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J Oral Maxillofac Surg

61:1333-1339, 2003

Open Versus Closed Reduction of Adult

Mandibular Condyle Fractures: An
Alternative Interpretation of the Evidence
Leon A. Assael, DMD*

In their scholarly, evidence-based paper on the treat- real clinical significance? Offered here is an assess-
ment of adult condylar fractures, Brandt and Haug ment that includes evidence from a nonconcurrent
offer information from previous historically important control group, namely patients who have not sus-
studies regarding outcome of treatment.1 Their re- tained condylar fractures. These patients offer useful
view is intended to support their contention that information on a realistic baseline of temporomandib-
“under similar indications and conditions, ORIF is the ular joint function in adults. Hence, the studies of
preferred approach” for the treatment of these inju- functional derangements in closed reduction patients
ries.1 In addition to this conclusion, the authors offer are compared with the studies of normal subjects.
recommendations on the current optimal means of MacLennan’s2 series of 180 cases included 67 avail-
surgical access and internal fixation. The purpose of able for direct examination. Radiographic deformity is
this report was to review the same studies, offer an interpreted as a complication in 61% of cases and as
alternative interpretation of the evidence, and further clinical deformity in 6% of cases. These post-treat-
develop an understanding of the complicated mixture ment findings are in no way complications of treat-
of factors affecting the outcome of condylar fracture ment. Patients interpret outcome based on the ab-
treatment. sence of pain, good function, and good appearance,
The authors of the 2 papers were in the same not on the assessment of a healed fracture on a radio-
department at the time of this writing. Thus, the graph.
debate over the proper treatment of fractures as those A patient-centered approach to surgical outcome
injuries in our patients is of continuous practical in- might offer a different perspective on what is a com-
terest. Reading the same papers with an eye toward plication. As an illustration of this, the 6% incidence
supporting a differing conclusion is an exercise the of clinical deformity in MacLennan’s study was puz-
reader might find useful in his or her own thought zling, because condylar fracture patients who com-
processes regarding the best treatment plan for a plained of a post-traumatic deformity are rare and are
given fracture. likely due to unusual sequelae such as avascular ne-
crosis of the condylar head. MacLennan indicates that
Complications of Closed Reduction his definition of clinical deformity is “the injured side
is characteristically flatter on palpation, with the con-
A recurring theme of Brandt and Haug1 is the dem- dylar head less prominent.” Hence this incidence of
onstration of a high rate of complication and treat- deformity was detected by the clinician and not nec-
ment failure after closed reduction. What better rea- essarily perceived by the patient.
son is there to offer patients open reduction than a
The facial projection of the lateral pole of the con-
supportable contention that closed reduction results
dyle is not normally considered an aesthetic reference
in an unacceptable incidence of complications with
point. Nearly all patients are aware of the visible
deformity of a facial scar but not of decreased prom-
*Professor, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Ore- inence of the lateral pole of the condyle. Temporalis
gon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. or masseteric atrophy may highlight the position of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Assael: De- the condyle, but these events are usually the result of
partment of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Oregon Health & Sci- open reduction. Patients perceive scars above all else.
ence University, 611 SW Campus Dr, SD-522, Portland, OR 97239; As the common aphorism states, “There is no scar,
e-mail: like no scar.”
© 2003 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons A more difficult to evaluate complication in Mac-
0278-2391/03/6111-0016$30.00/0 Lennan’s series is the 24% incidence of deviation
doi:10.1016/S0278-2391(03)00736-5 noted in his series of examined patients.2 Because the


