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2020 年 9-12 月雅思口语 Part2 题目列表(第二版)
1.一群人的欢乐时光 2.团队合作 3.获过的奖 4.想尝试的运动
故事线 1
5.儿时某人教会的技能 6.昂贵的活动

7.精力充沛的人 8.尊重的老人 9.坦率的人 10.喜欢的一家人

故事线 2

故事线 3 12.长远的志向 13.想去短暂工作的国家 14.想了解更多的国家

15.令你惊讶的相遇 16.重新联系的老朋友 17.改变看法

18.很开心认识了的人 19.乐于帮助他人的人 20.第一次用外语

故事线 4 21.聪明的人 22.有用的书 23.做过的志愿者活动(疑似低频)



26.汽车旅行 27.好决定 28.喜欢的照片

29.成功的冒险 30.迷路的经历
故事线 5
31.想再次拜访的城市 32.发出噪音的人或物 33.国家传统

34.从错误中学习 35.忘记重要的事

36.让你放松的地方 37.好消息 38.喜欢的公共建筑

故事线 6 39.浪费时间做某事


故事线 7 41.你了解的大公司 42.常用的应用软件 43.感兴趣的科学领域

44.喜欢的晚餐 45.不喜欢的音乐 46.熊孩子

故事线 8


故事线 9 50.让你深思的电影 51.难忘的故事(疑似低频)

故事线 10 52.儿时喜欢玩的室内游戏

故事线 11 53.搞笑电影
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Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people.
You should say:
What it was;
Where you did it;
Who you did it with;
And why you think it was enjoyable.
1. 一群人的欢乐时光

I’d like to talk about my experience of playing tennis with some roommates. Last semester,
the guys in my dorm all started having a craving for1 tennis. So we signed up for a tennis course
together as an elective. The teacher said we could split into groups2 for practicing. So the six of
us formed a group on the spot3 and the oldest guy in the dorm was the team leader.

Our teacher said we had to be able to return at least 10 balls in a row4 if we wanted to pass
the final exam. And the more hits a team got, the higher the score.

To make sure we all could pass the exam successfully and avoid dragging everyone down5,
we made a collective decision that we would practice together by a schedule. Every weekend,
we went to a tennis court to play tennis together. And we played by being each other’s training
partners. The good players, like my friend who slept in the lower bunk6, often showed us the
basic movements and helped us adjust our postures. We also played a lot of pick-up games7. On
the exam day, we cheered each other up8 and eventually, our hard work paid off and we got the
highest mark.

We were over the moon9 that day and celebrated the big win by having a feast together.
Looking back on that period of time, it was definitely a lot of fun that I shared with my roommates.
It also helped us bond with each other10. I believe we will all remember this beautiful memory.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

having a craving for:渴望,喜欢
split into groups: 分成小组
on the spot:立刻
in a row:连续的
dragging everyone down:拖大家后退
slept in the lower bunk: 睡在下铺
pick-up games: 打野球;练习赛
cheered each other up: 互相鼓舞
over the moon:很开心
bond with each other: 增进彼此的关系
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Describe a time when you worked in a group.
You should say:
When it was;
What you did;
Who you worked with;
And explain why you worked in the group.
2. 团队合作

Once I joined a group for playing tennis. In fact, all the other members are my roommates.
Specifically, last semester, the guys in my dorm all started having a craving for tennis. So we
signed up for a tennis course together as an elective. The teacher said we could split into groups
for practicing. So the six of us formed a group on the spot and the oldest guy in the dorm was the
team leader.

Our teacher said we had to be able to return at least 10 balls in a row if we wanted to pass the
final exam. And the more hits a team got, the higher the score.

To make sure we all could pass the exam successfully and avoid dragging everyone down,
we made a collective decision that we would practice together by a schedule. Every weekend,
we went to a tennis court to play tennis together. And we played by being each other’s training
partners. The good players, like my friend who slept in the lower bunk, often showed us the
basic movements and helped us adjust our postures. We also played a lot of pick-up games. On
the exam day, we cheered each other up and eventually, our hard work paid off and our group
got the highest mark.

We were over the moon that day and celebrated the big win by having a feast together.
Looking back on that period of time, it was definitely a lot of fun that I shared with my roommates.
Every member of the team worked hard and had great teamwork. It’s literally the best team I’ve
ever joined.

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Describe a prize that you received.
You should say:
What it was;
When you received it;
What you did for it;
And explain how you felt about it.
3. 获过的奖

Once I won a group award11 at a tennis tournament12. Specifically, last semester, the guys
in my dorm all started having a craving for tennis. So we signed up for a tennis course together
as an elective. At the end of the semester, our teacher organized a tennis tournament. The whole
class was split into groups and had to return at least 10 balls in a row. The more hits a team got,
the higher the score. The top three groups would be awarded with different kinds of prizes like
trophies13, tennis rackets, and shirts.

Anyway, since every group consisted of six students, the six guys in our dorm formed a group
on the spot. To win the tournament, we really tried our best to prepare. Every weekend, we went
to a tennis court to practice together. And we played by being each other’s training partners.
The good players, like my friend who slept in the lower bunk, often showed us the basic
movements and helped us adjust our postures. We also played a lot of pick-up games. On the
tournament day, we cheered each other up and eventually, our hard work paid off. We won
third place14. Each of us got a plate15 as the trophy and a racket as a prize.

We were over the moon that day and celebrated the big win by having a feast together. It
was the first time I won an award as a member of a team. I still keep that plate and racket in my
bedroom and they always remind me of the beautiful memory of winning this award with my

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a group award:团队奖
tennis tournament:网球比赛
won third place:赢得了第三名
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Describe a sport you would like to try in the future.
You should say:
What the sport is
When and where you would do it
What preparation and equipment you would need
And why you would like to try it
4. 想尝试的运动

Off the top of my head, the first one I can think of is tennis. Last semester, my roommate
Tom signed up for a tennis course as an elective. Due to his influence, now I really have a craving
for it.

Tom usually plays tennis once or twice a week. I saw him practicing with other guys on a
tennis court before and it looked like a sport that requires a lot of stamina16 but is also fun. He
told me that tennis is a little tricky17 at the beginning, since moves like serving a ball are worlds
away from18 how you do them in badminton. And to play it well, you have to train yourself in
the basic skills, like serves and strokes19. You also have to learn some advanced tennis skills,
like heavy serves20, footwork21, and so on.

I don’t know if I can get the hang of it22 fast, but I would love to try it out. It’s said that
people who play tennis frequently are less likely to suffer from serious conditions23 like diabetes,
heart problems, and so on. And I once read an article that says playing tennis is even more
beneficial to your health than running. It involves the activity of each and every muscle in your
body24 , which can do wonders for25 keeping fit. Honestly, I’ve only done some running for
exercise before but it’s very boring. I think it’s time to change the way I work out. I’m not sure
if it can make me live longer, but it would help me keep fit and healthy.

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a little tricky:有点难
worlds away from:离…很遥远;与…非常不同
serves and strokes:发球和抽球
heavy serves:大力发球(网球的一个技术)
get the hang of it:找到诀窍
serious conditions:严重的病症
each and every muscle in your body:身体的每一块肌肉
do wonders for:在…方面产生作用
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Describe a person who taught you a skill when you were young.
You should say:
Who this person is/was;
What you learned from the person;
How the person taught you this;
And explain how this skill is useful to you.
5. 儿时某人教会的技能

Off the top of my head, the first one I can think of is tennis. I learned how to play it when I
was in primary school. My uncle is a PE teacher at college and specialized in teaching tennis.
Due to his influence, I had a craving for it from a really young age.

When I was in fifth grade, I asked my uncle to teach me tennis. He told me that tennis is a
little tricky at the beginning, since moves like serving a ball are worlds away from how you do
them in badminton. And to play it well, you have to train yourself in the basic skills, like serves
and strokes. You also have to learn some advanced tennis skills, like heavy serves, footwork,
and so on.

I didn’t understand the proper tennis terms26 he said back then27, but with my uncle’s help,
I did special training for several months. He showed me the basic movements and helped me
adjust my posture. Eventually, I got the hang of it.

I think it’s a practical skill. I once read an article that says playing tennis is even more
beneficial to your health than running. It involves the activity of each and every muscle in your
body, which can do wonders for keeping fit. So I’m grateful to my uncle for teaching me how
to play tennis. Now, whenever I’m free from study and work, I try to play tennis as much as I
can. I think it’s the most suitable exercise for me at the moment.

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the proper tennis terms: 专业的网球术语
back then: 当时;那时候
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Describe an expensive activity that you enjoy doing occasionally.
You should say:
What it is;
Who you do it with;
Why it is expensive;
And explain how you felt about it.

Off the top of my head, the first one I can think of is tennis. Last semester, my roommate
Tom signed up for a tennis course at a local tennis club. Due to his influence, I really had a
craving for it. So I go to that club to play tennis once or twice a month.

I’d love to play more often but it’s too expensive. The club we go to usually charges 100
yuan per hour for the use of their court, and if you need a trainer to guide you, you have to pay
an extra 150 yuan an hour28. So it definitely would cost an arm and a leg29 for young guys like

But I learned a lot from a trainer there. He told me that tennis is a little tricky at the beginning,
since moves like serving a ball are worlds away from how you do them in badminton. Then,
after five classes with him, my skills reached the next level. He showed me the basic movements
and helped me adjust my posture. Eventually, I got the hang of it.

Now I play tennis with Tom and other buddies at the club, but it still costs me at least a
hundred yuan each time. Anyway, I think it’s a practical skill. I once read an article that says
playing tennis is even more beneficial to your health than running. It involves the activity of each
and every muscle in your body, which can do wonders for keeping fit. So even though it’s very
costly30, it’s worth it.

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pay an extra 150 yuan an hour:每小时额外支付 150 元
cost an arm and a leg:让我花了很多钱
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Describe an energetic person that you know.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How you knew this person;
Why you think this person is energetic;
And explain how you feel about this person.
7. 精力充沛的人

Well, there is an older gentleman who lives upstairs above my apartment. I think he is a
very energetic person.

