1 рівень медики

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Among the following choose the direction in etiology according to which disease has only one

reason and its influence causes a disease obligatory:


In 2 minutes after the bite of bee the edema developed in a boy. Concentration of antibodies in
blood did not change. What is the name of such organism reaction?

What primary immunodeficit is characterized by eczema and thrombocytopenia?

{=Viskott-Oldrich’s syndrome
~Lui-Barr’s syndrome
~Bruton’s disease
~Di Georgy’s syndrome
~Nezelof’s syndrome}

The process of blood clot dissolution due to activation of fibrinolytic blood system and proteolytic
enzymes of leucocytes is named:
{=Aseptic autolysis

To the main factors of thrombformation does not belong

{=Decrease of blood oxygenation
~Decrease of blood stream speed
~Local angiospasm
~Adhesion of thrombocytes
~Aggregation of thrombocytes}

What is the trigger factor of thrombosis origin at the infectious disease?

{=Damage of vascular wall by endotoxin of microorganisms
~Decrease of anticoagulants activity
~Hemolysis of red corpuscles as a result of damage of their membranes by toxins
~Increase of procoagulants activity at infection
~Depression of fibrinolytic systems by the microorganisms toxins}

What type of embolism does arise in a patient with the thrombosis of lower extremities veins more
{=Embolism of pulmonary artery
~Embolism of coronary artery
~Embolism of pulmonary vein
~Embolism of renal artery
~Embolism of portal vein}
What types of local blood circulation violation in an abdominal cavity does take place during
quickly removal of ascitic fluid?
{=Arterial hyperemia
~Venous hyperemia

When does the embolus pass from the right part of heart to the left part of heart?
{=Ventricular septal defect
~Pulmonary artery stenosis
~Aortic stenosis
~Bacterial endocarditis
~Mitral valvular insufficiency}

Why does the rapid redistribution of blood as a result of ascitic fluid removal is dangerous for a
{=Development of brain hypoxia
~Development of brain vessels thrombosis
~Development of stasis in brain vessels
~It is high risk of cerebral hemorrhage
~Development of liquors hypooncia}

The major biochemical feature of tumour cell is

{=Activating of synthesis of nucleic acids
~Activating of synthesis of lipoprotein
~Oppressing of synthesis of nucleic acids
~Activating of synthesis of phosphotides
~Activating of synthesis of tricarboxylic acids}

It doesn’t concern to lysosomal factors which take part in inflammation development

{=Phospholipase A2
~Unenzymic cationic proteins
~Free radicals
~Acidic hydrolase

Neoangiogenesis in termination of inflammation is stipulated by migration of


From the pleural cavity of the patient was received exudate the next content: protein – 34 g/l, cells -
3600/mcl, prevail neutrophils, рН – 6,8. What is kind of exudate in the patient?

In the patient 28-years-old after opening of furuncle on the hand there was rapid healing of wound
without formation of scar. Specify, what cells play the main role in the process of proliferation?

In the patient is revealed redness of gingive and edema due to mechanical irritant by acryl set of
removable false teeth prosthesis in oral cavity was found. The patient complains on pain and
impossibility of chewing. What type of inflammation did arise in this case?

Which type of hypersensitivity cannot be transferred with serum antibody?:

{=Type IV
~Type II
~Type III
~Type I
~Type V}

Rhesus hemolytic disease of the newborn involves:

{=Antibody to cell surfaces
~Soluble immune complexes
~Cytokine release from T-cells
~Stimulatory antibodies}

The Arthus reaction is characterized by an intense infiltration by:

~Mast cells
~Langerhans' cells}

The immunosuppressive drug which probably attacks DNA by alkylation and cross-linking is:

Hyperacute graft rejection is caused by:

{=Preformed antibody.
~CD4 lymphocytes.
~CD8 lymphocytes.
~Circulating immune complexes.}

A patient applied to the doctor with complaints of hypodermic hemorrhage at insignificant

mechanical traumas. What from enumerated below can be reason of such phenomenon?
~Decrease of hemoglobin concentration

A patient applied to the policlinic with complaints of general weakness, dyspnea. Shortly before it
he accepted levomycetin for the prophylaxis of intestinal infection. In blood: erythrocytes –
1,9x1012/l, НЬ – 58 g/l, colour index– 0,9, leukocytes – 2,2x109/l. What type of anemia does it
testify about?
~Iron deficiency