detection of deviation depends on the criteria used to poromandibular disorders in nonpatient normal adult
define it, comparison with a control group would be populations.5 Pain, deviation, other jaw excursion
helpful in understanding the extent to which condy- problems, and joint noise are common findings in all
lar fracture treatment played a role in the incidence of adults. For example, Pullinger et al6 reported on the
deviation. Serendipitously, MacLennan had such a temporomandibular findings in dental students of
group. Forty-nine patients with tuberculosis were ex- whom 29% had joint noise and 14% had pain. Because
amined who had no known temporomandibular dis- individuals who have never had a condyle fracture
order. Twenty-nine of 49 (58%) showed what Ma- report such a high incidence of ostensibly abnormal
cLennan referred to as “textbook deviation.” As for temporomandibular joint findings, a suitable control
the 2 patients with chronic pain, 1 had panfacial group of uninjured patients to assess the outcome of
injuries and the other had legal action pending. Care- condylar fracture treatment is necessary before any
ful inspection of MacLennan’s paper, a much-cited conclusions regarding the efficacy of treatment can
series supporting nonsurgical management of condy- be made.
lar fractures, indeed does much to continue to sup- Regarding the condyle fracture populations in case
port the view that the surgeon can expect a low series without control groups, Blevins and Gores4
incidence of true complications with that treatment found that 37 of 49 patients examined did not have a
strategy. single clinical finding that showed they had a condy-
Recently, Ellis and Throckmorton3 evaluated facial lar process fracture; there was no deviation, defor-
symmetry after closed and open reduction of condylar mity, or pain in these 37 patients. Certainly, had 49
fractures. Using Towne’s and panoramic radiographs, patients received open reduction, all 49 would show
but not clinical examination, posterior facial height physical findings related to treatment.
was measured from an orbital reference point to go- Silvennoinen et al7 attempted to define those cases
nion. In the 2 years of the study, the mean shortening of condylar fracture at risk for post-treatment prob-
of ramus height in the closed reduction group was lems. Brandt and Haug1 contend that this report is
only between 2 and 5 mm. Ramus height remained another indication that closed reduction of condylar
stable in the open reduction group. If one also ac- fractures is not a good technique because malocclu-
counts for radiographic magnification, it is clear that sion was noted in 13% of patients and other compli-
the changes were not clinically significant and that cations of treatment were noted. However, the Silven-
most of the patients undergoing closed reduction noinen group, on the contrary, was attempting to
were well served by that method of treatment. Indeed identify those patients who could properly be treated
Ellis and Throckmorton noted that the minimal loss of without open reduction surgical intervention.7 They
ramus height was a favorable adaptation permitting a appear to have successfully supported their conclu-
new temporomandibular articulation (a neoarthrosis). sion that “problematic condylar fractures can often be
Blevins and Gores4 reported on 90 condyle fracture identified preoperatively.”7 The patients whom they
patients who answered a questionnaire and 45 pa- concluded could benefit from open reduction were a
tients who appeared for examination an average of small subset of those with significant reduction of
5.8 years postinjury. Although Brandt and Haug con- ramus height. A functional reduction of ramus height
centrate on the spectrum of outcome as measured by can be detected clinically through significant ipsilat-
the clinician over the treatment period in all 140 eral molar occlusal interference, through the inability
patients, it is more useful to concentrate on the 90 to obtain maximum intercuspation, and through the
patients who were available for long-term follow-up radiographic finding of significant superior displace-
and could offer their own, patient-centered views of ment of gonion.
the results of their conservative therapy.1 Many of It is the subset of condylar fracture patients who
these 90 patients also had additional facial fractures. have significantly functionally shortened ramus
This very long-term follow-up study is of special sig- heights that likely benefit most from open reduction.
nificance because both the patient perception and Silvennoinen et al showed this on pretreatment ex-
objective information are available. Although the amination, when 54% of their condylar fracture pa-
mean interincisal opening was 34 mm, only 15% of tients were able to bring their teeth into normal oc-
patient reported inability to open and close normally clusion and these patients were treated successfully
and only 11% reported any jaw pain. Only 13% re- without surgery and without intermaxillary fixation.
ported any difficulty in chewing. Objective interin- Only 9% of their patients with condylar fractures
cisal opening was diminished, but only 13% of the showed severe derangements in occlusion and excur-
patients reported diminished jaw movement.4 sions at the time of pretreatment examination. Nearly
Of critical importance in interpreting this informa- all of the patients with postoperative problems come
tion is that the incidence of these problems does not from the group of patients whose injuries showed
differ from baseline epidemiologic studies of tem- severe functional derangements before treatment.

