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Suggested, An opening to the Great city of Menaphos - Raids 3 “Tomb of Menaphos”

The city of Menaphos closed by the Pharaoh himself, to protect the civilians from the plagues that
began in Sophanem back in the second age of Gielinor. Although the plague never did spread the
Pharaoh stated that the gates to Menaphos had to be closed at all time. Every soul that came nearby
the walls nor gates had to be put down directly on orders of the Pharoah.

Decades past.. and the Pharaoh himself closed his eyes for a long time already, although the family
still reigns the great city of Menaphos. Mabey it’s time to “Contact” the outside world? After the
player walks to the wall the Menaphite rangers shout, “Go now or accept a painfully death!”
Right after the rangers, aimed their bows and arrows to the player somebody yells “STOP” !!!

“Coenus, Chief in command of the Menaphite Guards”

- Coenus; Who in the Pharaohs name orders me!? And he turns around … *moment of silence* …
There he stands, the Pharaoh with his son.
- Coenus; I am sorry my master, forgive me!

The pharaoh walks to the ridge of the great wall, and looks at the player.

“The Pharaoh, great ruler of the Desert”

- Pharaoh; You!, wats your name?

- Player; My name is, “Player name” Pharaoh.
- Pharaoh; Dear, player! Is it save?, is it save outside? Is it save in Sophanem?
- Player; The plague is under control, but not destroyed. It won’t spread it did not spread for the past
- Pharaoh; So, player you feel well? No sickness at all?
- Player; I did just help the people of Sophanem, on request of the High Priest.
I feel better than ever Pharaoh.
- Pharaoh; verry well come closer, player we will let you enter the city.

After the player is examined firmly, access has been given. The even greater gates to the city opens
up. Wat a joy!, wat a beautiful colors!, Merchants screaming and people talking. The guard points at
the stairs up to the guard tower.
A door opens.

“Menaphite Guard, Defender of Menaphite”

- Menaphite Guard; well.. wat are you waiting for?! The pharaoh is waiting!

The player enters the tower, there he stands the pharaoh.

- Pharaoh; Ah, welcome “Player name”, welcome to the great city Menaphos.
- Player; Thank you, Pharaoh.
- Pharaoh; So you did mention something about helping the High priest of Sophanem?
- Player; Oh yes sir, If helped to defeat a huge scarab beetle deep under Sophanem and also if saved
the soul of Klenter the former high priest of Sophanem. A evil wanderer named, “Amascut the
Devourer”. She controlled my mind and made me do terrible things, once the priests were about to
finish the ceremony to put Klenter's spirit to rest Amascut arrived and took control of the mind of a
Priester. I did stop her evil plans and she ran off, nobody has a idea where she Is. After the fight I
escaped the pyramid and met the God of death, “Icthlarin”!, he stopped me stealing from the
pyramid and dehypnotize me.
- Pharaoh; Well.. well.. sounds like you helped the high priest allot!, but did you mention “Icthlarin”?
- Player; Yes sir, he helped me from the cure of “Amascut”, I cant remember much more and if never
seen him again.
- Pharaoh; Mhm.. Interesting.. “player name” meet me at my palace, the guards will escort you.

>>Quest Start<<

After a walk true the city, escorted by the guards you finally reach you destination. The palace of the
Pharaoh, outside the palace by the gate are two priests standing and talking to each other. When you
walk to the gate the Pharaoh comes outside together with the high priest.

- Pharaoh; Ahh “player name” you’re finally here!, this is the high priest of Menaphos.
- Player; Nice to meet you, high priest.
- High priest; Mhm.. tell me what you told the Pharaoh about helping the people of Sophanem..
- Player; About defeating the scarab beetle?
- High priest; No you fool!, about “Amascut” and “Lord Icthlarin”!!
- Pharaoh; Oh come on, high priest no means to be hostile.
- Player; *after telling the whole story all over again* And that’s why I told the Pharaoh.
- High priest; ha.. wat a nonsense.. A random adventurer meeting our God of Death?, Haha! Please
pharaoh excuse me but don’t belief these lies!
- Player; Pharaoh I am not lying!
- Pharaoh; Mhm.. there is something strange going on lately.. Come “player name” lets eat and
refresh ourself.

After refreshing and a delicious dinner with the Pharaoh a servant announces that there are two
priests asking for the Pharaoh.

- Pharaoh; Ahh. Yes let them in, if invited the priests as well to talk “player name”
- Player; Ok, the high priest as well?
- Pharaoh; Well.. No I want to talk about the some things that are happening lately, the high priest is
act strangely.
- Pharaoh; Welcome priests!, welcome please take a seat.
- Priest 1; Thank you for inviting us.
- Priest 2; We’re pleased to be here, Pharaoh.
- Pharaoh; First let me introduce our newest guest in our city, “player name” He helped out the high
priest of Sophanem.
- Priest 1; Welcome to our city, is it al good at the other side of the river?, the plaque is it all gone?
Are the people healthy??
- Priest 2; Stop asking so much you!, welcome to our city and what is your name?
- Player; my name is “player name” and nice to meet you both.
- Player; *after telling the whole story all over AGAIN*
- Priest 1; Wow!
- Priest 2; Mhm.. really interesting.

