Polyphase Lagmay

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i ANGELOU A- LAGMAY OSCKE 3-19 LEOLY PHASE PROBLEM 4: What ic the phase sequence of each oF the pollowing sets of voltage? @) Va = 208 one (ut 4 27°) Y) Va > 416d ws (wt = 18°) V Vy = 209 cos (ot +17) V Ny = Aled coe (wt - BS") Ve = 208 ws (ut #- BN Ve = 41GO eos (wt #107") . SOLUTION: [a] First, tonvert the using waveforms to phasors: Vg = 208 L275 Nye ws [=141°, Ve = WE L-93° Gubtvnck he piace angie. op TH a-plaee fam all phase angles: LNa = 27-27? =O LVip = 1418 = BRM DT? = [20° 0 ach ee eat Uae = ale Le] convert casines 4 phasors: Va > Mtuo 2-18? V, = WoL IB", Vez blvd Li2° CVn = 18° 18° = LN) = ~BgeH IE = “10” 6 abe ZV, = lor tue = (20° PROBLEM 2: Find thems value op To in Yue wnbaloneed three-phase circuit 2 tls jee tae BM mlov@® pane Latn jl jie gp te up Lbs €} SOLMTION = Rge A Vat Ba # 4Ot sw go FU +2, = Wt HOw 24 Thy the ~ wt yw Vy 7 TIO ' Vu = 240 £120" Var 240 C70" yw 20 wort MHy3? 40 ty Saving Vn yidde: Vp = a2ad LIS -22°V (rd) ee ea io ‘Scanned with CamScanner CARL ANGE LOA UG MAY PROBLEM 3: The impedance 2 in the balanced Fhece ~phace civemit 16 10a, Find: @) Tyg ,Tyejomd Tem 5) Ton sTunsend Tee, j Tin ,Tue, ahd Ta, 5 OLUTION: ~ mode _ > . . GI Ty, = aya 10-6 296.6174 (rae) [eT Tha ?Tay = 00.6 L30-t1°A (ome) Ly HT = : ° Lug = 1G WHA A Onc) Ty = Tec eee ST A(rmac) = = 6 LB" Leg = lore L844 Cems) Tagg * Tea = (08 626-894 Come) Ce) Tay > NB 1-40" Typ = 182-4 LOL £1" ACyms Typ = 182-4 2-73.15 Crms) Teg = 192.9 2-83.04 Corns) Prove m 4: A three-phace line lamhar on impedance of O14 j0-8 mfg The line peed wo Inalanced thee ~phace loads wynected in pamllel The first load is abgorbin a Mal op GOH and abcorbing {UD [EVAR magnetging vars. The cond lead Is Ye emnccted and hac an impedance op 1.96 ~[ 4-48 af - The linet nentral waltage at Hoe Goad end op the Une is HODON . What iy the huaguithade op thee Ling Veltege at $< Comree end op Hu line ? SOLUTION |, la JObw 4 1S ha 5, Vea zoe) a Lory Youoyt = (x10 4j240) 107 “fd dba “ { SH. BP AED =90-54j70AGms) vi | Tye SU-S- FTP Cras Tas Cm it LAO + GD A (rms Iex, | © Ta? TA The phase sequence OF the Y-tonnected generntoy in 75-7913 LBC, 2) Find pha angler , and O, V) Find magnet de of the lint walt. ©) Find yhe Line ured £ ‘Scanned with CamScanner a) For an APL pha ceqrenct B= -I20" and 0, = 120" b) EL Eg = (8) (Io) = a06V © Cap? Gree Een ~206V O Nye by © Nan=Ew Ven =Eoy Ven = Few = Mov to® Veo 2 THA e581" Bade Tabet" 2 ROVE Acta? © 5013.1 = Ne Nov “10” Tet = LIA L667? Jen Sa fBE° . Turley Do Ty etn e ALB D! pp = lon = 14 LM Be Tog = Ty = UA Luu i . stom PROBLEM 7: forthe three-phase smtthe in Ty. WIT: A) Find We phar angles 8, and 0, U) Find toe warent in cel pact op He end O Fad Hee eagitade of the Unt cores. ‘Scanned with CamScanner FARL RNGELOMU hk - LLG WAhy | SoLTION : u @) For om ABL tequenet 8, =o” ana 0, = 10 YQ Wee © Vab= Eas Neg = Bea Vibe = Bee Phase curred cy Te Nab woyZo® _ WON 20" Lica Lp. Rb oa ee | bv LBS The = Me , : Ty. = Nee 2 IOOWERO ica cm. 2 7 be WA L-13-3 Ti. > New - WOVLIDO apy Looe? a (On L183" 2) Ty > ity ~ (193)¢ Ig) = WA © a= Typ ete = wk PROBE b= S- A Gps tn Fig? to: a) 0, and Oy b) Garvant in DY eyed tn Fig. 23-21; @) Valtege Aecvert enh planet W) ragaihade sp the line vane SOLUTION: | 9 °T,-L | On ec nop Ton = Jy, = 2 Hn0° To, >, = cleo? ‘Scanned with CamScanner ARAL ANGELOU Be AG MEY J Phure wiltage = Plan = Tantan © (14 £0") (ln es9-b") =v L555" =k Lho')( 10a 1-9-1) =OvEIB-P? Vom “Tyatha ) V6 Go-£7" Ven = Tendon = (2A LI0°) (f0-0 £08" B) ELe Muy = (a )(W0V) = BIE ©) Wee Gans Bese Fie = HOY Yotonnecked Load in Fig, 849 Problem to : _ 4) power tr each ghact aud tou spel Lead. reactive pores ; aoe the active ‘ower Fe gach pluse nnd the phat a sth thal apparent power 3) dgpacecnt pret (yoo)(3) = "oow ov Py=Tg Me @ i ) Pow taco | ow Ip om (ah hoo! Pr -zeoow OM Fy> 1h, Om .o6 PES © Cota gig Pre BP y= 3( houw) +3600 W | 1B) Base AVAL BEA cTIVE Powe Qy = Vy Tysin ost = (DOV) (20) singz. p= (zo00)(o-8) = 1400 VAR Are 3Qy = 7(led0 VAR) = Gero vAR O) AMARENT power | Sp = Vp Tg = (lov) loot) = 2o00vA Sp 2 My Vy = %(2000VA) = 6 500VA ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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