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Toward an integrated technology

operating model
Naufal Khan, Gautam Lunawat, and Amit Rahul

Companies may be able to get digital transformations off the

ground by separating digital from conventional IT, but that
approach is not sustainable. Here’s a better way.

Technology organizations are now digital tools and approaches with existing
expected to play a central role in helping legacy systems and methodologies—a
companies capitalize on new digital task that isn’t always as straightforward
capabilities—connectivity, advanced as it sounds. Companies have introduced
analytics, and automation, for instance. costly, complicated initiatives designed
These capabilities can help them build to deploy digital tools and approaches
deeper relationships with customers, launch organization-wide, only to see such prog-
new business models, make processes rams fall short of their potential or stall
more efficient, and make better decisions. completely. The evidence? Rich data sets
are accessible only to a few groups of
To a greater degree than before, technology privileged users. Innovative processes
groups must focus on integrating these new used in one business unit are never shared
across the company, and the impact of a shift to the “pure play” model of digitization
digitization remains small and isolated. pioneered by the likes of Amazon and other
Internet companies might be overly ambitious
A critical factor in these shortfalls is the lack or disruptive in the near to midterm (Exhibit 1).
of a common operating model for digital
and IT teams. The digital factory model that In our experience, however, at least 60 percent
most businesses tend to use to launch their of the highest-value technology projects
digital programs can undeniably speed up a companies pursue require collaboration and
company’s pace of innovation in the short term. delivery from multiple technology groups
Skunkworks digital teams working outside across both digital and IT teams. The lack
the purview of a conventional IT organization of a common operating model can thwart
can quickly tackle pilot projects that they can such cooperation. What’s more, fragmented
then turn into innovative products or customer technology stacks can put pressure on overall
experiences. For their part, most senior system stability, scalability, and resilience. The
business leaders often decide to stay the physical split between digital and IT groups
course with this approach, with separate digital can create confusion among business
and IT units adhering to different operating and stakeholders about which team is handling
service-delivery models. They recognize that which tasks. Even within technology groups

EXHIBIT 1 Companies’ digital programs tend to follow a common evolutionary path.

pure play
Teams fully
Teams operating digital; likely a
with 1 view of bold disruptive
Teams working delivery across leap for large
under repeatable digital and traditional
Teams testing, and scalable conventional companies
Conventional proving value digital model; technology with heavy
IT organization; and feasibility delivering organizations, legacy
some agile products in while delivering at footprint
adoption 2 separate multiple speeds

Integrated operating model.

Source: McKinsey analysis

Toward an integrated technology operating model 2

themselves, the culture can become bifurcated one view of how technology capabilities are
as employees identify with either old or new delivered by both digital and conventional IT
ways of working. groups (Exhibit 2). Under this model, teams
organize around technology capabilities rather
Companies should instead consider shifting than specific technology assets and functions,
to an integrated digital IT operating model and they often use agile methodologies
in which there is one operating model and to speed up the provision of IT services.

EXHIBIT 2 Companies should pursue an integrated digital operating model for their
technology groups.

Predigital Pilot Digital Digitally Digital

programs factories integrated1 pure play

Traditional Small digital pods; Digital product Digital product Holistic

application- rest of technology teams and teams collaborat- product-based
domain-based organization stays conventional ing with conven- organization
model with some conventional technology tional technology
agile adoption operating teams

• Technology group • Small ring-fenced • Multiple digital • Teams organized • Leverages

organized based digital team with teams with around products, capability-oriented
on application high autonomy dedicated and internal capabili- delivery teams
and infrastructure pooled resources ties (platforms), (tribes and
domains • Other teams and system of chapters)
remain organized • Minimal records
• Teams siloed and around conven- interoperability • At-scale automa-
use waterfall tional application between digital • Significant agile tion enables
methodologies and infrastructure and conventional and DevOps continuous
groups teams operating adoption by integration and
at different conventional continuous
speeds groups; product delivery
teams fully agile
• Conventional
application • Increased focus
groups starting on minimizing
to experiment redundancy and
with agile maximizing
methodologies interoperability
between teams

Integrated operating model.

