Samiul Alom (18-36580-1) Proposal For Access Database

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Scenario: A business will develop an application similar to Uber/Pathao.

Each driver
and passenger must be recorded in the database with their basic information such as
name, address, phone number, etc. For the drivers, the record must also include the
vehicle number registered with the account. When a passenger and a driver agrees to a
ride, a trip is to be generated. The start and end locations as well as start and end times
are to be stored in the database. The fare paid must also be recorded. Each trip will
be rated both by the passenger and the driver. At the end of the month the driver pays
some commission to the business.This payment must be recorded.

Problem: Draw an ER diagram on the foregoing scenario. You may use any tool. You
must upload the diagram (screenshots) to VUES. Please show some sample data in
your tables.

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