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ESE 2019 UPSC ENGINEERING SERVICES EXAMINATION. Preliminary Examination. General Studies and Engineering Aptitude : React oes ree ctit cele Wael Sel ite ra (ole Maintenance and Services Comprehensive Theory with Practice Questions and ESE Solved Questions R= (ae ‘MADE EASY Publications Corporate Office: 44-A/4, Kalu Saral (Near Hauz Khas Metro Station), New Delhi-110016 E-mail: infomep@madeeasy in (Contact: 011-45124660, 08860378007 Visit us at: wan ESE 2019 Preliminary Examination: Standards and Quality Practices in Production, Construction, Maintenance and Services © Copyright, by MADE EASY Publications {Al ights are reserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, store in or introduced into a rebieval system, 0 trersmited in any form or by ary means (electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording ot ‘thence, without tha prior witon permission ofthe above mentioned publisher ofthis book, ‘st Edition : 2016 t and Edition :2017 ‘ 31d Edition: 2018 i ' [MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS has taken due caren coecting he data and provig the solitons, before publishing tis book. Inspte ofthis, ay accuracy o& printing er curs then MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS ones na responsibilty, MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS il begat you cul pit at ary such ea Your suggestions wl be apreclatd. ‘© Allrights reseed by MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS No part ofthis book may beepedued outed in any for withthe ‘wien permission fom ie publisher. Preface The compilation of this book Standards and Quality Practices in Production, Construction, Maintenance and Services was motivated by the desir to provide a concise book which can benefit stucients to understand the concepts ofthis specitic topic of General Studies and Engineering Aptitude section B, Singh (Ex. IES) This textbook provides all the requirements of the students, i.¢. comprehensive coverage of theory, fundamental concepts and objective type questions articulated in a lucid language. The concise presentation will help the readers grasp the theory of this subject with clarity and apply them with ease o solve objective questions quickly. This book not eniy covers the syllabus of ESE in a holistic manner but is also useful for many other competitive examinations. All the topics are given the emphasis they deserve so that mere reading of the book clailies all the concepts. ‘We have put in our sincere efforts to prosent detailed theory and MCQs without cornpromising the accuracy of answers. For the interest of the readers, some notes, do you know and interesting facts are given inthe comprehensive manner. Atthe end of each chapter, sts of practice question are given with ther keys and dotailed explanations, that will allo: the readers to evaluate thelr understanding ofthe topios and sharpen their question solving skills. Our team has made their bes efforts to remove all possible errors of any kind, Nonetheless, we would highly appreciate end acknowledge if you ind and share with us any printing and conceptual errors. Its impossible to thank all the individuals who helped us, but we would tke to sincerely thank all the authors, editors and reviewers for pulting n their efforts to publish this book With Best Wishes B.singh CMD, MADE EASY Group ‘Standards and Quality Practices in Production, | Construction, Maintenanceand Services | Chapter 1 Quality 1.1 What is Quality? 1.1.1 Definition of Quality. 142 113 wa 1.1.5 Dimensions of Quality, 1.1.6 Quality Characteristics. 1.2 Traditional Approach vs Modem Approach Towards Quality 13. Types of Quality, 14. Quality Cost 14) 1A2_Costof Nonconformance or Failure Cost. Consequences of Poor Quality. Evolution of Quality. Who are the Customers?, Cost of Conformance. 1.5. Value of Quality vs Quality Cost 1.6 Quality Process 1.6.1 Quality Assurance vs Quality Control 1.7 Methods for Generating Solution to Improve Quality. Objective Brain Teasers Chapter 2 Different Approaches Regarding Quality... 24 thtroduction 21.4 DE. W.Edward Deming 21.2. Joseph M Surana 2.1.3. Philip Crosby Approach. 2.14 Kaoru Ishikawa Philosophy of Quality. 22 JIT vs MRP... 23 Kanban... 24 Kaizen 25 Poka-Yoke [Poka-Mistake, Yoke-Avoid] 26 Concurrent Engineering sv. 2.7 Value Engineering vs Value Analysis. Objective Brain Teasers 7 15 16 16 W 7 me 18 Chapter 3 Quality Control Tools... 3.1 Introduction... B11 Quality Controt TOO!S on 3.2. Application of 70C Tool in Six-sigm nnn 28 Objective Brain Teasers. Chapter 4 Sampling 4.1 Sampling) 32 42 How can we do Sampling Inspection? sssuu32 43. Acceptance Sampling. 32 43.1. Acceptance Sampling by Attributes..33 43.2. Acceptance Sampling by Variables... 33 43.3 Types of Sampling PIAM wnssnnnnne 33 434 Single Sampling Plat on 34 43.5. Double Sampling Plan... 35 43.6 Multiple Sampling Plan... 36 4.4 Sampling Terms and Its Definitions. 36 45 Operating Characteristic Curve (OC Curve) a..37 ASA Types FOC CUIVE smn 38 4.6 Miltary Standard VOSE sencninnnnennnns 39 Objective Brain Teasers. AO Chapter 5 Quality Management . a4 5.1. Introduction 44 5.11 Traditional Management snnnnnnn AB 5.1.2 Emergence of TOM. 46 5.2. Principles of TOM. so M6 5.3. Taguchi Approaches iN TOM vunnwenennn 4B 5.4 Taguchi Approach vs. Deming Approach....50 5.5. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) www 50 5.6 Other Methods Utilizes along TOM to Increase Efficiency 52 5.6.1 TOM Approach in Competitive Positioning sn 52 $62. Obstacles while Implementing TO) 563 Quality Awards Related to TOM, 5.7 Benefits of TOM. Objective Brain Teasers. Chapter 6 150 Standards... 6.41 Introductiy 62 150.9000.. 63 150 14000... 64. OHSAS 18000... 