A Rich Man and A Poor Man in The Cemetery

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A Rich man and a poor man in the Cemetery

Poor man: Good day sir, how can I help you?

Rich Man: You already know what to do poor man, clean my mother’s grave, that’s your responsibility.
Don’t waste time so you can have my money for your poor family.

Poor man: I’m sorry sir, but you don’t have to say a words like that, take back what you said.

Rich man: Why should I? Isn’t it true? You have low income and just accept the fact that you need my

Poor man: Yes, I did, but you can’t insult poor people like me just because you are rich, just remember
that because of our service you’re feeling relaxed.

Rich man: Okay. Are you done? If you’re here just to talk non sense things. You can leave.

Poor Man: No sir, I know you’re in grief.

Rich man: Can you leave?

Poor man: Okay sir. Thank you, but always remember to thank God for the blessings you have.

Rich man: I don’t believe in God.

Poor man: Well, someday you will realize that God is with you since the day of your birth, sorry for the
word but your mother is resting in peace with him right now. You must be grateful to have God.

Rich man: My mother’s grave is expensive as my cars. She’s living here now, her body and soul, so don’t
tell me about your God who didn’t exist.

Poor man: Oh man, I don’t force you to believe. I respect your viewpoints. But someday you will realize
that even the richest man in the world have the same size of the poor man’s grave. Even how expensive
your coffin is, how plenty your money is, your soul can’t bring it all.

Rich man: I don’t believe in God, you know why? If God is there why did he let my mother die? I
expense a lot of money for her medicine and I give my all best but why?

Poor man: We can’t deny the fact that we people are going to die soon. That’s our saddest nature. We
really need to accept our fate. You are rich, but you are suffering sadness right now. This means money
can’t buy everything. I am poor, but I’m grateful to have a loving family, I cherish all the things that I
have right now, and I’m happy to talk to you like this.
Rich man: Why? After I insult you and look you down, how can you say that you are happy talking with

Poor man: Because I believe that you are kind, you are just sad that is why you didn’t care for the people
around you. God will be happy if he saw you calling to him.

Rich man: You’re right. I don’t have the right to talk to him, after saying that I don’t believe in him. Will
he accept me and hear my prayers?

Poor man: Of course. God is rich in love and forgiveness. I don’t force you to talk to him. I want you to
realize first what life is. You don’t believe in God and were not the same. You can move on someday and
continue to have a good life.

Rich man: I’m sorry for the words lately, yes, I am rich and come from wealthy family. But speaking of
faith and respect, I’m the poorest and you’re the Richest.

Poor man: I hope you will realize more someday. Hee hee (Chuckles) So, I should get going. Thank you

Rich man: I should have keep you and be my regular worker.

Poor man: Really sir? Oh thank you sir,

Rich man: I am the one who say that words.

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