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E.A. Feilat and K. AI-Tallaq

Yarmouk University, Jordan


This paper presents an artificial neural network (ANN) based approach for three-zone distance protection of
transmission lines. The proposed neural network-based distance relay has multilayer feedforward architecture with two
inputs and three trip/(no trip) output signals. The first output is responsible for main protection of the transmission line
section, whereas the other two outputs provide back-up protection for the adjacent line sections. The input features of
the neural network are the fundamental frequency voltage and current magnitudes extracted by discrete-Fourier
transform. In this paper, the back propagation training technique has been used for off-line training of the proposed
ANN distance relay. The Input-output patterns were simulated for faults covering the three zones of protection at
different locations, operating conditions, and fault inception angles. The simulation results presented in this paper show
that the proposed ANN distance relay is very effective in detection and classification of line faults and therefore can be
considered as a good tool for main and backup digital distance protection.

Keywords: Distance protection, neural networks, digital protective relaying

MTRODUCTION the system operating conditions. Therefore, researchers

have examined the application of digital adaptive
Distance relaying has been widely used for the protection techniques. Among these techniques,
protection of transmission lines [I]. Three-zone distance artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been used in
protection has been used to protect a line section and digital distance protection for fault detection,
provide backup protection for the remote section. Zone classification, and location estimation [7,8]. The main
1 is usually set for instantaneous tripping up to 80% to advantage of the ANNs technique over the conventional
90% of the line impedance. Zone 2 is set to provide techniques is the parallel-distributed architecture for
back up protection for 100% of the line, plus 25% to information processing that allows it to leam any
50% of the adjacent line off the remote bus. Similarly, complex input/output mapping. A fault classificatjon
Zone 3 provides backup protection for 100% of both can be treated as a problem of input data pattern
lines, plus 25% of the adjacent line off the remote bus. recognition which can be well handled by ANNs.
Conventional distance relays are usually designed on Previous research works have shown that ANNs provide
the basis of fixed impedance setting at fundamental remarkable tool for adapting to the changing network
frequency for which a distance relay picks up. This conditions and configuration, and resulting in excellent
setting is called a “relay reach”. In conventional performance compared with the conventional digital
distance relaying the impedance between the relay relays.
location and the fault point is measured, thus
determining if a fault is internal or external to a This paper presents a new approach for transmission
protection zone. Consequently, it initiates the action line protection using ANN. The proposed ANN-based
necessary to isolate the faulted section, However, the distance relay is a system comprising a multilayer
disadvantage of using conventional relays is that their feedforward ANN with two inputs and three outputs.
settings have to be reset for changes in the network The proposed ANN has been trained to provide
configuration. The relay either overreaches or Instantaneous as well as back up protection for faults
underreaches depending on the operating conditions of detected within its three protection zones. One output is
the power system and the location of the fault [I]. assigned for instantaneous tripping for faults occurring
in the first protection zone, while the other two outputs
Over the last three decades various digital protection give delayed tripping signals for faults occurring in the
techniques have been developed aiming at overcoming second and the third protection zones.
the limitations of conventional distance relays [2-6]. In
these techniques voltage and current samples are used to
extract the fundamental voltage and current components ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK
to estimate the apparent impedance seen by the relay up
to the fault location. The digital protection techniques, Multilayer feedforward ANN is architectwe of highly
however, do not have the ability to adapt dynamically to interconnected simple nonlinear processing elements