Even though he is about to be 70 years old, he still looks like he’s in his 50s31. He doesn't
want to retire and still runs his favorite pet shop in our neighborhood. Sometimes, when
someone’s pet is sick and they ask him for help, he even visits their home for a checkup for free.
I once saw him skip the elevator and take the stairs to a friend's house on the sixth floor so he
could check on a sick cat. He said climbing several flights of stairs32 was a piece of cake33 for
him. Honestly, if I walked up to the sixth floor I’d be out of breath34. It’s a bit embarrassing for

Plus, he’s always active and up-to-date with new things. Last year, he suddenly fell in love
with photography. He bought a single-lens reflex camera, and even asked me to teach him how
to take photos with the camera because he knows photography has been my hobby for years. Then
he traveled to many different places with his wife and took a lot of beautiful photos.

I think he has so much energy because he likes doing sports very much. He is a die-hard
tennis lover35. He usually plays tennis once or twice a week. He told me that playing tennis is
more beneficial than running. It involves the activity of each and every muscle in your body,
which can do wonders for keeping fit. I do believe what he said, his fit body and stamina speak

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looks like he’s in his 50s:看起来他像 50 多岁
several flights of stairs:几层楼梯
a piece of cake:轻松的事
out of breath:喘不过气来,上气不接下气
die-hard tennis lover:死硬派网球迷;忠实的网球粉
speak volumes:有力的证明
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Describe an old person you know and respect.
You should say:
Who this person is;
What kind of person he/she is;
How you know this person;
And explain why you respect him/her
8. 尊重的老人

Well, there is an older gentleman who lives upstairs above my apartment. He’s definitely a
role model37 for me. He’s an owner of a pet shop in my neighborhood that’s devoted to cats.

Even though he is about to be 70 years old, he still looks like he’s in his 50s. He’s definitely
a Cat-pedia. He basically knows everything you want to know about cats. There was a time my
cat wouldn’t eat and often drooled38 at the mouth. So I took my cat to his shop, and he advised
me to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. I fed her as he instructed and the poor little kitty
recovered practically in the blink of an eye39. I really appreciated his help.

Even though he’s getting on in years 40 , he still loves learning new things. Last year he
suddenly fell in love with photography. He bought a single-lens reflex camera. To make good
use of it, he came to my home for help because he knows photography has been my hobby for
years. So I taught him a ton of basic theories of photography and also gave him a ton of hands-
on experience. We practiced it outside a few times and I have to say he is really a natural at
taking photos.

I think he’s very knowledgeable but still modest and eager to learn. As the saying goes41, it
is never too late to learn. He really put it into practice. So I respect and admire him a lot. I hope
I can be as studious as him42 when I’m his age43.

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role model:榜样
practically in the blink of an eye:几乎一眨眼的功夫;很快
he’s getting on in years:上年纪了,上岁数了
As the saying goes:俗话说
as studious as him:像他一样的勤奋好学
when I’m his age: 在我到他这个年纪的时候
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Describe a person who always shows their feelings openly.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How you knew this person;
Why you think this person is very open;
And explain how you feel about this person.
9. 坦率的人

Well, there is an older gentleman who lives upstairs above my apartment. He’s also the
owner of a pet shop in my neighborhood that’s devoted to cats. He’s the kind of person who
wears their heart on their sleeve44, which I think is a cute characteristic.

There was a time my cat wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth. So I took my cat to
his shop. He checked the cat first then criticized me for not taking good care of it. His tone was
like he was talking to his own child which made me feel awkward. But he also carefully advised
me to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. I fed my cat as he instructed and the poor little kitty
recovered practically in the blink of an eye. So even though he gave me a harsh lesson, I really
appreciated his help.

Besides being critical, he’s also generous with praise45. Several months ago, he suddenly
fell in love with photography. He bought a single-lens reflex camera. To make good use of it, he
came to my home for help because he knows photography has been my hobby for years. So I
gave him a ton of hands-on experience. The gentleman was surprised by how much I know and
even complimented me in front of my parents46. He said I was capable of being a professional
photographer which really flattered me.

All in all, I like his straightforward47 personality because it gives you the impression that
he doesn’t lie. And I’m glad we can be friends despite our age difference48.

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wears their heart on their sleeve:流露自己的情感
generous with praise:会慷慨赞美他人
complimented me in front of my parents:在我父母面前表扬我
despite our age difference:尽管我们年龄不同
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Describe a family (not your own) that you like.
You should say:
Who they are;
Where they live;
How you know them;
And explain why you like them.
10. 喜欢的一家人

Well, I’d like to talk about an old couple, the Lis, who live upstairs above my apartment.
They have a son who immigrated to the UK and rarely goes back to see them49. So there are
usually just two of them at home.

They are extremely warm-hearted50 and helpful to their neighbors. There was a time my cat
wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth. The lady, Mrs. Li, saw it by chance51 and advised
me to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. And she even asked her husband to give me some
pills later that day. I fed the cat as they instructed and the poor little kitty recovered practically
in the blink of an eye. I really appreciated their help.

Plus, I think they are very up-to-date with new things52 and are also a lovely couple. Last
year, Mr. Li suddenly fell in love with photography. He bought a single-lens reflex camera. To
make good use of it, he came to my home for help because he knows photography has been my
hobby for years. Then he told me that he decided to travel more with his wife and take a lot
beautiful photos for her to preserve memories. So, I gave him a ton of hands-on experience, and
as a single person, I really admire their romance53.

So they are the family I like. They are sweet and kind and proved to young guys like me that
you are never too old for love. I respect and admire them a lot. I hope I can be as happy as them
when I’m their age.

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rarely goes back to see them:很少回去看他们
by chance:偶然;意外地
up-to-date with new things: 跟上新东西的潮流;不落伍
as a single person, I really admire their romance: 作为一个单身的人,我真的很羡慕他们的浪漫
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Describe a family member who asked you for help.
You should say:
Who the person is;
Why he/she asked you for help;
How you helped him/her;
And explain how you felt about it.
11. 寻求你帮助的家庭成员

Speaking of a family member I helped out, the first person I can think of is my cousin, who
is my uncle’s daughter and 5 years younger than me. I once taught her the ropes of photography54.

If memory serves correctly, my cousin fell in love with photography about two years ago.
She bought an instant camera. Specifically, it’s a Polaroid instant digital camera. As the name
suggests, it’s a kind of camera that can print out photos instantly, which is very cool.

To make good use of it, she decided to learn some basic photography skills. So she came to
me for help because she knows photography has been my hobby for years. I taught her lots of
basic theories of photography in a weekend and also gave her a ton of hands-on experience. For
example, I taught her step by step how to adjust the camera’s mode and exposure level to suit
different environments and brightness levels. We practiced it outside a few times and I have to
say she is really a natural at taking photos.

Not long after she got the hang of the camera, our sister had her wedding. So she used the
camera to capture a lot of beautiful moments for our whole family. Honestly, she has a knack
for photography. She was really grateful to me and even posted a thank-you note on her social
media55 to thank me for teaching her such a useful skill. As part of her family56, I’m happy that
I could give her a hand.

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the ropes of photography: 摄影的一些门道
posted a thank-you note on her social media: 在社交媒体上发了一封感谢信
As part of her family: 作为她的家人
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Describe an ambition that you have had for a long time.
You should say:
What it is;
What you did for it;
When you can achieve it;
And explain why you have this ambition.

Well, being a professional photographer has always been a dream job for me. It’s a
popular occupation as well. You can just take your single-lens reflex camera57 with you and
make money by shooting photos of others58 while traveling around the world. It’s the coolest
job I can think of.

I know a ton of basic theories of photography, like composition, lighting and timing59. And
my cousin, who is a great photographer, gave me a ton of hands-on experience60. For example,
he taught me step by step how to adjust the camera’s mode and exposure level61 to suit different
environments and brightness levels. It’s easier said than done62. We practiced it outside lots of
times. But my cousin said I’m really a natural at taking photos. So it’s a motivation for me to
keep it up.

I believe that after I get more shooting experience and a great work portfolio63, it’ll be a
breeze to make a living from photography. Then I can have photo-shooting tours64 of the places
I’ve always wanted to visit, especially Paris. There are plenty of breathtaking places to go and
see there, which can definitely give photographers a lot of inspiration. Honestly, since there are
tons of tourists there day in and day out65, I guess I don’t have to worry about finding customers.

Anyway, I really hope I can have a career as a photographer66 because it sounds like a ton
of fun. I will try my best no matter how hard the process can be.

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single-lens reflex camera:单反相机
shooting photos of others:给他人拍照
composition, lighting and timing:构图,光线和时机
hands-on experience:实践经验
adjust the camera’s mode and exposure level:调节相机模式和曝光水平
It’s easier said than done:说起来容易做起来难
work portfolio:作品集
have photo-shooting tours:旅拍; 一边拍照一边旅行
day in and day out:天天;每一天
have a career as a photographer:以摄影师为职业
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Describe a country in which you would like to work for a short time
You should say
Where you would like to work;
What kind of job would it be;
When would you like to go;
And explain why you want to work there
13. 想去短暂工作的国家

The foreign country I like the most is France. I’m also a big fan of its capital city, Paris. I’ve
watched a lot of movies about Paris and I love the culture and scenery there. If possible, I really
hope to work in that city for a while.

I hope to be a photographer in Paris. Actually, being a professional photographer has always

been a dream job for me. It’s a popular occupation as well. You can just take your single-lens
reflex camera with you and make money by shooting photos of others while traveling around
the world. It’s the coolest job I can think of. I know a ton of basic theories of photography, and
my cousin, who is a great photographer, gave me a ton of hands-on experience. I believe that
after I get more shooting experience and a great work portfolio67, it’ll be a breeze to68 make a
living from photography in Paris.

As for why Paris is my top pick69, it’s mainly because there are plenty of breathtaking places
to go and see there, like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre and the catacombs, which are underneath
the city. They all can definitely give photographers a lot of inspiration. Honestly, since there are
tons of tourists there day in and day out, I guess I don’t have to worry about finding customers.

Plus, I’m a die-hard romantic, and Paris is known as the city of love. It’s said that people
there are passionate and live in an artistic atmosphere. So it would be a perfect place for
photographers. All in all70, I really look forward to working in this great city.

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work portfolio:作品集
be a breeze to:很容易做…
my top pick:我的首选
All in all:总而言之
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Describe a foreign country(culture) you want to know more about
You should say:
Which country it is or which culture;
Where it is;
How you know about it;
And explain why you want to know more about it.
14. 想了解更多的国家

Well, the country I would love to know more is France. I’m also a big fan of its capital city71,
Paris. If possible, I really hope to travel there and tour the city. I’ve watched a lot of movies
about Paris and I love the culture and scenery there. If I can find a cheap flight ticket, I’ll go
there without a second thought72.

