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ia pire ‘i can INDIA Employment News@ Login to to subscribe o-version @ ¢ 400 per annum [ VOL. XLVI NO. 7 PAGES 16 NEW DELHI 15 - 21 MAY 2021 212.00 ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT GENERATION IN LIVESTOCK FARMING Incone for many famies by proving regular income to tho fvostock farmers through sale of meat, e99 and by preduts tke skin, tir andbones et. ‘uring emegencies tke veatmert of Stok persons, children educaton, Fepat of heuses ele specally pouty ‘and provide economic sec tothe termes, + Employment: Mos of pel in Inca depend upon agiculture for heir lvetnoods. Since agriculture is ‘seasonal in nature. caniot provide femmpbymentnvougrout in yea. The Tandoss an less land people dopond ‘rrg draught season. + Social Securty: Establishment of pouly farms and rearing of animals Dr Rajesh Kumar Lime ae 2 ser oe enhancing the income of farmers in combination with agicuture. AS per Curent scenaric in Indian economy, livestock fs the back bone of the ‘gtcuture because forte vesock thee Is no noce of exta feed grow. It toaly pends en the byproduct of agree ‘Apyonunately 205 mien people depend upon ivesock fr their source cf income ‘Anaverag of 1% fol tl hovaohok, Tvestock conbut 16% o the neame of sll farm housetelde.Two-thid of ral population gels lelhood through Ivestook, Livestock proves employment to approxinatly£8% ofthe perulationin nda. nia has huge iestock resources = E g ‘The livestock provides the ‘lowing Draught Animals: Bullocks are vary cles and tought condition lvestck bene: Seen nin agcitore Forvercis. servo as capil for tndoss azure ona Snteg cl annals +Food: The esoek proves Mik,| agra! oprars In tual aes agua abou oe rrce hints West and Eggs "Yor human fara til deend pen bulecks. 8 Role of vest in‘amers'weatty gus Consingtion wich hah ns roof uote wo san eaves okt Ina faring eyromiveek pve eS an ang aevpment + Wool Te veseckespecaly Shes fue ich a necessary put or asian rein he wath tems. Syowtece So eyes et Goat and Rabbi contibub 10 to| ‘using mechanical over he tac, The Iwestock serve the lamers ln. cuacisuucnnonnce Ceomeay prodicon of bes aay noo aid combi hanes we folowng ways fale + Capt Resource: During emergn- + Income: Lneslock Ia source of Continued on page 15 CAREERS. IN MEDIA MANAGEMENT Nahi Prasad 1. CAGR of 8 per cert dna 201218, ‘most tine nes thal of US and Wo {ines thatof Cha. The Indian advertising industry is projected 1» be the second ‘estat going advertising mate in Asia Neatly 40 per cent of cur ‘media ‘a smar phone users spend cose lo 160 renwtes (source Nelsen Mobi Infrmate Irsighs) on ther mobile phones, wen hughes an thetime they spend on T WHATIS MEDIA MANAGEMENT? Media isa vey broad teem and mada wecustry currently ranges. tom rast, ‘elevison, fin, music, rultmesta, Jedia tocay has become a primary cures of intormatien for he pele of tho Country, with the imasion of erent patorms of Mesia, pease toby an sich Tleision, Pro an Intret for ifomaton, ara his Yond gouing ar by ce, wn the OTF, Prat (may Newspapers and Magazines) and the Infonet there are smost mess cpportunits to he fue generations in thefeldofMecia Management is aride of mine focuses on the opportunities tht this exiting as vel as ehalerging fed ots There was a ime wen ony Rado, Nenspope® and Jounde oe. were bin afecig the minds ofthe peor. economy and ‘= mating hah grown wt svetsng,puble relatons isin soursesofirformaton forte sosiely People mich lesion al Dey tonto stdes.Fovng fs restence tothe ward, Maken, e-commerce, fe. and even AT ge. Now ehctoie edo cpm hgh he ey see one an GE ay ene a of 8 MOMENI tn ke ed rearessro wel nthe County. s0 nate tivison Maia Is rerpansne foro astong phase growth hacked by ang present doy scorn, Meda hes is ovn ols about the scononic aronth, ozal averting revenues. The industry has ele and communicatons professionals fole inthe Social and