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What is the cartesian product of the following two tables:

S table P table

Q2. What will be the result of the following: select distinct city from s
Q3. What will be the result of the following: select distinct sno from s;
course table

department table

select * from course, department

Q5. What will be the result of the following:

select * from course, department where COURSE.DEPT_NAME = department.DEPT_NAME;

Q6. What will be the result of the following: select * from s where sname like '%e%';

Q7. What will be the result of the following: select * from s order by city;
Q8. What will be the result of the following: select * from s order by city desc;
Q9. What will be the result of the following: select * from p where weight between 12 and 14;
sale2011 table sale2012 table

What will be the result of the following: select product_name from sale2011
What will be the result of the following: select product_name from sale2012
What will be the result of the following:
select product_name from sale2011
select product_name from sale2012;

What will be the result of the following:

select product_name from sale2011
select product_name from sale2012;

select product_name from sale2011

select product_name from sale2012;
*except is standard term; for oracle use minus

Q11. What will be the result of the following: select avg(unit_price) from sale2012;
Q12. What will be the result of the following: select min(unit_price) from sale2012;
Q13. What will be the result of the following: select max(unit_price) from sale2012;
Q14. What will be the result of the following: select sum(unit_price) from sale2012;
Q15. What will be the result of the following: select count(*) from s;

Q16. What will be the result of the following:

select count(*), city from s
group by city;

Q17. What will be the result of the following:

select max(weight), city from p
group by city;

Q18. What are the valid clauses? Pick multiple

where, select, group by, sort by, order by, find

Q19. Which is used for what:

union, avg, max, sum, intersect

Q20. What will be the result of the following: select * from s where city in ('London', 'Athens');
Q21. What will be the result of the following: select * from s where city not in ('London');
Q22. What will be the result of the following:
select count(*) from
select * from s where city not in ('London')

Q23. What will be the result of the following:

select sum(weight) from
select * from p where city not in ('London')

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