Q1 Choose An Appropriate Answer From The Options Provided. (MCQS)

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Total Time: 2-hour Total Marks: 50

General Instructions:
Section ‘A’: It consists of 30 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) and all of them are to be answered.
Section ‘B’: It consists of 07 short answer questions and among them 4
are to be answered.


Time: 30 Minutes
(i) Attempt all the questions of this Section.
(ii) Do not copy down the part questions. Write only the answer against the
proper number of the question and its part according to the question
(iii) Each question carries 0.5 mark.

Q1 Choose an appropriate answer from the options provided. (MCQS)

1) The poem Speak Gently is written by:

*Anonymous *Shakespeare *William words worth *Elsa Qazi

2) To Aged people, we should not

*give money *grieve them *show films *laugh

3) GOD Dwells among

*prayers *nature *people *Poor

4) The Dangerous performance was:

*Walking on a tight Rope *tie with the people *Support *Negligence.

5) Louis I. Newman was

*English * American * Russian. *Kenyan

6) The streets were.

*deserted *crowded *dirty *stay.

7) Caliph Haroon-ur-Rasheed was well known for:

*Saint *Guard *Queen *Justice and wisdom.

8) The Monkey was imitating an angry:

*minister *buyer *husband *shopkeeper

9) At night he would disguise himself and go through the streets of:

*The Ravi *The Indus *Baghdad *The Jhelum

10) The real master of the horse was:

*caliph *Richman *Qazi *beggar
11) At night he would disguise himself as a:
*common man *Richman *poor man *Qazi

12) The poem Beautiful Hands is written by:

*Ellan M.H. GATES *Shakespeare *William words worth *Robert Louis Stevenson

13) Her hands are beautiful.

*A mother’s *A sister’s *brother’s *Father’s

14) DUring the battle of Khandaq, Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) joined his companion in digging
the trench:
*Outside MAKKAH *In Makkah *outside Medina *In Medina.

15) “Toiling” means

*train * cart * Russian. *Struggling hard

16) Caliph said “you are a liar and a wicked man to”
*stranger *poor man *climber *rich man.

17) The children & their uncle were discussing about:

*Saint *Guard *Queen *Dignity of work.

18) We have forgotten our Prophet’s (P.B.U.H):

*minister *noble example *instructions *companion

19) The poet compared speed of train with:

*car *bus *truck *Fairies & witches

20) Each a glimpse and gone forever means:

*glow *grief *brief look *disappearance

21) The poem Railway Carriage is written by:

*Robert Louis Stevenson *Shakespeare *Julia Carney *Elsa Qazi

22) Fly as thick as driving means:

*stair *mountain *pass quickly *heavy rain

23) They make an ocean

*Little drops of water * Fish *annual village fair *trees

24) In the village fair a fight was going on between

*2 lions * cats *bears and 3 dogs *birds

25) Our good moral can make the world a:

*Garden * space *heaven *bangles

26) The noise of the drum beating was

*slow * good to hear *deafening *clear
27) They make the pleasant Land
*Little Grain of sand * Grass *Jungle *mountains

28) The action of the rich man

*rope * cord *cloth *Pleased Everybody

29) The RICH MAN gave the beggar.

*charity * horse *camels *a handful of Gold coins

30) The Headmaster cleaned

*bathroom * chairs *seats *objects
Section B
Short Question / Answers (20 marks)
Answer any five, all questions carry equal marks

1) What is an Eden? How can we make our world an Eden?

2) What did the Qazi say to the Caliph?

3) What is the Importance of little Things?

4) How did the famous Muslim ruler set example of dignity of work?

5) What did Hazrat Abubakar do?

6) What does the poet/poetess in this poem “speak gently” tells you?

7) What does the line “These hands must be folded means”?

8) What does the poet see from the railway Carriage?

All spiders spin webs. That's because webs help spiders. Webs help spiders do three things.
Webs help spiders hold eggs. Webs help spiders hide. And webs help spiders catch food.
Many spiders like to lay their eggs in their webs. The webs help keep the eggs together.
Webs help spiders keep their eggs safe. Most spiders are dark. They are brown, grey, or
black. But spider webs are light. They are white and cloudy. When spiders hide in their
webs, they are harder to see. Webs help spiders catch food. Spider webs are sticky. When
a bug flies into the web, it gets stuck. It moves around. It tries to get out. But it can't. It is
trapped! Spiders can tell that the bug is trapped. That's because spiders feel the web
move. And the spider is hungry. The spider goes to get the bug. As you can see, webs help
spiders hold eggs. And webs help spiders catch food. Without webs, spiders would not be
able to live like they do. Spiders need their webs to survive!

i) This passage is mostly about:

a. spider colors
b. spider webs
c. spider eggs

ii) Spider webs help spiders:

a. hold eggs
b. cover distance
c. find water
iii) As used in paragraph 4, the word “trapped” most nearly means:
a. stuck
b. hidden
c. eaten
iv) How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web?
a. They hear it.
b. They smell it.
c. They feel it.
v) As used in the last sentence of the passage, the word survive
means to stay:
a. alive
b. hidden
c. caught

vi) Write down the three listed reasons why spiders spin webs?
vii) What happens when a bug gets trapped into the web?
viii) Make a PRECISE of the above text.

Q5). Write an essay on any one of the following topics: (5 MARKS)

• Terrorism in Pakistan.
• PSL Cricket match
• My favorite Personality

Q6). Write any one Either Application or Letter. (5 MARKS)

Write an application to your principal requesting him/her to arrange few

extra classes to carry out the practical of computer.
Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper complaining against the
shortage of the supply of drinking water in your area.

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