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Prediction of Ambulatory Performance Based on Motor Scores

Derived From Standards of the American Spinal Injury
Robert L. Waters, MD, Rodney Adkins, PhD, Joy Yakura, RPT, Daniel Vigil, MD

ABSTRACT. Waters RL, Adkins R, Yakura J, Vigil D. Prediction of ambulatory performance based on
motor scores derived from standards of the American Spinal Injury Association. Arch Phys Med Rehabil
l Assessment of strength using motor scores derived from the standards of the American Spinal Injury Association
(ASIA) was compared with assessment using motor scores based on biomechanical aspects of walking in the
prediction of ambulatory performance. Measurements of strength, gait performance, and the energy expenditure
were performed in 36 spinal cord injured patients. The ASIA scoring system compared favorably with the
biomechanical scoring system. The ASIA score strongly correlated with the percent increase in the rate of 0,
consumption above normal (p < .0005), O2 cost per meter @ < .0006), peak axial load exerted by the arms on
crutches @ < .OOOl), velocity @ < .OOOl), and cadence @ < .OOOl). Patients with lower extremity ASIA scores
s 20 were limited ambulators with slower average velocities at higher heart rates, greater energy expenditure,
and greater peak axial load exerted on assistive devices than patients with lower extremity ASIA scores 2 30
who were community ambulators. We conclude the ASIA motor score is a simple clinical measure that strongly
correlates with walking ability.
0 1994 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and

Determining the potential for ambulation is one of the from a biomechanical perspective, provides near normal sub-
most important evaluations a clinician must make in caring stitution for ankle/foot paralysis with only a minimal in-
for a patient with spinal cord injury (XI). A patient’s level crease in energy expenditure.
of injury, conditioning. motivation, and severity of paralysis Recently the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA)
all contribute to ambulatory potential.lm5 Previous investiga- motor scoring system” has become accepted as the intema-
tors have measured physiological parameters such as heart tional standard for reporting muscle strength and gauging
rate, respiratory rate, and oxygen consumption in SC1 pa- paralysis after SCI. The ASIA lower extremity muscle score
tients to describe their increased energy expenditure during (LEMS) is derived from manual muscle testing of five lower
walking.‘~5~q extremity muscle groups representing each neurological
In a 1989 study.“’ we found that patients with progres- level from L2 to S 1. However, only two muscle groups are
sively increasing degrees of lower extremity paralysis mea- common to both the AMI and LEMS. This study determines
sured by the Ambulatory Motor Index (AMI) increasingly the correlation of the LEMS to gait performance and energy
substituted for the loss of lower extremity muscle function expenditure and, in this regard, compare its effectiveness
by exerting greater upper extremity exertion on crutches and with the AMI. Although the AM1 has been shown to be an
slowing the gait velocity. The magnitude of upper extremity effective predictor of ambulatory performance, the impor-
exertion was proportional to the increase in physiological tance of using uniform standards is well recognized.” Vali-
energy expenditure in comparison to normal walking. dation of the use of ASIA standards in prognostication of
The AM1 is derived from manual muscle testing of five ambulation status is an important step in promoting the wider
lower extremity muscles about the hip and knee that are use and acceptance of these standards and fostering more
important in the gait cycle from a biomechanical perspec- reliable communication among investigators and clinicians.
tive.“’ Muscle groups about the ankle are not represented in
the AMI because prescription of an appropriate orthosis, SUBJECTS

