Group6 - Final Test - Intro To Cinema.

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Azmi Julian Mawardi, Renata Leoni Nasution, Risky Amalia Putri, Muhammad
Fayyad, Najla Wafa Rafilah
English Literature Department, Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Universitas Islam Negeri
Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia.,,,,

This article discusses about narrative structure in “Percy Jackson & The Olympian: The
Lightning Thief” Films. It is an action-adventure fantasy film directed by Chris Columbus in
2010. This film is the first in the Percy Jackson film series, adapted from the 2005 novel
“The Lightning Thief”, which is the first in Rick Riordian’s Percy Jackson & Olympian
series novels. This movie is very interesting and can find modern similarities to Greek
mythology. The plot heats up Zeus (Sean Bin) and Poseidon (Kevin Mckidd) meet on the top
Empire State building to disscuss Zeus’s missing lightning bolt. Why, when, or how allegedly
might do this began to be a mystery to Percy, but in the end the situation led to a fierce
special effects sequence as the gods and demigods were fighting. The film was released in the
United States by 20th Century Fox on February 12, 2010. Dramatic structure is a narrative
structure that remains the basic narrative framework on which the majority of successful
novels, plays, or films are based. In 1863 German playwright Gustav Freytag indentified a
five-act structure; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denoument or also
known as the freytag pyramid. The method used in this article is qualitative research method.
Where the researchers will explain the narrative structure of this movie by using the
freytag’s pyramid.
Keywords: Narrative Structure, Percy Jackson, Freytag’s Pyramid

I. Introduction
The previous journal which also analyzed the narrative structure using the Freytag
pyramid was compiled by Anggia Putri and Muizzu Nurhadi in 2019 from the University
of 17 August 1945 Surabaya. This journal is entitled "DRAMATIC ELEMENTS IN
used the narrative theory of the dramatic elements from Freytag's pyramid: Exposition,
Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. In addition, there is also a journal
created by Irma Oktarica Firziandini, Dwi Haryanto, and Mochamad Ilham in 2018. This
study, the researchers used descriptive qualitative research methods, the research was
carried out using a narrative structure approach and dramatic elements: conflict, suspense,
curiosity, and surprise. Almost the same as the previous research that has been described,
this study will focus on discussing the narrative structure in the film Percy Jackson & the
Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) using Freytag's theory, namely exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

II. Method
In this paper, the researcher uses a naturalistic method which is also known as a
qualitative approach through literature study. Literature study means that researchers only
focus on analyzing data to obtain facts obtained from journals, books, or other internet
sources. In analyzing the data, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method for
this research. Researchers used and watched the film Percy Jackson & the Olympians:
The Lightning Thief (2010) as primary data to find out the narrative structure in the film.
Data collection technique
The researchers uses the following steps to collect data for the study: First, the
researchers watched the film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
(2010) as primary data. Second, the researchers also read and studied the contents and
conversation of the characters from the film script. Third, the researcher learned about
Freytag's pyramid about narrative structure: exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action, and resolution from various previous research journals with the same theme and e-
books. Fourth, the researcher began to analyze the narrative structures of Percy Jackson &
the Olympians: The Lightning Thief film uses the narrative theory of the dramatic
elements from Freytag's pyramid.
Data analysis technique
In analyzing this film, the researcher uses qualitative data analysis techniques which
including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and the last stage of drawing
conclusions and verification. This is done repeatedly and continuously in order to analyze
studying the five-act structure (exposition, rising action, climax, descending action, and
ending), which was developed by Gustav Freytag in 1863.

