Efficient Measures To Improve The Participation of Civil Society in The Commission On Narcotic Drugs

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United Nations E/CN.7/2011/L.

Economic and Social Council Distr.: Limited
16 March 2011
Original: Spanish

Commission on Narcotic Drugs

Fifty-fourth session
Vienna, 21-25 March 2011
Item 6 of the provisional agenda*
Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan
of Action on International Cooperation towards an
Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the
World Drug Problem

Uruguay: draft resolution

Efficient measures to improve the participation of civil society in

the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

The Commission on Narcotic Drugs,

Recalling the Political Declaration adopted by the General Assembly at its
twentieth special session,1 the Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug
Demand Reduction2 and the measures to enhance international cooperation to
counter the world drug problem,3
Recalling also the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International
Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the
World Drug Problem, adopted during the high-level segment of the fifty-second
session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and by the General Assembly in its
resolution 64/182 of 18 December 2009,4
Aware of the fact that the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on
International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter
the World Drug Problem states that representatives of affected populations and civil
society entities, where appropriate, should be enabled to play a participatory role in
the formulation and implementation of drug demand and supply reduction policy,

* E/CN.7/2011/1.
1 General Assembly resolution S-20/2, annex.
2 General Assembly resolution S-20/3, annex.
3 General Assembly resolutions S-20/4 A to E.
4 A/64/92-E/2009/98, sect. II.A.

V.11-81283 (E)


Recognizing that the responsibility of States in such policies is unavoidable

but that the nature of the social drug problem makes it absolutely necessary that that
responsibility should be shared by civil society through processes for active
Recognizing also that civil society, including non-governmental, social,
community, trade union and business organizations, undertakes numerous activities
that make a substantial contribution to addressing the world drug problem using
positive actions in the areas of information, prevention, treatment at the local level,
health-care and social services and protection of vulnerable populations, including
through social forums for public safety management,
Recognizing further that approaches to addressing the drug problem should be
evidence-based and supported by scientific data, should take into account cultural
and social values and should be implemented with full respect for all human rights,
fundamental freedoms, the inherent dignity of all individuals and the principles of
equal rights and mutual respect among States,
Reaffirming its resolution 49/2, in which it acknowledged with satisfaction the
contribution of civil society in global efforts to address the drug problem,
1. Encourages Member States to consider consulting and working with
non-governmental organizations in the development and implementation of drug
control programmes and policies;
2. Urges the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to ensure that the
Commission on Narcotic Drugs is provided with fullest possible analysis of
available research and assessments in the area of drug supply reduction;
3. Encourages Member States to support the ongoing ethical innovation of
the approaches to the world drug problem taken by civil society and other interested
parties, provided that such approaches are in conformity with the international drug
control conventions, are based on solid scientific evidence, are in accordance with
human rights instruments and are carried out with full respect for the sovereignty
and territorial integrity of States, including the principle of non-intervention in the
internal affairs of States;
4. Requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to work closely
with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS and other United Nations
bodies and in conformity with the relevant political declarations and resolutions of
the Commission, in order to develop and strengthen the participation of civil society
in the Commission;
5. Also requests the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime to review
the consultation mechanisms developed in other United Nations bodies and consult
with all interested parties and submit to the Commission, at its fifty-fifth session, a
report containing proposals for the more effective participation of non-governmental
organizations in the Commission.

2 V.11-81283

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