From the Reg~unal Spinal Cord Injury Care System of Soulhun Culltornia. Rancho
Loa Amigor Mcd~cal Cener. Do%nq. CA. Subjects
Submmed for publxxmn November 73. lY93. Acccptcd in revised fkni Februnry
II. 1994. Thirty-six SCI patients (30 men, 6 women) were studied.
Funded in part by the Natiunnl In4tutr of Disablhty Rehahilitarmn Rcsurch. Field
The average age was 29.0 ? IO. 1 years, height 1.72
Initiated Rexarch gram, Go()XJZSO?8 and H I33G9OI IS
No commercial party having a direct hnancnl intewt in the rewIt\ 01 tho research -C O.lOm. and weight 66.1 5 11.3kg. The average interval
wpponing thk article ha\ or will confer 3 hrnetit upon Ihe author\ or upon any between SC1 and testing was 0.5 ? 0.7 years. Each patient
organirarion with whxh the author\ are aaociated.
Reprint request\ to Roben L. Water\, MD. Clinical Professor of Oflhoprdlc Sur-
had completed a gait training program and was able to walk
gery. UnlverGty of Southern Calitbrmn. Ranch0 Lo\ Amigos Medical Center HB- independently for 5 minutes.
I 17. 7601 E. Imperial Hlghwuy. Downey. CA 90242. Twelve patients were tetraparetic (incomplete cord le-
c 1994 by the American Conpre\\ r,f Rehabilitation Medicine and the American
Academy ol Phyknl Medicine and Rehnhilitation
sions) with sufficient preserved motor strength in the lower
0~X~3~9993/94/7507-00?5$2.oll) limbs to ambulate. Of the remaining 24 patients, four were

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol75, July 1994


paraplegic (complete cord lesions), and 20 had motor incom- value for normal walking enables determination of gait efti-
plete paraplegia or were paraparetic (incomplete cord Ie- ciency or the O1 rate increase (percent). This is the percent
<ions). Each patient’s trunk extension strength was sufficient increase in the SC1 patient’s rate versus an able-bodied indi-
to allow independent sitting without the use of arms for vidual’s rate of V&/min at comparable speeds.
support. With regard to the 0, rate increase. the relationship be-
The orthotic prescription followed standard clinical prac- tween VO: and speed during normal walking can be defined
tices and was primarily based on the strength of the quadri- according to the equation
ceps. When quadriceps strength was less than 4/S, a knee-
ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) was prescribed with the knee Vti, = 2.6 + (.129 > V)
locked in extension. Patients wore an ankle-foot orthosis
(AFO) if necessary. Indications for the use of an AFO in- where V@ equals the rate of oxygen consumption per min-
cluded weakness in the ankle plantarflexors or dorsiflexors. ute and V equals the walking speed. To control for differ-
Thirty-four patients used a reciprocating gait pattern, and ences in walking speeds among patients and able-bodied
two patients used a swing-through gait pattern. subjects, the velocity-adjusted value for the normal rate of
V@/min was subtracted from the patient’s rate of V& and
expressed as a percentage of the normal value according to
Manual Muscle Testing
the equation
Manual muscle testing was performed for all lower ex-
tremity muscle groups in the study previously reported in (Vi), Patient -- Vo, Normal)
0, rate increase = 100 X --
which the AMI was found to strongly correlate with gait
VC& Normal
performance and energy expenditure. It was possible to de-
rive the ASIA LEMS score from the original data and corre-
late it to gait performance and energy expenditure.
Peak Axial Load
Manual muscle testing using the standard six-grade scale:
absent = 0; trace = visible or palpable contraction = l/5; Preceding outdoor energy expenditure measurement, in-
poor = active movement through range of motion with grav- door gait analysis was performed along a 6-meter walkway
ity eliminated = 2/S; fair = active movement through range to determine the peak force exerted by the subject’s arms on
of motion against gravity = 3/5: good = active movement adjustable. instrumented upper extremity assistive devices.
through range of motion against gravity and resistance = 4/ Patients were tested with the type of device (cane, crutch,
5: and normal = 51.5. or walker) they normally used. For the swing-through gait
ASIA uses the six-grade grading for tive key muscles pattern, in which both assistive devices make floor contact
representing each neurological segment between L2 and S I simultaneously, the sum of the longitudinal forces exerted
(hip flexion = 1-7. knee extension = L3. ankle dorsiflexion on the right and left devices was calculated and averaged
= 1~4. great toe extension = L5, and ankle plantarflexion over the recorded cycles. For the reciprocating gait pattern.
.- S 1). The maximal LEMS obtained from the bilateral sum the sum of the longitudinal forces exerted on the right and
of muscle grades is SO points. left assistive devices was divided by two to calculate the
In contrast. the AM1 is calculated based on key muscles average maxima1 peak axial load (PAL,) on each assistive
about the hip and knee (hip flexion, hip extension, hip abduc- device during the gait cycle. Both values were expressed as
tion. knee extension, and knee flexion). Grades l/5 and 215 a percentage of the patient’s body weight.
as well as grade 4/S and 5/S are combined into single muscle
grades as follows: 0 = 0. l/S or 215 = I, 3/S = 2. 45 or 51 Data Analysis
5 = 3. The maximum bilateral AMI score is 30 points.
Regression analysis was used to determine the relation-
ships between LEMS and velocity (V) cadence, 0: rate
Energy Measurement increase, O7 cost, and the PAL.
Energy expenditure testing was conducted on a level An examination of the data distributions associated with
outdoor track and has previously been described in de- the regression analyses indicated that the means of various
tail,“.’ I I’ I” The subjects wore their customary shoes and or-
subgroups of the data, partitioned by the degree of neurologi-
(hoses and were instructed to walk until they were fatigued cal impairment, extended in logical patterns along the lines
or for a maximum of 20 minutes. Expired air was analyzed or curves which defined the relationships between both the
for physiological data using a lightweight ( I .Skg) air collec- LEMS and AMI. Furthermore, certain of these means ap-
tion system harnessed to the subject’s shoulders and heart peared to cluster either below an LE,MS score 120 (AMI
rate. respiratory rate. and cadence were monitored and trans- score below 5 12). or above an LEMS score of 30 (AMI
mitted using a portable FM radiotelemetry system.q score 2 18). with an area between a.n LEMS score of 20
Energy expenditure during walking was, expressed by and 30 showing different cluster patterns depending on the
three different parameters. The rate of VOJmin (mL/kg measure (eg. velocity vs O? rate increase). Because of this
< min) indicates the power requirement. The 0: cost per we decided to examine the data according to these apparent
meter (mL/kg i: m) is the amount of oxygen needed to thresholds: less than or equal to a LEMS of 20 points; LEMS
walk a unit distance and indicates physiological work. A of 21 to 29 points; and LEMS greater than or equal to 30
comparison of O! cost per meter of a patient to the average points.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol75, July 1994


