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The article introduces the topic of professors’ appearances on TV.

To be more specific, the

writer discusses that these appearances are give greater benefits to for professors
themselves and university, while the lecturer in the listening passage cites the
disadvantages of it.

In the reading, the author begins by stating that by television tutors can gain reputation.
More specifically, when teachers share their opinions in an academic journal, only other
scholars would learn about it. However; by television more people can hear about
professors’ opinions. The author also shows that universities also benefit from such
appearances. It means that when people see a knowledgeable tutor of university, they think
more highly of that university. Last but not least, it is suggested that it leads to more
donations for the university and more applications from students.

The lecturer, however, disagrees, stating that it is not good for all professors themselves
from a professional point. She explains that they would not be invited to important
meetings for discussing their academic work. As well as this, the speaker mentions that such
appearances have negative impact on university alsotoo. Finally, professors should spend
more time with teaching students. The lecturer highlights that it takes too many much time
preparing to prepare for tv shows.

To sum up, the writer and professor hold controversial views about professors being on
television. It is obvious that they will have trouble finding common ground on this issue.

TA 22 CC 21 LR 21 GRA 21 Overall 21

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