(neurons) connected in parallel to perform u s e l l are calculated recursively “backwards” from the output
computational tasks such as pattern recogition or layer toward the input layer through the hidden layer(s).
classification as an alternative to conventional Once all weight changes are calculated the weights are
computing approaches [9]. ANN computing updated. The entire process is repeated until a target
characteristics are distinguished from conventional error is satisfied.
pattem recognition by their capability to map complex
and highly nonlinear input-output patterns. ANN can be
used to classify patterns by selecting the output which NEURAL NETWORK-BASED DISTANCE RELAY
best represents an unknown input pattems in cases
where an exact input-output relationship is not easily A schematic block diagram of the proposed ANN-based
defined. It has been proven that a network with one distance relay is shown in Fig. 2. The proposed ANN
hidden layer can perform any nonlinear mapping and no relay requires two analog input signals which include
more than two hidden layers are needed for most the line-to-ground voltage and line current as given
applications [ 9 ] . ANN have attracted attention in the last from the voltage transformer (VT) and current
decades to solve problems related to electric power transformer (CT). The two signals are first processed by
system engineering problems such as load forecasting, analog anti-aliasing low-pass filters and then digitized
security assessment, economic dispatch, and fault by an A-D converter. The voltage and current
detection and classification [IO]. magnitudes are then obtained by sampling the voltage
and current signals at a sampling rate of 12 samples per
In its basic form a feedforward ANN consists of an cycle which is the most common sampling frequency
input layer, an output layer, and one or mare hidden used in digital relays (600 Hz for 50 Hz power
layers. Each layer consists of a set of neurons or nodes frequency). The relay stores a full-cycle of voltage and
that are fidly connected to the neurons in the next layer. current samples and feeding them to a full-cycle discrete
The connections have multiplying weights associated Fourier transform (DFT) to extract the magnitudes of
with them. The node receives its input from either other the fundamental frequency voltage and current
nodes or from outside world. The sum of all weighted components,
inputs represents the node activation h c t i o n . The
output of the node is determined by an output function When a new input sample arrives, the oldest sample is
which responds to this activation. Frequently, the so discarded. For fault detection, the most recent current
called logsigmoid function is used. A typical ANN with samples are compared with the corresponding samples a
two hidden layers is shown in Fig* 1. cycle earlier. If there is a difference of more than a set
value for three consecutive samples then a fault is
n assumed to occur and the faulted zone ANN classifier is
triggered. Once the fault is detected, the input voltage
and current magnitudes are fed to each ANN unit to
identify the faulted zone and initiate the tripino trip

The ANN architecture consists of input layer with, two

hidden layers, and output layer. The input layer has W O
neurons representing the magnitudes of the voltage and
Input Layer Hidden Layer Hidden layer Output layer
current signals of the transmission line as seen by a
relay at one end of the transmission line. The numbers
Figure 1 Multilayer Feedforward ANN of the hidden neurons and hidden layers were selected
based on speed and accuracy. The output layer has three
The number o f neurons and hidden layers is problem neurons associated with the three zones of the line
dependent. The process of determining the weights is protection each with an output 1 (trip) for a fault in the
called training process. In the training process, sets of protected zone, or 0 (no trip) for a fault outside the
input-output patterns are associated by properly corresponding zone. The three outputs are or-gated, and
adjusting the weights in the network such that a s u m of the output signal is converted to analog signal by A-D
squared error function is minimized: converter and fed to the tripping coil.

In reality, the values of the outputs during network

performance will be analog between 0 and 1. Therefore,
one of the outputs of the three ANNs is mapped to a
where Ep is the pattern error, rk is the target (desired) value of 1 and the other two outputs are mapped to a
output, and ok is the actual output of the neural network. value o f 0. For example, if a fault occurs in zone 1, then
Various training algorithms have been developed to the ANN unit should develop [l 0 01 output, and if the
adapt the weights in ANNs to reduce the error defined fault occurs in zone 2, then [O 1 01 output pattern is
in (1). The ANN used in this study is trained using the generated. Likewise, if the fault occurs on zone 3, then a
back propagation learning algorithm, Weight changes [0 0 I] output pattem will appear.

