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Part 1

The music
The Strings of Melancholic Melody played by the Keys of Piano that set up across the patio never
failed to impress their audience who sat in the Opera. They were awestruck by the young man
playing the tunes of life and their heads were swaying in the music. These soft notes flew in the air
and flooded them with peace and harmony.

Music is the way of living which he always believed that sailed him across every struggles in his
otherwise hard life and made him to coexist in this world. This is the language which he can
generously express his emotions without losing his poise and exposing his flawed disposition. He
always believed this made him more humane and there’s of course her.

Dear ladies and gentleman we thank you for being here and supporting our cause. The goodwill and
generous donations helped the suffering hearts of the children. We are amply supported by our
foundation hospital doctors in this much needed heart transplant surgeries for the little ones.

Thank you …

Aman spoke to the press and dispersed the crowd as I signed their autographs.

“Hey “Mr. Touch me not”, have u sent all your female fans away and can’t you hold them for a
second for this poor friend. You are one selfish dude.”

I simply smiled he is such a flirt and a motor mouth who can talk nineteen to the dozen and He is my
best friend.

I picked my keys and drove quickly as possible to reach love of my life. She is my lifeline and only
dear one other than Aman. I am awaiting for a surprise from her.

Sweet melody echoed in my heart as I recalled her words,

“Arnie, today is the happiest day in our life as we have funded 100 heart transplants for the kids in
the foundation thanks to u and there is a special surprise for u in the evening and come home soon
after the programme rather going to the studio.”

My eyes displaying disappointment met her first.

She said “sorry today I can’t accompany you and I need to make arrangements to make it more
special man. Don’t fret about my dear and I will compensate it by cooking a sumptuous dinner in the
evening. Please come on give me your half smile and there it is.”

Bye all the best!!!.

These were the exact words I heard from her and I can never forget them not even a single word
that’s how I love her madly. I always belonged to her.

The happiness that reflected in her face made me to vow to keep her happy always no matter what
may come in the future.

Our house was filled with loads of laughter and soft music playing in the background that indicated
there’s a party at home. Her parties were never loud just musically inclined and strangely today a
soft ghazal recreating a perfect romantic dinner in the air.
Part 2


Known and unknown faces all over the Delhi had come to attend the party and the happiness was
bubbling in their laughter. His mind wandered through the large crowd to locate his lady love and as
usual he was welcomed by her musical laughter. To his astonishment, her family had come down
from London to attend the party who were never supportive of him. People change with course of
time it seems and inwardly he felt happy for her. A large crowd for a simple party doesn’t seem right
his mind alerted him but his elated heart did not heed his warning. Earlier he was a pessimist who
had heard only his brain signals and dumped his heart forever. He always believed she unearthed his
heart. He had hopelessly fallen in love with the charming maiden.

“The desired heart sees what it wants to see “

Welcome the man of the hour and I request him to play his piano for this auspicious evening

Put your hands together for the wonderful musician

Dear all we welcome you all for the engagement ceremony of my daughter

He was in heavens and he could not believe this and it was a blissful surprise that too be heard
from Mr Prakash Pandit who loathed him like anything.

Lavanya Pandit and Naveen Khurana

And I request Arnav Singh Raizada to do the honour of playing the enchanting music to celebrate
their love.

My heart broke into reckless ruins and my soul fell from the pinnacle of paradise delved into the
dreaded oceans of nether world. The ground slipped beneath his legs he would have fallen down but
for his ever supportive friend Aman Verma’s hand whose face is blanched with shock and felt like I
had seen a ghost. My dumb heart said this must be a misunderstanding and all these frightening
moments would fade away. As I took one look at her face, I could see the truth she was glowing in
love not for me but for NK, my best cardiologist in our foundation hospital “Hope”.

Were they seeing each other behind my back can that be taken as a token of ingratitude?

The cardiologist who did as many transplants of heart, transplanted his love in Lavanya’s soul too.

Congratulations!!! And she doesn’t deserve you Said my caustic brain to my muted heart who cried
relentlessly for his lost love.

This is not the time or the place to show my sentiments and I masked my face in utter indignance and
do the known work.

And then He smiled and laid his fingers on the keys of piano and all for his dear friend Lavanya. The
music filled the hall and brought a serene smile on everyone’s faces while his own heart in shambles.
His fingers played pleasing melody despite his heart in complete cacophony. This is the power of
music which cocoons like mother and encompasses your soul.

I thought Lavanya loved the pianist and I was so worried for her foolish decisions when she stayed
back in INDIA.

