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Strategic Management

Federal Urdu University Arts Science and


Department Of Business Administration

Assignment 1
Course Instructor: MISS NEELUM
Submitted By: SAIMA SIRAJ
Seat No#1807191
Section: C (Evening)
Date of Submission: 14th of June 2021
Moral Relativism:
Moral relativism is the idea that there is no universal or absolute set of moral principles. ...
Societies make their moral choices based on their unique beliefs, customs, and practices. And,
in fact, people tend to believe that the “right” moral values are the values that exist in their own


 Although most people and cultures consider lying to be wrong, according to moral
relativism, lying is only wrong if the individual doing the lying feels that it is wrong.
 Some cultures eat pork while others prohibit it.

Types of Moral Relativism:

There are four types of Moral Relativism

Naïve Relativism:

It is based on the belief that all moral decisions are deeply personal and that individual have the
right to run their own lives. Each person should be allowed to interpret situations and act on
his/her own moral values.


Some people believe that abortion is wrong while others believe that a woman should have the
right to choose whether or not to continue a pregnancy.

Role Relativism:

It is based on the belief that social roles carry with them certain obligations to that role. A
manager in charge of a work unit must put aside his/her personal beliefs and do instead what
the role requires, that is, act in the best interest of the unit.


In Holland, Euthanasia is legal. It may be argued that if the legal system reflects the values of a
society then the majority of Dutch people must hold the view that it is morally right to end the life
of a terminally-ill person at their request. It is illegal in this country and if the law reflects what
people believe is right then most people in Britain believe that euthanasia is wrong.

Social Group Relativism:

It is based on the belief that morality is simply a matter of following the norms of individual’s
peer group.


Child Marriage in rural areas are morally acceptable while many of us condemn this practice
Cultural Relativism:

It is based on the belief that morality is relative to a particular culture, society or community.
People should understand the practices of other societies, but not judge them.


 A Muslim male may have more than one wife whereas Christians can only have one marriage
partner at a time.

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