Business Modeling Perr Discusstion

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Peer-assessed individual project

Submitted by:-
Nurelegn Zelalem


1. Which are three differences in the business model in each company? ................................ 2

2. Which is the turning point that made Nokia fall? ................................................................ 2

3. What are the two innovation elements in waze’s business model? ..................................... 2

4. Of the skills that you have studied throughout the course, which did Levine, founder of
Waze show?................................................................................................................................. 2

5. Identify a similar case to the one explained here, but in the entertainment industry. .......... 3

Conculussion ............................................................................................................................... 3
1. Which are three differences in the business model in each company?

According to
Nokia Waze
Resources: Nokia didn’t look out the Resources:- Waze uses in a wise way in
best fit resources developing and mobilizing the best of
the technology
Transaction:- Nokia makes a Transaction:- Waze spends a small
transaction that makes the company to amount to develop the sensor
lose technology app and can generate a
better income by selling of it.
Value:- Nokia makes a decision that Value:- Waze can create value for the
doesn’t create value both for the company and it also develop good
company and for clients customer satisfaction value.

2. Which is the turning point that made Nokia fall?

Transaction:- Because Nokia didn’t make innovative change intrinsically they
focus on in sourcing the existing company and they prefer engaging with the old
innovation and pay for this technology a higher amount. And can not achive a
best way for the company transaction

3. What are the two innovation elements in waze’s business model?

- Looking new technology ( Its regular update of mobile phone information)
- Change the business paradigm by selling the company to google

4. Of the skills that you have studied throughout the course, which did Levine,
founder of Waze show?
It shows all five DNA of innovators:-
- status quo,
- identify existing innovation, industry and make associations,
- experiment and testing
5. Identify a similar case to the one explained here, but in the entertainment

The coming of spotify:-

Depend largely on the songs of the authors but they do not really get involved with the authors,
this really an element, it is an external transaction as it depends on the songs of the authors but
spotify does not depend on talking or not to the author. In cross transactions, as Adam bock calls
them, he defines them as boundaries expanding transactions, which is very complicated. He call
them cross transactions easier as these are the essential transactions that connect the organization
with the customers, partners, competitors and any other organization or person from outside the


To survive in today’s fast changing business company’s need a series of innovation and change
since things are outdates fast in this very changing business dynamics which very attached with
technology understanding, constantly learning, experiencing new tech changes, experimenting
and or testing and implementing changes constantly helps company to survive fast. And
whenever we think of business modeling in our company we should not forget resources
available, transactions and value.

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