r .
d- E

Fig l-The relationship between the ASIA LEMS and gait ASIA-LEMS
velocity is defined by the equation, V = 17.2 + LEMS (solid
line). This equation is similar to the data fit previously reported Fig 3-The relationship between the ASIA LEMS and 0, rate
using the AMI defined by the equation, V = 8.6 + 0.62 x AMI increase is defined by the equation, O2 rate increase = 207
(dotted line).” ~ 4.4 x LEMS (solid line). This equation is similar to the data
fit previously reported using the AM1 defined by the equation
O2 rate increase = 257.5 - 2.82 x AM1 (dotted line).”
Gait Characteristics a significant (r = .56,/> < .OOOl ) linear relationship between
Both gait velocity and cadence were previously found to the LEMS and O2 rate increase characterized by the equation
vary directly with the AMI and the same relationship was 0: rate increase = 207 ~ (4.4 x LEMS)
observed with the LEMS (figs 1 and 2). There was a strong
(r = 0.64. p < .OOOl) linear relationship described by the where 0, rate increase is the percent increase in the rate of
equation V@/min in comparison to the value for an able-bodied sub-
ject walking at the same speed (fig 3).
V = 17.2 + LEMS The 0: cost per meter was also significantly (r = .5S, p
where V is in meters per minute. < .0006) related to the LEMS (fig 4). This relationship was
Similarly, a strong (I‘ = 0.75. p < .OOOl) linear relation- best defined by the equation
ship between the LEMS and cadence was seen. as follows: 0, cost = 0.99 - (0.02 x LEMS)
C = 35.2 + (1.47 x LEMS) The previous equations regarding energy expenditure are
where cadence is in steps per minute. graphed in figures 3 and 4 along with equations previously
The above equations are graphed in figs 1 and 2 along derived from the AMI.
with equations previously derived using the AMI.
Peak Axial Load
Energy Expenditure There was a strong (1. = .80, p < .OOOl) relationship
To control for V. the O? rate increase was determined between the PAL and the AMI, which was defined as fol-
according to the methods discussed previously. There was lows:
PAL = (7.27 - (0.14 x LEMS)]’

5 15 45 5b

Fig 2-The relationship between the ASIA LEMS and cadence Fig 4-The relationship between the ASIA LEMS and 0, cost
is defined by the equation, C = 35.2 + 1.47 x LEMS (solid is defined by the equation, Oz cost = 0.99 ~ 0.02 x LEMS
line). This equation is similar to the data fit previously reported (solid line). This equation is similar to the data fit previously
using the AM1 defined by the equation, C = 36.2 + 0.70 reported using the AM1 defined by the equation, 0, cost = 1.39
x AM1 (dotted line).” - (0.027 X AMI) + (0.00015 X AMI’) (dotted line).”

