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A study on awareness and satisfaction

level of customer regarding digital

I am student of Bachelor Of Business Administration,undergoing on research project.Information
provided by you will be kept confidential and will solely be used for research purpose .you are
requested to please kindly respond to the question mentioned below.

1. Name of the Organisation/Company/ Firm. *

2. Type of Organization/Company/Firm. *

Mark only one oval.

Sole proprietorship


3. Age of the organisation/firm/ company. *

Mark only one oval.

0-10 years

10-20 years


More than 30 years

4. Type of area. *

Mark only one oval.

East Ranchi

West Ranchi

North Ranchi

South Ranchi

5. Annual income of firm. *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 10 lakhs

Between 10 to 20 lakhs

Between 20 to 30 lakhs

Between 30 to 40 lakhs

More than 40 lakhs

6. Annual sales of the firm. *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 25 lakhs

Between 25 lakh - 1 crore

Between 1 crore 2 crore

More than 2 crore

A study on awareness and satisfaction level of customer regarding digital marketing.

7. Are you aware of digital marketing? *

Mark only one oval.



8. Are you satisfied with the digital marketing tools? *

Mark only one oval.



9. Do you think digital marketing is the best platform to promote your business ? *

Mark only one oval.




Can't say

10. Are you currently doing digital marketing to promote your business? *

Mark only one oval.


11. If yes,What is the main objective for doing digital marketing?

Mark only one oval.

Increase Visibility And Brand Awareness

Measurable Results

Higher Rate Of Return

Social/business networking

Customer Engagement

12. If not,What are the major reason for not doing digital marketing?

Mark only one oval.

Budget constraints

Confused about measuring ROI

Can't trust an external agency

Lack of resource for execution

Not aware of Digital Market

13. Which platform do you use to promote digital marketing? *

Tick all that apply.

Search Engine Optimization

Social Media Marketing
Pay Per Click
E-mail/ E-Newsletter Marketing
Content Marketing
Nothing specific,but intrested
14. Is your company currently spending any budget on digital marketing activities? *

Mark only one oval.



15. What amount of your yearly marketing budget would be spent for digital marketing
activities? *

Mark only one oval.





More than 25%

16. Since how long your company doing digital marketing activity? *

Mark only one oval.

Less than 6 months

6 to 12 months

1 to 2 years

More than 2 years

17. How you currently manage your digital marketing activities? *

Mark only one oval.

In House team

Outside agency


I am looking for agency

18. For given statement mark your response.

Mark only one oval per row.

Strong Strongly
Agree Disagree Neutral
Agree disagree

Digital marketing is effective

for creating awareness among

Digital marketing not give

expected result

Reach of digital marketing is


Digital marketing is not


Digital marketing helps to

increase the profitability

Digital marketing is costly


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