Electronics Manufacturing Services - Malaysia: Regional Morning Notes

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R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Friday, 05 February 2021


Electronics Manufacturing Services – Malaysia (Maintained)
Still Going Full Steam Ahead; Negligible Impact From The Recent Disruption
Sector earnings prospects remain robust, with ATA’s, SKP’s and VSI’s respective main ATAIMS 3-YEAR FORWARD PER CHART
customers ramping up higher orders alongside aggressive expansion to cater for trade PE (x)
diversion-related orders. While there were temporary disruptions following the recent 28
COVID-19 outbreaks among the trio’s workers, we believe the impact is negligible with 26
24 +2SD
all of them having a longer inventory buffer this round. Maintain OVERWEIGHT with 22
20 PE
higher target prices ascribed to the trio. Top pick: VS. Mean
14 -1SD
10 -2SD
• Full steam ahead. Against the backdrop of supply chain reconfiguration outside of the US 8
and China and the severe COVID-19 outbreak – which fosters the work-from-home culture - 6
Feb 18 Jun 18 Oct 18 Feb 19 Jun 19 Oct 19 Feb 20 Jun 20 Oct 20 Feb 21
Electronics manufacturing services (EMS) players in Malaysia are seeing an imminent
structural shift in earnings prospects from cyclical order pattern to mid-term organic growth. Source: UOB Kay Hian
We gather that the three bellwether EMS players in Malaysia, namely ATA IMS (ATA), SKP
Resources (SKP) and V.S. Industry (VSI), are seeing robust orders loadings from its
respective main customers alongside mid-term expansion plans to house orders related to PE (x)
trade diversion. 25 PE
23 +2SD
• Strong growth trajectory from key customers. For ATA, a new cordless floorcare product 21 +1SD
was launched in Jul 20 and has started contributing to group earnings from 3Q20. 17 Mean
Meanwhile, the group has started production for a new floorcare product that has already 15
been launched by 4Q20. For SKP, the group is in a sweet spot from 2QFY21 to move on in 11
its growth trajectory again. This comes on the back of: a) new contract wins which started 9
production in Apr 20, Jun 20 and Apr 21; and b) higher profitability yielding from optimal Feb16 Aug16 Feb17 Aug17 Feb18 Aug18 Feb19 Aug19 Feb20 Aug20 Feb21
printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturing. On the other hand, VSI is seeing the full force of
the production ramp-up from its new US customer. This is because the customer is making Source: UOB Kay Hian
VSI its preferred partner in tandem with its new regional base set-up in Malaysia. VSI’ 5-YEAR FORWARD PER CHART
Meanwhile, the group has secured another new US customer (customer Y) in 4Q20 that will
PE (x)
take up 300,000 sf of the land size for production. Note that this is the fifth new order won
since early-19. VSI offers a better investment proposition vs its peers, with exposure to +2SD
25 PE
strategic customers alongside being the clear winner of the trade diversion.
20 +1SD
• Minimal impact from the recent COVID-19 disruption. Recall that the trio have reported 15
COVID-19 outbreak among its workers in Dec 20-Jan 21. We believe the disruption this time -1SD
around might not be as severe vis-à-vis the previous strict MCO lockdown in Mar-Apr 20 5 -2SD
which caught all manufacturers unprepared and prompted us to cut our earnings by >20% 0
back then. While both ATA and SKP have voluntarily shut down their operations for 7-14 Feb16 Aug16 Feb17 Aug17 Feb18 Aug18 Feb19 Aug19 Feb20 Aug20 Feb21
days, we believe the earnings impact is minimal at only 2-3% annually, as the trio have a
longer inventory buffer (>7 days). Meanwhile, all have already filled back the 2-week orders Source: UOB Kay Hian
• Valuation is still reasonable compared to its respective 5-year PE bands and other
tech players. While the forward PE valuations for Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and
Test and Semiconductor Production Equipment makers trading at +2SD and +3SD above
their respective 5-year mean levels (at 30x-50x), EMS players are only trading at average of
their 5-year mean levels (at 16-18x) which we think are undemanding given its structural
change in earnings prospects. Meanwhile, the undemanding valuations are also against the
superb 2-year revenue/core net profit CAGR of 20-29%/42-63%. Growth quantum of all the ANALYST(S)
EMSs’ net profits superseded the revenue growths on the back of margin expansions on Desmond Chong
lucrative jobs and higher operational efficiency. +603 2147 1980
Company Tickers Rating Share Price Target Price Market Cap ------------- PE ------------- ---- EV/EBITDA ---- P/BV ---- Dividend Yield ----
3 Feb 21 2020 2021F 2022F 2020 2021F 2021F 2020 2021F
(RM) (RM) (RMm) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (%) (%)
ATA IMS AIB MK BUY 2.27 2.70 2,730.5 34.9 21.8 16.7 18.3 12.8 3.5 0.9 0.9
SKP Resources SKP MK BUY 2.32 2.52 2,899.7 38.3 22.7 18.5 23.2 14.9 4.3 1.3 2.2
VS Industry VSI MK BUY 2.71 3.80 5,098.5 40.5 20.3 14.3 20.9 12.3 2.7 1.0 1.9
Source: UOB Kay Hian

