings and competitions; as well as off the court as directed by the
coaches, teachers, and by the school.
f. Must have good moral character to represent the school.
g. Must give 100% commitment to the school and its basketball program.
h. Must not have any outside sports activities of the same sort that may compromise
trainings, practices, and values of the program.

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