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Survey Research

Paul Hernández
University of Cuenca
Chemical Science Faculty, Industrial Engineering

- Choose a topic that you are interested in inquire about. Consider that your topic
must be appropriate for a survey research study.

I am interested in inquire about safety, ergonomic, hygiene and occupational health

because It is a field into the industries that is not consider for the employer in the
companies. For that reason, I think that knowing the point of view of the worker about
his workstation is so important, and this is possible through survey research where we
will know and classify the variables that affect the yield of workers in their workstation.

- Formulate the research problem and close this section with one or more research

• What is the influence of safety, ergonomic, hygiene and occupational

health over the workers in the Azende company?
• What will be the result of the bad design of workstation in the Azende
• How do we describe the health condition and the low production and
inefficiency of the workers due to the bad design of workstation in
Azende company?

- Based on the information regarding sampling procedures, propose a sample

(TBD in class on Friday 16th of April.

The number of workers in Azende company is 532, but we are going to analyze the
behavior and the point of view of workers who are working in the production area, and
they are 187.

Therefore, the sample is 127 with the 95% of confidence level and 5% of error range.
- Search a protocol or an instrument. If no instruments are available, formulate
one and assess the validity (with a pilot study).

The survey has the validity of the content because the survey has al the features that will
let us size the ergonomic, safety and occupational health of the workers.
Also, the survey let us compare the answers with external criterion which ones are
established rules in the companies regarding to illumination, temperature and another
factors. It is worth to say that the we can obtain the results immediately because the
external validity is not predictive.
Moreover, the survey has questions which ones are in Likert scale. It is worth to say that
it lets assess the answers in a theory which one has been proved.

The survey has the next questions.

The sociodemographic and labor dimension is divided into 3 sub-dimensions;

demographic (4), social (1) and labor (4), making up a total of 9 questions in the
questionnaire. For the dimension employment conditions (sub-dimension - working
time); working time in the company (2), type of working day (1) and shift work (1) with
a total of 4 questions. Regarding the security dimension in the work is structured in 2
sub-dimensions; exposure to mechanical risks (15) and equipment personal protection
(2), making up a total of 17 questions.

The industrial hygiene dimension includes 3 sub-dimensions and their respective

questions of the survey; physical (8), chemical (4) and biological (1), making up a total
of 13 questions.

The ergonomics dimension includes 4 sub-dimensions with their respective questions;

working position (1), forced postures (1), manual handling of loads (1) and repetitive
movements (1), making a total of 4 questions.
The psychosocial dimension has been classified into two groups; intra-work and extra-
work factors. For intra-labor factors, it has been I divide into 4 sub dimensions; control
(2), psychological command (3), social support (2) and job insecurity (1) and, extra-
work in 2 sub-dimensions; lifestyle (4) and conciliation with work and socio-family life
(2), with forming a total of 14 questions in the questionnaire.

Lastly, the occupational health dimension o health status of the worker encompasses 5
sub dimensions; self-perceived health (12), health mental (1), work accidents (2) and
occupational diseases (1), in the latter two sub-dimensions, the incapacitated des (2)
derived by accident and / or illness are considered, making up a total of 18 questions in
the final questionnaire

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