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Learning Area
Learning Delivery Modality
EXEMPLAR School Lemery Colleges Grade level Three
Teacher Kattrinna B. Decepeda English
Teaching Date Quarter Third Quarter
Teaching Time One hour only No. of Days

At the end of this module, learners are expected to have

achieved the following:
 Compare and contrast information
 Express opinions and feelings about other’s
 Participate actively in class activities
 Appreciate the importance of comparing and contrasting
 Appreciate the importance of friendship
Demonstrate understanding of processes and information text for
A. Content Standards articulation of ideas
B. Performance
Creatively present information in varied ways
C. Most Essential Compare and Contrast Information Heard
Learning EN3OL-IIIi-j-1.9
Competencies (MELC)
(if available, write the
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling

II. CONTENT Compare and Contrast

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide
b. Learner’s Material
PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material Week 7 pp. 33-34
c. Textbook Pages
d. Additional
Materials from
Music video, Pictures, Venn Diagram, Padlet, Quizziz, Power point
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and



At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

A. Introduction
 compare and contrast information
 express opinions and feelings about other’s
 participate actively in class activities
 appreciate the importance of comparing and contrasting things
 appreciate the importance of friendship


Class we are going to sing a song entitled “Everybody is Different”

Oral Language Activity

Fluency Domain
Children, by this time, let’s do some oral exercises by pronouncing a
tongue twister and you are going to perform it after me.

“Chester cheetah chews a chunk of cheap cheddar cheese.”

By this time, let me see if you really understand our last discussion.

If the statement is a solution, you are going to stand up, and if it is a

problem, you are going to remain seated.
__1. My shoelace was untied and I tripped and fell.
__2. I checked my assignment before I go to bed.
__3. I took a nap when I got home.
__4. I always forget my assignment notebook.
__5. I tied my shoes.
C. Development WHAT I KNOW?

Strategy: Conversation Analysis

Now class I will read a conversation between two students in the

ice cream parlour, listen carefully as I read and you may take
some notes of some important details in their conversation .

Gab: Whoa, look at all those ice cream choices!

Ella: Yes, that is a lot of choices. What is your favorite?
Gab: I love anything with chocolate, it’s the best!
Ella: I myself likes chocolate too.
Gab: Is there any kind of ice cream you don't like?
Ella: I really don't like any ice cream with nuts in it.
Gab: I haven't ever cared having nuts on my ice cream, unlike
you I’m not picky with any ice cream flavours.
Ella: Well good for you, but have you ever heard about a garlic
flavour ice cream?
Gab: Oh! I never heard of, that sounds absolutely disgusting!
Ella: I agree. Well I’m just kidding. Let's just stick with the
regular choices today, though.

Guide questions:
1. In the conversation, in what flavor of ice cream they have in
2. Do they have comparison with their choice of what flavor they
3. Can you tell which statement did they agreed and in which
statement did they have different thoughts?


Look at the picture and read the sentences.

In Ms. Sophia’s house, she has a chair and her pet cat. They are
her two favorite things.
The chair is non-living thing. It has four legs but it cannot move on
its own. Its color is brown. It has a back and people use it to sit on.
The cat is a living thing. It has four legs. It likes to run around the
house. It is orange and white and it has a back.

Direction: Fill in the blank how the chair and cat are alike and

Chair Alike Cat


Strategy: Video Analysis

Now class, just a while ago I ask you to sing with me with the
song “Everybody is Different”. Now I will ask you some question
about the song.

Guide questions:
1. In which ways do you think you are different from everyone else?
2. In which ways do you think you are similar from others?
3. In choosing your friends, do you choose them because you have
some similarities/differences?

What does comparison and contrast means?

One of the ways in presenting information is through comparing

and contrasting. In comparing, it tells how two or more things are
alike. On the other hand, contrasting tell how two or more things are
When you were listening or reading, there are number of signal
words that may use to indicate a relationship between two ideas.
Some common signal words to compare are likewise, alike/like,
in common, as well as, similarly, both, also/too, and same.
Some common signal words to contrast are on the other hand,
even though/although, as opposed to, different/difference, in contrast,
unlike/unalike, instead of, but, and however. Signal words are simply
tools that you can use to help you identify when things are being
compared and contrasted.

Vocabulary Development
Unlocking of Difficulties
Class, I am going to read an interesting story. But before that, let’s
unlock some unfamiliar words that you will encounter in our selection.

The first word is mosque.

Base on the picture, what is the meaning of the word mosque?

Second word is Muslim.

Look at the picture.

What do the picture have in common? -clothes
They dress according to their religion.
Third word is wealthy.

Who want’s to have this money?

Who do you think have this kind of money?

Today, I am going to read a story about Ali and Andrea. But before I
continue to read the story, let’s have a recap about the standards to
follow while listening a selection.
 Turn off your microphone
 Listen carefully
 Be attentive

Ali and Andrea

Since childhood, Ali and Andrea have been good friends even
though they differ in many ways. Ali is a Muslim while Aubrey is a
Christian. Ali goes to the mosque every Friday while Andrea goes to
church every Sundays. Ali is taller than Andrea, they are both excels
in Mathematics. Andrea loves to eat meat while Ali loves to eat fruits
and vegetables. Even though they have differences, they also have
similarities like, Ali and Andrea are both wealthy in having a books.
They both love to read and reading is their way of bonding during free
times to form a strong bond.

Comprehension Check-up:
 Who are the characters of the story?
 From what group of people does Ali belong?
 Where does Andrea go every Sunday?
 What subject they both excel?
 Why do we need to have friends?

 Upon listening to the story. What do Ali and Andrea have in

 What is their differences?

Value Integration
 If you were Ali or Andrea, do you also want to be friends with
someone who’s different from your likes?

Now class you will identify if the sentence are comparing or

contrasting. I will send the link of the quizziz in our chat box.

Direction: Write COM if the sentence are comparing and CON if the
sentence are contrasting.

1. Ali is a Muslim while Andrea is a Christian.

2. Ali and Andrea are both excel in Mathematics.
3. Andrea loves to eat meat while Ali loves to eat fruits and
4. Ali and Andrea both loves to read.
5. Ali goes to the mosque every Friday while Andrea goes
to church every Sundays.

Group Activity
Class for now, you will be pair up with a friend in a class. You will
record ways on how you were different and similar with each. Don’t
forget to write your name first and your indicated group friend. I will
send the link of the padlet in our chat box.

D. Engagement

Direction: Choose two of your friends then write their comparison

and contrast using a Venn Diagram.


Now class, look around in your comfortable online place. Look for two
things that you can compare and contrast. I will give you 5 minutes to
prepare your presentation.
Times up!
Who wants to be first?
Students will present their comparison and contrast.

E. Assimilation WHAT I HAVE LEARNED?

Class, if you really understand our lesson, What is comparison and
 What are the signal words to use in comparing?
 What are the signal words to use in contrasting?

Assessment: For your exam. I will send the Quizziz link in our
chat box.
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Banana and mango are similar in ___
A. color
B. shape
C. size
2. Bus and jeep are both ___
A. planes
B. ships
C. transportation
3. Pencil and ball pen differ in ___
A. color
B. form
C. texture
4. Water and vinegar differ in ___
A. color
B. height
C. taste
5. Mother and father are both my ___
A. children
B. cousins
C. parent


Why do we have to know the difference between compare and

I learned that….

I realized that….

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