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Lovely Professional University,Punjab

Format For Instruction Plan [for Courses with Lectures and Labs

Course No Cours Title Course Planner Lectures Tutorial Practical Credits

CSE301 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 12086 :: Chavi Ralhan 4 0 0 4

Text Book: 1 Korth, & S. SudarshanA. Silverschatz,Title: Database System Concepts, Publishers: Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, edition 5th.

Other Specific Book:

2 Elmasri & Navathe, Fundamentals of database systems, Addison & Weisely, New Delhi

3 Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel, Database systems : Design implementation and managwement

4 C.J. Date, Database Systems, Prentice hall of india, New Delhi

5 Val Occardi, Relational Database: Theory & Practice, BPB Publication, New Delhi.

6 Ivan Bayross, SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle, BPB Publications

7 Martin Gruber, Understanding SQL, BPB Publication, New Delhi.

8 S.K. Singh, Database System Concepts,Design,application,Pearson education

Other Reading

Sr No Jouranls atricles as compulsary readings (specific articles, Complete reference)

9 http://resources.mha.dk/FileLib/dbsql/Brief_Introduction_to_Relational_DBs.pdf
10 http://www.databasejournal.com/
11 http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/jdm/jdm21.html

Relevant Websites

1 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Sr. No. (Web adress) (only if relevant to the courses) Salient Features
12 http://stanford.edu/dept/itss/docs/oracle/10g/server.101/b1073 details about distributed database
13 http://db.grussell.org/section021.html details about basic and ER diagram

Detailed Plan For Lectures

Week Number Lecture Number Lecture Topic Chapters/Sections of Homework to be Assigned Pedagogical tool
Textbook/other to students Demonstration/case
reference study/images/anmatio
n ctc. planned

Part 1
Week 1 Lecture 1 Database system applications & Book :1,chapter 1 1.1 images from the PPT
Purpose,Comparison with File Mgt. System 1.2
Lecture 2 Database System Structure , Architecture , Book :1,chapter 1 1.11 images from PPT
Instances & Schema 1.3.1 1.3.2
Lecture 3 Data Independence, Database Users & Book :1,chapter 1 images from PPT
Administrator 1.12.1 1.12.2
Lecture 4 Data Models: Concept & its types Book :1,chapter 1 1.7 images from the PPT
Week 2 Lecture 5 Conceptual data modeling using E-R data model Book :1,chapter 6 6.1 images from the PPT
6.2 6.3 6.4
Book :3,chapter 2 4
Lecture 6 Conceptual data modeling using E-R data model Book :1,chapter 6 6.1 images from the PPT
6.2 6.3 6.4
Book :3,chapter 2 4
Lecture 7 Database design: entities, attributes, relationships Book :1,chapter 6 6.5 images from the PPT
(with basic examples) 6.6
Book :3,chapter 4
Lecture 8 Generalization, specialization, specifying constraints Book :1,chapter 6 HomeWork 1 Allocation images from the PPT
with Examples 6.
Book :3,chapter 6
Week 3 Lecture 9 Relational Model & Relational Databases: Structure Book :1,chapter 2 2.1 images from the PPT
of Relational Databases, Def of keys 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3
Lecture 10 Relational Algebra, relational model operators. Book :1,chapter 2 2.2 images from the PPT
Book :8,chapter 4

2 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 3 Lecture 11 Relational model operators, Relational model Book :1,chapter 2 2.2 images from the PPT
integrity rules 2.3
Book :8,chapter 4
Lecture 12 Tuple relational calculus Book :1,chapter 5 5.1 1 Term Paper 1 Allocation images from the PPT
chapter 12 12.1
Week 4 Lecture 13 Concept of Indexing Book :1,chapter 11 images from the PPT
Book :8,chapter 3

Part 2
Week 4 Lecture 14 SQL: Basic Structure and Set Operations Book :1,chapter 3 3.3
Book :3,chapter 7
Lecture 15 Aggregate functions, DDL Book :1,chapter 3 3.5 1
ch 3 3.2 ch 1 1.4
Book :3,chapter 7
Lecture 16 DML, DCL Book :1,ch 3 3.2 ch 1 HomeWork 1 Submission
Book :3,ch 7
Book :6,
Week 5 Lecture 17 Views, join Book :1,chapter 3 HomeWork 2 Allocation
Book :3,chapter 8
Lecture 18 Nested Queries ,Complex Queries Book :1,chapter 3 images from the PPT
Book :3,chapter 8
Lecture 19 PL/SQ Language elements, Book :6,
Lecture 20 subprograms, packages Book :6,chap 18 images from the PPT
Week 6 Lecture 21 subprograms, packages Book :6,chap 18 images from the PPT
Lecture 22 Cursors, Triggers (Concept only, detailed practice
will be discussed in lab of CSE341/INT341 as
Lecture 23 Cursors, Triggers (Concept only, detailed practice
will be discussed in lab of CSE341/INT341 as
Lecture 24 Integrity & Security: Constraints, Integrity rules Book :1,chapter 4 4.2
Week 7 Lecture 25 Authorization & Authentication Book :1,1chapter 4 4.3 HomeWork 2 Submission
1chap 8 8.8.3
Lecture 26 Authorization & Authentication