In a patient tumor of head of pancreas was revealed which is accompanied with steatorrhea and
hemorrhage in skin. Concentration of prothrombin and other factors of coagulation is diminished.
What Is the mechanism of hemorrhage origin in this case?
{=Avitaminosis K
~Avitaminosis C
~Deficit of trypsin
~Deficit of pepsin}

A man appealed to the doctor with complaints of appearance of hypodermic hematomas. In the
blood test: erythrocytes – 2,5x1012/l; hemoglobin – 80,0 g/l; colour index – 0,9. Thrombocytes –
40,0x109/l. Leucocytes – 5,8x109/l. Leucocytic formula: basophils – 5 %, eosinophils – 15 %,
myeloblasts – 6 %, myelocytes – 10 %, metamyelocytes – 18 %, stab neutrophils – 26 %,
segmentonucleonic neutrophils – 10 %, lymphocytes – 8 %, monocytes – 2 %. What pathology is in
the patient?
{=Chronic myelocytic leucosis
~Leukemoid reaction
~Acute myeloblastic leucosis
~Basophilic leucocytosis
~Eosinophilic leucocytosis}

Choose the sequence of reactions, which represent pathogeny of acid-base balance violation at heart
insufficiency in the stage of decompensation.
{=Hypoxia - glucolysis activation - surplus synthesis of lactic acid - acidosis
~Hypoxia - glucolysis activation - increase synthesis of adenosinthreephosphate acid - acidosis
~Hypoxia - activating of glucogenesis - increase synthesis of glucogen - alkalosis
~Hypoxia - activating of lipolysis - surplus synthesis of fat acids - alkalosis
~Hypoxia - activating of gluconeogenesis - disintegration of glucogen – acidosis}

Contractile damage of cardiomyocytes in zone of ischemia at development of reperfusion syndrome

is the result of
{=Accumulations of calcium in cardiomyocytes
~Accumulations of lactic acid in cardiomyocytes
~Deficit of magnesium in blood
~Deficit of glucose in blood
~Accumulation of sodium in cardiomyocytes}

A young man having a cranial-cerebral trauma is in the serious condition. The breathing is
characterized with the convulsive attempts to breathe, which is not halted, that is sometimes broken
by exhalation. What type of breathing has this patient?

An young man with the signs of morphin poisoning was hospitalized to the emergency department.
His breathing is shallow and slow as a result of oppression of respiratory center. What type of
breathing disorders is present in this patient?
{=Disregulative disorders of alveolar ventilation
~Ventilation restrictive
~Ventilative obstructive}

A boy 16-year-old complains of weakness, nausee, pain into right hypochondrium. On examenation
was revealed jaundiced sclera and skin. In the blood is large conjugated bilirubin, in the feces-
stercobilin in litlle amount, in the urine-urobilinogen and bilirubin. What type jaundice it is
characterized for?

A patient complains of dyspeptic disorders, melena, hemorrhoidal bleeding. Belly and liver
increased, sclera slightly jaundice What is pathology may be that symptoms in?
{=Portal hypertension
~Intestine autoinxication
~Ulcer disease}

A patient complains of irritability, sleeplessness, rapit weakness, itch skin, yellowing skin and
mucous membrane, acholic feces. AP 100/75 mm Hg, cardial rate – 56/min. What jaundice it is
characterized for?

A 23-year-old woman has complaints of flank pain, loos of appetite, increase of temperature to
39°C. Positive symptom Pastepnatsky was found. There is leukocytosis , ESR is raised. In the urine:
albumen 0,9 g/l, leucocytes 250-300 in area of view, red blood cells 8-10 in area of view, mucus
+++, bacteria +++. What disease has the patient?
{=Acute pyelonephritis
~Acute glomerulonephritis
~Chronic glomerulonephritis
~Acute renal failure}

A 24-year-old pregnant woman has frequent exsessive vomiting. What disorder of acid-basic
balance can be in her?
{=Metabolic alkalosis
~Respiratory acidosis
~Not respiratory acidosis
~Respiratory alkalosis
~Metabolic acidosis}

A 28-year-old woman has had difficulty concentrating at work for the past month. She is constantly
getting up and walking around to visit co-workers. She complains that the work area is too hot. She
seems nervous and often spills her coffee. She has been eating more but has lost 5 kg in the past 2
months. On physical examination her temperature is 37.5°C, pulse 101/minute, respiratory rate
22/minute, and blood pressure 145/85 mm Hg. Which of the following laboratory findings is most
likely to be present in this woman?
{=Decreased TSH
~Decreased iodine uptake
~ Decreased plasma insulin
~ Increased calcitonin
~Increased ACTH}

The patient has nephrocalcinosis, nephrolithiasis, ossification of internal organs, osteoporosis.