65. Emission worms. Objective Brain Teasers. 2.1 Historical View... 7.141 Whats Sigma? 7.12 Whatis Six Sigma? 7.13. Benefits of Six Sigma... 7.14 SixSigma Management... 7.15. Defects Per Milion Opportunities (0PMo) 7.2. Six Sigma Methodology... 7.3. Different Levels in Six Sigma. 74 Lean Management Vs Six Sigma 842 Constraints in Line Balancing Problem ..83 843 Definition and Terminology IM Assembly Line, 85. Price Elasticity of Demand Objective Brain Teasers. Chapter 9 Quality in Construction and Services... 94 Introduction. 82 Methodology to Improve Quality in 84 86 87 Construction. 95 921 Genera nn 95 922 Design of Questionnaire. 95 93. Service Quality a 95 93.1 Dimensions of Service Quality... 96 832 Approaches to Service Quality... 97 933 Quality Senice Improvement Methods .97 Objective Brain Teasers Chapter 10 Reliability and Maintenance... 101 Reliability 102 The Bathtub Curve 103 System Reliability. De periments. 76 Difference between DOE and Statistical Process Control Objective Brain Teasers.. Chapters Inventory .. 81 IVER cnnntnnnnninirninnnnn, 8.1.1. Classification of inventories. 8.1.2 Inventory Cost, 8.13. Review System, 82 TYPOS OF MOUEL near 82.1 Deterministic Model. 83 Selective Inventory Management, 83.1 Always Better Control (ABC)... 83.2. VED Analysis 833 NSD. 834 XYZ... +t 84 Line Balancing.... 83 84.1. Objective in Line Balancing Problem..@3 F—— 104 Maintainabitity 105 Availability 106 Maintenance : 106.1 Maintenance Scheme/types....... 1062 Reliability Centered Maintenance i 1063 Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). 107 Objective Brain Teasers. Chapter 17 Non-Destructive Examination vcrsssa 141 Non-Destructive Testing... 112 Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) 113 PTTechniques. 114 BT Techniques. 115 UTTechnique: 116 ET Techniques. Objective Brain Teasers... 103 103 1.1 What is Quality? “The twenty-first century can be termed as the century of quality. Quality is a key drive to market share and quality will have to be integrated into all aspects of a successful organisation. Quality is an attribute or a property Quality is a relative term and it is generally used with reference to the ‘end use of product’. Quality is defined as the abilty of product to satisfy the customer needs desite. In other words we can also said that quality ig measure of the abilty to satisfy need to end user of product. 1.1.1 Definition of Quality “The word qualiy has diverse definitions, ranging irom the conventional to those that are strategic, Conventional definitions of quality usually describe a quality tem as one that wears well, is well constructed and will last for a long time. Simply quality refers to one or more desirable characteristics that increases the value of product. tis. inversely proportional tothe variability [Qualys not an act Aristotle have offended God and mankind ‘because my work didn't reach the ‘quelli should have. Leonardo da Vinci ‘Quality means doing itright when no ‘one is faking. Henry Ford Quoi isthe rest of a carealy constructed eulural enaronment. has to be ‘he fabric ofthe organisation, nat pat of th ‘abr. Phil Crosby ‘Quaity oat only right, tis free. Ard isnot any free, itis the most profile product fino we have. Harold S. Geneen Fig. 1.1 1.1.2. Consequences of Poor Quality Every manufacturing organisation is concerned with the quality of its product. While itis very iinporlant that quality requirements be satistied and product schedules met, i is also equally important to consider the consequences of poor qualily such as: © Producttaits Delay in supplying of products + Market value decreases * Poor quality of product increases production and market costs * Damage or injuries resulting rom faulty design * Loss of business because of defective products 4 Stanclard and Quality Practices in Production SSEEINY Geneva studies Engineering Aptitue 1.1.3. Evolution of Quality Years Events 1700-1900 | Quality was largely dotomined by the How ree from defects a purchased produc 1915-1919 | Wt - Britsh goverment began a supplier cetfcaton program. 1818 _| Technical inspection association, this ater becomes “Iastitute of Qualty Assurance” 1926 | Concept of control chars by WA. Shewart. 1928 | Acceptance sampling techniques, 1881-108 | Brish ext industry began use of sats techniques for produalipacess development 1946 | Industriat quality conto, 1954 | E.S. Page introduced CUSUM control chart 1960 _| The concept of quay control circle was introduced in Japan by lshikawa 1960 _| The zero detect program was introduced in U.S. industies 1975. 1978 | The concept of TOM was developed in the U.S. 1989 | Quaity engineering comes into picture, L__1989__| Motorote’s six sigma intatve began, 1.1.4 Whoare the Customers? Basically there are two types of customers such as. * External customer * Internal customer External customer: An external cust uses the end product or Service, the one who purchases the end product or services or the one who influences the sale of Product or services, An external customer exists autsice the organisation Internal customer: Every function within organisation whether itis engineering, order processing or Production has an internal customer, That means each functionalteamis the customer of other functional team, Input by extemal | => > Internal customer firdina Customer: * "Anyone who is impacted by the product or service", There are several customers waiting down the tine when a product is being processed through several sages in an organization befora t reaches to the final customer. Thus we have people who are impacted within the organization and also people impacted outside the organization, dls & Aptitude reone es. An ing or stional ynthe hesto eople i 11S 1.16 nnne Enss cuatty 3 © Generally, there are two types of customers, Finished Goods =e Section 1 Secton2 Section 3 Fig. 1.2 : The Internal and External Customers Internal Customer: Any individual who receives and uses what a group or organization provides. The person within the campany who receives the work of another and adds his or her contribution to the product or service before passifying it on to someone else. Above figure shows that, should section 1 meét the needs of section 2? What happens to section 2 if the section 2 requirements (in terms of quality specifications) are not met by section 1? What if section 1 is not capable of meeting section 2 needs? Should the section 1 work inthat case by outsourced? That would mean making section 1 redundant. External Customer: One who purchases a commodity or service, External customers are the driving forces behind an organization's business Dimensions of Quality AAs per David Garvin quality of a product can be judged by following eight quality criteria. Performance: Basic characteristics of productiservice Aesthetics: Appearance: Appearance, feel, sound, smell, taste Special features: Characteristics that supplement basic functioning Conformance: Ability of product to meet customer expectations and standards Reliability: Consistency of performance, probability product will operate over time Durability: Expected product life Perceived quality: Reputation and other indirect measure of quality @rYearen Serviceability: Speed, courtesy, competence and ease of repair Quality Characteristics ‘There are number of elements that defines the quaity ofa product. These elements are called characteristics of quality, It may be: Physical: length, weight, volage, viscosity etc Sensory: taste, apprearance, colour Time based: reliability, serviceability, durability 4 Stondard and Quality Practice in Production SREP Genco Engineering 1.2 Traditional Approach vs Modern Approach Towards Quality Modern concopt Lew quay det poor working peor. | + Low qual due poor abour management * uot depend ey on production * Quottydependsonaphassrthe potucion | | as a ee ey | dtersalos sonics * ans ior as and devataos we [+ The gals ahve dle ie pul ns [hae ves ‘Qual is everyone's business. is total conta! Includes allproduction hases, [idorsesto 1.3 Types of Quality I" order to produce gocds and services of consisint quality and costs, thee lypes of quality are recogn as these are as follows: (@) Quality of design {b) Quality of conformance (6) Quality of performance * Quality of design: Qualty of design is all about set concitions thatthe product or service m essentially have to satisfy the requirements ofthe customer, Itis also concerned with the lightnes Specifications forthe manufacture of the product. e.g, part with has a drawing tolerance of 20.002, Would be considered tohave better quali of design than another with a tolerance of 20.02 mm * Quality of conformance: The quality of conformance is concerned with how well the, manufactu Product conforms tothe quality of design. itis basically meeting the standards define in the dow Phase after the productis manufactured or while the service is delivered, *—Qualilyot performance: Quaity of pertornanceis concamed with how wellthe manufactured prod és is performance, Mesting customer expectation is the focus when we talk about quali Performance. Quality of performance studies focus on ascentaining how quality cheracterist Getermined in quality of design, and improved and innavated through the quality of conforms studies, perform in market 1.4 Quality Cost Costo quality measures theimpact of quality in any business. Quality cost are defined as the those co: thatare associated with the non-achievements of product or service quality stanclards and targets to meet custor Gipeciatons. Measurement and analysis of various cost alds in tracking the impact of an effective qual ‘management system. Cost of quality has following components: ri A Fig. 1.3 : Cost of quality elements i MADE EASY Quality 5 t 4.4.1 Costof Conformance Itis the cost of providing products or services as per the required standards. This can be termed as good ime spent. Cost of conformance is further divided into two types: + Prevention costs + Appraisal costs Prevention costs: These are the costs related with attempts made to prevent failure and arises from efforts to keep defect at bay. Whatever the expenditure is made within production system in order to minimize failure and appraisal cost can be termed as prevention cost. It include quality improvement program, maintenance cost, training cost of workers, vendor quality assurance, field testing cost etc, Appraisal costs: Itis the cost associated with measuring, evaluating discovering the defective part within the production system Itincludes cost related with inspection cost, cast of equipments, lab cost, auditing cost, prototype testing cost etc ae ‘ed re Cost 1.4.2 Cost of Nonconformance or Fi * These costs are associated with the detective parts or faulty services within a production system, * These costs result from products or services not conforming to requirements or customerjuser needs. + It.can be divided into two types: * Internal failure costs, I E | I | i | f Ba b } ust ei + External failure costs nm | Internal failure costs: * Ifthe defect is detected inside the production system, itis termed as intemal failure cots. ed | + Itincludes cost elatedto defective ign product before they are deliver to customer lke rework cost, material # uct and product losses, scrap, 9] 12% Detectie optimum 100% God rt ualy costs ‘ot breakdown, down time, S| ios deprecation cnexipent ec AO sonal we External failure costs: i NN Ifthe defect is defected by the customer while using the product is termed as external failure