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Harare Institute of Technology

Development of Products Dashboard

HIT 300 Project

Steward Bank

Name: Dereck Tawanda Kanjodo

Registration Number: H160220G

Academic Supervisor: Mr Shumbashava

Industrial Supervisor: Mr Kamukombe

Aug 2018 – Jul 2019

I do hereby declare that the work presented in this attachment mini project report is

my own work and it has not been presented before to the department of Financial

Engineering Department at Harare institute of Technology.

Signature_________________ Date__________________

Dereck Tawanda Kanjodo(Student)

Steward Bank Attachment Supervisor

Signature________________ Date__________________

Table of Contents
Development of Products Dashboard...................................................................................................5
Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................................5
Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................................5
Research questions............................................................................................................................5
Purpose of the study.........................................................................................................................5
Chapter 2...............................................................................................................................................6
Literature Review..............................................................................................................................6
Empirical Evidence.............................................................................................................................6
Google maps and Google Earth.....................................................................................................7
Someka Heat Maps........................................................................................................................7
Chapter 3...............................................................................................................................................8
Data Description................................................................................................................................8
City coordinates.............................................................................................................................8
Customer data...............................................................................................................................8
Bank’s Customer transactions.......................................................................................................8
Deposit listing................................................................................................................................9
Chapter 4.............................................................................................................................................11
Chapter 5.............................................................................................................................................16

Development of Products Dashboard
Chapter 1

The bank has been introducing various products to enhance its profitability and
product development department has been successfully introducing new innovative
products. As much as the bank is the leading bank in terms of innovative products,
we need to assess performance of these products. The bank makes money from
performing products not from having a number of products that are not performing.
All products have a product life cycle and during this cycle they perform differently
throughout the stages.

Statement of the Problem

The banks products portfolio has been increasing over time and there are now
several products that are there of which not all of them are performing well.
Therefore, there is need to identify those that are contributing significantly to the
bank and those that are not so that the authorities take appropriate action. Steward
bank has been a leading bank in terms of innovation and has been acquiring a lot of
customers lately. The question that arises is that of all the customers that we have
acquired, how many of those are transacting or using the accounts that they opened
because the bank makes money when customers are transacting. Moreover, the
banks aim is to dominate the market, so there is need to know which locations does
the bank have significant number of customers and in which parts of the country is
the bank making significant amount of revenue.

1. To identify the number of active customers by region
2. To identify banks revenue by region
3. To calculate products turnover
4. To determine the number of account holders by gender

Research questions
1. How many active customers does the bank has and in which region are they
2. How much revenue is the bank making and in which parts of the country?

Purpose of the study

The banks existence is determined by its profitability; various departments need to
know how best they can contribute to banks success. Sales department is
responsible of getting customers on board and customer acquisition is one of the
bank’s strategies. There is need to know which regions have we penetrated and
where are we supposed to focus on in order to acquire as many customers as
possible. Once the sales department has done its part of acquiring customers we
need to convince those customers to start transacting. There is therefore need to
know where our transacting customers are located such that the marketing
department knows where to focus its efforts. Activity of customers is what contributes
to the banks revenue so there is need to determine how many of our customers are
active and where they are located. Determining the gender of our valued customers
also helps focus on who we should really target when we are implementing our
marketing strategies.

Chapter 2
This chapter aims to inform scenarios in which the concepts that the student wants
to use have been implemented before and how raw data can be manipulated to
some meaningful insights.

Literature Review
As organisations operate they accumulate data that is stored in databases. This raw
data can be useful if it is analysed. Fast growing is the concept of machine learning
and big data analytics where machines are taught using big data to make predictions
based on prior events. Data analytics is the process of examining datasets in order
to draw conclusions about the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of
specialised systems and software (
Data analytics turns raw data into useful information that can be used to transform
the business. Data analysts gather information from various sources and interpret
patterns and trends.

Empirical Evidence
Data analysts and scientists came up with many ways of making raw data
meaningful. Data is more meaningful when it is in visual form such as charts, tables,
flow chats, maps and just to mention a few.
With more data being generated, it has become a big challenge for traditional
architectures and infrastructures to process large amounts of data within an
acceptable time and resources. In order to efficiently extract value from these
datasets there is need to find news tools and methods for big data processing (Dazhi
Chong2015). For this reason, big data analytics has become a key factor for
companies to review hidden information and achieve competitive advantages in the
According to D.P Acharya, huge repository of terabytes of data is generated each
day from modern information systems and digital technologies such as internet of