The Pharaoh stands up and walks to the door to the balcony and opens it, he steps outside come
over here “player name” This pyramid you see here it is the greatest and oldest pyramid in the
desert. One of the older Pharaoh’s my great grandfather has blocked the entrance decades ago for
fear of dark powers. When you mentioned “Amascut” I imminently informed the priests about this,
well yourself told the whole story now as well. The priests told me that the high priest had seen
somebody near our pyramid and when he followed the person the entrance was opened, no
blockade at all! The high priest said he properly imagined it and that there was nobody.. but that
does not explain why the entrance is not blocked anymore..

- Pharaoh; “Player name” would you help us?, would you go into the pyramid with the priests and
the high priest to look what is going on?
- Player; Yes!, I’m always in for a adventure. *Quest start* / No, way too dangerous. *No quest start*

deep under the city a lost and forgotten tomb.. only be entered by the pyramid of Menaphos, the
oldest and greatest pyramid dating back to the second age in Gielinor, a holy and spirituel place for
most Menaphite’s. The door sealed by old Pharaoh himself because of fear from the great danger
that was created deep under the pyramid. Old dark and verry cruel magic, something interesting..
well.. by specially one person the pharaoh himself. By experimenting and waking old demonic
powers one day it went fatally wrong. Something really dark found its way to the humans world and
took control over the soul of the pharaoh.. Day by day the pharaohs health became weaker and
weaker.. All kind of different methods were used by the high priests to cure the pharaoh but nothing
less.. The pharaoh kept mumbling, “Close the passage to the tomb” & “We’re in great danger”.. At
last one of the high priest came with an idea, something that the people from Menaphos did dislike,
usage of curing magic..

The high priest told the royal family, by old tales a northern civilization far away from our desert. A
civilization that possessed the powers to cure other one´s Health and take away deathly curses.. but
the royal family denied! Nobody wanted to know anything from the outside world. The pharaoh past
away days after, he got mummified and placed in the royal burial chamber in the pyramid.

The Pyramid got locked by a verry powerful spell casted by all high priests on Menaphite, it took days
to complete the spell but when it finally was done nobody could ever enter nor leave the tomb. The
passage got destroyed so nobody ever could know there was a tomb buried under the city..
After you entered the tomb, you feel fuzzed.. A dark power embraces itself to you. Free me, I'll grant
you everything you ever wanted. It scared your cat it ran back to the surface.

- Player; What was that?, did you hear it??

- Priest 1; Heard what??
- Player; the voice, it asked to help!
- Priest 2; *suspicious look* we're the only one here..
- Player; but..
- High priest; We've no time for nonsense!, we should go on!

After a firm walk the player, priests and high priest found a chamber filled with rocks and a half
broken altar.

- Priest 1; This is it!, it must be!

- Priest 2; The old Pharaoh's experimental chamber..
- Priest 1; walks up to the old broken altar.
- High priest; don't touch anything!

Before the high priest finished his sentence priest 1 touched the altar with both hands. The chamber
started shaking, rocks falling from the ceiling.

- Player: Look out!, *jumps at the priest*

The player grabbed priest 2, and both dodged a huge part of falling ceiling.

- Player; pooh.. A close one!

- Priest 2; *couch* *couch* Arch my back!
Look what you did! You imbecile!! *stares at priest1
- Player; is everybody okay?
- Player; High priest?, has anybody seen the high priest?
- Priest 2; he just stood next to us.. And you priest 1, what are you just standing there!
- Priest 2; walks to priest 1 tries to grab him, but when he touched the priest he turns to dust..
- Priest 2; What!? What is this place!?
- Player; we need to leave and tell the Pharaoh what happened..

Free me, open the Pharaoh's chamber!!

- Player; that voice again..
- Priest 2; stop mumbling!! Help me move these rocks so we can leave!

The player stares at the altar, the voice came from behind the wall were the altar stands.. Priest 2
grabs the player by the shoulder.
- Priest 2; HEEY!! let's move these rocks, we need to leave this Forsaken place!
- Player; oh yes, yes.. I...
- Priest 2; we're almost there, a little more!

The players vision is blurred and all fuzzed again, the priests helps the player to leave the chamber
and the long walk to the surface. Finally after the firm walk they had before they got to the entrance.

For now this is it, I would like to get some feedback or if

interested I could write more. 😊

Why did I mention raids 3?, the desert has so many opportunities and only one boss, the KQ. The
Menaphos Pyramid/Chamber could be used for a Desert variant CoX/ToB mixed up? Also the opening
of Menaphos would be amazing. Since I started playing RuneScape, it always has ben how it is today
and I would really like to see it get updated.

Best regards, Jeffrey. (A possible map of Menaphos?)

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