Economie development, latest” projects’ and been legely ven by increasing TH¥2 10 face dverse challenges ofthe eortopment oft Coury. ovement iavavemert in al what is dgfzatonand higher iam rage ver lege. Theor, kis nesessary to Wind, media plays an impeant le pessible. The ‘ole ol meda cannot the last decads. itomet has almost Herne sane of the areas of wor in {ts fl n ore fo be abla fo cetfy therefore be dened in he grt of he become a mainstream media. for riven Jcmomwmenen Tee ‘a eaovtaninent ged infomation tr most ot whieh Wl be the most suitable cours 10 The Indian Maia and Entetsinment the peop, ae BE) indie ie» eure odor fr tho Ite maa conmumplion hoe grown a Cortinued on pace 2 2__wwnwemploymentnews.govin Employment News 15-21 May 2024 CAREERS IN MEDIA MANAGEMENT Selene teh aes Media managements actualy plans bit also managing the “ene an the bass of ananiranse fan area of ausinass_bsinessaepect They row need ‘acminstraion that deals ih 10 deal wih mny new peose . organising and supervising the the CEOs of companies, CAT! MAT! XAT SNAP/ CHAT rious mass comminicaten legal, online ubiahers he SKILLS REQUIRED media and enterainment gal marketing agencies. ard productors, and more. itisa soon specialized area of 2usinoss —Digilal media offers fscmnistation wich esches the ineracvly and engagement stugonts aboul doveopmert, Convontinal media cortinuesio| Penning tating ard brand ofr reach and. ‘ovalty. A uiding ci media enterprises. successful media manager wil fevaminaton conducted at the sonal or stats level such a8 Some ofthe sills ane qualities wich you should consider before ventuing into this ering nausea + Good eam player + Statsical analysis skis This abo Incies managing perhaps be te one AO CAM seated to your ta or mate poten ~ daw fom ine best ofa, OBE Seely many kirds of falent including Eligbity for Pursuing risiciane Media Managomont i tug Media anager specialize in beth at underradiste at promoting talet to industy postgraduate levels. Te stuby Professionals alouing he ale! gives emphasis both en + Medi Planar + Multineia Speci. + Progamme Researcher, Broace-astng! Fimo, + Pubic Relations Otter, fetoas sn rade wart tert Tetalogea! ad MaragerasiTi Fumes Brencatro! of spending ti and enemy specs of meda manasa: ER Raed he Promoting hist own work, Sime coleges oer 2year post: Fone Ney at Masia Managers handle the graduate degree whie sono” [ouisor! Finds complete campaign planning, afer 7-year dfoma Meas and marian stategies to buld Management as wal + Web Conte! Manse Other job tite pertaining to these fda: ranges manage cepagis Mangement fe 1A or eS ag fon all media ptorms: Dig couEee which ince Press, aroadeast (TV and study In general maragement edi, Cinama, Direct _mathads the functioning of Marketing and Ambiert moda; diferent types of | meda, apply orcanzatinal theory ard cemmunicaon ard compete management pinciles 10 the stategies, marketing modo handing of Suppliers, cerporate™ _respensily, conpetirs, employees, ard inellecpl property law, ard ‘This slay lavolve market MBA ia Meds Management research and design, specal gles you an oppocuniy (0 public relitions and pubiy for expertise in soveral nodes of media ralated products and madi. These eds comprise sevioes, fof Television, Print Medi, Today'smediamanacer needs Aevertsina, _Pholoarapt, to tink nore cratvely In fat, Broadcasting, Digital Medi, media managers now i lok Publishing, This specsizaten ater @ brand's enine rapuiaten wil happen your skis. 10 management too. And have ‘9 urdotstard every frm of med, ‘deal wih practealy every A slucent who wehes (a department at he cients end. pusue fisher career in Meda [Tre media managers kb now's Management must have a not only about cresting meda degree in any seem, wh + Media Manager + Meaie Planing Maneger + TvPoducer + AV (audios) Elton + Digital Mec Assistant + Corperate Comminiatons Head + Digit Most Analyst + Channel Hess These