Assessment Leadership Community Health 4 1

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1. An occupational health nurse is preparing to teach a health promotion class for workers
at a warehouse. Which of the following statements should the nurse include?
"Rub your hands together for at least 10 seconds when washing them."
"Keep your abdominal muscles tightened when lifting objects."
"Ensure that 20 percent or less of calories are from saturated fats."
"Engage in aerobic exercise 2 to 4 days per week for 20 min."

2. A nurse is preparing an in-service about family violence for a group of newly licensed
nurses. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?
"Perpetrators of family-directed violence recognize their behavior as abnormal."
"Female clients who experience partner violence are at greater risk for acute diseases."
"The victim's risk for homicide is greatest when they decide to leave the relationship."
"The level of violence of the events decreases over time."

3. A community health nurse is reviewing primary prevention strategies for West Nile virus
with a group of clients in a rural health clinic. Which of the following instructions should
the nurse include?
Avoid exposure to deer ticks.
Eliminate areas of standing water.
Use a respiratory mask when cleaning bird coops.
Plan outdoor activities after dusk

4. A school nurse is providing care for students in an elementary education facility. Which
of the following interventions by the nurse addresses the primary level of prevention?
Design interventions for a student's individual education plan (IEP).
Teach students about healthy food choices.
Perform first aid for minor injuries.
Perform scoliosis screenings for students.

5. A nurse is conducting a home visit with an older adult client. Which of the following
observations should the nurse address to promote a safe environment?
Loud volume of the television set
Wall-to-wall carpet in the living room
Low chairs without armrests
Use of indirect lighting

6. A case manager completes a history and physical assessment for a client who has COPD.
Which of the following actions should the case manager take next?
Identify the client's current health needs.
Call the provider with a list of client concerns.
Compile a list of community resources for the client.
Refer the client to a COPD support group
7. A nurse manager is implementing a quality improvement project to reduce the number of
methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections at the facility. Which of
the following actions should the nurse manager take first?
Develop a MRSA protocol for implementation.
Provide educational in-service for staff.
Evaluate outcomes resulting from interventions.
Conduct a chart review to evaluate precipitating factors of clients who develop MRSA.

8. A nurse manager is teaching a group of employees about standards for Quality and Safety
Education for Nurses (QSEN). Which of the following statements by an employee should
the nurse manager identify as an example of the QSEN concept of quality
"We should start tracking how soon clients are discharged after laparoscopic versus open
"We should be sure to log out of the computers immediately following documentation."
"We should involve our clients' partners in care planning as much as possible."
"We should provide change-of-shift report as a team, including the assistive personnel who
assisted with care.

9. A hospice nurse is providing teaching to a client who has a new diagnosis of a terminal
illness and her family. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the
"Hospice care focuses on disease treatment and rehabilitation."
"The provider will coordinate your health care needs while in hospice."
"You must choose a family caregiver before being admitted into a hospice facility."
"Hospice care continues to help families with grief after a death occurs."

10. A nurse manager is discussing electronic medical records with a newly licensed nurse.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take to maintain client confidentiality?
(Select all that apply.)
Log out of the computer terminal before leaving.
Share passwords for computer access with colleagues.
Change computer access passwords on a regular basis.
Avoid accessing information about clients admitted to other units.
Shred computer-generated client worksheets after use.

11. A nurse is completing an assessment of a recently widowed older adult client. He states
he is unable to drive and is afraid to cook on the stove. Which of the following
community resources should the nurse recommend?
Hospice care
Meals on Wheels
Home health services
American Association of Retired Persons

12. A charge nurse is discussing HIPAA with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following
actions should the charge nurse include in the teaching as an example of a HIPAA
Posting the name of the nurse providing care on a client's communication board
Discussing the client's new medication with a hospital pharmacist
Faxing requested medical information for a client who is transferring to another facility
Emailing the client's positive hepatitis results from an unencrypted serve

13. A nurse manager is preparing to complete staff performance appraisals. Which of the
following principles should the nurse manager consider when completing the appraisals?
Performance appraisals should be written in measurable terms.
Appraisal objectives should be applicable to staff at every level.
Performance appraisals should be based on the nurse manager's preferences.
Completed appraisals should be approved by a provider.

