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Ban the Smoking: It’s Bad for Everyone
Second-Hand Smoking
Now that America is no longer dependent on tobacco production as a means to sustain
its economy, the industry and culture surrounding it should be heavily controlled. Now that
fewer people are smoking cigarettes, because of the well-documented health concerns related to
its use, more cities and districts are cracking down on smoking in public places – and rightfully
so. Smoking in public places should not only be banned, it should come with heavy penalties,
such as outlandish fines, criminal charges and, if possible, public beatings. Due to the health
problems associated with smoking cigarettes, due to smoking being a fire hazard and offensive to
non-smokers, smoking in public places should never go under the radar. It should be banned on a
national scale.
Smoking cigarettes, cigars or pipes in public places should be banned because it’s
offensive to the non-smokers who have to endure the smoke, (the butts, the mess and the smell.)
Consider the typical public place – a market door entrance, a park bench, an elevator. People
come to these places for peace and quiet, for necessity, to get to work, (so they should not be
required to breathe another person’s poisonous tobacco fumes.) Everyone knows that second-
hand smoke is just as, if not more, (dangerous than directly inhaling the smoke.) Why should a
health-conscious, everyday person have to be penalized for another’s bad decision? It just isn’t
right – so smoking in public places should be banned altogether. It’s also (disgusting to smell
cigarette smoke – even worse when it’s on your clothes.) The American government has yet to
criminalize the use of all tobacco products, mostly because of billion-dollar companies like
Phillip Morris, out of Richmond, Virginia, pays millions of dollars in taxes annually. But
(cigarettes are killing everyday Americans, costing them too much in the long run.) They should
certainly be banned everywhere, not just in public places.
Smoking Is Not Fashionable Anymore!
Let’s ban smoking in public places because it gives young, impressionable adolescents
the wrong idea. (They see it and think it’s a normal, healthy, cool adult thing to do – something
they perhaps feel they’re supposed to do it as adults, maybe even as teens.) This is bad because
(they do not possess the foresight and self-preservation experience to avoid doing things that
could one day kill them.) By banning smoking in public places, fewer people will be seen
smoking and, subsequently, outcast from society. It will be the thing that those people do; they
will have to hide it. This is good because this mentality will condition smokers to perhaps give
up smoking, a good deterrent for sure because the same social and peer pressure that may have
encouraged them to begin smoking has gone the other way. Banning smoking in public places is
a wonderful idea and should be taken up by every single jurisdiction, municipality, city, hole-in-
the-wall town and county in the country.
In addition to smoking raising health concerns, banning public smoking altogether,
including indoors, (would surely cut down on fires – both in buildings and possibly in nature, as
well.) Just picture a waiter with five minutes for a smoke standing just outside a restaurant’s
kitchen in a rush to fill their nicotine cravings. The headwaiter calls their name and they flick the
cancer stick away – it’s not their problem, right? But it’s windy that night and the cigarette rolls
into the nearby trash. And, bam – a fire has begun. People could die. How about (banning
smoking anywhere a fire could start, any place that could endanger others?) This would cut down
immensely on building fires. [Innocent people wouldn’t have to die in fires, and their beloved
possessions would not be destroyed.] (Banning public smoking benefits everyone, including the
Let’s conclude this argument by going a step further. If we can already see how banning
public smoking would benefit our citizens – protecting their health, peace of mind, homes and
possessions – why stop there? “Let’s ban smoking tobacco products altogether!” “Let’s rid our
wonderful society of this evil poison, this killer of people, this addictive substance with no health
value whatsoever.” “Let’s make cigarettes so expensive to buy that few can afford them, and so
hard to find that they may as well be sold on the black market.” This should apply to those
vaporized smoking apparatuses, too. They are said to be a healthier alternative to smoking filter
tobacco products, but they are just offensive to be around.
Smoking in public should be banned
Nowadays, people are normalizing smoking in the public area. Smoking has become a
major problem, especially in crowded places. Some people are addicted to smoking and therefore
cannot be separated from non-smokers. The problem is that there is a conflict between smokers
enjoying cigarettes in areas where non-smokers live. Although people continue to debate the pros
and cons of the smoking issue, the truth is that in the case of smoking in public areas, the ban is
the most appropriate and logical decision.
Imagine there have people smoking in a public area. Smoking can give harm to our
surrounding such as people will feel an unpleasant smell. In contrast, cigarettes contain a
chemical that can produce poisonous tobacco fumes. Smoking not only causes various health
problems for a person but also causes health problems for every non-smoker nearby. In fact, the
cigarette smoke will stick to the clothes. This why smoking in public areas should be banned.
Furthermore, smoking makes young and adolescents give them the wrong idea about
smoking. This is because they are easily influenced by adults and they do not know whether it is
a good habit or a bad habit especially when they think it is a normal, healthy, and cool thing
adults do. It is also becoming worse when they think they should smoke when they becoming
adults. We agree smoking should get banned because it gives young and adolescents more cons
than pros. At least, if adults want to smoke, they should smoke far away from youngsters so the
youngster does not get exposed to the smoke.
Moreover, smoking should be banned in public places including indoors. Smoking
indoors can cause arson that will affect others, so banning smoking is the right choice. It also can
cause deaths to people who reside in it. We agree that why should be banned. There should
provide a "Smoking Area", a closed area in a public place, located far away from crowds so they
can smoke as much as they like but at the same time, does not affect people surrounding.
In conclusion, smoking habits have a high risk not only to the smoker but also the surrounding
people, this is the major problem why smoking is bad and should not be taken lightly. Smoking
needs to stop so that we can protect our health not only for the adult but also for the younger
generation family and friends.

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