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The pie charts depict a statistical breakdown about the major sources of electricity production

that were exploited in Germany and France in 2009.

Overall, there were an alarming differences in electricity generation in Germany and France in
terms of all types,with conventional thermal surpassing its rivals in the first region and nuclear
dominating in the latter one,although renewables acquired a marginal proportion of the total
power production,at 560 Billion kWh and 510 Billion kWh,respectively,in both countries.

Initially,in Germany,conventional thermal,having held a lion’s share,with the figure constituted

6∕10th of the overall,was virtually 5 times as high as that in France,10.3%.Moreover,nuclear
turned out to be the succeeding main electricity source in Germany,which made up somewhere a
half,followed by renewables,at 17,4%.Likewise,France,once predominantly relied on nuclear,at a
hefty 76%,obtained an infinitesimal stake of power from renewables,estimated at a quarter.
Regarding the specific areas of renewables,the bulk of the Germany’s electricity consumption
was allocated for biomass(39.3%),sharing virtually an equal proportion with wind
sources(36.9%),which were continued by the less preferred source,hydroelectric,at
17.7%.Conversely,the vast majority of French power generation was possessed by
hydroelectric,taking up 8∕10th of the total,whereas biomass and wind were responsible for a
gentle 8–11%.Solar held a rather miniscule share in both regions,at a mere 6.1% in Germany and
0.9% in France.Finaly,none ofneither countriesy produced any power from geothermal sources.
(213 words)

TA 6.5-7.0 CC 6.5-7.0 LR 6.5 GRA 7.0 Overall 7.0

Having more international sports events

may promote world peace.
Do you agree or disagree?
A highly controversial issue appears to relate to whether sports tournaments held across the
world are able to offer auspicious effect to the protection of the world’s tranquillity and serenity.I
totally agree with this assertion that not only is it possible to encourage nations,even with a sense
of enminity towards each other,to show their tolerance and to solve their disputes in peaceful
way,but fans from diverse regions also have the unique opportunity to open a window to their
culture and history for the world.
The main reason why I insist this is because international sports events are a chance for
people to introduce their culture to the world and to share the aspects of the their history
and cuisine.To be more specific,a blaze of every country’s political purposes is to illustrate
its hospitality and ancient treasures(culture,history,traditions,religion and cuisine) to the
global community with the aim of self–affirmation,which inspires them to take parts in
such events and to host them.Subsequently,the country,having held mega–important
international sports events,is commited to organize every single detail for visitors on the
highest level,arranging excursions to natural masterpieces,museums and holy places
and,moreover, introducing its ancient cuisine.The prime example of this is European
Olympic Games held in the capital of Azerbaijan,Baku,in 2015,which turned out to play an
essential role in representing its antique history,rich culture,delicious cuisine and
traditions(some of them were recognized as UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage,for
instance,Yalli,Azerbaijani traditional group dance),thus leading the world population to
tailor its sceptical estimation about this ancient country,which cannot be construe as
something infinitesimal.Likewise,the global community deemed Azerbaijan as one of the
most tolerant regions due to its equal attitude towards all nations,despite the hostile ties
with some of them. WORLD PEACE?????
Additionally,international sports events are capable to build bridge among nations.To explain in
detail,fans from numerous nations,despite the fact that some of them have political
disagreements,come together and support their clubs shoulder to shoulder,followed by the
flourishing of strong friendship bonding,therefore leading to the prospective constructive
negotiations between countries in favour of peace.To clarify,every 4 years The FIFA World Cup
unites the famous football teams and fans from various cultures and corners of the world that
share their emotions with each other,support their teams together in such an exciting event and,as
a result,make good relationships with one another,regardless difficult political
situations.Therefore,football is assessed to be one of the best ways to grow the seeds of amity.
Overall,people seem to hold divergent opinions on whether the proliferation of international
sports tournaments can convey an important message in terms of modifying the world for the
sake of peace.From my point of view,such festivals can be the impetus for the preservation of
peace on the planet and also are able to contribute to the increase of nations’ respect for other
cultures.(456 words)
TR 6.0 CC 6.0 LR 6.5 GRA 6.5 Overall 6.0-6.5

The chart shows the proportion of people in a UK survey carried out in three different years who
said they were interested in certain sports.
The chart depicts a statistical breakdown about the specific areas of sport industry that were the
most preferred in the UK over the span of 3 diverse years(1995,2000 and 2005).A broad
assessment of the chart reveals that the differences between listed sports are even greater when it
comes to:foot games turned out to be outstripped by an overwhelming margin for the rest of the
period as opposed to golf,which ranked in descending order.Likewise,there was an upward trend
in the rate of foot sports,swimming and rugby,the reverse of which was true for their rivals

To begin with,foot games,having held a lion’s share throughout the course,witnessed a

synchronized escalation,increasing by 3% from an initial 40% in 2000 and peaking at almost
45% in 2005.Snooker and tennis,once resembled closely at the beginning,at approximately
30%,plunged into a striking recession of almost 10%,followed by a marginal recovery to 25% in
the rate of the first one by comparison with the second one,which reached a
plateau.Finally,swimming,rugby and golf,despite the fact that they outnumbered during
1995,estimated at a mere 17%–23%,illustrated the period of volatility,where the former
ones,with the figures sharing broadly similar proportions,were opted for by 28% by the
end,ranking in the second place from 2005 onwards, and surpassed the latter one vividly,which
made up a rather miniscule share,accounting for a negligible 15% by 2005.(219 words)

TA 7.0 CC 7.0 LR 7.0 GRA 7.0 Overall 7.0

Some people say that cars are the best
way of travelling around cities while
others think that bicycles are better.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
A highly controversial issue appears to relate whether private automobiles or bicycles offer
tremendous help are ideal in terms of travelling.This essay is likely to will analyze the opinions
of both sides,followed byand introduce my assertion,which is that cars are a blaze of time–
efficient and flexible journey,despite irrespective of all weather conditions.

On the one hand,private cars,having been one of the most time–saving methods of travelling, are
able to deprive people from long and wearisome voyages.To be more specific,it is cars that give
an opportunity to motorists to drive to more destinations promptly within a short
period,therefore, the contribution of personal motor vehicles cannot be construed as something
infinitesimal.Likewise,personal automobiles unlike bikes console drivers with cozy atmosphere
in all inclement weather conditions.For instance,in freezing cold weather motormen can bask in
warm cars,using air conditioners.Hence,quite a few people favor their vehicles over bicycles in
order to travel door to door.

On the other hand,a strong idea in favor of bikes insist is that this choice of vehicleit turns out to
be more environmentally friendly rather than their opponents.In more detail,cycles,once
prevented one of the most severe environmental issues,unlike motor vehicles do not release
exhaust gases into the atmosphere,contributing to the preclusion of the formation of holes in the
ozone layer,which preserves Earth from solar radiation.Additionally,this type of vehicle saves
cyclists from excessive expenditures.To clarify,automobiles run on fuel,which can cost a lot
during trips,as opposed to bicycles that are entirely free from this spending.

In coclusion,both views,once discussed from various perspectives,seem to hold logical

reasons.However,my preference is for motor vehicles over bicycles due to their flexibility in all
weather conditions,ranging from blizzards to extreme heat, and time–efficiency.(271 words)

TR 6.5-7.0 CC 6.5-7.0 LR 6.5-7.0 GRA 6.5-7.0 Overall 6.5-7.0

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