cost. Itis the cost related ime oe sis to delivering substandard product to the a customer and it include return goods, aay | replacement cost, loss see lity | ee Fig. 1.4 : Model for optimum quality costs warranty cost, liabilities cost etc. 1.5 Value of Quality vs Quality Cost The return obtained directly or indirectly due to good quality Of Products termed as value of quality good quality can earn good Fesponse from the customer, increase in market share, fim price Policy, higher percentage of successful bids and other benefits to the income of organisation. Quality cost Quality evel —e Standard and Quality Practices in Produc EEE seua Engineering Ap 1.6 Quality Process * Quality process can be understand by these three principles such as: Quality Control, Quality Assurance and Quality Engineering * Quality Control is the ongoing effort to Maintain the integrity of a process to maintain the reliability of achieving an outcome. Quality contro is focused on fulfting quality requirements, and as related to clinical trials, it encompasses the operational techniques and activities undertaken within the quality assurance System to verity that the requirements for quality of the trial related activities have been tulle, Quality control is generally the responsibilty ofthe operational units and quality is infused into the outputs and verified as they are being generated. Therefore, ‘occurring within each operational unit * Quality Assuranceis the planned or systematic action Necessary to provide enough confidence th: & Product or service wil satisty the given requirements of quality, Quality assurance, on the other hand, is focused on Providing confidence that quality requirement ar fulfilled. As related to clinical trial, includes all those planned and, established Late Talis performed and the data are generated, documented and reported in compliance with GCP and the applicable regulatory rexuirements, ‘elers to purposeful change of a process to improve the reliability of achieving Personnel Maintenance Service Quality Engineering Quality Control Product Design Menufacturing — Packaging Distibution Process Design Procurement Field Servioo Fig. 1.5, quality control is an integral part of the daily activitie stem! (cecorded an outcome, 1.6.1 Quality Assurance vs Quality Control * Quality assurance is the planned or systematic action Recessary to provide enough confidence that & Product or service wll satisty the given requirement of quality, * Quality contalis the ongoing effort to maintain the integrity ota Process to maintain the reliability of achieving an outcome aly Assan T Guay con + Itis process oriented. - * itis product oriented. + his a manaerata + Wicocorectvsia + tise roactiequty proces + tisaractveqaty process Quality assurance means planning done for doing a process. The goal of quality assurance to prevent the occurance of defects, Quality control means action has taken on the process on he process by execute them, ‘The goal of quality control is to identity and Correct the defects inthe finished product Ndes@ | ane EASY Quality 7 Viti 7 41,7 Methods for Generating Solution to Improve Quality 1. Benchmarking Process Benchmarking can be applied to virtually any business or production process. Improvements to the all F levels in some areas willcontribute greatty to market and financial success whereas improvements in other areas re | | will not have significantimpact. | There is not single benchmarking process that has been universally adapted, Organisation that benchmark lf + Identify acitical process that needs improvement Josue 2 o1F © Identify the organisation that excels in this process 7 a] * Contact that organisation value / \= al © Analyse the data Bench marking veg + Improve he critical process Value oye i If * Involves identifying companies or other z ‘organisations that are best at something and ced a studying how they do it, to learn how to improve Pe your operation, Sy Quality Circles: Liiekenates stivities * — Quaiiy circle originated in Japan. The concept of quality citcle is given by Kaoru Ishikawa. Itis group f ‘of workers who voluntarily meet to discuss way of improving products or process. cethat + Quality citcles are less structured and more informal. The working staff involved in quality ci i ‘meet frequently either at someone's home or at the plant/before shift begins. ments: * The quality circle team of people identifies problems, analyses d vat are carries out management approved changes "980.3, Brainstorming: ieving It is one of the technique for generating a free flow of ideas to solve a problem, 4 Track Mistakes: Analysis of previous data and identify the mistakes which leads to substandard product development, is that Ono Me method to generate solution to improve the quay iyo Ee ea silty off Q.1Statement-|: Qualty circle is a method to bring organization improvement through indulging the workers. Statement-Il: Themain aim of quality circle is self-development and mutual development of grass root level employees. (2) Both Statement (I) and Statement (li) re individually rue and Statement (I) is the correct explanation Of Statement (1) (b) Both Statement (I) and Statement (Il) are individually tru explanation of Statement (I) (©) Statement (i) is true, but Statement (Il) is false (d) Statement (i) is false, but Statement (Ii) is true but Sta nent (Il) is not the correct 8 Standard and Quality Practices in Production ESE 2018 Prelims Statement-lI: The concept of quality is confined only to ERAT | Greist Engi A ing A, es Qualys essential for survival and growth of an organization in present rac tough compe Construction and manutacturing organization, (@) Bath Statement () and Statement) are incividualy true and Statement iis the eorrect exons of Statement (1) (©) Goth Statement (I) and Statement (Il) are individually tue, but Statement (lis ot the cc lation of Statement (I) (©) Statement (I) is true, but Statement (I!) is false (d) Statement (I) is false, but Statement (li) is true Ans. (c) Q.3_ Consider the following regarding qualty circle 1. Iisa small group of people working in ai 2. It consists of peaple who volunteer themselves. 