job tes that wil be ofered tothe Meda Managenent pofessinals| re ‘ynamie nate requires a comprehensive amaigaaton of Kowedje, Shs ard ADity (KSA) in fre upeoming | designed to mbibe 9 refined fot of tose eile which ill surely provide you an edge ‘stove those whe donot possess ths degre Government of india Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General Border Security Force (Pers Die : Rectt Section) Block No. 10, CGO Complex, Now Delhi-03 WALK-IN INTERVIEW IN BSF FOR SPECIALIST DOCTORS AND GENERAL DUTY MEDICAL OFFICERS FROM 24st JUNE 2021 to 20th JUNE 2021 ‘Sabi and viting mele and female candestos may WALK IW FOR INTERVEW for engagemonl as ‘Specialist Doctors and GDMOs (General Duty Medical Officers in BSF composte hosptallaSF ‘S| Posts Vas] Remuneraton|Age ‘usifeation io. [per month (1 | Specaliatin: 27 | Rs 85,000 Notmare fan |> Post Graduate Deyree/ Dploma etine, Surge, [a years e on| nthe eencomet Specaly. Gynae & obs, jaaz or wate [> "years xpenence or Degree Rastogi, nentervew | toler & 2” years fo biplona helcer archi nthe cencered specatty te Patelegit, PsiDiplema, Anacatnest ez, |General Duty | 62 [Ro. 76,0007 > Moe Medical Officers > ntership 2 Tnerested candidates way er our walle waa gavin oF waren Trl dale (3 Rare) Commandant (Reet) avp tort0rtunorsi2122 EN 738 Media Managers mate use of strategies, economic under standing of media, and tie rowledge of atferent softwere tools utizee in media productens They need to develop skis ana expenise several modes fof mei, Ike Telewson, Prot iaphy, Breadeasting. online! tal mela ans publshina er. 58 a8 lobe able to analyze the trends, needs, and opprtniios ine vated elds of Nadia, nc develop a sold understandingot regulation, its impact on te taping the communications revetton With the growing importance of the media, and an uigent Fequrement for tained peoqle thoro wi always bo a place er yu in ths exotng wor WHERE To WORK Media Managers can werk wth Telvision chanve's avd Rida Slane, Newspaper ad Publishing Companies Fim an Entertaiment Companies, and DTH fms as well-as. wth asversieg and mvkia marketing land planning organizators. Public celatons and corprste media specialists. With tie faevent of medie portals, Twiter, Linkedin, Facebook and otter Social Neca sites, fre ere |eos in new media as wel Postions ean range anywhere communeation specials, tio, clita modia special, Social moda socialist. programme resoarcher, Wb Content Manager amorg ato. ‘Some Colleges for Mecia Management cations Ahmadabad (MICA), 2, Training & Advanced Studios in Management & Gommu- nications. Ud. (TASMIAC), Armedabad 3. Symtoss instuto of Moda ‘and Communcatcn, Bangstore Busiress & Madia (S880), 5 Insite of Integrated Marketing Commutation & Management, Now Doh 6 Amity Schoo ot ‘Communicaton, Nota 7. Apes Insitute of Mass CCommnicaton, Deh ‘Top Recruiters for Media Ivanagement ‘ABP Group Indo Today Group Ogivy & Mater Lie Mud Communistons Ld MoCann-Erickon aia Lie CChaa Leo Sumett Pt Lt Ecanzmist Group The Hinds Group agian Prakashan Group WHT Wadia prises {,Preas Trust of nda 4.NDTY 16. Cinesita ‘Simply put, the so-called new media (sil gia ara moi) is expeced to be the patiom that wil ive fhe net level of asvertsng grow. For rarketers, hings just got beter. irerconrecied and have hige seope for inovative cross: rea cempaigr, “Tore a rust demand as higher genetraton ard rapiiy sowing young population ‘rupiea wie increasec usage ct 3G , 4G and portable devices thiving demand. The ton Ivedia and. Entetainment Iraustry Ison an impressive sgomth path. The industry Is feupected to gjow at a much fester ‘ate than the global arerage rate, Yung students have 2 long Wo ahead whow they may be working for 40 or 60 yar very important thatthe decison the right one, (he author is Counseling Psycholbgist & Career Cen- sultant, email: nidhiprasades {Gamaitcom) Views expressed are persoral Image Courtesy: Googie eer) 