Power Factor Lagmay

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CARL ANGEUW Ae LAGAAT SURE JD | wey power FAcTDR —— peop I. & 137KV line qhree-phase system deli pmey Factor 70:1 lagging. Deering te pact. Sol'w? Oy os 0-7 eur? iF? = GQMVAR Qt $, sin®y =10-7 sind £2 = |u-01 MA > livers 70.7 MVA oF a balanced Acta toad op reactance nececary To attain tity power Qphare ? “F y- BS _ Cs2,0007* Qpase ~ Ter xto* X= lds. 234 power Factor lagging. Silve +0 ae\ 2. phase inductive trad fakes SOLVE at 0-U0 jor vequired to inaproye, The power factor PROBLEM 2: A cingle — for the KYA op a capac Sol'n: , e~ s~' 0-60 =53.13° Q, = SytanO, 250 sin ae Q = dv kvar PROBLEM 32> A single -plase (oad en 220 V takes SUN at 0-6 lagging panler Fact. Find ‘Shee 5 fhe [var gee capacthr, veqedpet which maybe unnectd inparaliel with hic morfoy fa bring the recultewt peer factor +h 1-0. Colm: Bye eT Oud = 99-1" Q, = Redan By 7 Stan 98 Q, = 4G. G7 kvAr i Warhoy operates AT an epricveny What capatitance saoald be PRopLeM 4: A Shp, IOV, 404, , single Phase induchi feeder cupplying Tic mator and power packer of 0-8) and O-§ rapecvely, connected across fhe motor in ovder tor fhe to operate at wnity power Factor? ot FCN) = faze. (row 0-88 6 Sol'm = n B= ws! 0-8 = Fb. hoa® ‘Scanned with CamScanner NW Que Prtan ®, = 423-036 frm 36. BUT? ~ 21 #7 VAR y, > wt ewe oe ing eB | Tah, a CON C= IY -WAF Sy = SB Rating aff (25) ~ 130 kVA Qy= VS Py af Bo? - 1 = 50 kNOe Oe woe | Of 36-861 Q, = Petan = 1204an 36-664" Qc 2 AWVAR Qe = Qe av = 40-50 Qe r Gevae he onshrney op CEPALCO are +wo singh phase franspormers ted V oy opin delin friceve a t-phase load op (20 Proprems * luctalled in owe oF the tronspormert, celermine He tir] tach rakd IEMA are anne LW at 0-6 lagging - To prevent He overloading OF of the eapaciter in EVAR. ppoelyrt G2 Thee Frans pormert cach wad tated OOLVA. ave conncated delta. supplying Load tf WOM at 0-8 lagging One op he transporwers istnken for repair and the rest are anwecked "pon dein. Wht WAR (sinimanm) IF Capacity must be conwedked with the load ne He load a ee remaining pons foresee wil be ACA of Yoeir combived vated cnpacitiet Sal's Sy = (0-48) WA (Rating) Q, = [eotan Ho. Cet® 2 (0-45) 6B)(1) Q, = (oLvar 2 164-54 VA Sie US & ~ Q-@v Q, = MNP = (20-34-35 > [leysd— [eo Qe = Ml Gu evar Qy = 39-385 LVAR B= as ot a? 50. joa" ‘Scanned with CamScanner Soar Wale aR GRY — people 7 : Thee-single phase fnsportn ff tach rated 1S VA are banked In alta and cupylythg 0 3 Phare Joad A rawive \WeO IVA at O-f lagging per factor - Ir one vans former ic vemeved for repaid, Sve For Hu wiini naam amount In KVAR op for needed fr prevent ouer loading op te Feucaining unde. A Capact Sol'n= -t Sg ating) ar orl 9) OB, = 36-604 Sys 30 kw Pptan Oy | | re SPE, (2¢-4an 36- $64 * | = [co(0-8) A EVAR i Pye Ie kw Q ~ey aw “neue 13. DB AVAR a Qy al Why pa = [1307-129 Qy = 712.715 WAR francgormner each rake [ro LYA are vonnzofed open deta aan chion ter vated LDAP 0-7 pf and 80" efficiency. jn WAR. op a capacitor inseded te prevent over loot Prose ©: Twa single-phase Supplying & three-phase i Determine Hore wainimurn sire fhe franspor etre. Sol'n: 2 og OT Q> Rian B eo 2 4. 57° 2 13. (Utan HO” . Su = 3 (Resting) Qy = 177. BE EVAR > Ja( VO) Qe7 A-&y Sy = 164.8 WA 2 TIGRE ~ NOR Pye Past 2 3. 167 WAR n = p00 (0-14) OF Py 233.12 auf -W 259.8 13.10 Qy = NY. 668 LAR ‘Scanned with CamScanner PROBLEM 4: Twe Sivgle-plmse trans pormerc ane each raid IC KVA are annected inV ay oper delta fo carve & S-phase load og (20 bw at OBU poner Froky lagging - Determine cine TH LVM op TL capacitor needed 4. prevent yuer Uendicg of The “anc pormert Gilns 6 Qer Qe By = F4-TCVAR PROBLEM 10: Aplaut hac alond of 2N0 Vilewatt with om avernse peer tack’ op 10s The fhe owner's requests ya t comet Hu power packer fo nda ite ponev consiamption- Pw much capauihy Wve Te tequiced fo increace fhe peer geobor sh AN? Gla: B= ws 0-7 9, < WANT? O, = wos 0-4 6, > 15-44 Ge? > Pytand, Py tan 2 Wbspon{C 51" Wd tan 16-64 Qe = (SE BV WAR ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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