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An Introduction fo Enterprise and Entrepreneurship LEARNING OUTCOMES A @ Identify he differences between enter Become familiar with enterprise skills @ Understand the requirements for Practising entre, ; . with entrepreneurship skills '@ entrepreneurship by becoming fomiliar @ Be able to create a personal en Prise and entrepreneurship and the means to Practise them trepreneurial road map 1. WHAT IS ENTERPRISE Spotlight on Farhan Masood, an ‘Entrepreneur Extraordi ire’ from Pakistan: Part 1 Farhan was born in Lahore, Pakistan, where his father owned an offset printing business. He loved technology, and this love was unknowingly kindled by his father who would buy. the trendiest gadgets but would not allow Farhan to play with them, Once his father brought home an IBM XT computer; although he was not allowed to play with the new machine, he would watch his father, pecking through the room’s key- hole, whenever he played ‘Digger’. One day he got his chance, When 's father went away ona business trip, seizing the opportunity, Farhan mimicking his father’s ¥ stiles was able to get the XT booted and became a natural at playing ‘Digger’. Upon ‘urn, his father was not too happy, but,he began to admire Farhan’s natural skill with the Scanned with CamScanner ENTREPRENEURSHp IN DEVELOPING AND EMERGING ECONOMe, Somput ‘er. This z a ancient la sareer in the tld of con | incident laid the foundation for Farhan's entrepreneurial care! Fathan PUting technolo, pa ben oying regular studies, he NOU kip hiss 8 PHS teoager. Ay young boy, no enoving regula tas, be CDE Lahore's he Ct Ureu-mectium schoo! to spend his days ata bo tre in Hass luckily the store 2 for comprting equipment. He was inte sed inte computer books and Dractigg ¢ " owner let Farhan neal Iya he wanted eo also we is compat to vee Se. It was there that Ta han created his first computer programa dra ne oli ne wet in the BASIC langage, He hd fund his passion something ; Betting good t~computer graphics programming, k and created software for At the age of 14, he set about to put his newly found skills to wor} cturer. However, by the ER design, whieh, through a fend, he was able to sell 10 & niher wanted him to pursue a time he turned 19, tensions arose at home because Parhan’s i rather than studying for col- \raditional academic career. His tenacity though was unwave pee designing the website of lege entrance exams, Farhan’s father found him eoeatn Instead of making him appear for Brain Net—the cous’ fit internet service provider. Insed of mating Hin ppeas Tor exams, his enraged father dropped Sa its CEO. His reimagining of the Brain Net oa as fo secure a m¢ % nga te Beate Net oe = Reerne CeO and when Farhan was asked what he wanted in exchang: pI a ing a lot more valuable and i i k for money; instead, he demanded something a lot m thar wi Fars Nee sly provide unlimited and totally free-to-use internet when the ich Brain f - i ont of a dial-up internet connection vas exorbitant. With unlimited free internet, Farha now fully immerse himself into web technologies aid design. Farkan’s sory continues later in this chapler : . Source: Rizvi (2017). Note: The authors acknowledge Mr Azhar Rizvi for introducing to us the case of Farhan Masood through his book Enireprencurng Pakistan: 27 stories of strugle failure and success Enterprise isthe application of ideas to practical situations for the purpose of solving problems, To be enterprising requires the application of creativity to develop ideas that offer practical solu: tions. Once an idea evolves into a good ‘solution’, an enterprising individual like Farhan (above) uses expression, communication and practical action to take his/her solution to implementation, The twin abilities of being able ge creatively think about problems and their solutions and (b) {0 lake allirmative action to realize such thinking’s potential’ come together in an enterprising individual, , A ee eee rir of abilities are needed, and Farhan’s case (above) isa useful example problem of itt design that ee graphic Programming skills to think creatively about the Piece of sofnvare. He auld det oe seis in Pakistan faced and came up with a solution—a 2 ly. Using his friend’s connection and plunging Scanned with CamScanner we An sptroduetion 1° Enterprise ond Entropreneurship 5 gn, beset up his software at man 0 ees annifacturer and was ‘ int a pination of thinking tra ‘ot? ta the dl compen ce making happen. asie for enterprise, in other wards, conjurint ce skills are a mix of er it sterprise nix of emotional, intellectual, so i =) which eauthot be eax pintellecttal, social nl praca earned behaviours ie sarnom: they need to he practised in I oT he fallow equal resent the seven raost siz he following in equal orde ’ ler of importance re present the seven rags i ni 1 a world. jecnterprising, application. individuals possess; yo possess; your can hone these by undertaking their proposed |, Taking Initiative to Make Things Happen ‘This lis about eing able to tke alfrmative action even if th ‘peas quo, facing daunting challenges and ining ionering eg iate gy prospect, especialy if C Fo ener a easy prospect ly if you have not had the experience of taking up an issue ser aig or championing a cause in the past 1t does require a Mogae of coma nd le belief, behaviours you can fuse your personality with through E nematic races A Page of people wait for others wo wake salads de to a mature of fear of cons quences, inertia, cognitive dissonance and apathy. For some of us, Tpecoming comfortable serra initiative requites baby steps, and the first of thse at times proves to be the biggest challenge. Starting ‘vith something menial ike making our beds the firs thing ip the morning, a first step which gives structure to the day and creates impetus to take Fanther more serious and purposeful initiative . Intuitive Decision-making Making sense of ra ‘idly changing situations without the need to labour, through comples reasoning is an important enterprise