3. Itis @ human resource developmenttechnique 4. Itis a problem solving forum. Which of the above statements are correct? (@) 2,3.and4 only (©) 1,3and 4 only Ans. (a) ? Objective Brain Teasers Q:4—the difference pewmeen T customer is (@) internal customer usually work in the business, external customer da not. (©) external customer care about what they ‘eceive, internal customer do not (c) internal customer do not evaluate quality, external customer do. (9) quality oriented business care only about external custorner, nal and external Q.2 Which of the following statement is not correct Tegarding modem approach about quality? (@) Low qualityis due poor labour management, ent areas of an organization with mukiple expertise (b) 1, 2and 3 only (d) 1, 2and4 only (6) Quality assurance (2) Quality improvement Q.4 Statement-|; Quality controlis the ongoing ef to maintain the integrity of a process to maint the reliability. Statoment-i; Quality assurance deals w activities which aim at customers satisfaction Which of statements correct: (@) Oniy statement | (©) Only statement it (6) Both statement (@) Neither statement | nor statement i (©) Low qualiyis due to poor working people. .8 _Arrangetthe following regarding evolvement fe (©) Quality depends on all phases of production, (9) Quality is everyone's business. Q.3 Which of the following is not a major component of quality management: (2) Quality control (©) Total quality cost oldest to newest approach 1. Total quality management 2. Controicharts 3. Sixsigma 4. Quality @ 14,2and3 (6) 1,2,3and4 © 4.2,3and1 @ 2.4, 4and3 en MADE Ens 6 Which of the following cost is associated with cost | of conformance? (a) Prevention cost ~ (b) Appraisal cost (c) Cost of external failure (@) Costofinternal failure Cost claimed by customer in guarantee period regarding defective product is @) Appraisal cost (©) Cost of internal failure (©) Prevention cost (d) Cost of external failure Quality isa problem because: (a) Modem processes are too complex (0) Itis expensive to control (©) Allthe processes have some variation (0) Allof the above, ‘Which ofthe folowing is considered as dimension of quality? (@) Taste (©) Easy torepair (b)_ Product if (d)_Allof the above Q.10 Cost of quality is really (@) away to prioritize actions (b) cost of sides (c) cost of high quality (d) cost of production | —t jelfon | aintain | i i Q.11 Consider the folowing statements about bathtub curve: 1. is graphical representation af a single product. 2. Failure rate remains constant in Normal life stage. 3. Failure ate increases in wear out stage. 4. Itis graph between failure rate and quality level Which of the above statements are corect? (a) Land 2 only {b) 2and3 only (©) Vand only (d)_1and 3 only with tion attrom| 9.12 The management preserves the conformity of Products during interval processing and final delivery. Which of the followings included in such Preservation? (2) Handling (0) Risk (6) Abolition (a) Shrinking Quality 9 Q.13 Match List- with List-l and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 A. Dimensions B. Service characteristic C. Customer satisfaction survey D. Poor service is due to List-Il 1, To assess customer satisfaction 2, Inadequate resource 3, Vary from time to time 4, Physical facility Codes: 5 cD @4 132 4 3 21 @4 3 12 @3 4 12 Q.14 Which of the following is/are used for idea generation? 1. Perceptual mapping 2. Benchmarking 3. Reverse engineering Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (@) tonly (b) 1and2only (©) 1,2and3 (d)_ None of the above Q.15 Which of the following is/are advantage(s) of condition monitoring? 1. Minimise spare inventory 2. Effective utilization of maintenance personnel Select the correct answer using the codes given below: (@) tonly (o) Both 1 and 2 () 2only (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Q.16 Match List-! with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List Quality does not happen by accident Quality is everyone's responsibilty Fun uncle of quaily revolution Quality is not an act, itis a habit Listll Aristotle 2. Philip Crosby pom> 10 Standard and Quality Practices in Production 3. Joseph Juran, 4. Deminy Codes: Neoug aA Q.17 Which ofthe folowing is true for inventory control? (@) EO has minimum total cost per order, {©) Inventory carrying cost increases with quantity er order, (©) Ordering cost decreases with lat size (d) Allofthe above Q.18 Systematic problem solving requires (@) Motivating the worker (©) Defining the problem to be solved (©) Drawing control chart (0) Keeping eye on the environmental impact Q.19 The "bathtub curve indicates fare probability Which state is not normally associated with the bathtub curve? (@) “National fe" where a few failures occur (©) “Infant Mortality” where failure occurs ear ESET reels Engineering Ant 0.23 Individuals who have no role in que management are (@) Government regulators (0) Workers {c) 180.9000 trainers (0) Vendors 2.24 In which of the following operations great des variations can occur? (@) Distribution (c) Purchasing (b) Manufacturing (Selling 0.25 Most significant period of reliability predictior exponential distribution in bathtub curve is (2) Infant monality —(b) Useful ite (©) Wearoutlife (a) _Allof the above Q.26 Which of the foliowing condition for econor ordering quantity? (@) Ordering cost = Holding cost (b) Ordering cost = 2 x Holding cost (6) Ordering cost 0.5 x Holding cost (0) None of these Q.27 factory needs 36000 annually of a compone that costs Rs. 2 per unit. Cost of each orc Placing is Rs. 25 and inventory carrying cost (©) “Work our” where Failure occur due to age (4) “Pulling the plug" where production is halted due to unacceptable level of failure 0.20 The difference between manutacturing and service is 1. Producis can be invented 2. Service can't be backordered 3. Serviceis consumed as produced Which of the above statements isiare correct? (@) Tony (©) 2and3only (©) 1,2and3 () Sonly Q.21 Which of the following results in low costs? (@) High productivity and high capacity uilisation (0) Low productivity and low capacity utilisation (©) Lowproductivity and high capacity utilisation (d) High productivity and low capacity utilisation Q.22 Which of the following is not an inventory? (@) Machines (b) Rawmaterial (©) Finished product (d) Consumable tools Rs. 10 per year. Find th tt (@) 400units (©) 405 units {©) 410units () 425 units Q.28 In ABC inventory control, class A iterns (2) with high cost less quantity (b) with less cost high quantity (©) not related to cost (@) moderate costand moderate quantity 0.29 Availabilty isa function of which of the followir aspects? 1. Reliability 2. Maintainability 3. Skillof operator 4. Supply effectiveness (a) 1 and 2only (©) tand3only (©) 2and4 only () 1,2and4 9.30 Which of the following is not a set of dimension of quality? (2) Serviceabilty, Durabilty, Reliability (©) Serviceabilty, Perceived quality, Durability Aesthetics, Performance ensy (d) Serviceability, Performance, Durability, Conformance, Special Features, Aesthetics List- Quality Control . Quality Assurance Quality Engineering List-I + Purposeful change of a process to improve the reliability of achieving an outcome Maintaining the integrity of a process to maintain reliability of achieving an outcome Providing confidence that quality requirements of productiservice are fulfilled Codes: s seen e=nea onent | order ‘ost is ze + Q.82 Quality applies to which aspect(s) of the organisation? (a) Products only (b) Products and services (©) People and product (d) Products, services and people Q.33 Which one of the following depicts durability a dimension of quality? a) Exterior finish (6) Usetut ite (6) Quality of work (d) Ease of repair owing } | Q.34 How should the benchmarking of individual Processes as well as customer satisfaction be employed? (@) Asa standard tool (b) Asa defective tool (©) As animprovement tool (@) Asan instrumental tool sions | 0-85 How canbe quality be computes? i t i } 1 cushy. Expectation ? Performance ‘ aad (0) Qualty = Performance Expectation Quality W (©) Quality = Performance + Expectation (4) Quality = Performance Expectation Q.36 Identity the example of external failure costs (@) qualityplanning —(b)_re-inspection (©) materialreview — (d) customer retuns Q.37 Which one of the following depicts aesthetics, Which is dimension of quality (@) Exteriortinish (6). Quality of work (©) Rankingfirst (d)_ Ease of repair Q.38 Type of waste are (Waiting time Gi) Transport (iil) Processing waste ‘The correct answer is (@) (ionly tb) (iyand (i) (©) (ind (ii) (a) (i, (i and Gi) Q.39 Which of the following in dimension for services? 1. Tangibles 2. Assurance 3. Empathy (@) tonly (b) 1 and2only (© 1,2and3 (d)_ None ofthese Q.40 The management preserves the conformity of products during interval processing and final delivery. Which of the following in included in such preservation? (@) Handling (b)_ Abolition (©) Risk (d)_ Shrinking Q.41 Which of the following would be considered an appraisal cost of quality (2) Training workers to perform their job (©) Purchasing better tool for workers to perform theirjob (c) Repairing and item under the warranty (d)_ Running a functional test on each itern before itis boxed for the shipment Q.42 Consider the following statements regarding benchmarking 1. Tis a process for measuring a company’s operations against the best practices of companies both inside and outside of their industry, 2. Itoperates most effectively on a quid process basis, 12 Standard and Quality Practices in Production General Studies & 3. Ittakes its name from the surveyor's benchmark or reference point from which elevations are measured. The correct statement(s) is are (@ and 2 only (©) tand3 only (©) 2and3 only (@ Allo them Q.43 When the topic is so controversial or emotionally changed that people will not speak out freely ina age them which tool is used? (@) Brainstorming (b) Sketch storming (¢) Reverse brainstorming (d) Brainwriting Q.44 Allo the following steps are required for quality planning except (@) Determine who the customers are (b) Deploy the plans to operational levels (C) Identify customer's needs (d) Assess actual quality performance Q.45 Which of the following is/are method to improve quality? 1. Brainstorming 2. Benchmarking Engineering Aptitu: Q.47 Cost of failure includes (@) Monitoring and control (©) Quality planning (©) Rejection and rework (6) Allofthe above Q.48 The order cost of an inventory is Rs. 400 with al annual carrying cost of Rs. 10 per unit. The economic order quantity (EOQ) for an annue demand of 2000 unit is (@) 400 (0) 440 (©) 480 (d) 500 Q.49 The.x and yaxes of the bath tub curve are? x Y (@) time Reliability (©) Reliability time (©) hazardrate time (a) time hazard rate Q.50 MTTF (meant time two failure) can be used for (@) repairable product only (b) non repairable product only (©) both repairable and non repairable product (@) None of these Q.51 Which one of these retlects an internal failure ? 