14. A nurse is caring for a client and realizes they have administered the wrong medication.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?
Notify the provider.
Check the condition of the client.
Document the occurrence in the electronic medical record.
Complete an incident report.

15. A nurse is caring for a newborn in the nursery following a circumcision. The newborn's
grandparent, who does not have an identication bracelet, requests to take the newborn to
his parent's room. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Check the newborn's identication bracelet with the chart.
Obtain permission from the newborn's mother.
Respectfully deny the grandparent's request.
Review the newborn's footprint record

16. A nurse enters a client's room and finds the client pulseless. The client's living will
requests no resuscitation be performed, but the provider has not written the prescription.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Administer emergency medications without performing CPR.
Begin CPR.
Call the provider for a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order.
Respect the client's wishes, and do not attempt CPR.

17. A staff nurse is challenging a shift assignment with the charge nurse. Which of the
following statements made by the charge nurse is an example of smoothing as a strategy
to resolve conflict?
"If you accept this assignment today, I will let you choose your assignment tomorrow."
"If you don't agree with the assignment, I will have to report your decision to the nursing
“Let’s just focus on giving our client medications on time.”
"You have a lot of experience, so I'm sure you're capable of these tasks."

18. A community nurse is instructing a group of newly licensed nurses about diseases that
require airborne precautions. Which of the following diseases should the nurse include?

19. A nurse is receiving change-of-shift report on a group of clients. Which of the following
clients should the nurse assess first?
A client who has urolithiasis and reports severe ankle pain extending toward the abdomen
A client who has acute cholecystitis and reports abdominal pain radiating to the right shoulder
A client who has had a total knee arthroplasty, is 1 day postoperative, and reports a pain level of
8 on a 0 to 10 pain scale
A client who has a fractured femur and reports sudden sharp chest pain
20. An occupational health nurse in a factory is planning interventions to reduce
environmental stressors for employees. Which of the following interventions should the
nurse use to aect physical agents in the environment? (Select all that apply.)
Teach workers to choose personal strategies to cope with work stress.
Limit the amount of time workers spend in temperatures over 43.3° C (110° F).
Provide ear plugs for use at workstations throughout the factory.
Obtain dosimeters for employees to wear when using new machinery that emits radiation.
Require more frequent disinfection of work surfaces during inuenza season.

21. A nurse is using the ecologic model for population health to develop interventions to
address HIV in a community. Which of the following interventions should the nurse
include to address financial factors affecting community health?
Have adolescents lead peer discussions in schools about safe sexual practices.
Distribute condoms through remote community clinics.
Create commercial advertisements describing the long-term eects of HIV.
Include information about perinatal HIV transmission at prenatal education classes.

22. A nurse is planning a staff education program to review nursing interventions for clients
who have kidney failure. Which of the following sources should the nurse identify as the
best resource for obtaining evidence-based information?
The advice of an expert nephrology nurse
Retrospective chart reviews
Facility critical pathway
A recent peer-reviewed nursing research article

23. A newly licensed nurse tells a charge nurse that he is unsure about accepting telephone
medication prescriptions. Which of the following providers should the charge nurse
identify as having the legal ability to give telephone medication prescriptions? (Select all
that apply.) ???
Physician assistants
Hospital pharmacists
Mental health technicians
Nurse practitioners

24. A newly licensed nurse is giving a change-of-shift report using I-SBAR to an oncoming
nurse. Which of the following statements by the newly licensed nurse should be included
in the "Background" portion of the report?
"The client has a new prescription for incentive spirometry."
"The client's partner plans to return later today."
"The client has no living family members."
"I initiated a consultation by a nutritionist."

25. A nurse is preparing to administer the initial dose of ceftriaxone to a client who has
endometritis. Which of the following statements by the client should cause the nurse to
hold the medication and consult the provider?
"I have a severe allergy to amoxicillin."
"I get sick when I take diuretics."
"I have a history of hearing problems."
"I take prednisone for my asthma."