2 G 8 3 a D a NEG See ey Pr er eatery eet rarnearal See Cet al er eter as CHENNAI METRO RAIL LIMITED (Adoint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Tamil Nadu) Admin Bulli, CMRL Depot, Poonamaliee High Road, Koyamvedu, Chennai 600-107. Phone: €44 2379 2000, & EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION NO. [Chernsi Maro Rail Limite ertrusted wit the implementation af Mets Rall Projactrequies efficient expenencedand competent person forthe under nentonss poston cova bass= MRU/HR/CON/02/2024 For Tarte dea ERS VT WW TONIC, STOPS application 19i July 2021, Chie Aaminisyative Officer ENT forthe 41 posts of Deputy Manager (lechnical) in he Level 1 of Pay Matic of Th CPC (Provevised: Pay Gond-3 (Rs 15600- 51100) + Grade Pay of Re 4001) wth Cental BA on Direct Fecrultment bass though GATE 2021 scores in thease a il Engineering, The numberof poss advertised may incease decrease atin dscretonof te Auto, UR]SE]ST) o8c NCL) JEWS) convallis any {]DeputNaneges 108 /Or] 10 | OS] aT Cicily “Out of otal 47 posts, Sanchar Disaaites 2 Elgibity ener anc olher cantons may be seen on WHA ‘websit worwnhal gov. 3 Corrigendum of Addéndum or Cancellation to this ‘advertsemer, i any. shal te published on NHAl websiteony ‘Theroore, the candtates ae hdd to. crock th weet of NAT agian, 4, Last eae of receipt of ONLINE applicain is 28 May 2021 ps ae reseed fr pron wh ptos-00 PR) ENT Recent Norre- Ad No.NIDHZV2UO ——y23082021 wa Mae] eon RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING POSITIONS bead Name of the Post No.of} Conpotdated | exp. | Limit | Period |The National Insiute of Design, Haryana(Kurubshetra).anfostintcof|| || °° Post [Pay (PerMonth)| tyre.) | vrs) | (¥rs.) Rui nperens nes penis fig salem | —t aids or filing op lowing Nowesehig pstens| | 1 [oenealtarager(consmuaon | 3 [FEISBOMEET yy | ge | 2 [emscveonbiss case (OR) Dopeaton Cimon Bes || fatcaciguccchos 7 [katona Gerainonage any [| ws1.z0m00 | | A anc oP ad No,Fna | ini eatin ||| 3 [eto Gaertner est | 1 roxz0en0. [7 | a Parken! ee 7 iPr asaon a tna reizonoo [7 [a [2 Denuy Geel arses France || essen | Sain TyTN TD — | aOR as Ge 2 | meso [os | w | 2 an Deaton | Comme qa [corm | ote: Assist Admitistaive| 04 (D&/ | Bachelr Desre 3, qualcaion & expetienoe stpucted shove shouldbe as on Officer (Level- 1) Deputation /| sence see me mi OR ARNE: Cima Pen ree 10 te deed enploynen ritaion putihed mn CURL weste vue UR: ssa ascar foro — sy Dees hoses or rw dns vara neen, apts nd pon ara ‘Librariaa (Level 7) ‘Science! Information eae Fa Esper eee Seine Last orrecet' picion sce 2024 aes — oof ana arent tant Bacall a ined Pepto ect een are — 00D —|3 yeni et ee ee ee cot |elptet ac Senior Assistant [1 -Conral|Bachelr Degen feb Cea ouiaca Serb iby “Sa at Dep | Asie Lee 5) Screw enon Sar fsa OF a kcbeDep ins) ; oat 3) YOJANA } KURUKSHETRA ‘Supeevisor(Blearcal) [OT Contact| SSC wii TI eee ADeveopmeniManiny | Mortlyan tral Deelpment Sener ay eee ee ariasad canes Technical Assisant [02 -Contrat SSC wi ITT incelevant ade AJKAL | BAL BHARTI to) AutrarysoauaMany | vernon Asan (aS | STDS ees | co india Be) EMPLOYMENTNEWS pchoreovtestya vey Subscribing o our Journalsis simply a click away. ‘tog th flowing ink of hart Kosh nck pymentigal forthjoumalof youre ovsihttngar neta Subscription Rates jin nin Rupees) ‘natin a eSpace ial tL ) Gargsnthevalette oe padi tenses | vate ated Sie | pha repress * ISIE eh « ™ Senne pte fm i stein teste et nn pro Dd ul ei rene ie et pe Seana edema ¢ Rot Beer a eo Dion ty “thiomatin tn Besdaste er DL Anteamentetritndtylomen Nes tons eit fini fama beletapsnuntrsnbeess apn Bnd Dek od bmn eo Enfec Sep len Santor Oana alk xe fied Scipio spot Summ alana ng ere ig nantietinsumtanalmerpbcrogmn Yeumayaocra son Ss eyo gion ton bsp onlaing EAS NOTE THA WL TAKE TEAST GT WEEK O START YOURSUBSCEPTIONKINDD RAISE Sun qUEs aMANCts ABOUT NON RECHT Or Ti TOUS OMY AFTER TS PER. iad JBSCRIPTION