There are plenty of breathtaking places to go and see there, including the catacombs73, which
are underneath the city. And of course, I hope to go visit all the famous tourist attractions in
Paris, like the Eiffel Tower74 and the Louvre75. Besides, I’ve heard the food there is to die for76,
especially the crepes77 and baguettes78. It would definitely be a blast to try the local cuisine and
feel cultured.

Anyway, if I could, I would bring my parents with me so they could go visit the vineyards79,
which are very famous for their amazing wine. And, when I’m there, I would love to rent a bike
and travel through the streets of Paris. I’m sure I would be able to see lots of cool things.

As for why I would like to know more about it, well, I think it would be amazing to check
out such a famous place. Plus, I’m a die-hard romantic80, and Paris is known as the city of love.
It’s said that people there are passionate and live in an artistic atmosphere. I really want to
experience it. Who knows — maybe I could find the love of my life there!

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

capital city: 首都
without a second thought: 毫不犹豫
catacombs: 地下墓穴
Eiffel Tower: 埃菲尔铁塔
Louvre: 卢浮宫
to die for:(好吃得)要命,(好吃)极了
crepes: 可丽饼
baguettes: 法国长棍面包
vineyards: 葡萄园
die-hard romantic: 完全的/不折不扣的浪漫主义者
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an occasion when you felt surprised(unexpectedly) to meet someone you know.
You should say:
Who it was
Where you met this person
What you did when you met
And explain why you were surprised to meet this person.
15. 令你惊讶的相遇

Well, the first person that comes to mind81 is a friend of mine back in middle school who I
happened to meet again in a shop. It’s a pet shop that’s devoted to82 cats. And he’s the owner.
I met him by chance83 when I was buying some cat food there.

When I was picking out cat food, he struck up a conversation with me84. I lifted my head
and looked at him. I thought he was the spitting image of the boy who sat behind me in middle
school85. It’s funny that we recognized each other at the same moment. We were so excited and
even had a hug. I hadn’t seen him in a decade ever since middle school. But he looked just the
same as before and had the same friendly and easygoing charisma86. He said he almost didn’t
recognize me because I looked different. Well, I was actually happy to hear that.

It would’ve never occurred to me that87 he owns a pet shop now. And he’s like a Cat-pedia88.
He gave me tons of tips about how to take care of a cat properly. He also recommended several
products and gave all of them to me for free, which I was so grateful to him for.

Anyway, I’m very glad that I got to talk to an old friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time.
Now we often keep in touch with each other. I heard that his business really took off89. He’s
planning to open more branches 90 with his friends. I’m so happy for my friend’s great

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

comes to mind:跃入脑海;想到
devoted to:专做…
by chance:意外地;偶然的
struck up a conversation with me:和…聊起来
he was the spitting image of the boy who sat behind me in middle school:他像极了初中时候坐在我后面的男

had the same friendly and easygoing charisma:还是那么的友好随和
It would’ve never occurred to me that:我从来没有想到过
took off:起飞了;(生意)一飞冲天
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again.
You should say:
Who he or she is;
What he or she is like;
How you got in contact;
And explain how you felt about it.
16. 重新联系的老朋友

Well, the first person that comes to mind is a friend of mine back in middle school. Our
families moved to different cities before we entered high school, so we lost touch with each other.
But we reconnected91 last summer. I met him by chance when I was buying some cat food in a
pet shop. And he’s the owner of the shop.

When I was picking out cat food, he struck up a conversation with me. I lifted my head and
looked at him. I thought he was the spitting image of the boy who sat behind me in middle school.
It’s funny that we recognized each other at the same moment. We were so excited and even had
a hug. I hadn’t seen him in a decade ever since middle school. But he looked just the same as
before and had the same friendly and easygoing charisma.

We had a happy conversation even though we hadn’t seen each other in years. It would’ve
never occurred to me that he owns a pet shop now. And he’s like a Cat-pedia. He gave me tons
of tips about how to take care of a cat properly. And he even gave me several products for free,
which I was so grateful to him for.

Anyway, we exchanged phone numbers and friended each other on WeChat92 before I left
his shop. Now we often check in with each other93. Honestly, if we both had cellphones back in
middle school, we wouldn’t had lost contact with each other. It’s destiny that we regained our
friendship94. And thanks to technology as well, it helps us stay connected.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

friended each other on WeChat:在微信上互相加好友
check in with each other:彼此保持联系;彼此聊一聊
It’s destiny that we regained our friendship:是命运让我们又重获友谊
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time you changed your opinion.
You should say:
When it was;
What the original opinion was;
Why you changed it
And explain how you felt about it.
17. 改变看法

I used to think that young people who act up95 or can’t do well at school would fail in the
future as well. But one of my classmates back in middle school proved me wrong96 and showed
me that the ideas I had were stupid.

It was about two years ago. I met my classmate by chance in a pet shop that’s devoted to
cats. When I was picking out cat food, he struck up a conversation with me. I lifted my head and
looked at him. I thought he was the spitting image of the boy who sat behind me in middle school.
It’s funny that we recognized each other at the same moment. We were so excited and had a chat.
He mentioned that he’s the owner of the shop.

It would’ve never occurred to me that he owns a pet shop now. It’s very ironic that he was
at the bottom of the class97 and was looked down on by98 the teachers for poor grades. But I bet
they wouldn’t believe how successful he’s right now. And he’s like a Cat-pedia. He gave me
tons of tips about how to take care of a cat properly. He also recommended several products and
gave all of them to me for free, which I was so grateful to him for.

I hadn’t seen him in a decade ever since middle school. And his changes in the ten years
really surprised me. The facts prove that everyone has their own strengths, and grades at school
don’t speak for a student’s potential99. I shouldn’t have been so biased back then100.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

act up:调皮
proved me wrong:证明我错了
he was at the bottom of the class:他在班上成绩垫底
looked down on by:被…瞧不起/轻视
grades at school don’t speak for a student’s potential:在学校的成绩不能代表一个学生的潜力
shouldn’t have been so biased back then:那时候不应该有偏见
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a person you are happy to know
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know him or her
When you know him or her
Why you are happy to know him or her
18. 很开心认识了的人

Well, after I saw this topic, the first person that came to mind is an owner of a pet shop
that’s devoted to cats. I got to know him by chance when I was buying some cat food there.

The owner is a young man. He’s only 22 years old. It might be because we were about the
same age, but when I was picking out cat food, he struck up a conversation with me. He’s very
friendly and easygoing. And he’s like a Cat-pedia. He gave me tons of tips about how to take
care of a cat properly. You know, that was what I really paid attention to, so we talked a lot about

Since then I’ve become a loyal customer of his shop. And I learn a lot from him. There was
a time my cat wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth. So I took my cat to his shop, and he
advised me to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. I fed her as he instructed and the poor little
kitty recovered practically in the blink of an eye. I really appreciated his help.

Now we know each other very well, and I’m very glad that I got to know such a good and
helpful friend. I heard that his business really took off. He’s planning to open more branches
with his friends. I hope everything goes well with his new shop.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a person who often helps others.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How often he/she helps others;
How he/she help others;
And explain how you feel about this person.

Well, the first person that comes to mind is an owner of a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. I
got to know him by chance when I was buying some cat food there. He often helps pet owners
for free. He is literally the most helpful person I’ve ever seen.

The young man is very friendly and easygoing. And he’s like a Cat-pedia. When your cat
has any weird behaviors, you can just tell him. He can basically explain all of them to you. Plus,
he always gives customers tons of tips about how to take care of a cat properly.

Sometimes, when someone’s cat is sick and they ask him for help, he even visits their home
for a checkup for free. There was a time my cat wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth,
which had me worried sick101. So I sent him a message asking him what was going on with my
cat. It surprised me that102 he asked for my address and came to my home later that day. After
he checked the cat, he advised me to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. I fed her as he
instructed and the poor little kitty recovered practically in the blink of an eye. I really
appreciated his help.

Actually he treats all his customers nicely and equally, which makes it easy to gain their
trust103. I heard that he’s planning to open more branches with his friends. I hope everything goes
well with his new shop. And I believe he will get a ton of support from104 people he’s helped
when he needs it.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

had me worried sick:让我担心得要命
It surprised me that:让我吃惊的是
gain their trust:获得他们的信任
get a ton of support from:获得大量的支持
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe the time when you first talked in a foreign language.
You should say:
Where you were;
Who you were with;
What you talked about;
And explain how you felt about it.
20. 第一次用外语

Well, I work part-time at a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. Last year, I encountered105 a
foreign customer who teaches English at a university nearby. It was the first time I talked to
someone in English in real life106.

I still remember that he walked into the shop hugging an orange cat to his chest107. You could
definitely tell he isn’t Chinese by his appearance108. I wasn’t sure if he could talk in Chinese so
I felt a little awkward and didn’t know what to say. But he broke the ice109 and started to talk
with me.

He explained slowly in English that he’d taken in a homeless cat, but it wouldn’t eat and
often drooled at the mouth for several days. He didn’t know what the problem was so he took
his cat to our shop. I tried my best to figure out what he meant110. Then I checked the cat first
and advised him to feed it a small dose of vitamin B. I also gave him some tips about how to take
care of a cat properly. I guess he understood my explanation well, because he thanked me a lot
and left the shop with a smile.

So that was just a simple and short talk, but I was happy that I could apply what I learned
from school to real life. Actually the man came to our shop a few times later on111. He fed his cat
as I instructed and the poor little kitty recovered practically in the blink of an eye. So he really
appreciated my help. Now he has become a loyal customer of ours112.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

in real life:在真实生活里
hugging an orange cat to his chest:怀里抱着一只橙色的猫
You could definitely tell he isn’t Chinese by his appearance:从他的外表看,你就可以确定他不是中国人
broke the ice:打破沉默,打破僵局
figure out what he meant:弄清楚他是什么意思
later on:后来;稍后
loyal customer of ours:我们忠实的客户
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an intelligent person you know.
You should say:
Who this person is;
What this person did;
Why you think the person is smart;
And explain how you feel about the person.
21. 聪明的人

Well, I’d like to talk about an owner of a pet shop that’s devoted to cats.