26. A charge nurse on a medical-surgical unit is preparing to delegate tasks to a licensed

practical nurse (LPN). Which of the following tasks should the charge nurse delegate to
the LPN?
Administering an oral antibiotic to a client
Performing an admission assessment of a client
Creating new teaching for a guardian of a toddler
Administering IV conscious sedation to a client

27. A nurse on a rehabilitation unit is creating a plan of care for a newly admitted client who
has difficulty swallowing following a stroke. Which of the following interprofessional
team members should the nurse anticipate consulting regarding the client's condition?
(Select all that apply.) ???
Speech-language pathologist
Occupational therapist
Pharmacy technician

28. A forensic nurse is using the epidemiological triangle to explain factors that contribute to
violent behavior. Which of the following factors should the nurse identify as an
environmental factor in the epidemiological triangle?
Crowded living conditions
Traumatic brain injury
Alzheimer's disease
Impaired coping abilities

29. After signing an informed consent form, a client states, "I have changed my mind and do
not want to have the procedure." Which of the following actions should the nurse take?
Suggest that family members discuss the importance of the surgery with the client.
Notify the surgeon that the client wishes to withdraw informed consent for the procedure.
Document the risks of refusing the procedure in the client's medical record.
Discuss the benets of the procedure with the client

30. A home health nurse is teaching about chest physiotherapy (CPT) treatments with a client
who has COPD. Which of the following client statements should the nurse identify as an
indication that the teaching has been understood?
"My coughing will decrease during CPT treatments."
"CPT treatments will decrease my respiratory infections."
"I will perform postural drainage after eating meals."
"CPT treatments will help cure my COPD."
31. A public health nurse is developing guidelines for management of a botulism outbreak.
Which of the following information should the nurse include?
High-risk individuals should receive immunoglobulin E (IgE).
Implement airborne precautions for clients who have botulism.
Administer an aminoglycoside medication.
Rinse skin with soap and water following exposure to the botulism toxin.

32. A county public health nurse is developing a list of interventions to address the three core
functions of public health. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include
as part of the assurance function?
Use surveillance to investigate outbreaks of foodborne illness.
Monitor the incidence rates of varicella every 2 months.
Organize an immunization clinic for at-risk members of the community.
Educate the community about the health risks of alcohol use.

33. A nurse is discussing organ donation with a newly licensed nurse. Which of the following
statements should the nurse include in the teaching? (Select all that apply.)
"To harvest a client's organs, they must provide consent prior to death."
"The donor client's provider will harvest the organs for donation."
"During admission, all clients over the age of 18 should be asked about their organ donor status."
"The National Organ Transplant Act prohibits the sale and purchase of organs."
"Documentation about the client's organ donor preference is placed in the electronic medical

34. A case manager at an assisted living facility is reviewing the use of complementary health
practices by several clients. Which of the following actions should the case manager plan
to take?
Plan to report a client's use of echinacea to the provider as a contraindication to aspirin therapy.
Plan to schedule time for a new client to continue tai chi practice as a stress reduction technique.
Tell a client that yoga has not been proven eective to reduce manifestations of menopause.
Tell a client who drinks cranberry juice daily that it can help treat existing urinary tract

35. A nurse manager is teaching a group of sta members about proper body mechanics.
Which of the following statements by a sta member indicates an understanding of the
"I should get assistance when lifting more than 35 pounds."
"I will twist at my waist when moving an object."
"I should hold objects 1 ft away from my body when I walk."
"I will roll my shoulders forward to reduce strain on my back."

36. A nurse in a clinic is caring for a client who has a urinary tract infection (UTI). Which of
the following prescriptions should the nurse verify with a provider? ???

37. A nurse is caring for a client who is requesting to leave the facility against medical advice
(AMA). The client states, "I am ready to go immediately." Which of the following actions
should the nurse take first?
Teach the client about the potential health risks of leaving early.
Ask the client to sign a document stating they are leaving AMA.
Document the client's statement in direct quotes in the medical record.
Complete an incident report detailing the client scenario.