Yes I was agitated too when she revealed her decisions but never once felt my girl will fall for a
muted pianist.

Thank god! NK happened in her life to realize what is love rather pity a dumb orphan.

Yeah we are truly happy for your daughter’s engagement.

These conversations between Mrs Sheena Pandit and kitty party friends sneered at him and revealed
his absurdity of his heart having dreamt of a future with her.


Why did this should happen to me??

Why God it's only me who has to suffer???
Am I the only human to face all the troubles and undergo rough patches in
What I have done to gain pain throughout walks of my life???
Neither I deserve love nor loved ones... is this my fate??
Is my life cursed or I don't have a life all along??
Do my happiness always counted to minimum???
Do I really destine to be like this forever??
Does my destiny always send me in darkness??
What for I have been born to bear sheer betrayal??
Why my bet of life always loses?
Is my life full of shadows of love and not actual glimpses??
Don't I deserve happiness at all in my life??
I am tired of waiting for truth in life and love in life
What my love calls for??
Is it my existence to be rot in hell of fire??
Don't I deserve love, passion, belief, a life..................??
Is it all my past, present, future filled with denial??
What kind of fate is mine to lose all my loved ones??
Is my being only to love, care, fill happiness in everyone's life and not expect
anything in return??
Why I should be the one to sacrifice always???
Is there is anything left to share???
Why everyone should be jealous of me despite I don't possess anything??
Am I not a human to be protected and possessed??
Am I always the toy of agony to be played by everyone??
Right to be loved doesn't subsist in my life
My life is twisted, tainted and brutal and I can't live long with my loved
Anguish is what I buy; for the love I sell
My tears are dried I don't have in my ultimatum still to cry and so I laugh at my
own fate.
My life is locked with forlorn and the key is lost forever?

Can I not be little selfish towards me?

Is there anything in the world to be called as mine?
Why this inequality?
Am I not a soul in this universe?
Am I only a living puppet in the realms of society?
Why I should be blamed for my inability?
Is there any happiness exclusive to me??
At least don't I need love and acceptance from my love?
Now I am a despondent... I am miserable in love and hope....
I am always a slave of love but freedom never given and sentenced to dark
It is my destiny to walk alone in life.....
I question myself," is this what you have yearned for"...
Why did you snatch my parents in the accident on the dreadful night?
Oh God why did u make me mute who doesn’t know how to express love?
Is only music my companion all my life?
Is it fair to snatch all my loved ones and robe my speech?
For me hereafter you don’t even exist oh lord who stole everything from me?

Who would love a speech impaired Arnav Singh Raizada who just knows to play Piano and doesn’t
know the ways of the true world.

There is no humanity left in this society who would just care for your heart and here he is an outcast.

His brain mocked at him having opened his heart to get trampled by everyone walking in his life.

So he made a decision to lock away his forbidden heart ever in the dark chambers and hid behind his
sarcastic brain. He would protect his heart forever and fortify it with indifference.
Part 3
Cost of Indifference

She could not breathe and heavy palpitations are recorded and heart rate is rapidly increasing.

Whimpering cries and her suffering heart is experiencing tumultuous jumps and signs are slowly
fading in the ECG machine.

The failing heart is not responding and is it too late to resuscitate it?

There is no steady sine graph in the machine which shows it is too soon to give up.

Frequent jumps in her body while using fibrilliator shows the woes of her poor heart.

NK continuously and tirelessly reviving her heart and the fear of no response is making him undergo
a panic attack. He has to be strong for her and his success in heart surgery in his entire career will go
down the drain if he could not save her. This is the real testimony to his profession.

Continuous beep sounds from the various machines attached to her creates a chaos inside the ICU.

Alas! The ever chirping bird is caged inside today.

Peeping inside the glass lay there an ill-fated girl who could not get what her heart wants. Her love is
not reciprocated and is always met with nonchalance and indifference. This makes her already failing
heart to lose hope soon.

Giving up is never an option for her and she is always a fighter be it in studies or life. This time of
evening, her heart was thrilled with unusual joy after a long back and it is an important today in her

It turned out to be a disastrous day and an unseen storm brew, shattered her fragile heart and
assailed her way from life.

Aman Verma thought about the happy go lucky girl who is laying there in a poor plight and the pale
face full of blemishes due to in numerous fluids running inside her vein.

Oh god please save her and restore her heart plea.

The man in question who wrecked her dreams is a broken man who suffered it long back who has an
impenetrable thick walls of heart.

Aman called ASR to take a look on the

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