I think he is intelligent because he really has a knack for selling to and persuading people.
When I was about to leave his shop because I didn’t find anything interesting, he struck up a
conversation with me. Honestly, I don’t usually talk with strangers so I felt a little awkward
and didn’t know what to say. But he is very friendly and easygoing. He asked me what kind of
cat I have, then he gave me tons of tips about how to take care of her properly. You know, that
was what I really paid attention to, so we talked a lot about cats.

I mentioned lots of my cat’s weird behaviors, and he basically explained all of them to me,
which totally reeled me in113. I think it was the moment that he took control of the situation and
started pulling my strings114. He recommended several products and I bought them all!

So my perception of him is that115 he has great intelligence and is a killer salesman116. The
way he sells doesn’t make people feel annoyed because he never pushes you to buy anything.
Instead, he always strikes up a fun conversation with you and you can learn a lot from him. He
acts like a professional and is reliable to customers, which makes it easy to gain their trust.

Honestly, if you don’t want to throw money away, don’t talk to people like him, ha-ha.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

reeled me in:吸引我;对我很有吸引力
pulling my strings:控制我(的想法和行为)
my perception of him is that: 我对他的看法是…
killer salesman: 超级销售,销售高手
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a book you read that you found useful.
You should say:
What it is;
When you read it;
Why you think it is useful;
And explain how you felt about it
22. 有用的书

I’d like to talk about a how-to book117 that teaches people how to take care of their cats. I
bought it from a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. This book drew my attention118 while I was
buying some cat food there.

The book isn’t thick, but it’s like a Cat-pedia. It’s full of tips about how to take care of a cat
properly. You know, that was what I really paid attention to, so I bought it without a second

I always read it when I’m free. It mentions lots of cats’ weird behaviors, and the author
basically explains all of them to you, which totally reeled me in. I learned a lot from it. Besides,
I even treated my own cat with a method recommended on the book. There was a time my cat
wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth. So I tried to look up an answer in the book120 and
I found a page that introduces this condition of cats. It advised me to feed the cat a small dose of
vitamin B. I fed her as it instructed and the poor little kitty recovered practically in the blink of
an eye. Honestly, if I didn’t read this book, I would have brought my cat to a pet clinic, which
would definitely cost me an arm and a leg121.

So I have to say it’s a very practical book 122 for cat owners. I’ve also strongly
recommended123 my friends with cats to read it as well, and I bet they will find it useful the same
as I do.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

a how-to book:一本“指南书”
drew my attention:引起我的注意
without a second thought:毫不犹豫
look up an answer in the book:在书里找到一个答案
cost me an arm and a leg: 花了我一大笔钱
practical book: 实用的书
strongly recommended: 强烈推荐
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a volunteering experience you have had.
You should say:
What it was
Where it was
Why you volunteered
And how you felt about it
23. 做过的志愿者活动【疑似低频考题】

Last summer holiday, a pet shop around my neighborhood organized a pet caring activity124
and started looking for cat and dog lovers to be volunteers. Since I have an orange cat and I love
pets, I signed up without a second thought.

It was a Sunday and there were ten of us giving brochures to pedestrians125 who passed
by126 the pet shop. Many of them were interested and asked us all kinds of questions about pets.
They basically assumed that the volunteers were all Cat-pedias, so they expected us to give them
tons of tips about how to take care of their pets properly. Some of them even told us about their
pets’ weird behaviors, and hoped we could explain all of those behaviors to them. I was as busy
as a bee127 that day and tried my best to pass on my knowledge of pets128.

I remember an old lady told me that her cat wouldn’t eat and often drooled at the mouth. I
advised her to feed the cat a small dose of vitamin B. She was very grateful to me and
complimented me for knowing so much. It really gave me a sense of achievement.

Honestly, it wasn’t a walk in the park129 to keep talking under the hot sun for two or three
hours. But I was happy that people think I acted like a professional130 and was reliable to them.
It’s worthwhile and meaningful for me to let more people know how to take care of their pets.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

organized a pet caring activity:组织了一个关爱宠物的活动
giving brochures to pedestrians:给行人发传单,宣传册
passed by:经过的
as busy as a bee:像蜜蜂一样忙碌
pass on my knowledge of pets:把我关于宠物的知识传授给…
it wasn’t a walk in the park:并不是一件简单的事情
acted like a professional:像专业人士一样;表现的很专业
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a friend of yours who is a good leader.
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know this person
What this person did or does to lead others
And explain why you think this person is a good leader.
24. 朋友中的好领袖

Well, one of my friends from high school is an owner of a pet shop that’s devoted to cats.
He’s definitely a good leader.

As the leader, he never stops learning. He keeps a routine of131 acquiring knowledge about
pets with his workers. It’s a good way to keep his knowledge up to date. He told me that customers
always expect you to give them tons of tips about how to take care of a cat properly. Some of
them even tell you about a lot of their cats’ weird behaviors, and hope you can explain them all.
In those cases132, if they don’t get the answers they want, they won’t think you’re reliable and
of course, they won’t buy your products either. I agree with what he says and admire him for his
strong discipline.

Besides, he really knows how to improve team chemistry and collaboration 133 . He has a
reward and punishment system134 for everyone working there. As far as I know, all employees
are banned from using personal cellphones at work. They’ll be fined 100 yuan135 if they violate
the rule. But in the meantime136, he’s generous for rewarding his employees for their dedication
and achievements. They hold team-building activities through parties137 several times a year,
which makes me green with envy138.

I think he has done a good job leading them to grow their business. Both his customers and
employees feel he’s pretty reliable. I heard that his business has really taken off. He’s planning
to open more branches. I hope everything goes well with his new shops.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

keeps a routine of: 保持惯例一直做某事
In those cases:在这些情况下
team chemistry and collaboration: 团队彼此磨合和协作
reward and punishment system: 奖惩机制
fined 100 yuan: 罚款 100 元
in the meantime: 同时
hold team-building activities through parties: 通过聚会举办团建活动
makes me green with envy: 让我非常嫉妒
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time you gave advice to others.
You should say:
Who you gave the advice to;
What advice you gave;
Why they needed your advice (whether they took your advice);
And explain how useful the advice was (/the result).
25. 给他人建议

I once gave a cousin of mine a piece of advice about her job. Last summer, she was looking
for a part-time job. But she had no idea what job might fit her, so she came to me for some

At the time, a friend of mine had just opened a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. The shop isn’t
big. There’s just the owner and one employee working there every day. So the idea of
introducing my cousin to this pet shop popped up in my mind139 right away because she would
fit this shop to a tee140.

But she doubted herself141 at the beginning. I tried my best to help her see through her
worries142. I told her that her personality would make her an excellent employee. You know, my
cousin is very friendly and easygoing. She likes talking with strangers so I don’t think customers
could complain about her service attitude. Plus, she’s owned a cat for many years, so she’s like
a Cat-pedia. She basically knows everything you want to know about cats. I thought she could
give customers tons of tips about how to take care of a cat properly. I bet both customers and the
owner would be satisfied with her performance.

After hearing me out143, my cousin decided to give it a try. So I referred her to my friend.
It turned out that144 she’s basically a pro145. She said almost all the customers like her. Everyone
feels she’s pretty reliable. And she started taking a liking to this job146. I’m really glad that my
advice worked for her.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

popped up in my mind:突然出现在我的脑中
fit this shop to a tee:很适合这家店铺
doubted herself:怀疑她自己(的能力)
see through her worries:克服她的烦恼;看透她自己的忧虑
hearing me out:听我说完
It turned out that:结果是…
taking a liking to this job:喜欢上这份工作了
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a car journey you went on
You should say:
Where you went
Why you took the journey on a car
Whom you took the journey with
And explain how you felt about it.
26. 汽车旅行
Last May, I took a short trip on a day off with my parents to Xi’an. Since I’d just gotten my
driver’s license, I decided to drive my parents for a one-day family trip.

The city where we live is pretty close to Xi’an. It usually takes 2 hours to drive there. You
know, as a rookie driver147, it was a pretty long journey for me. I thought I might get nervous so
I prepared myself for the route and did more practice beforehand, like turning and making a U-
turn148, which are my weak points149. On the day of the trip, I was nervous but also excited.

There happened to be a dragon boat festival so the highway was jammed with150 traffic. I
was worried about hitting other cars151 and couldn’t slow down the car on the highway. So I
barely152 talked to my parents. Instead, I gave my full attention to153 the front and back of my
car. And they also looked out for me by looking at the cars on either side of us. So it was dead
quiet in the car, which was so funny looking back154.

Luckily, we arrived at the destination smoothly 155, although it took around 3 hours. We
watched a municipal rowing tournament and I got to see the dragon dance for the first time in
my life. It was such a blast156.

The drive back157 was easy because I had gained experience on the way there. I even dared

to158 turn on the radio when I drove . Anyway, I really had a good time that day. And I will
never forget the first driving experience I had.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

a rookie driver:新手司机
turning and making a U-turn:转弯和调头
weak points:弱点;不擅长的方面
was jammed with:被…堵住了
hitting other cars:撞上其他车辆
gave my full attention to:把注意力全部放在
looking back:现在再想起来;回眸往事
such a blast:让人开心的事情
The drive back:开车的回程; 开车回家一路
dared to:敢去…
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a good decision you made recently.
You should say:
What it was;
When you made it;
What the result was;
And explain how you felt about it.
27. 好决定

Last May, I took a short trip on a day off with my parents to Xi’an. Since I’d just gotten my
driver’s license, I decided to drive my parents for a one-day family trip. I think it was the best
decision I’ve made recently.

The city where we live is pretty close to Xi’an. It usually takes 2 hours to drive there. You
know, as a rookie driver, it was a pretty long journey for me. So my parents didn’t support my
idea of having a road trip. But I convinced them with my excellent performance at driving school.
Of course, I tried my best to get well-prepared159.

On the day of the trip, I was nervous but also excited. The highway was jammed with traffic.
I was worried about hitting other cars and couldn’t slow down the car on the highway. So I
barely talked to my parents. And they didn’t talk either because they were worried about
distracting me. So it was dead quiet in the car, which was so funny looking back.