The legitimate message of the Silvennoinen et al arti- cations for open reduction of mandibular condyle
cle is that there is a small (perhaps 10%) subset of fractures, they did so in an era before stable fixation
condylar fracture patients with severe preoperative (followed by immediate function) of these fractures
functional derangements, which can be identified be- could be obtained. Open reduction of mandibular
fore treatment, who will benefit from open reduction. condyle fractures became available as a reasonable
Their investigation does not support blanket surgical treatment choice only with the advent of miniplate
treatment for the nearly 9 of 10 patients who recov- fixation. Prior attempts with wire fixation commonly
ered uneventfully with nonsurgical therapy. resulted in the loss of position of the condylar seg-
Although surgeons attempt to provide objective ment. Thus, a contemporary attempt to assess those
criteria to assess surgical outcome, patients are more fractures that would be best treated with open reduc-
inclined to value self-assessment as the sine quo non tion should rely on only those case series with pa-
of the results of treatment. Although this consumer- tients treated with stable internal fixation. It is of little
driven approach to health care is now a standard value to know what the anatomic findings of a frac-
assessment tool, the Chalmers J. Lyons Club were ture are without the ability to provide meaningful
prescient in their 1947 study that used patient self- comparison of treatment outcomes. Hence, these an-
assessment as essential to their review of 120 pa- atomic classifications are of little contemporary clini-
tients.8 They found that none of the patients reported cal value.
pain from their condylar fractures on postoperative Contemporary surgeons are developing indications
assessment. Of 7 functional disturbances reported by for surgery based on emerging technology. Complica-
patients, only 4 were found to be significant on phys- tions of surgery remain a central issue in treatment
ical evaluation. method selection. Preauricular, postauricular, retro-
mandibular, transoral, and Risdon incisions all place
Classification of Condylar Fractures as both cranial nerve V and VII at only small risk for
a Guide to Treatment Selection injury.15 Although marginal branch of cranial nerve
VII is the most common injury, temporal ramus and
The primary issue is not whether closed reduction
zygomatic branch deficits also occur. Ellis et al16 re-
of adult mandibular condyle fractures can be done
ported 17.2% of open reduction patients with tempo-
safely and with minimal subsequent morbidity. It is
rary facial nerve weakness and 7.5% with hypertro-
certain that open reduction has advanced consider-
phic scars, when surgery was performed via a
ably with experience and technology to permit im-
retromandibular approach. Hyde et al17 reported a
proved minimally invasive techniques that result in
12% incidence of temporary facial nerve injury and
undisturbed healing in most cases. For example, Trou-
lis and Kaban9 recently showed effective open reduc- none had malocclusion or pain. Devlin et al18 re-
tion with endoscopically assisted minimal invasive ported that of 40 patients undergoing open reduction
surgical technique. As these techniques become less via a retromandibular approach, 3 had persistent fa-
morbid and more cost effective, it is certain that the cial nerve weakness, 2 had poor reduction, and 1 had
indications for open reduction can and should grow. a hypertrophic scar. However, Schon et al19 reported
If, for example, the risk of nerve VII injury, postop- no scars, no nerve VII derangements, and no func-
erative infection, and avascular necrosis of the condy- tional disturbances 18 months after open reduction
lar head can be brought to nearly zero, the cost- and plate fixation via endoscopic technique. It is
benefit ratio can favor open reduction for cases in worth noting that even with such exceptional out-
which the clinical gain is real but modest in impact. comes, the cases selected by Schon et al included
For the present time the central question remains, patients with dislocated fracture and those with addi-
“What are the current indications for selecting from tional facial fractures for whom the benefit of open
the range of treatment available for these injuries?” reduction seemed clear. It is clear that emerging tech-
While Brandt and Haug wisely look at classification nology and the growth in surgical experience have
systems for condylar fracture assessment that might expanded the indications of open reduction of con-
offer insight into which fractures might be treated dylar fractures.20
best with open reduction, a usable classification sys- The increased frequency of open reduction has
tem must be responsive to the contemporary treat- occurred without a further understanding of the ben-
ment options available to the surgeon. efits of such treatment. Assessment of the variables
The various condylar fracture classifications of Bro- that influence the outcome of condylar fracture treat-
phy,10 Thoma,11 Rowe and Killey,12 and Dingman and ment illustrates the futility of seeking any incontro-
Natvig13 relied on anatomic findings, usually found on vertible answers regarding the global optimal manage-
radiography, not the functional assessment of the ment of condylar fractures. A careful assessment of
patient. While Zide and Kent14 first outlined the indi- these factors leaves the certain conclusion that a va-