Source: McKinsey analysis

3 Digital/McKinsey: Insights
According to our research, companies that Rethinking the technology organization
pursue an integrated IT operating model can To successfully pursue an integrated digital IT
realize greater process efficiencies, often operating model, companies should reconsider
through the elimination of redundant roles and how digital and conventional technology
initiatives, and they can deliver products and groups are organized and governed: What
services to customers more quickly. processes does each group currently
follow, and how could those processes be
A plan for integration standardized to ease collaboration? What
The journey toward an integrated model is governance structures do they use, and what
neither easy nor quick. It can take years to modifications could be made to improve
complete depending on a company’s starting decision making? Under an integrated model,
point and digital aspirations. It therefore the digital and conventional teams would jointly
requires a commitment from the business pursue the company’s digital agenda and may
and technology groups (both digital and work under a single overall technology leader—
conventional IT teams) to reconsider existing likely from the technology group—to ensure
ways of working and collaborate on devising accountability at the top. They would also need
a new path. Business leaders must show a to take the following steps:
willingness to “test and learn,” and technology
leaders will need to become active thought • Redefine critical roles in technology
partners to the business units. leadership. As part of the integrated
organization design, companies will need
Organizations will, of course, need to address to redefine leadership roles associated
issues relating to core technology. For instance, with the construction of products—for
they will need to design flexible, perpetually instance, product managers and
evolving enterprise architectures, with designers, engineers, data managers,
lightweight connections, that can support the and IT architects. New roles may be
development and deployment of new business required. Those in existing roles may need
capabilities. They will also need to develop to develop new skill sets and areas of
agile data-management practices—that is, expertise. The nature and extent of those
centralizing the collection and storage of data redefinitions will depend on a number of
and allowing employees across the company factors, including the company’s digital
to access critical business information from goals, its corporate culture, and its existing
multiple systems. technology capabilities. Many leadership
roles will likely need to become “hybrids”–
Perhaps the most critical changes associ- incorporating both digital and conventional
ated with making a successful shift to an IT perspectives. A large B2C company
integrated digital IT operating model, however, undergoing integration of its digital and
are those relating to processes and people— IT organizations created a role under the
that is, rethinking the composition of the CIO called head of consumer technology.
technology organization, the methods for This individual is responsible for the
providing IT services, and the management of development of all digital and conventional
technology talent. Let’s take a closer look at customer-facing applications regardless of
these three factors. the channel (online, mobile, and stores).

Toward an integrated technology operating model 4

• Centralize IT-architecture and process change. Pilot tests were mounted
IT-infrastructure teams. In an integrated quickly, with frequent input from the
organization, common resources for business, and the full process change was
digital and IT teams, such as technology implemented within six months.
architecture and infrastructure, will need
to be centralized. By combining the teams • Revisit funding and portfolio-
managing these resources, companies management processes. IT
can eliminate redundant tasks, facilitate organizations’ funding and portfolio-
standardization of processes, and deliver management processes would also need
benefits more broadly to the business significant changes under an integrated
units. For instance, one manufacturer is model. Staged venture-capital-style
convening an end-to-end technology funding could be applied to projects that
IT-architecture function that would be involve both digital and conventional
responsible for making critical decisions IT team members. Funding decisions
relating to both digital and conventional for those projects could be contingent
IT assets. Senior leaders believe this upon the integrated teams successfully
new structure will help prevent system meeting certain milestones during the
proliferation, a perennial issue for the development cycle. They could also be
company, and that it will ensure that new tied to business outcomes. Meanwhile,
technology capabilities are acquired or business and technology leaders should
built based on company-wide needs, jointly review all technology initiatives under
rather than according to business-unit or way—meeting quarterly or biannually—to
functional needs. ensure balanced investments in initiatives
that are critical for supporting day-to-
• Deploy agile, user-centric product- day operations as well as those needed
development teams. Technology staffers to fuel business innovation and growth.
should be encouraged to move in and In this way, foundational technology
out of cross-functional product or project investments, such as the modernization of
teams. These self-organizing teams would aging IT platforms, which are nonetheless
come together to offer specific customer- relevant for supporting end-to-end
and end-user experiences or capabilities digital capabilities, wouldn’t get lost in
and then disband when objectives have all the conversation about cutting-edge
been met. The leaders of these teams technology pilots and experiments.
would work directly with business
stakeholders to jointly define priorities and Rethinking technology provision
identify areas where technology could IT organizations typically manage three major
significantly enhance business processes. archetypes of work: purely digital projects
The technology team at an online retailer (creating a mobile application interface, for
came up with an idea for enhancing instance), purely conventional projects (making
payment processes, and it collaborated enhancements to a mainframe application, for
with the business team to find funding for example), or hybrid projects that affect both
the project and to design and build the digital and conventional assets (developing a
prototype software that would support the self-checkout application for in-store customers,