3. Qually contro circle a (@) 1 onk (b)_Land2-an BS oe (©) 1,2and3 (0) None of these Q.46 Identiy the following curves. NPY <8 © O% ‘Quality level 100% Cost (@) 1-cost of failure, 2-cost of conformance, total quality cost (b) 1-cost of conformance, 2-cost of non- conformance, 3-preventive cost {c) 1-cost of conformance, 2-cost of non- conformance, 3-total quality cost (d) t-preventive cost, 2-appraisal cost, 3-internal failure (c) Customer complaint (d) Replacement of defective product Q.52 Which of the following includes in cost of quality? (@) cost of appraisal (b) cost of prevention (€) costotfailure (qd) Allo the above Q.53 The cost of insurance and taxes are one included in (a) cost of ordering (©) set up cost (©) inventory carrying cost (6) cost of shortage = i Answers. i cet) 2. (b) 3. (b) & @ 7 @ 8 i 11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (c) 16. (d) 17. (@) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (a) 21. (a) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24.(b) 28. (bd) 26. @) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29.(c) 30, ©) Quality 13 33.() 34.(0) 35.0) 49. (d) 38. (4) 39.(c) 40. (@) . () 44.(d) 45, (0) 48, (a) 49.(d) 50. (b) hazard rato with ae fature rato it. The nations annual (@) - ir it = 2xG,xD [Bx 25x 36000 50. (b) h uo MTTF is usually used for known repairable ° = 426 units systoms. (0) MTBF is usually used for repairable systems. Instatement (c), all except “lighter in weight” are oon quality dimensions. ator § oduct tain jwaliy! antion | ove e ong Different details S 2.1 To fully understand the quality movement, we must look at the philosophies of notable individuals v have shaped the evolution of quality. Their quantitative and qualitative contributions have been critical in emergence anci development of contemporary knowledge regarding qualiy. Athough their philosophies are differ these ‘masters’ of quality assurance point to leadership and commitment flowing from top as an absolute esser for success. Their common trust is towards the concept of continuous improvement of each output. 2.1.1 Dr.W. Edward Deming Deming is best known for has work in Japan after WWII. He played a very important role in the reviva Japanese industry after world War-I. He is also known as ‘Father of Quality’ Major contribution of Deming are: (a) Deming cycle (0) Fourteen points for transforming management (©) Seven deadly disease Deming cycle: Deming cycle provided a framework for the improvement of a process or system. It w originally conceived by Walter Shewartin the 1930s and later adopted by W. Edward Deming, (a) POCA cycle: This model canbe reverent project orto "pojecis once targets areas requiring improvement have been identified. "Establish the objectives and processes necessary “todeliver. Take actions fo continually improve prooasses Patfomance, | Mentor and measure eS processes and the products and evaluate their progress according tothe cbjectives of the plan, Fig. 2.1 (b) PDSA cycle: Using the PDSA cyclen strategic planning one can ensures that Plans are developed more systematically, progress on plansis carefully monitored, changes to pla are made where necessary, planning process itself is standardised. The planning proce: Continuously improved and organisation learning occurs, Different Approaches Regarding Quality 15 S reronvestay |] © objctve 9 ‘ho coages are || 9. Questor to snaner tobe mace? 0 Predera? « Doyounses 2 lant caret te oce saber? (io, na veer © Beamtonianir ||» bran dia colacon toned ort. comes Study Do 1 Complete the analy || © Cary out the plan ofthe data including daa colton 2 Compare datato || @ Document abservations & preditons preblomelunerpocted ‘9 Summaise what || © Begin analysis of was learned the ala Fig. 2.2 : POSA quality improvement cycle |.2. Joseph M.Juran Joseph M. Juran was an evangelist for quality and quality management. Major contribution of Joseph |} Juran are given below: wask (@) ParetoPrinciple } (0) Juran Trioloay or Quality Triology (a) Pareto Principle: According to Pareto principle 80% of a problem is caused by 20% of the causes. This is also known as ‘Vital few and the trivial many’ (b) Juran Triology or Quality Trilogy: Juran was one of the first to explain about the cost of poor quality. This was illustrated by his ‘Juran Triology’. This triology composed of three managerial processes which are given below: + Quality planning * Qualty control * Quality improvement According to Juran “Quality does not happen by accident” city | ' 2.1.3. Philip Crosby Approach He popularised the idea of cost of poor quality. He is also known as the 'Fun uncle of quality revolution’ The major contribution of crosby are: (a) Concept of zero defect | (b) Quality is free (c) Cost of poor quality Crosby's focused on the principle of ‘Doing it right the first time’. vans ssf 2.1.4 Kaoru Ishikawa Philosophy of Quality 5 He is considered akey figure in the development of quatiy initiatives in Japan. He is best known outside }aPan for the Ishikawa or cause and effect diagram which is also known as fishbone diagram, Standard and Quality Practices in Productior General Studies & 16 ‘andard and Quality Practices in Production [ESE Pci: ‘The major contribution of Ishikawa in quality development are: (2) Qualty circles, (b) Seven quality contro! tool (©) Fishbone diagram or cause and effect diagram SNo| Quality Guru Contribution 1 | Edward Deming | Deming eyete, 14 points for wansforming management, soven deadly diseases, 2. | Jat duran Quality tology, Pareto principle | 3. | Keon ishikawa Quality circle, Seven qualty control ool, Fishbone lagram 4 | Philip crosby Zoro defect, costorpoor quality, quay ise 5: | Genichi Taguchi | quaityloss function, Robust design by design ofexperiment 6, | Armand Feigentaum | Total quality convo! 2.20 JIT vs. MRP ‘S.No. MRP Jit 1. | MRP stands for material equirement | JIT stands forjustin ime: planning. 