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol75, July 1994


Table 1: Correlation Coefficient (r) LEMS Versus AMI

I ,EMS r .4’M1*r
--____._~-- ___
VdWllj 0.6-l 0.75
Cadcncr 0.: 0.73
% 0, rate II~CIP;I~C 0.5(1 O.hX
0, Coat 0.55 0.77
Peak il\lill load 0.x0 0.73
-. _~_______
.: W;,,& 1

value of the correlation coefticient, I’. tabulated in table I.

Slightly higher values were obtained fl.>rthe LEMS than fol
previously reported values using the AMI for the equations
Fig 5-The relationship between the LEMS and the PAL is derived for the PAL (0.80 versus 0.73 I .md cadence (0.75
defined by the equation. PAL = 7.27 - 0.14 x LEMS’ (solid
versus 0.73). Although the correlation cotbfticient was lower
line). This equation is similar to the data fit previously reported
for the LEMS than for the AMI regarding the equations
using the AMI defined by the equation, PAL = 82.75 - (1.72
* AMI) i (0.009 “: AMI? (dotted line).” describing velocity (0.64 vs 0.75). %mO1rate increase (0.56
vs 0.68) and 0: cost (0.55 vs 0.77).

Mhere PAL is expressed as a percent of total body weight. Ambulatory Motor Index Thresholds
This equation, based on the LEMS. and the equation previously Patients were divided in three group\ according to the
reported derived from the LEMS. are depicted in figure 5. LEMS: group I. 520 points: group 2. 21-29 points; and
group 3. 230 points. There were highly statistically signiii-
LEMS Versus ,4MI cant differences in the parameters of gait performance and
energy expenditure between groups. The\e data are summa-
A comparison of the LEMS to the AMI showed an ex-
rized in table 2. All patients in group -3 achieved community
tremely robust (I’ = 0.93.11 < .OOOl) linear relationship (fig
ambulation status. All patient\ in group I were household
6). This relationship is described by the equation

LEMS = (0.96 x AMI) - 0.90 DISCUSSION

The ASIA L,EMS closely correlates with the parameters of
Hecauae ot‘ the extremely close relationship between the
gait performance (velocity and cadence 1. energy expenditure
LEMS and AMI. it is not surprising that the equations relat-
(rate of O2 uptake. heart rate. 0, cost). and the peak axial
ing muscle paralysis to gait velocity, cadence, rate of energq
load exerted by the arms on crutches. The quality of data fit
expenditure. oxygen cost. and peak axial load on crutches
using the LEMS as determined by the calculation of the
using either the LEMS or AMI as the dependent variable
correlation coefticient, j’, was approximately the same as
are quite similar. The equations based on the LEMS and the
using the AMI.
AMI are graphed in tigures I-S. A comparison of the quality
Although only two muscle groups arz <ommon to both
of data tit using the LEMS and AMI can be judged by the
the LEMS and AMI (hip flexion and knt*e extension) the
reason for the excellent correlation u\inp either the LEMS
and AMI as the dependent variable in relation to the parame-
ters of gait performance and energy expenditure is that both
systems represent similar neurological segnlents of the spinal
cord. The muscle groups unique to the .\Ml are the hip
extensors (S I. S7). hip abductors (S I, S:! 1. and hnee tlexorx

Table 2: ASIA Lower Extremity Motor Score

(Mean in 1 SD)

Fig h--The was a very strong linear relationship (r = 0.93. p

‘c .OOOl) between the LEMS and AMI. This relationship is
defined by the equation LEMS = (0.96 x AMI) ~~ 0.90 (solid

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 75, July 1994


(L4. L5, Sl). The ankle dorsiflexors (L4), great toe extensors capability for determining ambulatory potential in SC1 pa-
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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol75, July 1994

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