Luckily, we arrived at the destination smoothly, although it took around 3 hours. We had a
blast 160 touring the tourist attraction. And the drive back was easy because I had gained
experience on the way there. My parents even complimented my driving skills. So this trip helped
me practice my driving skills as well as build up my courage161. And I proved to my parents that
I’m capable of162 giving them a ride for road trip from then on. So it was definitely a good
decision. And I will never forget the first driving experience I had.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

well-prepared: 准备充分的
had a blast: 玩的很开心
build up my courage: 锻炼了我的勇气;让我鼓起勇气
I’m capable of: 我有能力去…
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a photo of yourself that you like.
You should say:
Where you took it;
When you took the photo;
Who took it;
And explain how you felt about the photo.
28. 喜欢的照片

Speaking of a photo I like, the first one that comes to mind is a photo my mother took of me
when I was driving. Last May, I took a short trip on a day off with my parents to Xi’an. Since
I’d just gotten my driver’s license, I decided to drive my parents for a one-day family trip.

The city where we live is pretty close to Xi’an. It usually takes 2 hours to drive there. You
know, as a rookie driver, it was a pretty long journey for me. I thought I might get nervous so I
tried my best to get well-prepared.

On the day of the trip, I was nervous but also excited. The highway was jammed with traffic.
I was worried about hitting other cars and couldn’t slow down the car on the highway. So I
barely talked to my parents. When I was holding the wheel so hard and staring at the road in
front of me, my mom quickly snapped a photo of me with her cellphone163. After we arrived at
the destination smoothly164, she showed me the photo and I looked so serious and nervous with
my brow all furrowed165, which was so funny looking back.

It’s really a great photo because it captured my emotion and even my thinking at that
moment. I can recall the scene166 clearly every time I see the photo. This trip helped me practice
my driving skills as well as build up my courage. And having this photo, I will never forget the
first driving experience I had.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

quickly snapped a photo of me with her cellphone:她用手机迅速给我拍了张照片
with my brow all furrowed:我眉头紧锁
recall the scene:回忆起这一幕
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.
You should say:
What it was
Why you took it
What the result was
And how you felt about it

The first thing I can think of is my first ever road trip. Last May, I took a short trip on a day
off with my parents to Xi’an. Since I’d just gotten my driver’s license, I decided to drive my
parents for a one-day family trip.

The city where we live is pretty close to Xi’an. It usually takes 2 hours to drive there. You
know, as a rookie driver167, I could be nervous so I prepared myself for the route and did more
practice beforehand, like turning and making a U-turn168, which are my weak points. On the day
of the trip, I was nervous but also excited.

There happened to be a dragon boat festival so the highway was jammed with169 traffic. I
was worried about hitting other cars170 and couldn’t slow down the car on the highway. So I
barely talked to my parents. Instead, I gave my full attention to171 the front and back of my car.
And they also looked out for me by looking at the cars on either side of us. So it was dead quiet
in the car, which was so funny looking back172.

Luckily, we arrived at the destination smoothly, although it took around 3 hours. The drive
back173 was easy because I had gained experience on the way there. I even dared to174 turn on

the radio when I drove . Anyway, I really had a good time that day. And I will never forget
the first driving experience I had. It was a scary experience, but it also gave me a sense of

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

a rookie driver:一个菜鸟司机
turning and making a U-turn:转弯调头
was jammed with:挤满了
hitting other cars:撞上其他车
gave my full attention to:把全部注意力都放在…;全神贯注在…
looking back: 回顾过去; 回顾往事
The drive back: 回程
dared to:敢于去…
gave me a sense of achievement: 给了我一种成就感
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time when you got lost.
You should say:
When and where it happened;
Who was there with you;
How you felt when you got lost;
And explain how you eventually found your way.
30. 迷路的经历

Last May, I took a short trip on a day off with my parents to Xi’an. Since I’d just gotten my
driver’s license, I decided to drive my parents for a one-day family trip. But it turned into a huge
embarrassment176 because I totally lost my way.

The city where we live is pretty close to Xi’an. It usually takes 2 hours to drive there. You
know, as a rookie driver, I thought I might get nervous so I checked the route on the GPS in my
car and did more practice beforehand, like turning and making a U-turn, which are my weak

On the day of the trip, I was nervous but also excited. After I drove for about an hour on the
highway, the GPS alerted me to an exit177 but I didn’t see it at all. I was confused and had no
idea where I was. I couldn't check my cellphone either, because it’s too dangerous to do while
driving. So I had to get off the highway178 first and pulled over at a gas station179. The staff
member told me that I would have to drive another 30 minutes to reach the correct exit, which
was newly built. That’s why my GPS gave me the wrong directions; the map on the GPS wasn’t

Luckily, the guy at the gas station was right and we finally arrived at the destination, although
it took around 3 hours. Since then, I can’t trust the GPS navigation in the car181 anymore and
have been using cellphone maps every time I drove. Obviously it’s more reliable.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

it turned into a huge embarrassment: 结果搞的很丢脸
alerted me to an exit: 提醒我有出口
get off the highway: 离开高速公路;下高速
pulled over at a gas station: 把车停在加油站
the map on the GPS wasn’t updated: GPS 上的地图没有更新
the GPS navigation in the car: 车上的 GPS 导航
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a city you once visited and would like to visit again.
You should say:
What city it is;
When you have visited it;
What you did last time;
And explain why you would like to visit the city again
31. 想再次拜访的城市

The city I always look forward to visiting again is Xi’An. If memory serves correctly, the
last time I went to this city was three years ago. At the time, a friend of mine invited me to travel
to his city because we hadn’t seen each other for two years.
Since I was only staying there for a couple days, my friend took me to some famous
attractions 182 , like the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda 183 and the Bell Tower of Xi’an 184 . It’s
literally185 an old city with an extremely rich history. I really enjoyed my time being there.
If possible, I hope to visit there again with my parents during the dragon boat festival
holiday. I could give them another tour of this historical city. Plus, the city holds a municipal
rowing tournament186 every year on that day. My family and I have watched it on TV before and
it looked fascinating. So I guess if we watch the game on site187, we’ll be over the moon188. We’ll
probably cheer our heads off189 with thousands of onlookers190 on the shore. After the game, we
might happen to see the dragon dance, which is also a traditional activity during Dragon Boat
Festival. I haven’t enjoyed the hustle and bustle of a crowd191 for a long time so I really hope to
see it during this holiday.
I hope I can make it192 next year. Both of my parents are interested in traditional Chinese
culture, so it would be a great idea giving them a tour in this cultural capital193. And this will
definitely be a great bonding experience194 for our family.
(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

famous attractions: 著名景点
the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda:大雁塔
the Bell Tower of Xi’an:西安的钟楼
literally: 照字面地;真的
a municipal rowing tournament: 市划船比赛
on site: 在现场
over the moon: 兴高采烈
cheer our heads off: 让我们欣喜若狂
onlookers: 观众
the hustle and bustle of a crowd: 人群的熙攘吵闹
make it: 去的成
cultural capital: 文化古都
great bonding experience: 能增进感情的体验
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise
You should say:
Who or what made the noise
What the noise was like
What you did when you heard the noise
And how you feel about it
32. 发出噪音的人或物

I’d like to talk about the time I was irritated by195 the noise outside and couldn’t sleep. It
happened during last Dragon Boat Festival, which is an important public holiday in our country.
Traditionally, it’s for expelling evil spirits196 as well as a memorial day for197 a great poet, Qu
Yuan, in our history.

Anyway, I’d planned to sleep in that morning, but there were loud drums and horns 198
outside on the street. It wasn’t even 10 am. At first I thought it was someone’s wedding. It bugged
me so much199 that I even covered myself with the comforter200 but it didn’t help. So I got up
and went to the window to take a look outside.

It turned out201 it was a performance of dragon dance, which was part of an event held by
our neighborhood committee202 . I saw a team of about ten performers manipulating a long,
flexible figure of a dragon. They simulated203 the imagined movements of a dragon. It was like
a dragon came to life right before our eyes204.

The drums and music were still loud. But when you are personally on the scene205, you don’t
feel like it’s as noisy. I even enjoyed it a little bit. It was quite a unique experience because I’d
never watched a dragon dance before. I recorded some of it on my cellphone. I even applauded
and cheered for their great performance with the crowds downstairs206 when it was over. So it
was funny that I ended up forgetting the performance was responsible for disturbing my sleep.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

was irritated by: 被…烦的要命
expelling evil spirits:驱邪避瘟
a memorial day for:纪念日;纪念…的日子
loud drums and horns: 响亮的鼓声和喇叭声
It bugged me so much: 这太让我心烦了
comforter: 被子
turned out: 结果是
neighborhood committee: 居委会
came to life right before our eyes:活生生的展现在我们眼前
when you are personally on the scene: 当你亲自到现场时
with the crowds downstairs: 楼下人山人海;楼下的人群
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a tradition in your country.
You should say:
What it is;
How old it is;
What activities there are;
And how you feel about it.
33. 国家传统
I’d like to talk about the traditions of Dragon Boat Festival in our country, which is an
important public holiday in our country. Traditionally, it’s for expelling evil spirits as well as a
memorial day for a great poet, Qu Yuan, in our history.
On this day, all Chinese families eat rice dumplings, which are called “Zongzi”. It’s a
kind of Chinese rice dish made of rice stuffed with207 different fillings. They’re absolutely to die
for208, honestly.
Besides, basically all Chinese cities put on a ton of amusing events209 for this holiday.
The most common one would be a Dragon Boat race and a dragon dance, which are the two
iconic210 activities of this holiday. The Dragon Boat race is fascinating. Once the match begins,
dozens of boats with dragon heads move on the water with drum beats and loud
encouragement211. If you watch the game on site, you would probably cheer your heads off212
with thousands of onlookers on the shore. Plus, some cities also have an intriguing213 dragon
dance performance. Some professional performers manipulate a long, flexible figure of a dragon.
They simulate the imagined movements of a dragon. It’s like a dragon comes to life right before
your eyes.
In fact, these traditions have been going on in our country for more than 2,000 years.
There seem to be many different explanations for why ancient Chinese people created them in
the first place214. But nowadays, people focus more on the entertaining part of those traditional
activities. I think the preservation of these traditions is very important for our culture. They are
what make our country unique215.
(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

stuffed with:填着…
They’re absolutely to die for:意指好吃的要死
put on a ton of amusing events:组织一堆有趣的活动
with drum beats and loud encouragement: 伴随着鼓声和很大的加油声
cheer your heads off:疯狂的加油
intriguing: 有趣的; 有吸引力的
in the first place: 首先;起初
They are what make our country unique: 他们使我们的国家独一无二
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a mistake you once made in your life
You should say:
What mistake it was
How you made this mistake
When it was
And explain how it affected you.
34. 从错误中学习

Well, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life because of carelessness. During last Dragon
Boat festival, there was a rowing tournament216 held in my hometown. At the time, I had just
started dating my girlfriend. Neither of us had ever watched217 this kind of game before. So we
decided to watch the game together. It was our first date, so the journey really meant a lot to218
both of us.

