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Movie Source and Link Title of Bechdel Result Member

Movie Test Summary in-

Disney Plus Bend it 1.Are there Both the Patricia like at least two main Nicole A.
Amazon Beckham women? characters Perey are named
Nagra/dp/B001K90PCI Yes, Jess women,
who loves who talk to
football each other
from an a lot about
Orthodox football,
background their
and Jules a families,
fellow and yes,
female occasionally
footballer. boys. The
2.Do they movie also
talk to each includes
other? Jess’ sister
They talk to Pinky and a
each other whole host
a lot about of other
football, named
their women on
families the football
and team, and
occasionall besides
y boys. that, the
3.About message of
something the movie is
rather than that women
a man? can do
Yes, they anything
talk about even
foot ball a become
lot rather professiona
than man. l

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