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Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No.

III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Chemical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define activation energy. Draw the diagram showing the activation energy for
exothermic and endothermic reversible reaction. What is the role of activation
energy in a chemical reaction.
(b) For the hydrolysis of reactant A, rate constant at 600 C is 6.698 ×10−3 sec−1
and activation energy is 16200 calories. Calculate the rate constant at 800 C.
(c) At 250 C rate constant for the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate by NaOH is 6.5
lit/mol.min. Starting with concentration of base and ester of 0.03 mol/lit
each, what proportion of ester is hydrolyzed in 10 minutes. [5+5+5]

2. (a) How feed should be admitted when PFRs are connected in parallel?
(b) Show graphically how to find conversion when MFRs of different sizes are
connected in series (arrangement is given and find the final conversion). [15]

3. (a) After 8 minutes in a batch reactor, reactant A (CA0 = 1 mol/lit) is 80%

converted. After 18 minutes conversion is 90%. Find the rate of reaction (K
and order both).
(b) Consider the elementary and irreversible gas phase decomposition A → 2B.
Pure A at 1.0 atm is fed into the reactor and k = 0.35 min−1 . Calculate the
fractional decrease in concentration in CVBR constant volume batch reactor
after five min? [7+8]

4. For the homogeneous catalytic reaction

A + B → B+ B, −rA = kCA CB
and with a feed of CAo = 90 mol/m3 CBo = 10 mol/m3 at about 44% conversion of
reactant A is required. What flow reactor or combination of flow reactors is best
in that it gives the smallest total volume of reactors needed? determine the type
of reactor system that is best and the type of flow that should be used. [15]

5. The parallel decomposition of A, CAO = 2. as given below.

Find the maximum expected CS for isothermal operations in a mixed flow reactor.

6. The following gas phase reaction 2A → B+C+D is carried out isothermally in a

constant volume batch reactor. Initially pure A is present at STP conditions. De-
termine the kinetics using the following data.

Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 2

t(min) 0 1.2 1.95 2.7 4.14 5.7 8.1

PT (atm 1.0 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 1.35

7. The following table have been obtained on the decomposition of gaseous reactant
P in a constant volume batch reactor at 1000 C . The stoichiometry of the reaction
is 2P → Q+R.

t,sec Pp , atm
0 1.00
20 0.80
40 0.68
60 0.56
80 0.45
100 0.37
140 0.25
200 0.14
260 0.08
330 0.04
420 0.02
What size plug flow reactor ( in liters) operating at 1000 C and 1 atm can treat 100
mol P/hr in a feed consisting of 20% inerts to obtain 95% conversion of P. [15]

8. Under appropriate conditions A decomposes as follows

K1 K1
A −→ R −→ where
k1 = 0.1/min, k2 = 0.1/min. R is to be produced from 1000 lit/hr of feed in which
CAO = 1 mol/lit, CRO = CSO = 0. What size of plug flow reactor will maximize
the concentration of R and what is that concentration in the effluent stream from
this reactor? [15]


Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 4
III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Chemical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) For a given space time in a mixed reactor find the temperature which will
maximize CQ for the elementary reactions.
(b) How extent of reaction gets affected when pressure is decreased, for reactions
whose total number of moles of product is less than total number of moles of
reactant? [8+7]

2. (a) A first order liquid phase reaction A+B → R is to be carried out in an adiabatic
PFR at a pressure of 200 kPa. Equimolar quantitative of A and B are fed to
the reactor ata temperature of 1850 C. The standard heat of reaction at 2980 K
is 14.6 J/mol. Molar specific heats of A, B and R may be taken as equal to 4.5
J/(mol) K. Calculate the exit temperature, if 60% conversion of A is obtained
in the reactor.
(b) A 2nd order reaction is treated in a 3 stage CSTR battery having volumes of
25, 40 and 50 liters respectively. If the Damkohler number is 1.2, calculate
the exit conversion from the reactor battery. [8+7]

3. (a) Define fractional conversion of A (XA ) and fractional change in volume (∈A ).
(b) Explain the method of least squares and the method of excess for analysis of
batch reactor data. [7+8]