III. Result and Discussion

1) Exposition
Exposition is a literary term that refers to the background information the
audience needs to know of the story to make sense. Also exposition is the
technique of providing this kind of information in a story and includes anything
from character introductions to set details and dialogue, and is most common at
the beginning of the story. In this stage, begins with the appearance of the god
Poseidon (Kevin McKidd) in New York City. He then meets his brother who is
the king of the Greek gods, Zeus (Sean Bean) at the Empire State building. Zeus
says that his lightning has been stolen. He also believed that Poseidon's son was
responsible for the theft. Poseidon insists that he is ready to fight if Zeus wants to
harm his son. Zeus told Poseidon if the lightning did not return within the
specified time limit, there would be war. The researchers also found the condition
where the character started to get problem in life, it is conversation between Zeus
and Poseidon.
“It’s been many years.”
“What do you see?”
“But no lightning.”
“What? You think I took it?”
The pictures of the scenes on the film [00:03:40 – 00:04:29]
2) Rising Action
In the structure of Narrative in films it has raising action in his structure which is
the meaning of Raising Action is 'a series of relevant incidents that create
suspense,interest, and the tension in a narrative. In literary works, a rising action
includes all of decisions, characters’ flaws, and background circumstances that
together create turns and twists leading to a climax'. In this stage, the first one is
Percy was attacked by Fury, it contains the excitement or involvement of various
situations which causes character difficulties. Towards the existence of conflict
starts when there was pressure from Mrs. Doods, Percy's teacher who invited him
to talk in another side at a museum, after Percy enter the room she turned out to be
a 'Fury' Which is looking for a lightning thief that she guess it is on Percy Jackson.
It can be seen in the dialogues such as :
"Percy we need to talk *Maam doods took Percy somewhere*
"Where is it!?, You stole the lighting bold, Give it to me, Now!!"
In the text, the excitement that causes the character's difficulties. Beginning with
the sentence "Give it to me!" The sentence shows Fury who is angry since she
thinks Percy is the one who stole the lightning thief. He also shouted "Where is
it?, You stole the lightning bold". In fact, at the time, Percy knew nothing about it.
Which after Fury fled because of a threat from one of the characters, then she left.
After Fury go away from percy. He was given a magic pen, along with advice to
quickly flee to Camp half of blood. Next, Percy and Groover go to Percy's House
to see Percy's mom. After they just arrived in Percy's House Percy look at the
mother that look likes an assistant of his step father. Percy mad at the Times, and
he fights with his step father. After that because they don't really have many
times. They All (Percy, His mom, and Groover) Go to the camp to make Percy
The pictures of the scenes on the film [00:04:05 – 00:12:44]

The next stage in rising action is when Percy should be go to the camp with
his mom and his protector. They met a monster which is look likes a cow but He
is really strong, brave, and actually he is not usual cow, but he is a monster. As we
can see on the Dialogue
"Is that cow?"
"What Happend?"
"Go, Go, Go"
"C'mon enter the monster will be closer"
The monster look like very mad at them. Even the monster throw their car, and
they have to go to the Woods. Then, another flaming is when they have go to the
Woods and find the gate to the half of blood camp. Overthere Percy highly
confused since he saw all of these things. His mom cannot enter the gate due to
only the one who have half of blood that can enter the gate. His mom just stuck in
the gate, and at the end the monster is come and take his mom to the hell.
"I cannot go, I'm not be like you"
"Mom, what are you doing?"
" I can't leave you,"
" You have to, you have to leave me"
*The monster take his Mom* “Aaaaaaaaaaa"
"Let My mother down!"
"Percy Go!!, You will be safe on the gate!"
" How can i do?"
"Use the pen, yeah use the pen from Mr.Brunner".

His mother was sent to the hell by the monster. After that Percy unconscious, and
he does not wake up until 3 days. Now Percy has been stand in camp half blood.
When he woke up, Grover as his protector ask him. What do you feel, and he was
explain that he dreams met a monstar and see Grover as the one which has half as
human and half as a Goat. The pictures of the scenes on the film [00:17:21 –

The next stage in rising action is when he was in Camp Half of Blood. There
was a fire attack that makes all of people inside of that afraid with the attack. They
just know that it is Ares. He is look for Percy Jackson, and he ask "Where is the
lightning thief". Even to make Percy gives the Lightning thief. He shows his
mother that sent to hell. Percy didn't know anything, but he tries to do many effort
to make his mother free. As we can see on these dialogues..
"Percy Jackson shows your self"
"Percy Jackson gives me the bold"
"Be a good boy, and i would like to give a chance for your mother".
"My mother had gone"
"No, Your mother is still alive"
"If you want to see your mother again, please bring me the bold".
At the time Percy Jackson feel worry to his mom, and he has a plan to make his
mother safe. No matter, on the midnight he wants to find his mother at the
Olympus, but he does not know how to get into olympus. At the time to hebmet
his friend in the camp she is "Annabeth" She told to Percy that Percy should ask
Luke to go to the Olympus since Luke knows to get there. At the end the final of
Rising Action here is when Percy net Luke and ask how to get into The Olympus.
So, in the rising action there are 4 scene that make the character feels difficult
at the time that usually this scene known as "Rising Action" : 1. When Percy go to
the museum and he was attack by the Fury, 2. When Percy with his mother and
Groover go to camp half blood they are attack by Minotaur, 3. When Percy meet
Hades in the camp half of blood. 4. When Percy ask to hypocrite one "Luke* how
to get into the Olympus. The pictures of the scenes on the film [00:38:52 – 00:46:32]

