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Republic of the Philippines


Premiere University of Zamboanga del Norte
Dipolog Campus, Dipolog City


At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
a. determine the characters in the story (EN7LC – IV –a.8)


Topic: “A SHAWL FOR ANITA” by Lolita M. Andrada
Reference: English Learner’s Material VII. pp. 440-443
Teacher’s Guide. pp. 447-449
Learning Competencies: Listening Comprehension
Materials: Visual Aids, staff, eyeglass



A. Preparation

1. Prayer

Heavenly Father…
2. Greetings

Good afternoon class!

Good afternoon ma’am.
3. Checking of Attendance

Is everybody present?
(Students mention the name of the absentees.)
How are you this afternoon?
We’re fine ma’am.
That’s good to hear. Before we start, let’s have first
our agreements. What are our agreements?
 Listen attentively
 Do not talk to your seatmates.
 Do not answer in chorus.
Is that clear?  Raise your right hand if you want to answer.

Yes, ma’am.

B. Motivation

This afternoon we will play a game called “Box

Relay”. Inside the box are set of questions. All you
have to do is to pass the box as the song goes and
when it stops the one who holds the box will pull out
one question and answer.

Am I clear? Yes, ma’am.

Possible Questions Possible Answers

1. How will you describe your mother? My mother is one of the greatest blessings that God has
given to me. She is a mother whose love never fails and
she never gives up on me.
2. Have you ever said “I LOVE YOU” to your
mother? Sometimes, because saying Ilove you to them it seems
so awkward for me. I am a person who is not so close to
my mother.
Very good! All your answers are correct and it is very
important that we should love our mother because she
deserves it. If our mother does everything for us then
it’s our responsibility to do everything for her. You are
blessed that you have a mother who is so caring and
willing to sacrifice everything just to make you happy.

C. Presentation

This morning we are going to discuss the Character as

one of the elements of a short story using the selection
“A Shawl for Anita”. Before we will start our Objective:
discussion, let us read first our lesson objective. At the end of the lesson, students must be able to;
a. determine the characters of the story.
By the way what are the elements of a short story?

 Settings
 Plot
D. Discussion  Characters….

Do you know what a character in the story is?

Character is the person taking part in the narrative. A
protagonist is clearly central to the story with all major
events having some importance to this character. The
one who is against the protagonist is the antagonist.

The author may reveal the character by what he/she

does or does not do.

Direct Characterization – the writer tells you directly

what a character is like.
Indirect Characterization – the writer tells you the
information about a character but doesn’t tell you about
the character’s personality directly. This way you have
to make your own judgments about the character.
Before we proceed to our story “A Shawl for Anita”,
let’s unlock first the difficult words in the story.


I have here sentences with underline words. I want you 1. The mother is so frailbut never stopped
to find the better half of the underlined words and working.
attach them to its corresponding meaning. 2. Knitting a shawl might have been an
agony for a mother.
3. Anita’s mother indulged her, when she
was sick.
4. She never stopped pampered when she
got married.
5. I was beginning to hate Anita for being
so callous.
6. My sister’s whimpers never irked her.

 Having less than a normal amount of

strength or force.
 A piece of cloth that is used especially by
women as covering for the head or shoulders.
 To allow yourself to do something as a
special pleasure.
 To treat someone very well and to give
attention or care.
READING ACTIVITY  Not feeling or showing any concern about
the problems or suffering of other people.
Now, let’s take the story “A Shawl for Anita”. Let’s
have a popcorn reading. I want you to understand the
story and afterwards I will ask you some questions
about the story. Is that clear? Yes, ma’am.

This time, let’s discuss the story through a game. I

have here an eyeglass and a staff. All you have to do is
to pass this box while the music plays and when it
stops the one who hold the box will pull out one
question and the person who sits beside him/her will
be the one to answer while wearing the eyeglass and
the staff.

Are my instructions clear?

Yes, ma’am.

Possible Questions Possible Answers

1. Who are the characters in the story?  The characters are the Mother, Anita and the
middle child.
2. Who narrates the story?
 The narrator of the story is the middle child.

3. Among the characters that is so frail but never  The character that is so frail is the Mother.
stopped working?
 The child that the mother take care the most
4. Who is the child that the Mother take care the is the youngest child, Anita.

5. Why Anita does keeps on requesting something  Anita keeps on requesting something from
from the mother despite her mother’s her mother because if her mother stops
condition. 

“Do you have the same mother like Anita’s mother
 working, she will also stop living.
who keeps on working for her children?”

(Answers may vary)

E. Application

This time, with your group let’s have an activity. Your

group is based on the color of your name tag. Each
group must cooperate in order to come up with an
excellence performance. You will be graded with the
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Group 1
Make a role play showing a “Mother’s Love”

Group 2
Using a graphic organizer, write the qualities of a
mother and explain each quality.

Group 3
Make a role play showing the mother’s sacrifices
F. Generalization for the family.

How are you going to describe a mother’s love?

A mother’s love is the strongest relationships for us as a

son’s and daughter’s because it gives a sense of
belonging and knowing that if the world kick us down
What a brilliant answer! The love of a mother class is our mother is there to listen, love and counsel. She never
unconditional, we cannot comprehend. gives up on us and her love is infinite, pure and true.
Direction: Read the sentences carefully and determine the characters in the story.
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. She is so frail, but never stopped working.

a. Anita b. Middle Child c. Mother d. Father
2. She is the one who narrates the story, “A Shawl for Anita”
a. Anita b. Mother c. Middle Child d. Grandmother
3. Who said this line, “Mother is one person who prefers to live her life working? If
she stops working, she will stop living.”
a. Middle Child b. Mother c. Anita d. Brother
4. It refers to the main character of the story.
a. Antagonist b. settings c. Protagonist d. Plot
5. The one who is against the protagonist or the bad guy in the story.
a. Settings b. conflict c. Antagonist d. Theme
Direction: In a ½ sheet of paper, write a reflection about the story of “A Ballad of a
Mother’s Heart” and relate it to real life situations.

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