Refer to last page for important disclosures. 17

R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Friday, 05 February 2021


• No changes made to all three companies’ earnings estimates. YE 31 March Net Profit Yoy
ACTION (RMm) % chg
2020 78 -30.6%
• Maintain OVERWEIGHT; prefer the front-runner of trade diversion. VSI offers a better
investment proposition vs peers, with exposure to strategic customers alongside being the 2021F 125 60.0%
clear winner of the trade diversion. This is proven by its latest sizeable order wins from its 2022F 164 30.5%
new customers. We see the strategic move of embarking on a diversification strategy to Source: UOB Kay Hian
broaden its customer profile as a plus point. Current valuation has been overly conservative
in assuming negative equity for its China operations, while ignoring its valuable assets.
YE 31 March Net Profit Yoy
• ATA (Upgrade to BUY, target price raised to RM2.70 from RM2.40 based on 20x FY22F (RMm) % chg
2020 76 -21.7%
- Main customer continues to load up higher orders to the group as the work-from-home 2021F 128 68.5%
practice is driving demand for floorcare products. 2022F 157 23.1%
- There are now 14 PCB assembly lines (still at its private arm) to meet 95% of its Source: UOB Kay Hian
internal demand. It is looking to add another line to meet robust orders. VSI – EARNINGS REVIEW
- PCB manufacturing and battery-pack segments are now operationally self-sufficient, YE 31 July Net Profit Yoy
meeting 100% of its internal demand since Jun 20. (RMm) % chg
- Received ISO 13485:2016 for non-implantable Electrical & Electronics for the medical 2020 122 -31.6%
industry. 2021F 244 99.9%
2022F 347 41.9%
- US crafting machine maker continues to provide higher guidance on the two awarded new
projects from RM600m-1b p.a.. Source: UOB Kay Hian

• SKP (Maintain BUY, target price raised to RM2.52 from RM2.26, based on 20x FY22F TARGET PRICE REVISION
PE) Company New Previous Valuation
- Main customer continues to load up higher orders (various products) to the group.
ATA IMS RM2.70 RM2.40 20x FY22 PE
- Existing plants are already running at full capacity, possibility of scaling up production SKP RM2.52 RM2.26 20x FY22 PE
with capacity expansion.
VS RM3.80 RM3.00 20x FY22 PE
- PCB manufacturing and battery pack segments are meeting 30% of its internal Source: UOB Kay Hian
- Still focusing on main customer, but aiming for wider product variety.
- Proposed a 1-for-4 bonus issue and 1-for-5 free warrants.
• VSI (Maintain BUY, target price raised to RM3.80 from RM3.00, based on a rollover
20x FY22F PE)
- Still the front-runner as the prime beneficiary of the US-China trade diversion.
- The new US customer is making VSI its preferred partner in tandem with its new
regional base set-up in Malaysia.
- Secured master supply agreement from Victory in Aug 20 to manufacture cordless
electrostatic sprayers on a box-build basis.
- Acquired six pieces of land with industrial buildings in Oct 20 for another lucrative
- All in all, VSI has secured five new customers related to US-China trade diversion;
revenue contribution of >RM2.5b in FY21.
• EMS sector is still benefitting from trade diversion-related orders and work-from-
home culture. Supply chain reconfiguration is still ongoing amid the US-China trade tiff.
This has been confirmed by our channel checks with the electronics industry veterans as
well as the technology and semiconductor manufacturing players. The engagements with
MNCs to take up additional manufacturing jobs transferred out of the US and China are
increasingly stronger. That said, local EMS companies are being selective about new job
opportunities due to resource constraints and would give priority to products with
sustainable demand and margins. VSI is the apparent winner of trade diversion-related
orders with the fifth sizeable order being secured ytd (>RM2.5b collectively). Meanwhile,
ATA has also secured trade diversion-related orders from new customers amounting to
RM600m-RM1b p.a..
• Slowdown in orders from key clients.
• Unrealistic upward adjustments of labour costs.

Refer to last page for important disclosures. 18

R e g i o n a l M o r n i n g N o t e s Friday, 05 February 2021


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