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Artist Statement 12pts.

Reflect on these questions and write an Artist Statement about your growth over this term below.
Open this document in notability, type your answers and submit it to the assignment.
Use complete, thoughtful sentences, 4 paragraphs and 3-5 sentences per question.

Describe your growth as an artist this term...Compare where you started to where you are now.

Throughout this year, I’ve grown as an artist in many ways. I’ve learnt new techniques and experimented with new
styles. I messed up a lot, but I also learnt how to cover up my mistakes and move on. This class helped me gain the
self-confidence I needed to try out new styles and get out of my comfort zone a little. I plan on taking the techniques
I learned in this class with me and improving on them further.

What were your favorite takeaways from this class? Mediums...subject matter...skills, etc.

This class has taught me many new things. Some of the mediums I used in this class include temper, acrylic, and
watercolor. Out of all of them my favorite medium came to be water color, as I find it really relaxing to paint with. A
very useful takeaway from this class is how to add texture to my painting through using different types of
brushstrokes. I also learned how to add value and give my paintings the illusion of depth.

What were your goals this term? Did you reach them?

My goal entering this class was to learn basic painting techniques and gain the confidence to try out new styles on
my own. Before this class I found it very nerve wracking to try anything new, especially when it came to painting.
However, through this class I was able to experiment a lot and thanks to that I have some experience with different
meduiums and styles of painting. Now I am a little more confidence in trying new things and can’t wait to build on top
of my new skills.

What are your overall thoughts about your role as an artist and as an art appreciator?

This class has really helped me grow as an artist. Along with trying out new things I also learned basic terms
and concepts that fit in with any creative medium. Take for example the rule of thirrds, which I first heard
about in this classroom. I feel as though I can take the skills I learned in this class and apply them elsewhere
as well. I’ve also learned how to better appreciate and analyze art. As well as how to look at art from an artis’s
perspective and with a critical eye.

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