riety of reasonable choices remain for the treatment compliance after condylar fracture treatment is
of a given fracture. well known and documented. For example,
Mitchell24 reported that only 73 of 142 patients
with condylar fractures returned for both their
Assessment of Variables Affecting
6- and 12-week post-treatment visits. While
Condylar Fracture Treatment Selection
closed reduction patients require functional ex-
and Outcome
ercises to support the retention of functional
To consider the components of contemporary, occlusion and mandibular movement, surgical
meaningful condylar fracture treatment decisions, patients must also be compliant regarding diet
consideration of the each of the variables that affect and function.
outcome in condylar fractures is necessary. These 5. Risk of infection: The risk of infection after
important variables are so complex and intertwined open treatment is small but always greater than
as to make a usable classification (with specific evi- with closed reduction.25 Delayed surgery, com-
dence-based treatment recommendations for each promised host, extended hospitalization, and
subtype) unachievable. Each of these variables has patients with multiple injuries are some of the
been reported by various authors and surgeons as factors known to increase the risk of infection.
meaningful in predicting condylar fracture outcome. 6. Risk of nerve injury: The risk of facial and
Hence, it is left to the clinician to evaluate each of trigeminal nerve injury may not be the same in
these variables and make an individual decision re- all cases. Prolonged traction on the operative
garding the best treatment for a given patient with a site, experience of the surgeon, postinjury
condylar fracture. The weight to be given to any of edema, and other factors causing difficult
these variables in making a clinical decision regarding wound access such as obesity might increase
the need for surgery must remain an empirical art. the risk of nerve injury.
These variables are as follows: 7. Risk for scarring: Patients have varied risk for
scarring based on race, age, and gender. Haug
1. Patient age: Growing patients are known to and Assael26 reported that the most significant
have altered outcomes when compared to difference between the surgical and nonsurgi-
adults after condylar fracture. Lindahl and Hol- cal patient on postoperative self-assessment by
lender,21,22 in a series of articles, showed that the patient was the perception of scarring.
children up to age 11 underwent considerable 8. Risk for chronic pain: Investigations into
more adaptation and remodeling than teenag- chronic pain indicate that risk factors exist for
ers or adults. Understanding the effect of treat- those patients who might be at higher risk for
ment in elderly patients has remained empiri- chronic pain. An emerging trend in the com-
cal. parison of open and closed reduction patients
2. Patient gender: Females may sustain more is the contention that fewer open reduction
functional derangement after condylar frac- patients present with chronic pain in the in-
tures, and this effect may not be altered by the jured condyle. In one of the best long-term
mode of treatment. Idiopathic condylar resorp- studies, Umstadt et al27 used the Helkimo index
tion, disc displacement with symptoms, and to determine that the open reduction group
arthralgia are all more common in females. showed superior pain-free activity of the in-
3. Systemic diseases: Osteoporosis, osteopetro- jured site at an average of nearly 4 years after
sis, diabetes mellitus, other endocrine disor- treatment. The incidence of chronic pain was
ders, renal failure, alcoholism, drug and to- small in both groups, however.
bacco use, and other systemic conditions too 9. Comminution: Comminution of the condylar
numerous to mention are know to affect frac- head or neck can make the achievement of
ture treatment outcome. Risk of ankylosis after stable internal fixation problematic and might
treatment may also be increased with an assort- increase the risk of ankylosis after surgical man-
ment of genetic and disease acquired influ- agement. Assessment of condylar fractures
ences. The presence of a particular systemic with computed tomography has improved the
disease might mitigate toward or away from preoperative assessment of comminution. The
treatment with open reduction. risk of fixation failure in such cases might also
4. Patient compliance: Since Walker23 de- increase the risk of infection.28
scribed the techniques for functional rehabili- 10. Hemarthrosis: Hemarthrosis is probably a
tation after condylar fracture, the issue of pa- universal finding in condylar fractures, but it
tient compliance to obtain favorable treatment can achieve clinical significance in selected
outcome has been well known. Poor patient cases where the condyle is inferiorly displaced