4. Consider the following elementary reactions:

1 k
A+B −
→ R
2 k
R+B −
→ S
One mole A and 3 moles B are rapidly mixed together. The reaction is very slow,
allowing analysis of compositions at various times. When 2.2 moles B remain
unreacted, 0.2 mole S is present in the mixture. What should be the composition
of the mixture (A, B, R, and S) when the amount of S present is 0.6 mole? [15]

5. One solution contains substance A in concentration 1.6 gm-moles/litre and another

contains substance B in concentration 1.0 gm moles /litre. Equal amounts of these
solutions are mixed quickly, and measurements of CA versus t are made. The re-
action is believed to be reversible, and of first order in both directions. Find the
specific reaction rates. The reaction is: A *

Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 4
T,min 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10.0
CA gm.mole/litre 0.800 0.670 0.600 0.563 0.543 0.527 0.522 0.520 0.520

6. (a) An aqueous feed of P and Q (450 liter/min, 150 mmol P/ liter, 250 mmol Q
/ lliter) is to be converted to product in a plug flow reactor. The kinetics of
the reaction is represented by P+Q → R, -rP = 200CP CQ mol/litr.min Find
the volume of reactor needed for 99.9% conversion of P to product.
(b) A gaseous feed of pure P (4 mol/liter, 200 mol/min) decomposes to give a
variety of products in a plug flow reactor. The kinetics of the conversion is
represented by P → 2.5 (products), -rA = (20 min−1 )CP , Find the expected
conversion in a 32-liter reactor. [8+7]

7. Reactant A decomposes in an isothermal batch reactor (CAo = 100 ) to produce

wanted R and unwanted S, and the following progressive concentration readings
are recorded:

CA 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
CR 0 1 4 9 16 25 35 45 55 64 71

and that only A does. Also, it is noted that the total number of moles of A, R, and
S is constant.

(a) Find the ϕ versus CA curve for this reaction. With a feed of CAo = 100 and
CAf = 10, find CR
(b) from a mixed flow reactor. [15]

8. The reaction P2 + 2Q → 2R Occurs by the mechanism:

P2 ←→0
2 K
P + Q ←→
If the first step is reversible and slow with respect to the second reversible step,
what is the rate equation for net disappearance of A. [15]


Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 1
III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Chemical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Derive the performance equation for the following flow reactors

(a) Mixed flow reactor

(b) Plug flow reactor. [15]

2. (a) Discuss about equilibrium conversions for exothermic and endothermic reac-
tions carried out adiabatically?
(b) Explain the procedure for obtaining the optimum feed temperature graphi-
cally? [8+7]

3. Analyse the performance of three- CSTRs in series. [15]

4. Substance A in a liquid reacts to produce R and S as follows A feed ( CA0 = CR0

= CS0 = 0 ) enters two mixed flow reactors in series τ1 = 2.5 min, τ2 = 5 min).
Knowing the composition in the first reactor (CA1 = 0.4, CR1 = 0.4, Cs1 = 0.2).
Find the composition leaving the second reactor. [15]
5. For the consecutive reactions P −→ 1
Q −→ R, numerical values are K1 = 0.45 hr−1 ,
K2 = 0.23hr−1 , CA0 = 74 kg mole /m3 , and CB0 = CC0 = 0. Find the maximum
concentration attained by B when operating as

(a) Batch Reactor

(b) Single stage continuous stirred tank reactor, and
(c) Two stage continuous stirred tank reactor. [15]

6. At 6000 K the rate of a bimolecular reaction is five times the rate at 5000 K. Find
the activation energy of this reaction:

(a) From Collision theory.

Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 1
(b) From Arrhenius thory.
(c) What is the percentage difference in rate of reaction at 7000 K predicted by
these two methods? [15]

7. An aqueous reaction is being studied in a laboratory-size steady-state flow system.

The reactor is a flask whose contents (5 liters of fluid) are well stirred and uniform
in composition. The stoichiometry of the reaction is A → 2R, and reactant A is
introduced at a concentration of 1 mol/liter. Results of the experimental investi-
gation are summarized in the table. Find a rate expression for this reaction. [15]

Run Feed rate, cm3 /sec Temperature of run, 0 C Concentration of R in effluent, mol/liter
1 2 12 1.8
2 15 13 1.5
3 15 84 1.8