things and cloud computing. Analysis of these data sets needs a lot of effort at
multiple levels to extract knowledge a different level.
Representation of data via maps is rapidly developing areas of visualisation that has
many practical applications. Currently there is a wide range of innovative tools for a
visual presentation of geographical for maps and other purposes (Tom Jager 2017).
Below are some of the tools that can be used to map data that makes it easy to
visualise the data and share it with others.
Google maps and Google Earth
Google maps plays a vital role of helping locate places while google earth is an
excellent tool that helps explore our home planet. To develop Google earth,
developers created a 3d interface view of the globe that allows to zoom in and
investigate certain areas.
Someka Heat Maps
Someka is the most popular solutions for heat maps, because it can be created in
excel by just inputting the data in the app and the map will be generated
automatically. Among other useful features are automatic colouring of different
geographical units.
This tool is a project from a well-known company Atheon Analytics. Tableau has
been developed to improve understanding of data as information is presented in
easily-digested forms and consistent forms. It is suitable for various users and can
be set to operate as an enterprise-wide visual analytics tool.

This tools is another super simple solution for those in need of interactive online
maps. To create a map a spreadsheet has to be uploaded. Then OpenHeatMap
generates the result within seconds as you receive an animated and interactive view
of a geographical area. Such effective operation is provided by data from google and
The map can be shared with others using email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and
many other ways. Below is a sample of a map that was created using

Chapter 3
This chapter describes the process that I went through when I was creating the
model and all the data that I used.

Data Description
The following data was used:

 City coordinates
 Bank revenue
 Customer data
 Banks customer transactions
 Deposit listing
 Revenue lines

City coordinates
These are a set of numbers that can locate any point on a grid chart. One measures
the x-axis and the other measures the y-axis distance. A geographic coordinate
system enables every location on earth to be specified by asset of numbers, letters
or symbols. A common choice of coordinates is latitudes, longitudes and elevation.
This is income generated by the bank from providing services to its customers and
any other use of capital assets associated with main operations of the bank. A file
containing banks revenue will be used because it contains all the revenue attained
by the bank on a daily basis. This file is incremental and is updated at the end of
each business day.
Customer data
This data is the customer details that have been acquired by the bank upon
customer acquisition. It contains customer name, address, id number, account
number, customer id, gender, contact details and other important information for the
bank’s customers.
Bank’s Customer transactions
Customer transactions refers to all activities of the banks customers that have
occurred over a specific period. This file contains account number, product category
of the account, amount transacted, date, whether it was a debit or credit transaction,
and location where the transaction occurred.
Deposit listing
This file contains all the deposits held by the bank, customer’s names, account
number, type of account each customer has and currency of the deposit made.
Data analysis will be done using excel and power bi desktop. Power BI is a business
analytics solution that lets you visualise your data and share insights across your
organisation, or embed them in your app or website. The tool uses DAX
programming language to write queries that enables the analyst to extract relevant
information from the data tables that are uploaded into the model.

Our first step was to upload excel and csv files with above mentioned data into a
power bi desktop document. The information in these tables need to interact with
each other so there is need to create relationships among the tables. For this to be
possible there is need to have unique identifiers that link the information in these
tables. Below is the illustration of the unique id between two tables that is used to
establish a relationship between two tables:

Extract from the Model

In this case the unique id that was used to create a relationship was the account
number. I had the option to choose the cardinality of this relationship and chose
many to one since the customer initiated file contains a number of transactions that
were done by a single account number contained in the deposit listing table. This
was done for all the tables I uploaded into my model.

The second step was to create measures within the tables. This is coding done using
DAX programing language. These are mainly formulas that extract relevant and
required information from multiple tables. Below is an example of a measure that I
used to calculate to calculate active consumer accounts that the bank has.

Formula extract from model

This measure counts the number of account that are actively transacting. Accounts
are considered active if they have been transacting within 90 days going back from
the current reporting day and below is a formula of a calculated column that I
calculated in customer data table that calculates if te customer is active or not.

Formula extract from model

A lot of measures were calculated that gives an overview of all product performance,
some of which were average monthly turnover, average value per transaction,
revenue per active account etc.
After creating relevant measures and calculated columns, I had to find suitable
visuals that will be used to present the data in a meaningful manner.

Chapter 4
This chapter explains the results or the output of the products dashboard I created
the analyses bank’s products performance.

Revenue = number of customer * activity ratio * revenue per customer
Above is a very important equation that contributes to the banks revenue. Adjusting
each variable will have an impact to the revenue. More attention should be given to
each variable such that more revenue should be achieved.
The main aim of this project was to make sure that the management is made aware
of where the bank is acquiring most of its revenue in terms of products, region and
the nature of customers such that necessary initiatives are implemented.
The results I got from the model are visuals with information that can be used by the
business to make informed decisions. Below are the visuals and the explanation of
how useful they can be when making decisions.