tone 3

1 Lmd

Figure 2 Block Schematic of the ANN-Based Distance Relay
TRAINING AND TESTING OF THE ANN equations (3) and (4j using the trapezoidal integration
In this paper, the backpropagation training algorithms
has been used for off-line training of the proposed ANN (3)
relay. A total of 1800 input-output training patterns
simulating faults covering the three zones of protection
at different locations, fault inception angles and (4)
operating conditions have been generated by digital
simulation. The fault locations include zone I : lo%,
20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of the where At is the integration step size. The magnitudes of
transmission line section, zone 2: 90%, loo%, 110%, the voltage and current phasors corresponding to the
and 120% of the transmission line section, and zone 3: post-fault fundamental frequency were calculated using
130% - 220% of the transmission line section (adjacent the full cycle DFT:
line). For each of these fault locations, faults were
simulated at 10 different fault inception angles 0’ 90’.
~ (5
Moreover, the above fault studies were conducted for
three loading conditions loo%, SO%, and 33.3% of full-
load conditions. In addition to the training input-output
patterns, another different 700 testing patterns were
generated to test the generalization capability of the
proposed ANN-based relay. The fault studies have been SIMULATION RESULTS
conducted on a single-phase system comprising a
generator connected to a load by short transmission line The proposed ANN-based distance relay was trained
sections each represented by lumped-series impedance using the Neural Network Toolbox [ 1I]. The criterion
R-L model. The fault transient voltage and current for determining the number of hidden layers and hidden
signals were obtained by numerical solution of the neurons was based on a combined consideration of the
differential equation of the transmission line: training error (accuracy) and speed. In this study,
di several tests were performed to determine the optimum
v ( t ) = R(x)i(i)+ L ( x ) -
dt number of hidden layers and hidden neurons based on
where v(t) and i(t) represents the instantaneous voltage the mean square error (MSE) and number of training
and current at the relay terminals. R(x) and L(x) epochs. Moreover, different training functions were
represent the resistance and inductance respectively of examined for convergence including “traingd”,
the portion of the transmission line between the relay “traingdm”, “traingdx”, and “trainrp“. After extensive
and the fault location. The numerical solutions of v(t) simulations, it was found that an ANN architecture with
and i(t) were obtained by integrating the differential 40 neurons in each o f first and second hidden layers

with logsigmoid functions for the hidden and output The proposed ANN operates in a static manner. The
layers are capable to minimize the MSE of the AN" to ANN was trained off-line. Once the desired
a final value less 0.00001within 943 epochs. The MSE performance was achieved, the weights o f the ANN
training error convergence diagrams for the ANN using were frozen. The next step is to test the generalization
the "trainrp" training function is shown in Fig. 3. capability of the proposed ANN when exposed to test
patterns which are different from the training pattems.
The testing performance of the ANN was examined
using 700 input-output patterns representing faults at
fault inception angles (IS', 30",45', 60", and 75') at
different fault locations over the three zones and at
different load conditions. The results of the testing
performance are shown in Fig. 5 .


100 2bO 3bU 400 5b0 6bo 700 800 sb!


Figure 3 MSE Training Convergence of the ANN

The training performance of the proposed ANN is OC

depicted in Fig. 4. As can be seen from the plots, the 0 100 ZOO 300 400 500 600 700
Paltern Number
results are very encouraging and match accurately with
the target values. Figure 5-a Testing Performance of Output 1

I , . . . . . I 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
o 200 AOO 600 eon 1000 1200 1400 le00 iaoo
Pattern Number
Psllsrn N u m b a t

Figure 4-a Training Performance of Output 1 Figure 5-b Testing Performance of Output 2


0 200 400 1101) 800 1000 1200 1 1 0 0 1600 IBQO
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 IO
PBtlem Number Panern Numuer

Figure 4-b Training Performance of Output 2 Figure 5-c Testing Performance of Output 3

The testing phase simulations of the three outputs of the

ANN illustrate the efficiency of the proposed scheme.
As one can see that almost 100% of the 700 tested fault
pattems of outputs 1 and 3 have been successfully
PI classified into the right zone resulting in correct tripho
trip output signal. However among the 700 pattems,
only one or two patterns of output 2 were misclassified
as shown in Pig. 5-b. This well performance can also be
I . . . . . . . I observed in Fig. 6 which shows the error per pattern
U zoo 100 600 800 1000 1200 1lu0 MOO ieao
Pattern Number
between the actual output pattern and the desired one
Figure 4-c Training Performance of Output 3 €or the three outputs of the ANN.

1 The authors acknowledge the support and facilities of
0 6. Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

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proposed scheme can be implemented for real time
operation by using dedicated digital signal processing The first author can be contacted at
circuits. It is believed that the proposed ANN-based
distance relay can support or replace the conventional Department of Electrical Power Engineering
three-zone distance protection system. Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology
Yarmouk University, 21 1-63


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