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Trade Activity

Scheme Owner: UTZ

Transaction ID: 223408

Product details
Product information: Green Coffee, Arabica
Traceability Level: Identity Preserved
Total Volume: 19312 Kilograms


Origin Information Country Volume in kg

ME01_16437 ANTIOQUIA EMPRESARIAL Colombia 19312

Transaction details
Transaction type: Sell
Transaction status: To Be Confirmed
Reported on: 2021-06-25
Change of ownership date: 2021-03-01
Confirmed on:
Seller reference number: CAFEZAM SAS
Seller contract number: 2676TP4157211817
Buyer reference number: 00598
Buyer contract number: 2676TP4157211817
Shipping details
Transport type: TERRESTRE
Consignment No. (GSCN):
Bill of Lading (BL):
Shipping date: 2021-06-18
Seller details: Buyer details:
Seller name: CAFEZAM SAS Buyer name: ECOM CCA S.A.S CdC
Seller ID: ME01_8867 Buyer ID: ME01_7952
Country: Colombia Country: Colombia
Reported by: CAFEZAM SAS Confirmed by:

Finance details
Premium (per 1 kg): USD N/A
Total premium: N/A

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