Since the tournament started at 7 AM, we agreed to meet up at the venue at 6:30. However,
my home was a long way away from the park, so I had to get out of bed around 5 in the morning
and catch the earliest bus.

It was such a bummer that219 I overslept220 the next morning. I swear that I set an alarm
before I went to bed, but it didn’t go off221. After I opened the app again, I figured out that I set
it wrong. I set it as an alarm at 5 in the afternoon, not in the morning. It was ridiculous222.

Anyway, I jumped out of bed223 right away and took a cab224 to the park. By the time I got
there, the game had been going for 15 minutes. Even though my girlfriend forgave me, it was a
shame that I made her wait for the first date. Since then I’ve become more careful, especially
when I have something important coming up. I set up multiple alarms on my cellphone to remind
myself. I promised myself that I won’t step on the same rake225.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

a rowing tournament:划船锦标赛,这里即为龙舟赛
Neither of us had ever watched: 我们俩都没有看过…
meant a lot to:对…意义重大
It was such a bummer that:郁闷的是
go off:(闹钟)响了
jumped out of bed:跳下床
took a cab:乘出租车
won’t step on the same rake:不会重蹈覆辙
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an occasion when you forgot something important.
You should say:
When it was;
What you forgot;
Why you forgot it;
And explain how you felt about it.

Once I forgot to set an alarm and was late for an important date the next day. During last
Dragon Boat festival, there was a rowing tournament held in my hometown. At the time, I had
just started dating my girlfriend. Neither of us had ever watched this kind of game before. So
we decided to watch the game together. It was our first date, so the journey really meant a lot to
both of us.

Since the tournament started at 7 AM, we agreed to meet up at the venue at 6:30. However,
my home was a long way away from the park, so I had to get out of bed around 5 in the morning
and catch the earliest bus.

It was such a bummer that I overslept the next morning. I didn’t wake up until my girlfriend
called me. I thought I set an alarm before I went to bed, but when I opened the alarm app, I
realized that I forgot to set up an alarm the night before because I was too excited. It was

Anyway, I jumped out of bed right away and took a cab to the park. By the time I got there,
the game had been going for 15 minutes. Even though my girlfriend forgave me, it was a shame
that I made her wait for the first date. Since then I’ve become more careful. When I have
something important coming up, I always make sure to set an alarm several hours ahead226 and
double check before going to bed. I promised myself that I won’t step on the same rake.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

several hours ahead:提前几个小时
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a place (not your home) where you are able to relax.
You should say:
Where it is;
What it is like;
How often you go there;
And how you feel about this place.
36. 让你放松的地方

Well, when it comes to a place I can chill out, the first one I can think of is a park in my

It’s about an hour’s drive away from my home. The first time I went there was about two
years ago. At the time the gigantic227 park had just opened to the public. So my friend and I hung
out together at the new park. It’s quite big. There’s a giant artificial lake228 in this park. And
there’s a pretty long pavilion229 above the lake. It’s said that the pavilion was renovated230
based on an old pavilion built in the Tang Dynasty. All the pillars231 have beautiful carvings232
of dragons and cranes233, which look very sophisticated234. And it’s also unique to build the
pavilion on the lake.

Since it’s pretty far from my home, I don’t go there very often. But whenever I check it
out, I like sitting in the pavilion. It’s a quiet and peaceful spot for some young people like me to
read books or just people-watch235. When summer comes, it attracts tons of visitors to do all
kinds of activities. For example, many seniors practice calligraphy236 or do some tai-chi in the

So it’s a perfect place where people living in the neighbourhood can hang out together.
And the calm surface of the water really puts your mind at ease237, which makes it easier for you
to relax. Honestly, I really look forward to seeing a park near our neighborhood so I can have a
place nearby to have fun at.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

gigantic: 巨大的
artificial lake: 人工湖
pavilion: 亭子
pillars: 柱子
cranes: 鹤
people-watch: 观察别人,看来来往往的人
calligraphy: 书法
puts your mind at ease:让你感到心情放松
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time when you received a piece of good news.
You should say:
What the news was;
Who told you the news;
When you knew;
And explain how you felt about it.
37. 好消息

Well, when it comes to a piece of good news I received recently, the first one that I can think
of is the construction of a new park in my hometown.

I got this news from a friend who shared online coverage of it through WeChat238. It says
there’s going to be a gigantic park open to the public in one year. There are even rendered
images239 of the park which show how it’ll look when it’s built. As they illustrate, there will be
a giant artificial lake in this park. And it seems there will also be a pretty long pavilion above
the lake. It’s said that the pavilion is being renovated based on an old pavilion built in the Tang
Dynasty. I saw a picture of the pavilion that shows that all the pillars have beautiful carvings of
dragons and cranes, which look very sophisticated.

I’m happy to see this news because there isn’t any good place near our neighborhood for
entertainment. And this park will be just about a 15-minute walk from my home. It means that
I could go there very often. It’ll be a quiet and peaceful spot for some young people like me to
read books or just people-watch. And seniors in the neighborhood finally can have a good place
to chill out240. They can practice calligraphy or do some tai-chi in the pavilion.

So it’ll definitely be a perfect place where people living in the neighbourhood can hang
out together. I really look forward to seeing its construction.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

shared online coverage of it through WeChat: 通过微信分享给我这件事的网上新闻
rendered images: 效果图
chill out: 放松
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a public building you like.
You should say:
Where it is;
How you know it;
What it is used for;
And why you like it.
38. 喜欢的公共建筑

Well, when it comes to a building I like, the first one I can think of is a pavilion in a park
which is about an hour’s drive away from my home.

About two years ago, a gigantic park opened to the public. It’s quite big. There’s a giant
artificial lake in this park. And the long pavilion I mentioned is above the lake. It’s said that the
pavilion was renovated based on an old pavilion built in the Tang Dynasty. All the pillars have
beautiful carvings of dragons and cranes, which look very sophisticated. And it’s also unique to
build the pavilion on the lake. Honestly, as a northern person, it’s the only building on the lake
that I’ve ever seen…

Since it’s pretty far from my home, I don’t go there very often. But whenever I check it out,
I like sitting in the pavilion. It’s a quiet and peaceful spot for some young people like me to read
books or just people-watch. When summer comes, it attracts tons of visitors to do all kinds of
activities. For example, many seniors practice calligraphy or do some tai-chi in the pavilion.

So I think the long pavilion is both a good-looking and very useful building. It’s a perfect
place where people living in the neighbourhood can hang out together. And standing in the
pavilion, the calm surface of the water really puts your mind at ease, which makes it easier for
you to relax. It’ definitely a great place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city241.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

get away from the hustle and bustle of the city:远离城市喧嚣
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe something you did which was a waste of time.
You should say:
What the thing was
When you did it
How you did it
And explain why it was a waste of time.
39. 浪费时间做某事

Well, when it comes to an experience when I wasted a lot of time, the first one I can think
of is the time my friends and I visited a new park.

The park is about an hour’s drive away from my home. Honestly, it’s the closest park to our
house. I went there last July. At the time a gigantic park had just opened to the public. So my
friend and I hung out together at the new park. It’s quite big. There’s a giant artificial lake in
this park. And there’s a pretty long pavilion above the lake. But it was the only highlight of the
park when we arrived there.

There were barely any facilities, like work-out equipment or a playground for kids. So,
practically242 no one at the park was doing any activities. We had a walk in the park for an hour
but didn't see a lot of people. It wasn’t like a new park is supposed to be243. Since there wasn’t
too much to see, we didn’t take a photo there either. It was a really boring tour and we all felt
that we wasted our time. Since then, I’ve never been to this park.

You know, a good park should be a perfect place where people living in the neighbourhood
can hang out together. And we all need a wonderful place where people can just shoot the breeze.
I don’t know if the park is built better now, but I really look forward to seeing it be improved.
Or else244, it’s not worth visiting again.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

practically: 实际上;事实上
It wasn’t like a new park is supposed to be: 这不是一个新公园应该有的样子
Or else: 要不然
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution
You should say
Where it is;
When you visited this place;
What kinds of pollution you saw there;
And explain haw this place was affected.
40. 被污染的地方

Well, when it comes to a place that is contaminated245, the first one I can think of is a park
in my hometown which needs to be renovated and cleaned up.

The park I’m talking about is about an hour’s drive away from my home. Honestly, it’s the
closest park to our house. The first time I went there was about two years ago. At the time a
gigantic park had just opened to the public. So my friend and I hung out together at the new park.
It’s quite big. There’s a giant artificial lake in this park. And there’s a pretty long pavilion above
a lake. But it’s strange that over the past few years, there are always dead fish floating on the lake,
which causes a very strong, stinky fishy smell246. People living nearby all complained that they
couldn’t even open their windows for ventilation 247 because of the smell. The city did an
investigation on this issue and found out it was caused by a chemical factory that secretly emits
waste water into a creek248 that connects to the lake. But it’s really a shame that as of today, it’s
been ignored by authorities, so there are barely any visitors there.

As we all know, a good park should be a perfect place where people living in the
neighbourhood can hang out together. And we all need a wonderful place where people can just
shoot the breeze. So I really look forward to seeing my hometown deal with this severe pollution
and renovate the park to make it a better place.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

contaminated: 受污染的
stinky fishy smell: 发臭了的鱼腥味
ventilation: 通风
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a successful big company you know
You should say:
The name of this company
What this company does
Where this company is
And explain why you think it is successful.
41. 你了解的大公司

One big firm I know is a company in my country named DiDi, which provides an online
platform249 for ride-hailing250. As far as I know, it’s the largest ride-hailing service provider in
the world and basically all Chinese people, including me, use their service the most frequently
for hailing a car online.

I don’t really remember when I knew this company exactly. It might’ve been five or six years
ago. But Didi’s marketing scheme251 left a mark on me. They drew an enormous amount of
users by dispatching coupons with a huge discount252. When I used their cellphone app the first
time, it only cost me one yuan to get a ride from my home to school.