3) Climax
Climax, in dramatic and nondramatic fiction is the point at which the highest level
of interest and emotional response is achieved. Basically, climax is the turning
point of the story after rising action. It is the point of the story, or the best part of
the story. In many modern narratives, this is the big battle or showdown. In this
part of paper let see the climax part are happened. In this scene, Percy and his
friend Annabeth and also Grove went to the Atlantic by using a magic map from
Luke to find the Pearl as a provision to hell so that it can return home easily. This
trick is the foundation of his friend Luke who tries to help Percy and his friends
save Percy's mother. But many things are unexpected when there in Auntieville.
After all the missions have been passed, finally they are all in the final stage, they
went to a Hollywood landmark, and that's where they were headed, which was
hell. They fought Hedes, (which is Percy’s uncle) the invincible cruel God. But in
the end he was killed by his wife using Bold's stick which turned out to be Luke's
trap so that Bold was conveyed to Hedes through Percy's intermediary and hoped
that Percy would not return. Percy's mother survived and managed to escape from
The pictures of the scenes on the film [00:46:55 – 01:31:26]
4) Falling Action
According to Dzikriya and Hartono (2019), falling action is a process leading
to the end of the story, so falling action can only occur when events and
complications begin to be resolved and the actions of the main character are on the
fore. Falling action takes place more precisely after the climax when the reader is
still unsure whether the protagonist will be able to resolve the conflict.
The falling action in the film Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning
Thief (2010) begins when Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Percy's mother survived
from the hellhole with the help of Persephone, Hades' wife. The falling action
ends when Percy and company using a magic ball to go to Olympus. The pictures
of the scenes on the film [01:31:27 – 01:33:15]

The two pictures above are when Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and Percy's mother
survived from the hellhole because of Persephone who suddenly helped them by
snatching the bolt in Hades' hand and then she aimed the bolt at Hades' body until
he bounced and was unconscious.
Percy : “Why did you do that?”
Persephone : “Because he's cruel and abusive! The only thing I look
forward to is my allotted time away from this hellhole. A war of the gods would
put an end to that. And I'd be alone, with only him, forever.”
Here it can be seen that the problems experienced by the main character have
begun to be resolved.

The other two pictures shown above are when Persephone gives Percy the bolt she
is holding and tells them to leave immediately. After that Percy used magic balls
that could take him to another place by just thinking about that place while
stepping on it.
Persephone : “Go. Take the bolt, and your mother.”
Percy : “Each of you, step on a pearl and concentrate on where you
want to go.”
“Take this.”
“To Olympus.”
Although the problem has begun to be resolved, the scene above provides
direction for the next scenes that makes the audience will wonder whether Percy
and friends can arrive to Olympus on time or not, there will be another conflict
that will come in front or not, and can they face the upcoming conflict ahead or

5) Resolution
In this part of paper, we analyze the resolution of the film Percy Jackson and
the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. The duration start from and finish in
(1:41:40 – 1: 52: 00). The movie's resolution also known as denouement is its
conclusion. At this stage, the problem is usually resolved. At the end of the story,
whether happy or tragic, is referred to as the resolution. The story's denouement
entails tying together the loose ends of the climax and falling action. This
sometimes entails following the story's aftermath to a terrible conclusion.The
film's resolution arises when Percy and Annabeth hand over the lightning bolt to
Zeus. This is where the conflicts start to fade away one by one. The plan for a war
that was originally initiated by Zeus' lightning bolt's absence did not occur after
Percy handed back Zeus' lightning bolt. Percy also asks for the freedom of his
friend Grover from hell.

The dialogue between Zeus and Percy:

Zeus : Give me the lightning thief ray. You are wise to betray your father.
Percy : I do not steal and I have no connection with Poseidon.
Zeus : Let there be peace! Zeus delivered a command for no war.
The misunderstanding between Percy and Poseidon, his father, had also find a
The dialogue between Poseidon and Percy:
Percy : It was because of you?
Poseidon : But I always watching you. Just because you didn’t see me, doesn’t
mean that I was not there. When you had problems, I’ll try to help.
Percy : I heard you.
Poseidon : I know I'm not the father you always wanted. But if you need me, I'll
be there for you. In your thoughts and in your dreams. I’ll stand by you, Percy.
Percy does not return to his prior life at the end of the story, but instead stays and
trains at Camp Half-Blood.

IV. Conclusion
After analyzing the research finding, the researchers found the result of this
study is the dramatic structure or also known as narrative structure. The results of the
analysis showing the use of 5 narrative structures contained in the Percy Jackson &
The Olympian: The Lightning Thief film. The narrative structure itself consists of
conflict, suspense, surprise and curiosity. The 5 narrative structures found in Percy
Jackson's films are found in several scenes. The first structure is the exposition
contained in the photo attachment of scene 1, the second is the rising action contained
in the photo attachment of scenes 2 to 4, the third is the climax contained in the photo
attachment of scene 7 to 11, the fourth is the falling action contained in the photo
attachment of scene 12 to 15, and the last is the resolution or denoument contained in
the photo attachment of scene 16 to 19. The researchers indentified a five-act structure
by German playwright Gustav Freytag; exposition, rising action, climax, falling
action, and denoument or also known as the freytag pyramid. The method used in this
article is qualitative research method. Where the researchers will explain the narrative
structure of this movie by using the freytag’s pyramid.


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televisi institut kesenian jakarta. 2013.




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