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1. Verb List for Writing Operational/Behavioural Objectives


The Three Types of Learning by Benjamin Bloom (1956)
1. Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge); involves knowledge and the development of intellectual skills.
This includes the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns, and concepts that serve in
the development of intellectual abilities and sk ls.
6 Maior cateoorles
Level Recall Levol 2l lnterPletatlon -evel 3: Problem solvino
Understand the meaning, haterial or concepts a structure or pattem judgments about the
Recall data or Use a concept in a new
translation, interpolation, into component parts so from diverse elements. value ofideas or
information. situation or unprompted use
and interpretation of that its otganizational Put parts together to materials.
of an abstraction. Applies
instructions and sructure may be form a whole, with
what was leamed in the
problems. State a understood. emphasis on creating a
classroom into novel
problem in one's own Distinguishes between new meaning or
situations in the work place.
words. facts and inferences. structure.
cite associate SOIVC analvze arranoe apprarse
count classifv translate aDDrarse assemble ASSESS
define comoare utilize break down catesorze choose
describe comprehend show compare collect comoare
discover comoute apply contract combine conclude
draw contrast calculate contfasts. comDile contrast
identifu convert complete criticize compose criticize
ldentitu defend use debate construct critique
lndicate describe demonstrate deconstruct create defend
know differentiate dramatize detect desiqn describe
label d SCUSS change diaoram detect determine
list d stinquish emplov differentiate devise discriminate
match estimate examine discriminate exDlain estimate
name explain compute distinouish formulate evaluate
name explore construct exDeriment oeneralize exolain
outline CXPTCSS lllustrate identifr qenerate orade
point extend discover illustrate inteorate nterDret
quote extrapolate lnteroret infer manaqe udoe
read seneralize manipulate inspect modifv ustifu
recall slve modifu inventorv or0antze measure
recite infer interpolate outline Dlan rank
recoqnrze interoolate locate 0uestion prepare rate
record interoret oDerate relates orescribe recommend
relate locate prepares, selects Droduce relate i
reoeat naraohrase order Separate propose revlse {
reproduce predict predict s[Jmmanze rearrange score
select report practice reconstruct select
state restate relate relate summanze
tabulate review report reorganize suDDort
tell rewrite produce revlse test
trace summarlze restate rewrite
write translate review soecifv
schedule summanze
sketch sVnthesize
) homotor: mat rual o skills (,Sftt7ls
Cateuorl es
Mechanisml Complex Overt Adaptation: Origination:
Perception: Set: Readiness Guided Creating new
This is the Skills are well
The ability to use to act. It includes Response: Response: rheskillfur developed and the movement pattems to
sensory cues t0 mental, physical, intermediate stage perfofmree of motor acb ihat invohe
The early stages individual can fit a particular
guide motor and emotional in learning a complex movemat
in leaming a pattems. Proficiency is indicded by a modif, movement situation or specific
activity. This sets. These three complex
complex skill that cluich rccurate, md highly @ordinded pattems to fit problem. Leaming
ranges from sensory sets are skill. Leamed petformce, re4uiring sminimm oI
includes imitation energy. This category includo special outcomes emphasize
dispositions that responses have
stimulation, through and trial and error perfotming without hesitarion, md requirements. creativity based uPon
cue selection, to predetermine a become habitual
Adequacy of auloMic Perfol]Mce. For smple' highly developed
translation. person's response and the movements pldyeE ue ofts ufrer sounds of
performance is skills.
to different can be performed sltisfetion or expletivs 6 soon s they
achieved by with some hit 8 tmis ball or tltrow a foolball,
situations practicing. because they m tell bY the f@l of lhe
(sometimes called confidence and act rhat the result will ProduG.

mindsets). nroficiencv.
cnnv assemble assemble adapt arranges
choose besin
calibrate build alter build
describe disolay follow
construct calibrate change combine
detect explain react
dismantle consffuct rearrange compose
differentiate move reproduce
disolav dismantle reorgan1ze construct
distineuish proceed respond
disolav revise create
identifr react trace fasten
fix fasten vary desisn
isolate show
srind fix initiate
relate state
heat srind make
select volunteer
maniDulate heat originate
measure manioulate
mend measure
mlx mend
organize mlx
sketch otg.afilze