38. A nurse manager of a rural clinic is orienting a new employee. Which of the following
information should the nurse include as a characteristic of rural health?
Lower maternal morbidity rates
Reduced incidence of death from motor-vehicle crashes
Increased rates of chronic illness
More frequent dental preventative care visits

39. A nurse at a local health department is caring for a client who is newly diagnosed with
listeriosis. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?
Provide the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention with the client's information.
Inform the client that they are required to have health department sta directly observe their
Determine whether the condition is reportable under state requirements.
Find out whether the condition is endemic in the client's neighborhood

40. A nurse working in a mobile health clinic is assessing a migrant farm worker. Which of
the following findings should the nurse identify as the priority?
Report of back pain associated with twisting at the waist
Absence of a dental health provider
Lives in a home with 25 other migrant workers
Report of muscle twitching and skin rash

41. A school nurse is developing a teaching plan about testicular cancer for a group of clients.
Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?
Perform a testicular self-examination weekly.
Do not palpate the epididymis when performing a testicular self-examination.
Expect testicles to be uniform in consistency when performing a testicular self-examination.
Perform a testicular self-examination after a cool shower.

42. A parent of a child who is terminally ill tells a nurse that she wants to take her child
home. Which of the following responses should the nurse make?
"Your provider will be here later today."
"I can give you information on what that would involve."
"I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when my sister was terminally ill."
"I think you should speak with social services about your request."

43. During an initial visit, a home health nurse is assessing a client who has cultural beliefs
different than their own. Which of the following questions should the nurse ask to
determine the client's beliefs about environmental control?
"Do you spend more time thinking about the past, present, or future?"
"Who makes most of the decisions in your family group?"
"What do you think you can do to affect your health status?"
"Can you list any diseases that your parents or siblings have had?"

44. A nurse is caring for a client who has an ethical conflict about the care she is receiving.
Which of the following resources should the nurse consult about resolving the dilemma?
Hospital ethics committee
Quality improvement committee
Director of nursing

45. A charge nurse is planning care for a group of clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which
of the following tasks should the nurse delegate to an assistive personnel (AP)?
Giving a glycerin suppository to a client for constipation
Evaluating the effectiveness of ibuprofen administered to a client who reported a headache
Discussing dietary changes with a client who has a prescription for a gluten-free diet
Measuring hourly urinary output for a client who is postoperative

46. A nurse manager is asked to select clients for early discharge from the unit following a
mass casualty event. Which of the following clients should the nurse manager
A client awaiting a screening colonoscopy later that day
A client whose discharge was cancelled the prior day because they developed respiratory distress
A client who is 6 hr postoperative following an open cholecystectomy
A client who is prescribed gastric lavage treatments to treat acute aspirin toxicity

47. A nurse manager on an acute care unit is preparing a staff presentation about promoting
cost effective care. Which of the following strategies should the nurse plan to include in
the presentation?
Change IV solution bags every 36 hr.
Avoid the delegation of hygiene care to assistive personnel (AP).
Wear sterile gloves when removing urinary retention catheters.
Educate staff about the correct use of personal protective equipment (PPE) for isolation

48. A nurse is providing a report to an occupational therapist about a client who weighs 210
lb and has a prescription for one-third weight bearing on the right leg to prevent injury
and falls. How many kg of weight should the client bear on the right leg? (Round the
answer to the nearest whole number. Use aleading zero if it applies. Do not use a trailing
49. 32kg

50. A nurse in an emergency department is preparing change-of-shift report for an adult client
who is transferring to a medical-surgical unit using the SBAR communication tool.
Which of the following information should the nurse include in the report? (Select all that
The client has a do-not-resuscitate order.
The client has a continuous IV of lactated Ringer's.
The client was straight catheterized for 350 mL 2 hr ago.
The client has Medicare insurance.
The client lives in a one-story home
51. A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who has a new prescription for
cimetidine. Which of the following laboratory findings should the nurse identify as the
priority to report to the provider?
Sodium 140 mEq/L
WBC count 9,000/mm3
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) 50 units/L
Fasting glucose 105 mg/dL

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