Hofstede Cross Culture

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Using Hofstede’s cross-cultural dimension framework (attached herewith), how would you describe
the culture of your present organization? Explain. Those who are not currently employed, using
Hofstede’s cultural dimension framework,  describe the culture of your previous organization?

The organization I work at is a startup company hence the rules and culture are slowly being build with
no written form till date. When comparing it with Hofstede’s five cross cultural dimension framework, it
can be described as below;

Power Distance

There exists no layer between the employee and the head of the company. Being a startup company
with a few numbers of employees, the employees can have a direct conversation with the head of the
company. The environment seems really comfortable with equal value provided to each member in the
company, to raise voice in case of problem or put forward their view points in discussion. All the
employees here feel connected with each other as well as the head of the company.


Each of the four employees’ working here have their unique quality of working and never cross each
other path in the work. Every one holds a different responsibility to be taken care of but are always
ready to work together when a project is at its deadline. One looks after the Automation training and
SCADA, PLC designing, one on hydropower site work, one on panel building and one the
Electromechanical consulting, hence there exist no dispute. As one hydropower project requires the
team effort of all, every member after accomplishing the task assigned to them go for the support of
other. The head of the organization is also available in case of need of help. He is always available to
motivate his employee to accomplish the task effectively and efficiently.


The company does not hold a fixed stereotype. As it is still learning from its experiences, when the
company is struggling to get a new project and there are other similar company fighting for the same
project than the company acts assertively and competitively. It pushes its employees to work in
overload. The employees tend to avoid to boss as they fear of getting extra work till late night. There
exists a rush to submit the ask on time. Most of the time employees get dissatisfied about how they get
pressurized to work fast and till late nights, although they know the deadline has not yet come. And
there exists cases when the same task is made to be done from start as the company’s head did not
guide on how to perform the task in the first place and the last submission did not get approval from his
side. The employees thus tend to get distracted form company’s goal and feel discontented on how
his/her work never get appreciated.

But on the other side, when are very few projects the head of the company gets modest and caring and
start appreciating the effort each employee put on their work. Discussion on the past mistakes and how
to improve performance is discussed in an open meeting.

Uncertainty Avoidance

Here exists no cultural structure for rules that establish structure to promote safety and efficiency. The
employees cannot make plans of every minute of day as they are uncertain when a project needs prior
attention. Every member waits for the task they will be assigned when the office starts except the
trainer who has a fix time of giving training.

Long-term Orientation

As the company is uncertain about the hydropower projects it can get in coming future and the number
of students for the training program, it is not definite about the long-term orientation. Although having
a long-term vision for the company, the market uncertainty has not made the company stable. The
employers respect the tradition, fulfill social obligation and avoids personal embarrassment but are
more focused on personal stability and observe customs such as reciprocating and gifts from the others.

Employees here, shows dedication towards their work and holds respect towards each other, have a
cooperative and interactive environment. The organizational culture is somehow put in shape by the
employees themselves rather then the company, as there are no written rules that needs to be
followed. The company follows a collaborative culture where each member works together to find
solutions to problems.

e. How is your OM Instructor contributing to the making of OM classroom culture and how is he being
impacted from it?

The OM Instructor, Mr. Madan Lal Pradhan, is contributing to the making of OM classroom culture in
following way;

1. There exists no layer in-between him and the students. He has made the power distance
zero. He keeps the discussion open, there is no room for hesitation in respect to clearing
2. Each of the students are given equal priority and their beliefs, values and thoughts are
respected during exchange of information. The students find themselves the part of the
group while holding their own unique thoughts and attributes. The joint effort each
students and the instructor contributes to make the group maintain the classroom
3. The instructor shows modest and caring behavior towards his students because of
which students find to hold helping nature towards each other and cooperate in
combined learning instead of having competitive behavior towards each other.
4. He keeps on identifying the way of making communication, engagement and
environment better for improved learning of students.
5. He keeps students motivated to share their ideas by applauding the students’ effort to
replying to his questions and exchanging their view point on discussion topic.
He is being impacted in the following way from the effective classroom culture;
1. It is helping him gain students trust for effective learning
2. The students are becoming more attentive and the classes are getting interactive
3. Students are realizing the expectation they are to fulfill and performance are getting
improved gradually
4. His motive of bringing positive change in attitude of students after studying this subject
is taking direction

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