My Future in The Criminal Justice Field: Assignment 1

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Assignment 1

My future in the criminal justice field

Joseph Abdallah

Junior Seminar in Criminal Justice

James Coldren

Feb 3, 2011
Assignment 2

The criminal justice major was chosen because I aspire to become a police officer. I

wanted a major that would help me get an understanding of the field of employment and

have a more realistic idea of what policing is. I choose criminal justice as my major after

freshmen year of college at Illinois State after I took Intro to Criminal Justice. I received

my associates at the local community college and decided on Governors State as it is within

commuting range from Kankakee.

In regards to family and life experiences, I will say that no one in my family was

ever a police officer to my knowledge. I have had family members in security, many in the

military, and one who received bachelors in criminal justice. But those were not influences

to me. My influence was my mother, as she has a state job. I considered this as something I

would want to pursue, as I consider that she has had a rewarding career. My mom was

definitely a big factor in my choice, even though she wishes I’d choose another profession

over policing.

The media was probably a big influence as I grew up with a unrealistic idea of what

this career involves. The media romanticizes officers as the modern day knight from the

medieval ages. Though now I realize how ridiculous movies and television programs are, I

cannot deny it was an influence on the career path I’ve decided on as I’ve wanted this for a

long time.

A prime reason for Criminal Justice is that it has a lot of specialized fields. My goal

is to become an officer, but I could find a niche that suits me better within the many jobs
Assignment 3

available. Another reason is that I find it an honorable job that’s purpose is to protect the

populace. You serve the law to uphold it.

My goal after college is to become a patrol officer, I find is a good starting point as

well as a good ending point. I could decide that I love it or that I’d want to pursue a

different avenue. Either ways, I wish to pursue the local level of policing first. In the perfect

world I’d find a job near home, but can’t be so narrow in my vision. I’d take a job

anywhere I can get one. What happens then I don’t know.

Ideally I’d like to eventually get to the state or federal level. Getting my experience

at the local level and then transferring. Again the media is still influencing me because it

makes me consider different career paths that I was completely oblivious to beforehand.

Because I never really thought about the federal level until popular television series made

me consider them.

Detective is something else I’d like to pursue, but not as much as the other two. I’ve

talked to some detectives and I don’t know if it is for me. But I can’t make a decision right

now without experience.

Whatever I retire from, I might consider working private security. Or even teach,

my teachers at the community college were all retired officers. They seem to enjoy it. Just

another thought I can consider. Even though it isn’t my goal, it is a possibility to consider

in the future.
Assignment 4

The internship choice would have to be someplace I could get the most from.

Benefits of intern choice would be knowledge, contacts, and possible jobs. I hope where

ever I do my internship it would help me get a job. Either gets a job with that department

or a related one. Getting to know people in the field is helpful as well.

Why I want criminal justice bachelor degree pretty much comes down to the fact

that I want to work in that field.

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