5 Digital/McKinsey: Insights
for instance). When digital and conventional IT their existing project-management offices
teams’ systems and mechanisms for providing to meet this need. But others may install a
technology support remain separate, hybrid steering committee of stakeholders from
projects may be particularly compromised. the business units and from digital and
Such initiatives can be delayed and deadlines conventional IT groups to meet and decide
missed when conventional IT teams do not periodically on primary issues and risks
anticipate the number and frequency of associated with hybrid projects.
changes made by digital IT groups, which are
typically operating under the test-and-learn • Encourage partnerships among
principles of agile development. IT-support teams to address the
business units’ requests more dynamically.
An integrated delivery model would ensure In both conventional and digital IT groups,
joint planning on such projects—involving there are teams whose sole purpose is to
both digital and conventional IT teams at the support development efforts—focusing
very start of the life cycle of a project—which on quality assurance, infrastructure
would help reduce delays and create more management, and production efficiencies,
transparency. Companies could take the for instance. When these groups adopt
following steps to help digital and IT groups an agile mind-set—collaborating early
find common ground and deliver products in development phases, for instance,
and services more efficiently. Some of these and sharing feedback on product and
actions may seem obvious, but it is surprising process iterations—they can reduce the
how many companies take them sporadically, turnaround time expected of them in
or not at all. hybrid projects. One company’s digital
IT group welcomed representatives from
• Conduct regular planning sessions the conventional IT group—members of
to ensure that digital and conventional IT the infrastructure team—in daily meetings
groups are aware of their commitments associated with the development of a new
to project objectives and deadlines and web feature. Normally, the digital team
that all potential risks have been evaluated would have relied on a ticketing system to
early on. The IT infrastructure team within communicate with the infrastructure team
a conventional IT group, for instance, and set work-flow priorities. Instead, it was
could agree to allocate some capacity able to prioritize and convey its requests
each quarter to address just-in-time directly in the meetings. In doing so, the
requirements from digital teams (working digital team was able to launch the feature
them in between maintenance tasks). quickly, and service completion time
dropped 30 percent.
• Designate a decision-making body
to help remove bottlenecks for hybrid • Adopt DevOps capabilities to reduce
projects. This is not unlike the job done by digital teams’ wait time on components
a traditional project-management office, from conventional teams. DevOps is
which imposes standards and processes to a phrase from the world of enterprise
ensure that projects stay on track. Indeed, software development used to describe
some companies may choose to rely on the agile relationship between a