3 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 7 Lecture 27 Relational Database Design:: types of Functional Book :1,chapter 7 images from the PPT
dependencies. 7.17.2 7.3.1
Lecture 28 Closure of functional dependencies, Book :1,Chapter7 images from the PPT
7.17.2 7.3.1
Part 3
Week 8 Lecture 29 Closure of functional dependencies, Book :1,Chapter7 images from the PPT
7.17.2 7.3.1
Lecture 30 Normalization- 1NF, 2NF,Practical problems based Book :1,Chapter7 images from the PPT
on 1 NF and 2 NF forms. 7.17.2 7.3.1
Book :8,Chapter 10
Lecture 31 3NF, BCNF with practical examples Book :1,chapter 7: HomeWork 3 Allocation images from the PPT
7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4
Lecture 32 4NF, 5NF Book :1,chapter 7: images from the PPT
7.3.5 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.
Week 9 Lecture 33 Practical problems based on these forms. Book :1,CHAP 7
Lecture 34 Transaction concept & State Book :1,CHAP 15.1
Lecture 35 Atomicity & durability Book :1,chapter 15:
Lecture 36 Serializability. Book :1,CHAP 15.5 HomeWork 3 Submission
Week 10 Lecture 37 Transaction Management: Concurrency Control: Book :1,chapter 16: HomeWork 4 Allocation images from the PPT
Lock Based protocol 16.1
Lecture 38 Time stamp based protocol Book :1,CHAP 16 16.2 images from the PPT
Lecture 39 Validation based Protocol Book :1,CHAP 16 16.3 images from the PPT

Part 4
Week 10 Lecture 40 Multiple granularity, Deadlock. Book :1,chapter 16: Term Paper 1 Submission images from the PPT
16.4 16.6
Week 11 Lecture 41 Transaction Management:Recovery & Atomicity Book :1,chapter 17: images from the PPT
Lecture 42 Log based Recovery Book :1,chapter 17: images from the PPT
Lecture 43 Shadow Paging

Lecture 44 Object Oriented Databases Book :1,chapter 9: 9.1 HomeWork 4 Submission


4 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Week 12 Lecture 45 Object Oriented Databases Book :1,chapter 9: 9.1
9.2 9.3
Lecture 46 Object relational Databases Book :1,chapter 9: 9.7
Lecture 47 Distributed Databases – Architecture & Book :1,chapter 22: images from the PPT
Design 22.1 22.2
Lecture 48 Distributed Databases – Architecture & Book :1,chapter 22: images from the PPT
Design 22.3
Week 13 Lecture 49 Intro to Parallel databases Book :1,chapter 21:
Lecture 50 Intro to Parallel databases

Lecture 51 Case Study of Oracle Case Study of SQL Server Book :1,chapter 27 29
Lecture 52 Case study of any other RDBMS Book :1,chapter 26

Spill Over
Week 14 Lecture 53 Advanced SQL Book :8,
Lecture 54 Advanced SQL
Lecture 55 MY SQL

Details of homework and case studies

Homework No. Topic of the Homework Nature of homework
(group/individuals/field work
Homework 1 Introduction, Instances and Schemas, Data Independence, Database Users and Administrator. Data Individual
Models: , relationships, generalization, specialization, specifying constraints, Relational Model &
Relational Databases:
Homework 2 Relational Databases,PL/SQL Individual
Homework 3 Relational Database Design,Transaction Management: Transaction concept & State, Atomicity & Individual
Homework 4 Transaction Management: Serializability, Concurrency Control: Lock Based, Time stamp based, & Individual
validation based Protocols, Multiple granularity, Deadlock. Transaction Management: Recovery: Recovery
& Atomicity, Log based Recovery, Shadow Paging.

Scheme for CA:out of 100*

5 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

Component Frequency Out Of Each Marks Total Marks
Term Paper 1 25 25
Homework 3 4 7 21
Class test based on homework 3 4 18 54

Total :- 50 100

* In ENG courses wherever the total exceeds 100, consider x best out of y components of CA, as explained in teacher's guide available on the

List of suggested topics for term paper[at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified term paper)

Sr. No. Topic

1 Front office management for a large bank

2 Financial accounting system for a medium size organization

3 Sales management system for a retail outlet

4 Payroll processing system for a large corporate organization

5 Irrigation management information system

6 Railway reservation system for Indian railways

7 Front office management for a large luxury hotel

8 Library management system

9 Admission management for a large university

10 Course administration for a typical college or university

11 Material management for a medium sized organization

12 Bus reservation for a state transportation

13 Integrated accounting system

6 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

14 Patient and service management for a large hospital

15 Front office management for a typical bank

16 Airlines reservation fro Indian airlines

17 Laboratory management

18 Hospital management

19 Hotel management

20 Bus transport management system

7 Approved for Spring Session 2010-11

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