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Assignment No.

Total Marks: 15
Fall 2014
Due Date: 05-12-2014
Information Systems CS507

Objective: Understanding the Information Systems , Component of Computer based

Information System (Lectures8 to 11)
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

 Assignment should be submitted on VU-LMS on or before the due date.

 Assignment should be completed by your own efforts; it should not be copied from
internet, handouts, any other student or books.
 Assignment should be in Microsoft Word File.
 Assignment sent via Email will not be accepted.
 If the submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt, it will not be graded.
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ABC bank is using a computer based information system. Keeping in view the following cases in mind,
you are required to identify the different types of Information Systems suitable for these cases and write
their number in corresponding columns:

Transaction Management Office Decision Executive Knowledge

Processing Information Automation Support System Support System Support System
System System System

1. A customer withdraw some amount through cheque

2. A customer withdraw some money through parent bank ATM machine

3. Bank wants to keep track all the customers who withdraw money through ATM on a particular

4. Bank plans to generate 40% of its sales from business loans.

5. A customer submit some amount to his account

6. A customer withdraw some money through other bank’s ATM machine

7. Bank plans to offer home loan to its customers who have more than 5 million rupees in their bank

8. Bank wants to keep track all the customers who withdraw money through cheque on a particular

9. Bank plans to open a new branch in the busiest business market.

10. Bank plans to offer some insurance policies to its customers who have more than 5 Lac in their
bank account

11. Bank wants to forecast the number of employee those will be promoted on meeting their sale

12. Bank sends an email to the entire customer that there ATM service will remain off due to
maintenance on a particular date.

13. Bank plans to decrease the interest rate for its business loan customers.

14. Bank plans to monitor employee performance in order to give performance reward to its

15. Banks wants to forecast the number of formers those will take agricultural loan for the upcoming
wheat season.


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