Toward an integrated technology operating model 6

company’s software-development and • Attracting talent. Companies will need
IT-operations teams. The methodology to evaluate their pools of digital and
advocates for better and more frequent conventional talent and identify any skill
communication and collaboration between gaps that could hinder the pursuit of their
these two groups. Under an integrated digitization goals. As they begin reaching
operating model, the conventional IT team out to possible job candidates, hiring
could use DevOps capabilities to gain easy managers will need to work with recruiters
access to the critical assets needed to to create tailored roles and customized
automate processes for building, testing, candidate-vetting experiences. Some
and deploying new products and services. companies have established standard
The conventional IT team could make hiring archetypes (based on the type of
its software code available to the digital talent being targeted) and then crafted
team quickly and frequently to match its ideal requirements and development
release cycles, thus increasing the speed journeys for people who fit each personae.
of development for hybrid projects. Thus, the recruiting and onboarding
experience for a developer who is fresh
• Use microservices to increase the out of college, for instance, would be
technology organization’s ability to provide structured differently from that of an
cross-unit and cross-application functions. IT architect with more than ten years of
Microservices refers to the development experience. Companies may also need
of software applications as a package of to make certain cultural changes to
independent components, each of which attract a millennial cohort that seems to
can be deployed on its own or in tandem perform best in less bureaucratic, more
with others, and each of which runs a innovative environments.
unique computing process. Through
the use of microservices, conventional • Retaining talent. Companies need to
and IT groups could take advantage of ensure that they have the right elements
applications and assets previously available in place to motivate and retain members
to only one group or the other, and could of the integrated technology organization.
improve their collaborations on hybrid The majority of the technology workforce
projects that involve both groups’ assets. may perceive digital work to be more
desirable, making it difficult to keep
Revitalizing your talent strategy conventional IT teams motivated. To
The increasing rate of digitization in companies keep both sides engaged, businesses
means nearly every business today must may want to establish incentives that
make a radical shift in its talent-management reward employees based on the scope
strategies. Companies will need to adapt their of their influence within the technology
cultures in ways that will appeal to both next- organization, the impact they are having
generation digital workers, who can bring fresh on business outcomes, and their ability
perspectives and innovation to companies, and to collaborate across teams. In this way,
conventional IT workers, who often carry with both digital and convention IT staffers will
them years of valuable institutional knowledge. be motivated to do their best to ensure
Specifically, business and IT leaders should high-quality customer experiences
focus on making changes in the following areas: and successful business outcomes. At

7 Digital/McKinsey: Insights
one company, for instance, digital and 
conventional IT teams jointly created a
real-time analytics product that helped For those incumbents that are trying to
to streamline the customer-purchasing catch up to digital-native companies, digital
experience. Members of both teams were transformation of core products and processes
rewarded equally for their success with is essential. But the transformation cannot
this hybrid project. succeed or sustain momentum when the
digital technology group is not integrated
• Building capabilities. One of the core with the rest of the technology function. The
benefits of establishing an integrated digital factory model will only take companies
technology organization is that employees so far, especially if they aspire to bring all their
of all stripes, working side by side under technology assets to bear in building innovative
one operating model, will gain a greater customer experiences.
appreciation of their colleagues’ work.
They may also find new advantages Companies must instead pursue an integrated
and opportunities in both digital and digital IT operating model. Regardless of the
conventional areas—thereby expanding rollout plan, the overarching goal should be
the company’s talent pool while ensuring to minimize the divide between digital and
the free flow of ideas. Companies can conventional IT groups, thereby assuring
augment this dynamic further by creating business stakeholders that the integrated
skill-development opportunities where teams are supporting common strategic
expert practitioners can train and coach objectives and that they are investing in the
workers in real-world assignments. Such systems, processes, and talents that can
programs can go a long way toward ensure future success. 
reducing the cultural friction between the
digital and conventional technology groups.

Naufal Khan is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, where Amit Rahul is a consultant; Gautam
Lunawat is an associate partner in the Silicon Valley office.

The authors wish to thank Anusha Dhasarathy, Erez Eizenman, and Jason Reynolds for their contributions to
this article.

Copyright © 2017 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Toward an integrated technology operating model 8

September 2017
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