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Global warming is one of the most serious issues that the world is facing today.

What are the causes of global warming and what measures can governments and
individuals take to tackle the issue?

One of the most pressing environmental issues that pose a threat to the world is the
increasing global temperatures. There are a host of reasons accounting for this
phenomenon, and this essay serves to give insights into this issue and provide some
feasible measures which can be taken to alleviate the problem.

There are several reasons that originate from human activities resulting in global
warming. One of the prominent reasons concerning this problem is the direct disposal of
untreated household and industrial wastes into the land, oceans, and rivers, especially in
developing countries which are devoid of proper waste treatment systems. As a
consequence, these places have become so contaminated that they could directly affect
their residential areas. Secondly, this issue results from excessive deforestation. It is
undeniable that trees assist the absorption of carbon dioxide in the air and diminish
climate change. However, that a large number of trees are cut down for different purposes
has led to the rise of carbon dioxide levels and ozone depletion. 

There are various measures that could be implemented to tackle the problem of global
warming. First of all, the government are well-advised to foster factories’ use of
envirnomentally-friendly energy such as nuclear or renewable energy instead of using
detrimental resources such as fossil fuels. Moreover, specific laws must be strictly
enforced to make sure that forests are properly managed and protected. As individuals,
we can help alleviate global warming by planting more trees in our gardens or taking part
in environmental protection programmes such as community planting. By taking these
actions, this problem would be properly addressed. 

To summary, there are various factors leading to the rise in temperature such as: exhaust
from private vehicles or forests destruction. However, I believe the applicable policies of
our government along with the people's awareness absolutely play integral roles in
solving this problem. 
It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. Technology
and traditional cultures are incompatible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this view?
Some people hold the opinion that as technology advances, cultural traditions die out
undoubtedly. To some extent, I agree with this view but I also argue that Technological
development and traditional values could go together.
On the one hand, it is clear that due to the development of technology, the workload
increases significantly so people are becoming busier and busier. As a result, they have
less time to find out their traditional values. By way of illustration, in Vietnam, family
tradition can be expressed in the frequency of sharing meals which hardly happens today
because of the hectic schedules of the young. Moreover, people nowadays easily access
multicultural exchange thanks to social platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, or Spotify
making them immersed in modern music. Consequently, they put their mind into it and
forget about traditional music simultaneously.

On the other hand, technological advances could be beneficial to us in terms of keeping

our cultures. The first reason that could be taken into consideration is that using some
applications is a good method to gain traditional knowledge because these apps contain
numerous visual images and videos that could be easier to absorb. Secondly, advances in
technology also make a great contribution to the development of traditions in the
countryside. Should people who live in the countryside use the Internet, they will have an
opportunity to update themselves to the latest information all over the world that can
enhance people’s intellection and then brings them better lives.

In conclusion, it is true that the loss of customs and beliefs is brought about by
technological advances; however, I believe that it plays an important role in supporting us
to keep our traditions.

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