History Midterm Test F2s-08

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1. This paper consist sections A, B and C.
2. Answer all questions in sections A and B. And any two (2) from section C.
3. Write your name in every sheet of your answers.
4. Observe cleaners and Eligible hand writing as well as relevant examples.


Answer all questions in this section.

1. Choose the best answer
(i) History teaches us about why and how people acted upon ___________
A. Land
B. People

C. Environment
D. Vegetation

(ii) Man smelted iron in order to make _____________

A. Arrow
B. Hoes
C. Ornaments
D. Tools

(iii) People started to live together in community as the permanent settlement when they practiced
A. Agriculture
B. Hunting
C. Harvesting
D. Fishing

(iv) The brain size of Homo Sapien is about ________

A. 1400 CC
B. 1500 CC
C. 450 CC
D. 950 CC

(v) ____________ was the system by which the basic means of life was owned and shared
A. Family
B. Communalism
C. Partilinear
D. Social organization

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(vi) Man discovered fire during
A. Early stone age
B. Middle stone age
C. The late stone age
D. The nuclear age

(vii) Periplus of the Erythrean Sea was the book used guide earliest sailors in the Indian Ocean
which was written by
A. Early Greek Sailors
B. Early Roman Sailors
C. Early European Sailors
D. Early Alexandria Sailors

(viii) Long distance trade in East Africa had the following trade routes
A. Central, Western and Southern routes
B. Northern, Central and Southern routes
C. Eastern, Central and Southern routes
D. Western, Central and Southern routes

(ix) The coming of the Ngoni in East Africa was influenced by the following
A. Situation existed in their original land.
B. Attractive environment in East Africa
C. External forces
D. Individual interests.

(x) The first Europeans to invade the coast of East Africa were:
A. Dutch
B. Portuguese
C. Boers
D. British

2. (a) Match the items in List B with those provided in List A by writing the correct letter below the
corresponding questions number in the box provided below.

(i) Age set system A. Among the Tanzanians who contested presidential post
(ii) Communalism during the 2005 general Multiparty election.
(iii) Evolution B. Was a system whereby man produced and shaved the
(iv) Asha-Rose Migiro products of labour equally.
(v) Koffi Annan C. United Nation Deputy Secretary.
(vi) Long distance trade D. Scientific method of determining date of the past
(vii) Sultanate materials remain.
(viii) Stone age E. Places or buildings where information and objects are
(ix) Museums preserved.
(x) Carbon-14 F. The process through which man’s physical features
changed slowly and permanently.
G. Social organization through which division of labour
based on age and sex.
H. The early trade which conducted between societies of far
I. The former General Secretary of United Nation.
J. The time when man had developed stone technology.
K. Political organization that developed along the Coast of
East Africa.
L. Minister of Women and Social Welfare.
M. Medicine used by Dr. Lois Leakey.

List A i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x
List B

(b) The following sentences are mixed up. Arrange them in chronological order from the first to the
last by writing the Roman number of each statement in the box below:
(i) In East and Central Africa Nguni moved into groups.
(ii) Nguni speaking people originated in the Natal, South Africa.
(iii) Because environment was not conducive, they were decided to move from Natal.
(iv) This group crossed the Zambezi and went along the Eastern side of Lake Nyasa.
(v) Nguni groups were under specific leaders.
(vi) Movement went along the northern side of Natal to find new settlement.
(vii) In the beginning of 18th century Nguni faced with several social economic hardship in
their region.
(viii) Economically they were agriculturalist and pastoralist.
(ix) The group of Zwangendaba went to settle in Ufipa between Lake Nyasa and Lake
(x) The first movement was under Mputa Maseko

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


3. (a) Complete the following by filling in the blanks

(i) In Natal there were people, their name and language was just the same. Those were
(ii) Swahili and Arab traders penetrated interior of East to find _________________ and
(iii) Sultan Said shifted his capital from Oman to Zanzibar in the year ______________
(iv) _________________ was the system formed by Africans of various societies so as to
maintain their societies under the control of specific leader.
(v) ___________________________ was the famous city established by the Swahili and Arab
traders in the interior of East Africa.

(b) The years and important historical events that took place in East Africa are shown below. Write
the letter of the year against the corresponding event.
(i) 1845 A Tanzania got her Independence
(ii) 1977 B Death of Mwalimu Nyerere
(iii) 1961 C Death of Zwangendaba
(iv) 1999 D The Second Multiparty election in Tanzania.
Sultan Seyyid Said shifted his capital from Oman to
(v) 2000 E Zanzibar.
F The death of Dr. Omar Ali Juma
G The first multiparty election in Tanzania.
H Birth of C.C.M (Chama Cha Mapinduzi)

YEARS i ii iii iv v

4. Write T for the correct statement and F for the incorrect statements.
i. Trade in the interior of East Africa started earlier than the trade in the coast ___________
ii. Pure salt was obtained from salt lakes and brain springs _____________

iii. The trade which existed in East Africa during the mid nineteenth century was known as Barter
trade _____________
iv. Slave trade contributed greatly to the development of cities and welfare of Africa societies
v. State formation was possible in Africa since the eve of primitive communalism ________
vi. Without the effort of Britain, Portuguese could not run away in East Africa coast ________
vii. Katanga was the important source of copper by the year 1850 _________
viii. Nyarubanja and Nvunjo were the feudal systems in the interlacustrine regions _________
ix. Low level of production wa a feature of communalism mode of production __________
x. Man’s earliest ancestor resembled with creatures like Apes _______________


Answer any (2) two questions from this section

5. Describe the following terms in brief.

(a) Slave trade

(b) Differentiate between Nguni and Ngoni


(c) Mode of production


(d) Oral Traditions


(e) Carbon 14

6. Explain characteristics of primitive communalism.


7. What were the effects of Ngoni to the societies they conquered?


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