Now, Didi provides service in even more places in the world. I think they’re successful in
the ride-hailing business because they put customers’ satisfaction and needs on top of everything
else. Their app is very user-friendly253. The design of its interface254 is intuitive255 and even
seniors can understand how to use it quickly. Besides, its service is totally awesome. You can
book a ride for the next day at any time you want and you’ll see a car waiting for you at the exact
time you booked. Didi is also backed by a very creative and driven256 company. They are trying
a lot of new things, like private car hailing and social ride-sharing, which all help people to find
an easy and cost-effective257 ride. I think their creativity for new and better services will keep
them invincible258 in the market.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

online platform:网络平台
marketing scheme:营销策略
dispatching coupons with a huge discount:给人们发送有巨大折扣的优惠券
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a program or an app you usually use on your phone.
You should say:
What it is;
How you first found it;
How you use it;
And explain what you feel about it.
42. 常用的应用软件

I have a ton of apps on my cellphone. One of them that I use quite often is called Didi, which
is a ride-hailing app. Basically all Chinese people, including me, consider it as the most
frequently used app for hailing a car online.

I don’t really remember when I downloaded this app. It might’ve been five or six years ago.
But Didi’s marketing scheme left a mark on me. They drew an enormous amount of users by
dispatching coupons with a huge discount. When I used this app the first time, it only cost me
one yuan to get a ride from my home to school.

Now, whenever I need a ride, I log onto259 this app first to check if there are available Didi
vehicles around my location. I’m the biggest fan of it because they put customers’ satisfaction
and needs on top of everything else. The app itself is very user-friendly. The design of its interface
is intuitive and even seniors can understand how to use it quickly. Besides, its service is totally
awesome. You can book a ride for the next day at any time you want and you’ll see a car waiting
for you at the exact time you booked. Didi is also backed by a very creative and driven company.
They are trying a lot of new things, like private car hailing and social ride-sharing, which all
help people to find an easy and cost-effective ride. I think the growth of Didi might make it a life-
long260 app for me.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

log onto:登录
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that you are interested in.
You should say:
What it is;
When you knew it;
How you leant it;
And explain why you are interested in it.
43. 感兴趣的科学领域

I’m most interested in the field of computer science. In my sophomore year, I studied
programming for a while. Our teacher linked a lot of theoretical knowledge with real life261,
which totally reeled me in. From then on, I became very interested in computer science,
especially programming and system development262.

I think this field is the most relevant to our life. The development of smartphone apps
especially has made society develop rapidly. Take Didi, which is a ride-hailing app, as an
example. The system has a built-in search engine263 and navigation system that help you check
if there are available Didi vehicles around your location. Powerful Internet big data analysis264
helps you book a ride for the next day at any time you want and you’ll see a car waiting for you
at the exact time you booked. Now, software engineers are constantly upgrading265 the app.
There are a lot of new things being created in this app every year, like private car hailing and
social ride-sharing, which all help people to find an easy and cost-effective ride.

All of the things I mentioned just now are related to research in computer science. Actually
if you look closely at the process of system development of each piece of software, you’ll find
that it is as interesting as unlocking one game level after another266. So this is one of my favorite
areas of science. To be honest, if I didn’t suck at math267, I'd really like to learn how to make a
mobile app, even just a small app, step by step268. It would be a great accomplishment for me.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

linked a lot of theoretical knowledge with real life:把很多理论知识和现实生活联系起来
programming and system development:程序设计及系统开发
built-in search engine:内置的搜索引擎
Powerful Internet big data analysis:强大的互联网大数据分析
unlocking one game level after another:打过(通过)一个又一个游戏关卡
suck at math:数学方面很糟糕
step by step:逐步的,一步一步的
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed
You should say
When it was
What you ate in the dinner
Who you were with
And explain why you enjoyed the dinner
44. 喜欢的晚餐

I’d like to talk about an evening banquet269 that’s held annually by a company I worked
for. Last year, I worked part-time at a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. The owner of the company
is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end party270 in December.

I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the banquet and even had a dress code of
formal attire271 for everyone who attended the party. Anyway it was a very formal event. Since
it was my first time attending a year-end party, I was pretty excited about it.

As required, I put on a well-selected272 outfit to go to the venue273 of the banquet. The

restaurant we went to was fit for royalty with classical decorations274. There were tons of Chinese
knots 275 and red lanterns in the hall, as well as calligraphy artworks 276 and traditional
paintings hanging on the wall. The part of the dinner that impressed me the most was that they
could cook all the vegetable dishes with meaty flavors277. I ate a sausage with pork flavor that
was made of mushrooms and also ate a piece of tofu that tasted like fried pork. It’s the only
vegetarian restaurant I’ve known that could make vegetable dishes that tasted so much like meat.

Besides the creative and delicious dinner, our company also hired a band and dancers to
boost the energy of the party278. Honestly, it’s definitely the best dinner I’ve ever had.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

evening banquet:晚宴
year-end party:年终聚会
had a dress code of formal attire: 对正式着装有要求
well-selected: 精心挑选的
venue: 会场,聚会地点
fit for royalty with classical decorations: 装饰古朴大气,有皇家风范
Chinese knots: 中国结
calligraphy artworks: 书法作品
meaty flavors: (用菜做出)肉味
boost the energy of the party: 活跃聚会的气氛
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an event you experienced in which you didn’t like the music played.
You should say:
What the event was;
Where you were;
What the music was like;
And explain why you didn’t enjoy the music
45. 不喜欢的音乐

Once I listened to music that I don’t like at a party. Specifically, it was an evening banquet
that’s held annually by a company I worked for. Last year, I worked part-time at a pet shop
that’s devoted to cats. The owner of the company is a very generous man and he always throws
a year-end party in December.

I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the banquet and even had a dress code of
formal attire for everyone who attended the party. So you know, it was a very formal event. But
it’s hilarious that the background music played at the restaurant was very cheesy 279 , which
didn’t line up with the atmosphere280 of the event at all.

The restaurant we went to was fit for royalty with classical decorations. There were tons of
Chinese knots and red lanterns in the hall, as well as calligraphy artworks and traditional
paintings hanging on the wall. Honestly, an environment like that needs a touch of Chinese
classical music281 to soothe people’s mood282. But when we started enjoying our meal, loud
music with suona, a kind of Chinese trumpets 283 , playing. It sounded happy but only fits
circumstances like birthday parties for seniors. It was absolutely the wrong music for a party or
a banquet.

On the plus side284, the food was great. The part of the dinner that impressed me the most
was that they could cook all the vegetable dishes with meaty flavors. But the background music
made me feel like I was at a birthday party in the countryside. I don’t mean that I hated the
music, but it was totally inappropriate for the circumstance.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

cheesy: 俗的
didn’t line up with the atmosphere: 和气氛不符;和气氛不搭配
a touch of Chinese classical music: 一点中国古典音乐
soothe people’s mood: 安抚人们的情绪;舒缓人们的情绪
suona, a kind of Chinese trumpets: 唢呐,一种中国小号
On the plus side: 好的的一面;加分的一面
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time when you saw children behave badly in public.
You should say:
Where it was;
What the children were doing;
How others reacted to it;
And explain how you felt about it.
46. 熊孩子

Well, after I saw this topic, the first thing that came to mind is the time I met a naughty kid
during a party. It was an evening banquet that’s held annually by a company I work for. The
owner of the company is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end party in

Anyway, I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the banquet and even had a dress
code of formal attire for everyone who attended the party. So it was a very formal event. But a
kid that one of our co-workers brought made the party a mess285. Before the beginning of the
dinner, we sat together at tables and started chatting. This kid suddenly started running around
and screaming286, which was super annoying.

Plus, the restaurant we went to was fit for royalty with classical decorations. There were tons
of Chinese knots in the hall. The kid even took several Chinese knot decorations off the wall287.
His mom stopped him right away after she saw what he was doing. Instead of behaving better,
he made an even louder noise by crying. So the mom had no choice but to288 leave the party
early with the kid.

After the kid left, we were really relieved289. Eventually, we got to enjoy a creative and
delicious dinner. Our company also hired a band and dancers to boost the energy of the party.
Honestly, if the kid wasn’t so naughty, it would’ve been the best dinner I’ve ever had.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

made the party a mess:把聚会搞得一团糟
running around and screaming:跑来跑去; 大声尖叫
took several Chinese knot decorations off the wall:从墙上取下了几件中国结装饰品
had no choice but to:别无选择
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time you were not interested in a topic that someone was talking about.
You should say:
When it was;
Who you were with;
What you talked about;
And explain why you were not interested in the topic.
47. 无聊的话题

I’d like to talk about a time I had a conversation with a co-worker during a party.
Specifically, it was an evening banquet that’s held annually by a company I work for. The
owner of the company is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end party in

I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the banquet. Before the dinner, we sat
together at tables and started chatting. The girl who sat next to me seemed to be crazy about
tennis290. She told me a lot about it. Honestly, I’m not into sports at all291. But out of respect292,
I kept listening to her carefully.

I think she misread things293 and thought I liked tennis too, so she talked even more about
how to play tennis. She said tennis is a little tricky at the beginning, since moves like serving a
ball are worlds away from how you do them in badminton. And to play it well, you have to train
yourself in the basic skills, like serves and strokes.

Well, I didn’t understand the proper tennis terms she said back then. I was totally in over
my head 294 . I barely responded with words but could only smile and nod. Fortunately, the
conversation ended right after the dishes were served. It was such a release for me295. But it
wasn’t too awkward because she didn’t know that I was bored out of my mind296 during the
conversation. We still get along with each other at work to this day297.

be crazy about tennis:热爱网球
I’m not into sports at all:我一点也不喜欢运动
out of respect:出于尊重
I think she misread things:我觉得她误解了
I was totally in over my head:我完全无法理解
It was such a release for me:这对我来说是一种解脱
bored out of my mind:无聊死了
to this day:至今
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an occasion you had to wear your best clothes.
You should say:
When it happened;
Where you went;
What you wore;
And explain how you felt about it.
48. 穿最好衣服的场合—女版(男版见下页)

Speaking of the time I wore my best clothing, the first one that comes to mind is an annual
party held by a company I worked for. Last year, I worked part-time at a pet shop that’s devoted
to cats. The owner of the company is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end
party in December.