8. (a) For the process

K1 K2
X −→ Y −→ Z plot the concentration versus time when k1 = 0:012 sec−1 and
k2 = 0.850 sec−1 .
if [X] = 0.750M and no Y or Z is present initially. Follow the reaction over
at least two or three half-lives of X. Calculate the time to the maximum
concentration of Y.
1 K 2 K
(b) For a reaction that can be written as A −→ B −→ C
the value of k1 is 5:65 ×10−3 min−1 and the time necessary to reach the
maximum concentration of B is 26 minutes. What is the value of k2 ? [8+7]


Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 3
III B.Tech I Semester Examinations,December 2011
Chemical Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Write notes on the following:

(a) Define reaction rate in various forms.

(b) Classification of Reactions.
(c) Variables affecting the rate of reaction. [15]

2. (a) For the reaction A → R, second-order kinetics and CAo = 1 mol/liter, we get
50% conversion after 1 hour in a batch reactor. What will be the conversion
and concentration of A after 1 hour if CA0 = 10 moll/liter?
(b) For the decomposition A → R, CAo = 1 mol/liter, in a batch reactor, con-
version is 75% after 1 hour, and is just complete after 2 hours. Find a rate
equation to represent these kinetics. [7+8]

3. The acetic anhydride hydrolysis is carried out in two vessels connected in series.
The temperature of the first reactor is maintained at 200 C and the second at 250 C.
The reaction is of the first order with specific reaction rates as below :

Temperature C 20 25
K min−1 0.467 0.0706

The inlet composition is 167 kg mol/m3 the feed rate is 0.085 m3 , the vessels are
all of the same size, and the desired conversion is 95

(a) The size of the reactors used.

(b) The size of the reactor if one vessel is used at 200 C. [15]

4. (a) Chemical A reacts to form R (k1 = 6hr−1 ) and R reacts away to form S
(k2 = 3hr−1 ). In addition R slowly decomposes to form T (k3 = 1hr−1 ). If a
solution containing 1.0 mollliter of A is introduced into a batch reactor, how
long would it take to reach CRmax and what would be CR,max ? [8+7]

5. The aqueous decomposition of A produces R as follows: The following results are

obtained in a series of steady state runs, all having no R in the feed stream. A*

Code No: 09A50802 R09 Set No. 3
Space Time,sec CAO , In Feed, mol/litr CAf , In Exit Stream, mol/litr
50 2.0 1.00
16 1.2 0.80
60 2.0 0.65
22 1.0 0.56
4.8 0.48 0.42
72 1.0 0.37
40 0.48 0.28
112 0.48 0.20

From this kinetic information, find the size of reactor needed to achieve 75% con-
version of a feed stream of ν = 1 liter/sec and, CA0 = 0.8 mol/lliter. In the reactor
the fluid follows.
(a) Plug flow
(b) Mixed flow. [15]
6. For the optimum temperature progression in a plug flow reactor in (CA0 = 4
moll/liter, FA0 = 1000 mol A / min, XA = 0.8, Tmin = 5 0 C, Tmax = 950 C) and
feed and product both at 250 C, how much heating and cooling would be needed.
(a) For the feed stream?
(b) In the reactor itself?
(c) For the stream leaving the reactor? [15]
7. In a reaction A+2B → C , initially 40 moles of A and 80 moles of B are in the
reactor . If 12 moles of C are formed in 20 minutes, determine the time required for
the formation of 25 moles of the product. Assume the rate of formation of C to be
proportional to the product of the concentration of A and B. Liquid A decomposed
to 50% in 10 min. Find the time required for 80% conversion when the reaction
(a) First order kinetics and
(b) Second order kinetics. [15]
8. When aqueous A and aqueous B (CA0 = CBo) are brought together they react in
two possible ways:

% R+T, rR =50CA
m3 .hr
A + B& S+U, rs =100CB mol
m3 .hr

to give a mixture whose concentration of active components (A, B, R, S, T, U)

is CT otal , = CA0 + CB0 = 60 mol/m3 . Find the size of reactor needed and the
R/S ratio produced for 90% conversion of an equimolar feed of FA0 , = FBo = 300
mol/hr, in a Mixed flow reactor. [15]


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