Hyperfunction of what endocrine gland is the reason of this state?
{=Parathyroid glands
~Adrenal glands
~Thyroid gland

The patient is hospitalized with complaints on the cramps of upper and lower extremities. BP –
170/105 mmHg, glucose of blood – 6,6 mmol/l, cholesterol – 6,1 mmol/l, calcium – 2,2 mmol/l,
phosphorus – 1 mmol/l, sodium – 162 mmol/l. Daily diuresis – 750 мл. What pathology can be
{=Illness of Conn
~Basedov illness
~Illness of Іtsenko-Cushing
~Illness of Simmonds
~Illness of Аddison}

A 19-year-old previously healthy woman has had a mild pharyngitis followed by a high fever over
the past 24 hours. When seen in the emergency room, her skin now shows extensive areas of
purpura. Vital signs include temperature 39°C, pulse rate 102/minute, respiratory rate 21/minute,
and blood pressure 80/55 mm Hg. Laboratory studies show a serum sodium of 115 mmol/L,
potassium 5.3 mmol/L, chloride 92 mmol/L, CO2 22 mmol/L, glucose 42 mg/dL, and creatinine 1.1
mg/dL. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
~Disseminated tuberculosis
~Reactive systemic amyloidosis
~Sheehan syndrome
~Idiopathic adrenalitis}

A 6 year old child presents with a tumor that is gray and friable within the vermis of the medulla.
Microscopically there appears to be small blue cells. His symptoms appear to be associated with
cerebellar dysfunction. If untreated, what would be the most likely prognosis of his tumor?
~Good because he is young
~None of the above}

What motor function disorders have place in the absence of voluntary movements associated with
increased muscle tone of the right hand and foot after hypertensive crisis?
{=Central paralysis
~Peripheral paralysis
~Peripheral paresis
~Reflex paresis
~Central paresis}

Disorders of which of the following functions have place in hemiplegia?


What is the designation of the state of the absence of motor function in half of the body after
cerebral insult?

A patient presents with weakness and wasting of his muscles. He drops objects easily and also
experiences spasticity and fasciculations .His lesion involves a loss of upper motor neurons. What is
the most common of death in these patients?
{=Pulmonary infections
~Visual impairment
~Wasting of the muscles}

What change from the ones listed below may become the reason of collapse?
{=Increase of tone of vagus
~Activating of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosteron system
~Activating of the sympatho-adrenal system
~Acceleration of cardiac rhythm
~Increased concentration of adrenalin in blood}

Specify violation of water-salt exchange, which arises up at development of hyposmotic comma?

{=Hyposmotic overhydratation
~Hypoosmolyarna overhydratation
~Hyperosmolic dehydratation
~Hyposmolic dehydratation
~Isoosmolic dehydratation}

Specify, what from the resulted examples belongs to the vascular form of shock:
~Primary hypovolemic

A patient with extensive burns of torso skin exhibits signs of severe intoxication. What stage of the
burn disease is this typical for?
{=Burn toxemia
~Burn shock
~Burn infection
~Burn emaciation

An unconscious patient was deliveredby ambulance to the hospital. On objectiveexamination the

patient was found topresent no reflexes, periodical convulsions, Irregular breathing. After
laboratoryexamination the patient was diagnosed with hepatic coma. Disorders of the
centralnervous system develop due to accumulationof the following metabolite:

A patient is admitted to the emergency department after sustaining abdominal injuries and a broken
femur from a motor vehicle accident. The patient is pale, diaphoretic, and is not talking coherently.
Vital signs upon admission are temperature 98. 0 F (36., 3 C), heart rate 130 beats/minute,
respiratory rate 34 breaths/minute, blood pressure 50/40 mmHg, The healthcare provider suspects
which type of shock?

A patient is being treated for hemorrhagic shock secondary to multiple rib fractures and a lacerated
liver. Two units of packed red blood cells have been administered. Which of these measurements is
an indication the patient has received adequate volume replacement?
{=Decreased serum lactate
~Decreased right atrial pressure
~Increased serum creatinine
~Oxygen saturation 90%}

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