I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the party and even had a dress code of
formal attire for everyone who attended the party. Since it was my first time attending a year-end
party, I was pretty excited about it.

You know, before that day, I didn’t even have a dress that fits this kind of event. So I went
to a formal dress shop with a couple of friends. After trying all kinds of dresses in the fitting
room for two hours, we all decided on a long evening gown298 in purple with a V-neck299 and
bubble sleeves300 that suits me to a tee301. So I put on this sharp302 outfit to go to the venue of
the party.

The restaurant we went to was fit for royalty with classical decorations. Honestly, I think I
made the right choice of clothing to go there. It kept me low-profile303 and also looked stylish.
Lots of my coworkers showered me with compliments304. I’m so grateful to my friends for giving
me a hand to305 pick this dress. I hope there will be more proper events that I can wear this dress

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

evening gown: 礼服,晚礼服
V-neck: V 领
bubble sleeves: 泡泡袖
suits me to a tee:非常适合我
showered me with compliments: 夸奖我,赞美我
giving me a hand to: 帮我忙做某事
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an occasion you had to wear your best clothes.
You should say:
When it happened;
Where you went;
What you wore;
And explain how you felt about it.
48. 穿最好衣服的场合—男版

Speaking of the time I wore my best clothing, the first one that comes to mind is an annual
party held by a company I worked for. Last year, I worked part-time at a pet shop that’s devoted
to cats. The owner of the company is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end
party in December.

I remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the party and even had a dress code of
formal attire for everyone who attended the party. Since it was my first time attending a year-end
party, I was pretty excited about it.

You know, before that day, I didn’t even have a suit that fits this kind of event. So I went to
a menswear shop with a couple of friends. After trying all kinds of suits in the fitting room for
two hours, we all decided on a grey suit that suits me to a tee306. It has only one button at the top,
and the pair of straight leg pants307 makes me look slim and tall. So I put on this sharp308 outfit
to go to the venue of the party.

The restaurant we went to was fit for royalty with classical decorations. Honestly, I think I
made the right choice of clothing to go there. It kept me low-profile309 and also looked stylish.
Lots of my coworkers showered me with compliments310. I’m so grateful to my friends for giving
me a hand to311 pick this suit. I hope there will be more proper events that I can wear this dress

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

suits me to a tee:非常适合我
straight leg pants:直筒裤
showered me with compliments: 夸奖我,赞美我
giving me a hand to: 帮我忙做某事
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a time when you learned lines (or words) of a song (or a poem) and had to say it
You should say:
When it happened;
Why you sang(or say) the song(or the poem);
Who you sang(or say) the song(or the poem) to;
And explain how you felt about it.
49. 唱过的歌或诗词

Well, once I sang a popular Chinese song called Long Time No See312, which was originally
sung by313 a Chinese pop singer, Eason Chan. Basically every young person has heard it before.

I sang it at a party. It was an evening banquet that’s held annually by a company I worked
for. Last year, I worked part-time at a pet shop that’s devoted to cats. The owner of the company
is a very generous man and he always throws a year-end party in December.

So even though I was a newly hired employee, I was still invited to this annual event. I
remember our boss booked a fancy restaurant for the banquet. During the game session314 of the
party, we had a random draw315 and the one who drew the lot316 needed to perform something.
I was the lucky guy who won the lottery of giving a performance. And the first song that came
to mind317 was Long Time No See. Unfortunately, I couldn’t recall most of the lyrics at the time.
All I could remember was the chorus318. But it wasn’t too bad. When I sang the chorus, all my
coworkers joined in and we all sang the song together. It was such a sweet scene319.

Honestly, it would’ve been perfect if320 I knew all the lyrics by heart321 when I sang it at
the party. In case things get that awkward again322, I should practice and prepare a few songs I
like and learn their lyrics by heart.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

Long Time No See:陈奕迅《好久不见》
originally sung by:由…原唱
game session:游戏环节
had a random draw:随机收签
drew the lot:抽中签;抓中阄
came to mind:想到
It was such a sweet scene:这是多么温馨的一幕
it would’ve been perfect if:那就太完美了
by heart:记住;记在心里
In case things get that awkward again:以防自己再出丑
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a film that made you think a lot.
You should say:
What it was about
When and where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And why you want to share it with friends
50. 让你深思的电影

The latest intriguing323 movie I watched is called The Wandering Earth, which is a sci-
fi movie324 produced in China. Last summer holiday, my friend and I decided to meet up and
hang out together. We went to a super popular seafood restaurant and had a really nice meal.
Then we all went to a cinema and watched the box office hit325 at the time, which was the movie
I just said.

As for what the movie is about, long story short326, the sun is going to die out so the
people of Earth build giant thrusters327 to move the planet out of orbit328 and sail to329 a new
star system. I have to say it’s a really fascinating movie. It has terrific sound and visual effects330,
which is definitely a feast for both the eyes and ears 331 . Besides, the story tells how three
generations of a family react to death and their brave spirit of sacrifice to save the earth. The
plot and dialogue are so touching.

I was totally amazed by the movie. It inspired me and let me think a lot about the destiny
of humanity. When the end of world is coming, will all human beings unite and work together
to find a new home just like people in the story? Or maybe we’ll just follow our selfish instincts332
and humanity will become extinct. We won’t know until the moment comes but the global
pandemic333 this year really showed me that it might be a long shot to334 make people from all
countries work together like a team.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

sci-fi movie: 科幻电影
the box office hit:票房最好的(电影)
long story short:长话短说
out of orbit: 偏离轨道
sail to:驶向…驶往…
sound and visual effects:声效和视觉效果
a feast for both the eyes and ears:视听盛宴
follow our selfish instincts: 随着我们自私的本性
global pandemic: 全球性疫情
it might be a long shot to: 可能概率会很低; 不太有可能去
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a story that is memorable.
You should say:
Who told you the story;
When was the story told;
What the story was about;
And explain why you remember the story well.
51. 难忘的故事【疑似低频考题】

The last intriguing story I heard was from a friend of mine. Last summer holiday, my friend
and I went to a super popular seafood restaurant and had a really nice meal. While we were
waiting on the food, he told me the story.

It’s actually a movie called The Wandering Earth, which is a sci-fi movie. I hadn’t watched
the movie at the time. But the story my friend told was fascinating and definitely piqued my

As for what it is about, long story short, the sun is going to die out so the people of Earth
build giant thrusters to move the planet out of orbit and sail to a new star system. And the part
of the story that left a mark on me336 is how three generations of a family react to death and
their brave spirit of sacrifice to save the earth.

It’s really a one of a kind story337. It inspired me and let me think a lot about the destiny of
humanity. When the end of world is coming, will all human beings unite and work together to
find a new home just like people in the story? Or maybe we’ll just follow our selfish instincts and
humanity will become extinct. Even my friend and I have different opinions about this topic.
And the global pandemic this year also brings this story to mind 338 from time to time. It’s
probably a long shot to make people from all countries work together like a team.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

piqued my interest: 激发了我的兴趣
left a mark on me: 给我留下了深刻印象
one of a kind story: 独一无二的故事
brings this story to mind: 让我想起了这个故事
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe an indoor game you played when you were a child
You should say:
What it was;
How to play it;
Who you played it with;
And how you felt about the game.

52. 儿时喜欢玩的室内游戏

I’m going to talk about Clue, which was one of my favourite board games growing up. If
memory serves correctly, my parents first bought me this game when I was seven years old. That
was quite a long time ago! But I still remember us playing it together as a family.

Clue is a pretty classic board game. It’s about solving a murder with the clues you get339, as
the name of the game suggests. Basically, you have to use the process of elimination340. You
pick a character, get assigned some clues, and have to solve the murder. The point of the game
is to ask questions and figure out which character committed the murder, which room they did
it in, and which weapon they used to do it. It’s really fun. It’s like playing detective341.

When I first got Clue, I mostly played it with just my parents. They were really patient with
me, even when it took me a long time to get the hang of it. I have lots of fond memories of us
sitting around the dinner table and playing the game. My mom always made us tea to drink while
we played. So to me, Clue reminds me of having green tea and bonding with my parents342.

I always thought the game was really fun. Even though it seems dark343, especially for a kid,
the fun was using your brains to win. I didn’t win that often, but whenever I did, I was on top of
the world344. I felt like the smartest person around.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

solving a murder with the clues you get:利用得到的线索解开凶杀案的疑团
the process of elimination:排除法
playing detective:扮演侦探
bonding with my parents:与父母互动(彼此建立亲密关系)
on top of the world:幸福到极点,非常开心
版权所有 盗版必究
Describe a movie that made you laugh.
You should say:
What it is;
When you watched it;
Who you watched it with;
And explain why it made you laugh.
53. 搞笑电影

The first funny movie that comes to mind is a comedy I watched with a bunch of friends
two years ago. I remember the English name of this movie is Never Say Die, which is a body
swap story 345 about a boxer 346 and a female journalist. It’s the most hilarious movie I’ve
watched in recent years, so it really left a mark on me.

We watched the movie in theatres when it just came out. It was a box office hit347. There
were a ton of glowing reviews348 about this movie after it was out. So on a weekend, we went to
a cinema to check it out349.

Anyway, this movie is filled with a ton of funny plots350. One of my favorites is the part
when the boxer with the female journalist’s soul tries to learn Kung Fu at a temple. I remember
everyone in the theatre was busting a gut351 during that part. I laughed so hard that I cried352. I
can still remember the funny lines and acting of those characters.

As for how I feel about it, well, it’s a perfect movie that can help you blow off steam353. I
was totally lost in the funny story354 of the movie and forgot everything else during that two
hours. And the visual and sound effects were awesome at the cinema as well. It was literally a
feast for the eyes and ears355. I’ve never written any movie reviews online but I wrote a long one
for this comedy and strongly recommended everyone to watch it.

(Copyright to 雅思过过过淘宝店铺)

a body swap story: 身体交换的故事
boxer: 拳击手
a box office hit: 票房十分卖座的电影
glowing reviews: 很棒的评论
check it out: 去看看怎么样
plots: 情节
busting a gut: 大笑;笑破肚皮
laughed so hard that I cried: 笑到眼泪出来
blow off steam: 释放压力;发泄情绪
totally lost in the funny story: 完全沉浸在欢乐的故事情节当中
a feast for the eyes and ears:一场视听盛宴

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