by the accumulation of blood or where the clot tients, especially those with a high mandibular
organizes and results in fibroankylosis. Piper plane angle, are more prone to open bite and
and Chuong29 were the first to report arthro- further retrognathia after closed treatment.
scopic intervention for lavage in association 18. Other dental function and occlusion con-
with open reduction, but this has not become siderations: The depth of occlusal contacts in
routine in subsequent large case series. maximum intercuspation, and working/balanc-
11. Disc injury: Open reduction does not address ing occlusal contacts are known to play a role
the function of the disc or other articulating in the functional dental outcome of treatment.
ligaments of the joint. In separate reports, both The ability to achieve maximum intercuspation
Choi et al30 and Neff et al31 found that about during the postinjury examination is more of-
20% of open reduction patients have functional ten a result of the status of the dentition than
displacement of the disc on postoperative MRI. the anatomic exigencies of the fracture. For
The clinical importance of these findings in example, a patient with a very flat occlusal
open reduction patients compared with closed plane will easily show an open bite and occlu-
reduction patients remains to be completely sal interferences during function. These may
explored. be very difficult to manage with closed reduc-
12. Osteoarthrosis and bone resorption: Exter- tion, whereas imprecise open reduction might
nal auditory canal or penetrating wound, com- create similar problems. Findings on lateral ex-
pound fracture, systemic predilection, and loss cursion and protrusion and interincisal open-
of perfusion to the proximal segment are ing in the postinjury evaluation might offer
known to cause late arthritides. Iizuka et al32 clues as to the best methods of treatment and
reported the universal finding of osteoarthrosis rehabilitation
in all joints treated with open reduction in 13 19. Location of condylar fracture (low, me-
cases at 18 months after treatment. The prob-
dium, high) and displacement of proximal
lem was of clinical significance in only 1 pa-
(condylar) segment: Very low fractures in
tient, however.
patients with good dentition are known to of-
13. Associated mandible fractures: Associated
ten nicely self-reduce after closed reduction,
mandible fractures, particularly those of the
whereas fractures of the condylar neck often
symphysis, may cause flaring malposition of
cause loss of vertical dimension with anterior,
the distal segment when treated closed. Open
medial, and inferior displacement of the con-
reduction of both fractures is often needed to
dylar head.
obtain functional anatomic position.
14. Associated midface fractures: Restoration of 20. Clenching and bruxism: The presence of
the dimensions of the face in panfacial frac- clenching and bruxism will have a profound
tures requires the correction of posterior facial impact on treatment outcome regardless of
height and projection. Open reduction of con- method selected. In the open reduction pa-
dyle fractures is indicated in such cases.33 tient, the risk of fixation failure is increased.
15. Associated cranial base fracture: Displace- The wear on the occlusal surfaces of teeth
ment of the condyle into the middle cranial makes maintenance of the occlusion problem-
fossa is considered a good indication for open atic when closed reduction is selected.
reduction in patients whose overall status per- 21. Functionally shortened ramus: A function-
mits surgical treatment.34 ally shortened ramus differs from anatomic
16. Edentulism, partial or full: Although status shortening. The anatomically shortened ramus
of the dentition is known to be an essential is measurable on radiograph or clinically indi-
component of condyle fracture outcome, little cated a decreased distance from condyle to
has been done to comparatively assess out- gonion. Because of the slope of the articular
comes based on the status of the dentition. eminence as well as the functional adaptability
Empirically it is known that the posterior den- of the associated structures, many such pa-
tition plays a role in maintenance of ramus tients do not exhibit functional derangements
height, so that patients without “posterior oc- in mastication or occlusion, such as a function-
clusal stops” lose greater ramus height. Balanc- ally shortened ramus. Patients with functional
ing side interferences during excursion away derangements due to a shortened ramus have
from the side of fracture may result in greater an important indication for open reduction.
occlusal trauma when there is a partial loss of Findings of ipsilateral persistent occlusal pre-
dentition. maturity, inability to achieve maximum inter-
17. Dentofacial classification: Angle Class II pa- cuspation, and inability to achieve contralateral

occlusal working side contacts are some find- considerable burden for the patients who undergo
ings indicating a functionally shortened ramus. open reduction and internal fixation of condylar frac-
22. Patient expectations: The patient’s assess- tures. Those problems must be balanced against the
ment of the benefits, risks, and alternatives of advantages that can only be obtained with surgical
proposed therapy might differ from the sur- treatment.
geon’s perspective. Informing the patient to Assessment of factors peculiar to the individual
the best extent that circumstances allow will case must be made to determine the mode of therapy
have a better chance of producing an outcome most likely to produce a favorable outcome. The mix-
that will meet the patient’s desires. ture and relative role of each of these factors are
23. Ability of the surgeon: Experienced sur- evaluated individually by each surgeon for each pa-
geons who undergo objective training and eval- tient. Hence, treatment selection for mandible con-
uation are more able to successfully perform dyle fractures remains an evidence-based art.
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