COUPON (New Membership/Renewal/Changein Address) eur ae Langue ya. sa DISCLAIMER Tho viows expressed by tho auhors in tho als putished n tho Enploymet Nows are tie on. Thoy donot wecessry role tho vnws ofthe govenment te organisa they wok for The omens ofte adeisarentspubishod te Enploymea! News belong tothe ‘panisatinor her represnisthes The Employee News iin m9 wey responsive for any Habit ang cut of he contents ofthese Name, Mes Sshexptin dye Vacancy for Principal, Bison Army Pre Primary School (BAPPS) Pangode, Trivandrum, Kerala PH. 04712360402 Qualification: Postgraduate wih NTTB.E, minimum 63 years of teaching expariancn and D1 year of exparionce as Principal and adequate knouledge of Computers \acaney- 01, Age:-minimum 25 years Pay & Alowances:- Rs. 21000 Apply 01 plain paper along wih Biodata afixed wih protograph, sei" atested copies of educational and professinal qualieatons and experience cacates. Last fate or submission cf apptcation form s on er tere May 2021 Interview datos shal be infrated to shorted candidates subsequent Hard copy of application tebe forwarded to Staff Oficer, Bison Army Pre Primary Schoo! APPS), Trivancrum, Pin 696006 and soft copy to ha@tinfbdelib@amaicom, Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala (Established by the State Legislature Act No. 19 of 2019) Advertisement No. 03/2021 Online applications ate invited for the various Teaching and Non-Teaching posts in the University. Online registration of application for these posts will start we. 28.04.2021 and end on 19.05.2021. Last date for submitting Hard Copy of the Online submitted applications is 25.05.2024 For further details visit University Website: ert. AND FERTILIZERS LIMITED ‘Ainstratve Bldg. Chembur, Mumbai 400074 ‘Adv Wo, 042021, “Recruitment OF SCIST Calogory Gandidsles For The Pest OF Nanaqo® (Finance) Ea Grado, Rachie Chenicals and Femizere Lid (RCP Lid) is a leading prot making company in ine buses ot ‘manutaetrirg and starting of Fetzer and Insta Chomicale having sale lomover af around RS, {982860 crows. The Manicuring units are in Maharastra et Thal = Dist, Raigad and at TomBay ‘Ghent moa ily National Covel Marketing Notwark, Conpany provide exesien aren growth ‘prerunies. Company desrestorscru Details ofthe Post | Maximum Age uatineation Experience iia 72 years pest {uatietion experience Invexecutive cadre ating with teoountng fra financil mater, Ineluding Auditing! SATGWA Or Regular andl tine graloatonin comnoree, ‘zcounthg! Finance dite {5 .com S48, BAF, BOA) ls HEAiMMS of other equivalent post-graduate {egreeegularand time) in|budgetngtaxation. The Financial Management|portod of warning hhaving Finance 26 majt|ntereshipfaicia sip Subject Icom rocognizod| wal ntbo courted in ho Universities. Minimum| requisite. experience Percentage No percertage| period ason 1.022021 Threserved category|bo atior acquiring Ninimurs 6% ‘Final earef| minimum prescribed ‘Manager (Finance) "Upper Age Lint (G4 Grade JPon Code | agen0% 02 202%~ No: FINEWDIZ02%No |42 years tor of Post: aTombayl|Unre served “hal Area Oftes (ay |eatopary, ForSC! scale EX RE70000.| ST Category 47 "3 yoars For BAD Category ($0) =| Bryears Concession for Candidates of members ofthe | Vitine of 1984 degree in Finanes| Management. (55% for Scat eatogr) canastes). Wherever CEPAIOGPA Grades svardedin a Dope, fhe caraigate mi have chtain auivalen peosntage| ff maris {rom conearned| Universtiy! Institute and mmention this % In the ‘eplcaton” A Intareted Canadatesmay refer the Recraimant eacton tha Companys Wabsteatworwcft,com | Kher elas Datnof Conmencaner ol OnLine roosirtion of apnestion ty cancas 03.05.2021 ad Last date for on ane reguratono!spplcabon ty eancatass27-08.2021- Pease ras thateanadales who Rave aeadyapaed forthe sas posto Manager (Franco) agains tno. 2202" dd, 26.02.2001 needna np =0ain Patiala Registrar 26.04.2021 EN 7/29 Institute of Human Behaviour & aia Allied Sciences (IHBAS) or Hospital based autonomous academic Intute, under Government of Natonal Capital Teritry of Delhi dealing wit “erain- Mind Problems & The Solutions” Dilshad Garden, Det 110095 (Inca) “Tet: 22297750, Fax: 22114000,, Webel: www:nbes.demigovticin ‘Ravi.Ne 8 2U2WEst.AHBAS 4706 Datad = 20142021 RECRUITMENT NOTICE Egle @ intrested carcdates may spy inthe prescribed proforma Through Proper Channel and Send the same to Offee of Joint Director (Adm), IHBAS, for filing the following posts on ‘eputation bai RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION Advrisemat No: NMG Adnn stbRect221220%0 Date: 2904202 Appications are invited from suitable candidates for the following position Post ID Post ‘Gategory Biot | Professer/ | oneory | UR _| Scientist Interested and elgble eancidaes may please vst he Inte ‘website for details, Last dete for receipt of appleation at NIBNG is 45 days rom the dato of publcation of this advertisement the employment news an 60 days fo th candidates residing abroad, Andaman & Nicobar and| Lakshadweep Island, Stes / Union Tersilors in the Norn Eastem Region, Ledakn, Jammu, Kashi, Sikkim, Subdivision ‘Chamba ard Lahaul and Spit dstcts of Himachal Pradesh. EN 120 Manager (Administration) ] Rane of Posie Wo, | Pay WatiConsotiated Posts_{ remuneration Fiance Ravisor a Cie Accents Oricar [01 [Lore 3 Rs. TATOO ZTROO) Project Evgineod Superintending Engineer [01 Lov-12 fs, 78000 200200) ‘Aaninistative Cfleer [ot [Lave (Rs 67700 Rs, 20870) ‘ecuive Engineer (evict (7 Lovo i fe 700- R 2067ED) recutve Enginoer (Ci) [ot florets 700 Rs, 20870) ‘Assistant Administrative OFcar [G2 [Lave (a7 Rs 51100 ‘Aasatant Doctor orice) (OF Lo 7( 44000= TARA Aesetnt Engineer (lec (2 | ere (Fs a0D- 100) ni Engines (lect) [oz — [ere (55400-1205 anor Engineer (ip oe (Fs, S5H00 Ro. 2A Selon cee PoreuTuey Tee is. S5100- Rs T2400) CanputerAssisant [te 205) | ‘The spricatons duly tled abnguth necessary documerts such ab atested pholocspies of the AGRSIAPARS fo! he laste fear ard Vignes Charan’ Inegty cette tn ona!) mest be treioses wth te appeaton, Sank Urat (exempt for SC, St & PWD candidates) favour Of Drector, HBAS, Dein for Ra. 1000. for prsta at (S| No.1 to SI. No, 05) and Re, SO Yer the posts st (Sl.No, 08 to 12) may be fowarded along the appleation frm. ‘Those candidsice who had applied varie to th post of Finance Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer, Executive Engneer (Cv) In respense to iatte's eater advertisement published In Employment News on 2430 August 2019 and 27 February =O March 2521 and hel appistions were forwarded and receives through roger chanel al HBAS {compete al respects) need ‘ot apply again ames of DCPT= CM Ne. 06 / €@ / 2000- Est. (Pay I) daed #7082010 and OM No. F 262016IEst (Pay) ested 1Tth Febnay. 2016 and amenment mace om tire to tine In 1S regard. The stitute roservestheright fo increasefdocreaso il (Fret to fil the vacancy or carcel the advertisement forthe Above mentioned posts), without assigning ary reason, For coals o ligt crlera Lo. Quaifeaton, Experience, Ao, Wat our website (wwwilbbea.delhigowniedmn, Last date for submssion of appleaton form complete In al expect wl be onsicered 48 Ways trom” the dale ‘of publication of ‘advertisement in Employment News. olnt Director (Aden) HBAS WENTAL ILLNESSES ARE TREATABLE ENTS Cabinet Secretariat PLDRENDANAL NTvODAVA ‘NEW DELIBAIOND stn ine the fhe of ped acs ae ig he ling pee Oeste Dic of con, Cain Seren we eenin tm es en ‘held mesea! Ory Level tear a pens berm Dralst ACPNGACP wil ese Lely Ma we shes ave bea aye ‘olan Late Pa Ma ‘Ofc Co Easffearepioe Ace pan) 7 Tagan aio erase Rom : Fact atin rind rpain The a RTS GRTE | a pins. Sree | ie eee ces ee 1) he atonal oFerioTappment es oNaneslb para coum yw aad sows ee eee: | Meniteoe See ay Use teh Mire | ee Gomer li none Seurentnn 9 ‘Nance al og Hees ‘Aniopusetsm mass rs na Novae Soll racy te pot aeepetac li Cle ne, {2M lin eran). 