3. Affecti ve: srou,th in feel r emotional areas (Attitud e

Valuing: The worth or Organization: Internalizing values
Receiving Responding to
value a Pefson dttaches to a
Organizes values into (characterization): uas a
Phenomena Phenomenal Active priorities by contrasting value system that controls their
participation on the Part ofthe particular objeet, Phenomenon, or different values, resolving
Awareness, behavior. The behavior is pervasive,
willingness to hear leamers. Attends and reacts to behavior. This raflEles flom simple conflicts between them, consistent, Predictable, and most
a particular phenomenon. acceptance to the more comPlex and creating a unique value
selected attention. importantly, characteristic of the
Leaming outcomes may state of commitfl1eflt. valuiag i3 system. The emphasis is leamer. lnstructional objectives are
emphasize comPliance in based on the intethallration ofa set on comparing, relating, and concerned with the student's general
responding, willingness to of specified values, while elues to synthesizing values, pattems of adjusflnent (Pemonal,
respond, or satisfaction in these values are exPressed ln the
social, emotional).
responding (motivation). leamer's overt behavior and are
often identiflable.
work adhere act
ask aid
complete alter discriminate
demonstrate alTange disolav
describe ASSiSt
differentiate combine influence
erect comDlv
explain comDare listen
follow conform
glve follow comDletg modifu
form defend perfolm
Hold greet
initiate explain practice
identifr help
formulate propose
locate Iabel invite
lom serleralize oualifv
name Derforrn
practice iustifr identifu ouestion
present propose intesrate revlse
read modifu serve
select read
report order solve
sit recite
report select organize verifv
select share DreDare
tell study relate
write svnthesize
Bloom's Revised TaxonomY
in the mid-
the cognitive domain in the learning taxonomy
Lorin Anderson, a former student of Broom, revisited 1) changing the names in the
the two most prominent ones being,
nineties and made some changes, with perhaps
rearranging them (Pohl, 2000)'
six categories fiom noun to virb forms, and2) slightly

and is perhaps more accurate:

This new taxonomy reflects a more active form of thinking

Cate trories
Evaluating: Creating: nuitos a
Remembering: Understanding: Applying: Use Analyzlng: Separates
structure or pattem from
ftaterial or concepts into Make judgments about
Comprehending the a concept in a new diverse elements. Put
Recall previous leamed the value of ideas or
situation or componeflt parts so that its
information. meaning, translation, parts together to form a
unprompted use ofan otganizationaI structure may materials.
interpolation, and whole, with emPhasis
abstraction. APPlies be uhdeBtood. Distinguishes
iflterpretation on creating a new
what was leamed in the between facts and inferences
instructions and meaning or structure.
problems. State a classroom into novel
problem in one's own situations in the work
nn'lv analvze appralse
define comprehend
break down compare combine
describe convert change
GOmpare conclude compile
identify defend compute
contrast contrast compose
know distineuish construct
diagrams criticize create
label estimate demonstrate
deconstruct cfltlque a"vise
list exDlain discover
differentiate defend desisn
match extend maniPulate
dlScfimmate describe explain
name seneralize modifu
discriminate generate
slve operate distinsuish
outline modifr
predict identifr evaluate
recall infer orsanlze
prepare illusttate explain
recognrze interpret plan
produce infer interpret
reoroduce Daraphrase
relate outline iustift rearTange
select oredict
show relete relate reconstruct
state rewrite
select summarlze relate
summanze SOIVE
separate support reorgamze

Nonfunctional verbs:
They should be avoided when writing
The following verbs cannot be measured ot are redundant.
Able to shows intercst ln
Appreciationfor knows
Awareness of has knowledge of
Capable of learns
Comprehend memorizes
Conscious of understands
Familiar with will be able to
http;//rubistar-.4teache{s.orgy' index'php
NOT measurable and do N0T meet ANCC's criteria
for approval'
Behavioral Terms that il
Appreciate Learn how to Have an understanding of
Communicats Be aware of Motivate
Enjoy Believe
Be able to know Know how to lmplement
Be familiar with Understand
Grasp the significance of

Approved verb List.pdf (Application/pdf object) - Molilla firefox www'ndna'org


3. List of Attitudes l,

Love of truth Appreciation of One's lr
self-esteem Obedience
Self-Control Cuiture
self-confldence Appreciation of
Calmness a Globalism
Cleanliness/ One's Rights
ResponsibilitY/ a Concem for others
Wellness Peace and order
Unity/Oneness Care of the AccountabilitY a

Respect environment Heroism and a Work Ethics

Honesty a Love of God Appreciation of a Creativity

a Hope Heroes a Entrepreneurial SPirit
o Charity Civic a Responsible
Consciousness Consumerism
Concem for a Fortitude
Industriousness Financial LiteracY
Others a Family
Industry Global SolidaritY
Respect for Solidarity
National UnitY Making a Stand f,or
human rights Kindness
a Perseverance Disaster Risk Care and the Good

a Sincerity Management protection of the Spirituality/ Inner

Environment Peace
a Generosity a Resiliency
a Faith a ProductivitY Voluntariness of
a Patience Human Act
a Positive vision
a Patriotism
a Critical thinking a Social responsibilitY
a Global concern
a Cooperation
a Open-mindedness a Thoughtful
a Acceptance
a Optimism
o Gender equalitY a Seriousness
a Determined
a Satisfaction
a Interest a Generous
a Independent a Persistent
a Courteous a Happiness
a Gratitude
a Cheerful
a Considerate a Modest
a Tolerant a Reliable
a Kind a Realistic
a Cautious
a Gentle
a Humble a Flexible
a Trusting
a Decisive
a Sympathetic a Frankness
a Hardworking a Inclusiveness
a Helping a
a Obedience
4. Ed,garDale's Cone of Experience Principle l

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