This visual shows the types of accounts (Description), balances in each type of
account, number of accounts with balances that are greater than zero, average
balance per account, total number of accounts per each product, funded and non-
funded income. These measures are important when making strategic and tactical
decisions. A bank might have a number of accounts but only a few of those accounts
will be funded, being aware of this can help make decision on whether the bank
should continue acquiring more customers or encourage existing customers to start
using their accounts. Mainly banks make income through funded income which
comes in form of interest income but from the information I came up with it shows
that the bank is a transactional bank which means it gets most of its revenue from
non-funded income which is inform of transactional charges, service fees, etc.
This information is very vital when making decisions, management can come up with
initiatives of making more money by making adjustments to revenue lines that are
contributing more. In the prevailing situation in the Zimbabwean market it wouldn’t
make sense to continue disbursing loans in order to make revenue through interest

Above is another extract from the model that has important aspects that can assist
managements in making decisions. The average turnover was calculated by
counting the number of debit transactions that occurred for the particular account
type over a certain period. When an account transact it is debited so knowing the
number of customers transacting and the amounts debited allows the management
to identify if the bank is making money and which accounts are really contributing to
the banks revenue. Moreover, when a customer transact it means the bank now has
an obligation to the third party involved in the transaction. Being aware of the
average turnover over a certain period allows the bank to make arrangements to
have enough liquidity at a certain point in time to meet such obligations.
Activity ratio for each account type was calculated to inform the management about
the proportion of the accounts that are transacting out of all accounts. I calculated
this matrix by counting the number of unique customers that were transacting for the

past 30 days. This matrix is one of the components of the revenue equation such
that due diligence should be made when considering it. Management should be
aware of this measure on a daily basis such that revenue projections are made to
determine what needs to be done in order to acquire as much revenue as possible.
I also included the matrix that has to do with revenue that is the revenue per Account
type and the revenue per active account. This knowledge allows the management to
see the viability of products thereby allowing effective cost management. In some
instances the bank may be making many through some products whilst others are
making losses. If the management is aware of this information they are able to
manage the banks products portfolio efficiently.

Top Ten Revenue Contributors

Bearing in mind that not all products are contributing to the bank’s revenue I decided
to include a matrix that calculates top ten revenue contributors. From the model
extract above we can see that most of the bank’s revenue is being acquired from
business current account and from various revenue lines such as mobile banking,
RTGS Fees, banking services, and many other lines as shown on the top row.
Bearing in mind that our primary objective is to make revenue by all ways possible,
we need to make sure that we provide many platforms to collect revenue. From
above results we can see that we are getting less from balance inquiry through
corporate accounts. New initiatives can be made to ensure that we also get revenue
from these accounts through balance inquiries.

Active Accounts by region

Above is an extract answering the question on how revenue is distributed among

various regions in the country. From the output we can see that much of the banks
revenue is coming from the capital city. For the user to be able to see the actual
figures he/ she has to move the mouse pointer over the visual. The size of the blue
circles signifies the range of the numbers of active accounts. From this information
we can see that there is less usage of the banks accounts on the boarders accept for
the Mutare boarder, this information is useful to the marketing team for them to
investigate on what could be causing that low activity on regions that are expected to
have a huge number of active accounts. This revenue distribution was created on
the assumption that the POS machine are located in regions corresponding to the
name allocated to them.

Revenue by Region

In addition to knowing the distribution of active accounts, I created another visual
that show the distribution of revenue. In some cases activity of accounts does not
mean that we will acquire a lot of revenue from those accounts. From the previous
visual we noted that Chitungwiza had a lot of active accounts but in terms of revenue
it is contributing less. So instead of focusing much on activity ratio we can shift our
focus on other factors since we can see that the activity will be a result of transacting
small amounts that do not contribute much on the banks revenue.
Account distribution by gender

To determine the number of accounts by gender the above visual was created. From
the upper left corner donut chart we can see that the greater percentage of the
balances held by bank belong to males. Similarly the greater proportion of the
accounts are owned by males but surprisingly the statistics shows that the activity of
both gender is almost equal. This transacting behaviour helps management to know
who exactly transact since the bank makes revenue through transacting customers.
The bank can come up with plans to incentivise customers who transact to
encourage them to transact more. New product can be introduced that target a
certain group of people, such as the queen account that was introduced to serve
females with the aim of getting more female customers on board.

Chapter 5
The model created in PowerBI desktop gives insights into how the business is
performing. These insights into product performance are very useful to management
when making decisions that has to do with revenue since one of the banks strategic
pillars has to do with maximisation of revenue. This report will assist heads of
departments responsible for various products by giving them insights into their
product performance on a daily basis.

Microsoft, 2019. [Online]
Available at:!lang=1033
[Accessed 22 Dec 2018].

Provost, F., 2013. Data Science for Business. Sebastopol: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Rappert, D., 2015. Statistical and data analysis for Financial Enginnering. Second ed. New York:

Interface of the model while refreshing


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