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Tse Pa with Llin heap] Dery let Tal DEFUTY DIRECTOR oF ACCOUNTS Matiandeatectnreman” | Other Aone (hbrskan | Enoloents ‘OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF ACCOUNTS ROOM No. 4 WING, FLOOR [PRDEENDAYAL ANTIODAYARHAWAN (GocomPLEN, LODHI ROAD ‘NEWDELIOS Tht te reo pie i ys he di atin Be Ade he moyen Nev! Res Sacer 9 reponse sd ne eee a si de esi sry wee No cen ins ec wilde ip Comasig nny fs vi sul te oss ab TheDepemecesenese ighto msi wih hewn ya [Nand AES ok Le T Dao iin Cisne 3. Dae of en ino serve Di of ieee els Cr Gc RIES 3 Wisk luton an of qaiaion rae pe ‘esa qlflin hasbeen els eae Gulfaioneene ered ‘Quai prec pond he 1 inca hl bags wep his Towing Cal Grea sn TEA Aan ry Ne STOTT yo (ssn ert: ms vies with pein Cidenc quienes) pata angel aj eckesec ead sores in he Ya Ceres Te Aaivemcst ‘Tecate srs ho {G) AvanisSchdasipe ca Areca (G8) Alisha we pesca assess ad (tere nome tr pis (0) reciente mesangial gn (6A oie. 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Deals aE sah a, a ae ETT stg a le (Cerifiation by the Emplyer(Cidre Controlling Authority “Tenors vie neers atone apt eases sph i xalleon recs Hee sess el quinn a expeane meetin eA sls se wl sendin, 2 Ab tid at i thes ines edict ee pendyata in SS, i WsterCR Des in cg isexosetpocapi ACR te Sys lyse in Noa pcan imei hist 10 3c O is of je elses i dug Us ses eset oe fea, | | | eas | San acces : ay at Lee | Mieighg hay Se | esperine iat the post | ttn he Save aaa Rat en | peel or (Caploeradee Contaling Authority wit Seat egress Contra GoversmenReerutnsaOthriDeputtion Dai eu7as davp 58401/11/000%/2122 Part) ICAR-National Research Centre on Mithun Medziptema, Dimapur, Nagaland NROM (61942020 (Vol Dated: 46.2021 Walk-In Interview/Online Interview ICAR NRC on Nithun, Medcpnema, Nagolond inves opptioators rem elgte cardidates through o-ma forWak-Inntrven/Onire Imarview for engaging One (1) Position of Young Professional (9A) purely en contactual basis under ICAR-ARC on Mithun, Peta, Phek dist, Nagaland for one year and fuer exendable orto rare years on befor 08.08.2921, The deta ofthe post ar given stows 1. Particulars: YP (Under CAR-NRG on Mithun, Porba, Phek istrict ‘Consolidated Pay (Mently): Rs. 250001 Escontal Qualfication: M.Sc Agrcutur in LPMMVS in LPN, Neale, Gynaecology Patnobay Age : 21-45 yrs (elation asper rl) For cet Terme & Cordtons, intrested cencuates may vs the insiute’s webste waw.nrenithunieargeviniNational Career en 721 ‘Asstt. Admn. Officer Vacancy Notice No. HORIZTAGP 8, @ Telecom Regulatory ~~ Authority of India ™ chanagerDoorsanctae Bhewan, Nebr Marg (Old Mint Rose) Nextt ki Hussain College New bth-1;0002 Sub: Filing wp of the postof Joint Advisor / Deputy Aevisor Intl Regi omed at eenatay on eepaion otoreon Soar Repti Authority of tea pipes to upto folowing post fs Relea! Offs, Sengau er deputation om {eign soviet [name of poste oink Advisor eputy Revise Pay Band & Grado Pay \oint Advisor pay Levels Fs, 125100.215900 nthe Pay Matte as per 7th CPC freteveed PB, Ine sraoa-e7a00 + cP 8700) Deputy Acdisor Pay Level-t2 Rs 73800-200200 the Pay Mate as pr tn GPC |Prevevied PE-2,Re. 15600-20100 + cP Re 7000) 2. The lest daa for receipt of appication ls upto 17h May. 13, Furor details and application fom canbe obianes tom the TRAI website wrtragovi. davp osz02/110007/2122 en 7 a Sardar Swaran Singh National # Institute of Bio Energy {Formety: Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Renewable Energy} {An autonomous Institue of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of Inia) Jalandhar-Kapurthala Road, Wadala Kalan 12 KM Stone, Jalandhar 144604 (Punjab) Advertisement No. 348-26/14/2020-R and D ‘cans ar inves tm ge condi for 8 pose of IREVORFIRA In held of ene. ‘The reir pstonsforIRFIGRFIRA are purely contracual ostons under the gambit of'SSS-NIEE canbe vende basedonperormnce (nt more tan fv yeas). Te tee ofSRF be ea prod one more year Particalas of academic qulifcaions,reseach expeanca and ler requcerronts othe cenacal pasts are gen onto webste of htpimne gov’ and Mtpibesesin ‘Tre specte tops ofthe esearch ares for RFISRFIRA ae) Enaneed methane production rough ‘proved consacim, 8) BocasGIONG plant detignstndardaton, (2) Sele up of ignozelulose ‘ref, (Fas Call evelopment rom biomass based mata, e) Presse surg aderption $n Gas () Reactor éotgn or ag-wasie based ave cao, () Uvemood aciviis troup RinewatleBoenegyh) Catton Captng ough Hybrid Blersay and ( Aaiwaste bases cc economy essa a] Flow [oy x Rs Resa janowre” | ee ro Fs 31000 [Pod Gada P3)Doqeo ntave Sonn toe Reowren | |parmorn. [on NEGATE quegoR em (ooor Ot |oedtcoxt Goce Doge Presse fon naga hones sn comarvapne seme cocres rig ary on of he tog Bie sre cree er naa 3 Eso woe COREE NeT ncwang (ee eae eset Prone CANE 2 thaseccton rocen ugh asia Level Seamaten cone Cental Cowra! Dwr rata Agencr eters user DST OB. OA 008, ORO. MRD Ica te ie st te 2. |senior Rs. 35000 |Ouslfeaten as peserbes for RF + 2 veers af [32 veers Sarees [ere Fern tooporost [see noms) Jaen] Ro 17000 proms wegen aga ofa 3 ea eae fisocutc | |permonh_|etntencs, acing ond ae av! det [ea {espr Dt |r expres after MENTTch hast noms) _|one research paper in Science Citation Indexed [sepjooral ‘Te candidates fuling the lgioliy conetons shoul apply onine (ink avaliable at SSS-NEE website wwnwnbe,esin) Fer any ssue ding Ihe nlite submission the candidate may contact at Cena ib von n tne irstuo webste. However no application mil be accepted via mall. Extra andidate can apply foronly ore post Itoral eanciate(e)are ro eligbso apal forth cunt poss, PER sea weet Weta yea areaTatt Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (sea are WATT) :(Govemmentet Inda: Ministry of Home Atats) ‘are 500 082: Hyderabad - 500052 Ne, 1s0trs201aEtUAZ VOL) Nominations aeinvte for one post of Veterinary Offi Patel NatonalPoce Academy Hyderabad. The deta are as under: Dated 271082024 inthe Sardar Valathbha UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research University Campus, Khandwa Road, Indore- 452001 (MP) ( [Advertisement No. 3 & 4/2021] ‘The UGC-DAE Consortum for Scientific Research (UGC-DAE CSR) is an autonomous instion estblsed bythe UGC. Hew th vith headgrartersat Inder ‘and Centre a Indore, Mumba ané Kokiata. This Consortium as tas a Node nent IGCAR at Kaipaktam, Each Cente is teaded by @ Cente Decor The UGC.OAE tmaja facies le Dhrwva Reactor, Variabe Energy Cyclotron, INDUS ef. fsstabiced ty the Deparinent of omic Enercy In ation, the Canter are alo (@_ [Name oftiePost___[Wterinay Ofar vr man vanced rena facies mong wr he see of dened mat [estan ofthe Pot_[oaneral erie Savia phys rad a, Sn Retest ea forte olowing regia post (Sea aay 8-3 Fe 15 e038 WOvcrdePayah || (S| Post [Heat |oate! Pay Band” [Lseion fhe |Rs. 5,400-. (Revised: Level-10 in the Pay Matrix: so oy 2 ene Coe Sear one UR Le eg THRE moa (aber or Poat low a) (0) [MetodofReerutment [5 Oxpuaion rear sare cnraci || [2 Seientat [One [UR [Lava as pw 7GPC] — Kota 2 The wing ad eigle ofa sald ven! Wr nora this Aes ay to a through proper channel within 60 days from the date of publication of this circular in an the Employment News. The format of the application end debils reserving age, a.aiicatns, experience, chater of uly and other condtons of siglo fo tho pestis aalabie inthis Acadeny webste htpsiwwe.svpnea gevinacancles (Roy) enzs Aaministative oficer (Est) ‘agp i avs fo Be we Hong cre (Tec csreserpoTaL Con) proving athe pacar abou he canciates, For dat, egity and cer terms & ‘conden, ease ste our wobstewenwesrres.. The nine erta wlecore acre (on O5ay-2021. Last date of online application submission is 3¢- May 2021. For further deta, please vst er wobste: wwwest ein ENT, Iaatninistative omcer- 9)

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