2. | MRPis push system approach which | JIT is apull systom approach which said that forces the material into production to | material are only provided when there is ‘meet future demand. demand, 3,_| Itfocuses on keeping tha safety stock | elimination oF Safety stock ‘andinventory. 4. | Ht can handle dynamic situation i.e. | jtienotableto handle dynamic situation, When demand changes suddenly. S| Nomatyaverageworkerisrequred. | Oynamicand experience workerisrequred ©. | Its best suited for job or batch type | tis sulted or ‘mass production system. production system, | 2.3 Kanban 'tis a Japanese word which means card or sign. The purpose of Kanban isto signal the need for more Bar's end to ensure tht those parts are producedin appropriate time to suppor further assembly tis a physical Control system consisting of card and container. 2.4 Kaizen Kaizen is the Japanese ward for ‘improvent. In business Kaizen refers to the activities that continuously © improve all functions and involve all employees from CEO to the assembly ine workers. Italso applies to process | Such as purchasing and logistics that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain ‘ By improving standardized programmes and processes Kaizen aims to eliminate waste. Iti @ dally Process the purpose of which goes beyond simple productivity improvement. ' les vttude nore sical MADE EASY Different Approaches Regarding Quality 7 2.5 Poka-Yoke [Poka-Mistake, Yoke-Avoid] Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term that means ‘mistake proofing’ or ‘inadvertent error prevention’ Poka-yoke is any mechanism that purpose to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur Benefits of poka-yoke implementation: (@) Less time spent on training of workers () Promotion of the work improvement oriented approach {c) Reduced number of rejects or wastes (@)_ Immediate action when a problem occurs (©) Unburdening of operators trom repetitive operations 2.6 Concurrent Engineering Concurrent engineering, also known as simultaneous engineering. Its a method of designing and developing products in which different stages run simultaneously rather than consecutively, It decreases product development time and also the time to market, leading to improved productivity and reduced costs, Tools for concurrent engineering are: (a) QFD (Quality Function Deployment) (b) Design for assembly (c) Design for manufacturing (d) Design for environment (e)_ FMEA (Failure Made and Effect Analysis) 2.7. Value Engineering vs Value Analy: \Value engineering is applied to praduct at design stage before reac the other hand value analysis is applied to existing product with the view to response its value. PSE Q.1 Statement-l: The concept of Just-in-Time is operationalized when the exact number of units required are bought at each successive stage of production at the appropriate time. ing in the hands of the customer. On ‘Statement-Il: Just-in-Time concept has been expanded to mean a manufacturing philosophy of eliminating waste, (a) Both statement | and statement Il are individually ue and statement Il is correct explanation of statement | (b) Both statement | and statement II are individually true but statement Ilis not the correct explanation of statement | (6) Only statement lis true. (a) Only statement tl is tue. Ans. (a) 18 Standard and Quality Practices in Production EEE oreo! Sees Engineering aprituce (e Objective Brain Teasers Qt a2 a3 a4 Qs ae a7 The most frequently used framework for obtaining Continuous improvements (a) the plan-do-check act cycle. (b) quailty function deployment. (©) the quality circle, {d) the cause and effect process Which of the following reduces the product development time? (a) Kaizen concept {b) Poke-Yoke approach (c) Concurrent engineering (d) Use of PDSA cycle Which one of the following is notihe part of quality triology given by Juran? (@) Quaity planning {b) Quality design (©) Quality control (A) Quality improvement Which of the following performance standard given by philip crosby that make sense is (@) Defect minimization ©y Oualiy cost (©) Variation control (0) Zerodetect Which of the following is the first step in the context of problem solving? (@) Teamdiscussion (b) Problem identification (©) Designof experiment (A) Statistical process control ‘Which of the following is the purpose of Kanban? (a) To reduce the defects (b) To reduce the quality cost (c) To signal the need for more parts (d) Allof the above Which of the following statement is correct about ‘Kaizen’? 1. Kaizen is Japanese word for continuous improvement, 2. Kaizen aims to eliminate waste, 3. Kaizen is not a daily process, as ag (b) 1 and 3 only (d)_Allof the above (@) Tand2only (©) 2and 3 only Statement-1; MRP system facusses on keeping the safety stock and inventory. Statement-It: It can handle dynamic situations, (@) Both statement | and statement I are individually true and statement Il is correct reason of statement I (b) Both statement | and statement Ii are individually true but statement Il is not the correct Reason of statement |. (© Only statement |is true. (0) Only statement Il is true. Match the following List-t Edward Deming Kaoru Ishikawa Philip Crosby Armand Feigenbaum JM. Junar List-H1 Total quality control Quality circle Seven deadly disease Zero detect . Managerial practices Codes: AB (el 2) eyo) 2) 3 1 moom> eRenal E 4 5 4 1 @s NOLO D 5 1 2 4 3 Q.10 Statistical Process Control (SPC) helps to determine (@) If assignable causes are disturbing the process (b) if vendor performance is falling (©) Ifcustomers are happy (@) top management is happy Q.11 The main business process objective(s) is/are» 1. Customer service

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